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SuperCreep 07.03.2009 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by notyourfiend
I actually just met Thurston and Kim earlier this evening! I was a dream come true and I almost cried out loud from joy.

First Kim came out. I thanked her and told her that Sonic Youth means so much to me, they changed my life. She smiled and replied "hopefully for the better." I told her yes, certainly, and then wished her luck in NYC tomm.

Then Thurston came out. He made a joke about how he was trying to get the new songs straight and seemed appreciative when i told him that i am a huge fan. Then he shook my hand and asked if i had seen kim. i pointed where she had gone and wished him good luck traveling to nyc.

amazing night. sonic love, sonic love.

Haha, were you the dark-haired girl next to me? There was only four other people out there and I think you'd be the only one that'd post on an SY forum.

I met all of them last night, except for Steve. I got Thurston to autograph my ticket with my shitty pink Sharpee, which I apologized for and he was all, "Nah, it's a pretty groovy Sharpee." It was so surreal. I'm still in disbelief. Nicest band ever.

EVOLghost 07.03.2009 08:13 AM

GHEY! I hope I'm able to approach them in St. Louis.....

neptuneg 07.03.2009 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by SuperCreep
Haha, were you the dark-haired girl next to me? There was only four other people out there and I think you'd be the only one that'd post on an SY forum.

I met all of them last night, except for Steve. I got Thurston to autograph my ticket with my shitty pink Sharpee, which I apologized for and he was all, "Nah, it's a pretty groovy Sharpee." It was so surreal. I'm still in disbelief. Nicest band ever.

Cool! Do you happen to remember the setlist at all?

Vatican Abortion Clinic 07.03.2009 09:03 AM

I met Thurston on Tuesday afternoon around 6pm. They were playing in Toronto, and sadly I didn't have tickets, I read that Alan Cross (local rock radio DJ) was interviewing him just before I was leaving work (I work in an office building near the radio studio). So I leave work, bike up Yonge St which is near the radio station and the venue where the show is, stop at the Edge, don't see Thurston inside. So I figure...he's got to be around here somewhere, the guy is 6 foot 6, lol. So I'm biking up the street a bit more and there he is....he's pretty easy to notice. I'm 26 and I've been listening to SY since I was 13, so I'd hope I would recognize him.

So there I all my work shit, the biggest dork gear ever: khaki pants rolled up, argyle socks, dress shirt, bike helmet, bike gloves and I stop Thurston in the street and ask him very nicely if I could get a picture with him.

So his friend is taking the pic on my iPhone and I'm nervous as fuck because I'm standing beside Thurston fucking Moore and I tell him some dumbass story of meeting him at the Edge in 1998 and he signed some odd picture of SY I had brought and on the back of the picture was a good looking photo of Krist Novaselic and he laughed.....and it was the kind of dumb story you tell one of your idols when you are flustered and you completely mess up the delivery, anyways, he was nice. I then told him The Eternal is awesome and one of their best albums in years (which it is) and to have a great show, he thanked me, then I bolted. I just loved the unconventional SY fan I must have looked like when I approached them - office dude on a bike wearing a helmet stopping them in the middle of Yonge St. Whenever I bike home like that it's just for comfort and safety and I don't care because I'll rarely run into anyone I know on my commute home.....this time, I ran into pretty much the coolest fuckin guy in the universe.

Anyways, thanks Thurston!

SuperCreep 07.03.2009 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by neptuneg
Cool! Do you happen to remember the setlist at all?

They played all of The Eternal (albeit in different order, don't bother asking me what order) and saved Thunderclap for the second encore. They came out with Catholic Block, went through all The Eternal songs, did DV69, first encore (Sprawl, Cross the Breeze), and then second encore (Thunderclap, Silver Rocket).

I hope that's right anyway. It's very unlike me to be blanking out on this sort of thing.

notyourfiend 07.03.2009 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by SuperCreep
Haha, were you the dark-haired girl next to me? There was only four other people out there and I think you'd be the only one that'd post on an SY forum.

I met all of them last night, except for Steve. I got Thurston to autograph my ticket with my shitty pink Sharpee, which I apologized for and he was all, "Nah, it's a pretty groovy Sharpee." It was so surreal. I'm still in disbelief. Nicest band ever.

Haha, yeah. I made a huge fool out of myself...then again, it wasn't THAT bad in comparision to the other people who didn't even know Lee's name...It was just such a surreal moment. I had never met a celebrity before who I respected before (well, that's not true...when I was 10 I met James Brown and Issac Hayes but I wasn't old enough to understand the epic nature of that encounter...i've also gone to dinner with tristan taormino but that was another story...)

Also yeah, I remember that with the sharpie. He was super neat about it. Honestly, meeting Thurston was just like I always thought it would be.

Well, it was good meeting you in person :-)

In responce to somebody asking about the setlist - it was ALL of the eternal with catholic block, death valley, the sprawl, cross the breeze, and silver rocket.

jon boy 07.03.2009 12:47 PM

whats the big thing about meeting sonic youth? just asking and yes i have in leeds when free kitten where touring in 1994.

notyourfiend 07.03.2009 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
whats the big thing about meeting sonic youth? just asking and yes i have in leeds when free kitten where touring in 1994.

I mean, I think that it's quite typical to be awestruck when you meet somebody who you admire and respect so much.

On a personal note, Sonic Youth has been an extremely influential force in my life. And so meeting them and being able to tell them in person, even if it doesn't matter to them because they are used to adoring fans, means so much. It makes my whole SY experience so much more real and tangible by placing it on a more human level.

I've also never done well with the whole kill yr idols mentality ;-)

SuperCreep 07.03.2009 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by notyourfiend
Haha, yeah. I made a huge fool out of myself...then again, it wasn't THAT bad in comparision to the other people who didn't even know Lee's name...It was just such a surreal moment. I had never met a celebrity before who I respected before (well, that's not true...when I was 10 I met James Brown and Issac Hayes but I wasn't old enough to understand the epic nature of that encounter...i've also gone to dinner with tristan taormino but that was another story...)

Also yeah, I remember that with the sharpie. He was super neat about it. Honestly, meeting Thurston was just like I always thought it would be.

Well, it was good meeting you in person :-)

In responce to somebody asking about the setlist - it was ALL of the eternal with catholic block, death valley, the sprawl, cross the breeze, and silver rocket.

Oh god, those two were so annoying. I don't know why they bothered waiting so long when they couldn't even name an SY member or even a song title. I think the dude told me three times that he was a booking agent for one of PJ Harvey's bassists and I was thinking to myself, "yeah, you look like you had a hard enough time booking yrself into yr underpants this morning!" ugh.

Haha, you looked like you were about to faint after meeting Kim, but it's cool. Kim and Thurston seemed really glad to meet you.

I was really nervous too and I completely forgot what I was going to talk to them about. I think I'll be a lot less nervous the next time I get a chance to meet them.

SuperCreep 07.03.2009 01:17 PM

It is a big deal to me, even if I do understand they're just people after all. It isn't every day you get to meet yr favorite band...

EVOLghost 07.03.2009 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
for some people it can seriously boil down to being a once in a lifetime experience, too.

now why isn't it a BIG deal?

notyourfiend 07.03.2009 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by SuperCreep
Oh god, those two were so annoying. I don't know why they bothered waiting so long when they couldn't even name an SY member or even a song title. I think the dude told me three times that he was a booking agent for one of PJ Harvey's bassists and I was thinking to myself, "yeah, you look like you had a hard enough time booking yrself into yr underpants this morning!" ugh.

Haha, you looked like you were about to faint after meeting Kim, but it's cool. Kim and Thurston seemed really glad to meet you.

I was really nervous too and I completely forgot what I was going to talk to them about. I think I'll be a lot less nervous the next time I get a chance to meet them.

Yeah...seriously. When I went around the corner to my car I saw those two waiting outside the van that Sonic Youth was getting into. When they saw me they pointed and said something such as "it's them! omg! do you see them? they're inside!" I told them that I didn't want to bother Sonic Youth anymore since they were trying to rush to make in to New York. They looked kind of embarassed and walked away.

I also thought it was kind of hilarious when they were trying to assure us that we were indeed standing at the right door since he had seen the one and only alanis morissette walk out of there.

Yeah, I almost did faint after meeting them. No joke. I had the spins and everything and was about to cry...

You also seemed kind of nervous but Thurston and Kim were seemed surprisingly appreciative of our complements. Thurston was hilarious with the sharpie comment. I wish I had something on me for him to sign. I originally wanted to ask for a picture but I felt like a douche holding him up when he was looking for Kim and trying to get out. Hopefully next time I'll get a pic.

EVOLghost 07.03.2009 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
excuse me?


Originally Posted by swa(y)
nice post jon....and i agree with ya...its not THAT big of a deal...

notyourfiend 07.03.2009 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)

but...some folks act as if meeting them is almost cooler than the music itself or something. i mean, they are just people when it comes down to it.

I wouldn't have been so excited to meet them had I not loved their music so fucking much.

But yes, I totally get what you are saying.

automatic bzooty 07.04.2009 12:13 AM

^ yeah. exactly!

like, i think someone mentioned alanis morissette earlier in the thread? she was at an SY show? i don't dig her music. so, uh, i wouldn't be excited to meet her, nor would i make any effort to say hey.

automatic bzooty 07.04.2009 01:30 AM

but being literate is such hard work. :P

stadtgorilla 07.06.2009 07:16 PM

we were at the opening of the sensational fix exhibition in bolzano and my friend approached thurston to sign his book; thurston asked him what he should write, and my friend said "for your biggest fan", and that was what he wrote. i'm still laughing. the next day we were eating at a restaurant and mark drove by on a rented bycicle. around the corner we met thurston shopping with two girls. when we went back to the museum, we saw lee coming out of the museum shop loaded with books and posters, heading for his hotel. nothing special, really, but we loved it. and then the concert...we heard "no way" for the first time ever. great weekend. when we came back to germany, we heard that austrian fascist Jörg Heider had died in a car crash the night before. what bliss.

thesilverrocket 07.07.2009 09:50 AM

in (around) 1991, Sonic Youth played some infamous shows with Neil Young and Social Distortion. They were in Buffalo, NY for a show at The Aud. Afterward, on our drive back home on I-90, my friends and I stopped at the Angola overpass rest-stop. It was late at night, probably after midnight. I headed for the snack machines and to my surprise, Kim G is standing there holding a couple of candy bars and trying to buy cigarettes out of the vending machine. She bought Kools, by the way. I said something like "You guys sure rocked tonight." She said, "Were you at the show tonight? I thought it sucked." I replied, "I've never seen a guitar fly so high into the air." She said, "We were pissed at the Neil Young fans. We're never playing in Buffalo again." And they didn't come back for a long time, not until Sonic Nurse.<p>
I also met Steve in Rochester, NY at RIT. It was in passing, trying to make the gate before showtime. Just sort of like, "Hey, Steve." "Hey, guys!" "You're the greatest drummer in the world!" "Thanks!"<p>
Also ate dinner next to Steve and a bunch of the crew guys once in Buffalo, before the Sonic Nurse show. That was pretty cool.

hooligan37 07.07.2009 11:23 AM

I didnt think I'd meet any of the members again after I mention I did 3 seperate times in my previous post. But I did! Haha! I was at the entrance (july 3rd) just insude the doors. And in came Lee (with kid) and Ibold (with kid and takeout food). I stood next to Lee and said "nice venue". He looked at me then up towards the ceiling and said "ya, this place looks great". Then he went over to the shirts for sale and got one for his kid. Not a great story here, but a story none the less. :)

BushIsAPsycho 07.08.2009 07:03 PM

the first time I met thurston was on the streets, my friend and I were flabbergasted because we had just gotten into listening to sonic youth. He was carrying a cd, I think made by his brother, and I shook his hand. Later that evening I went and say a free jazz concert thurston played at and he was a bit stand off ish. I was a big punk rock nerd back then, this was in like sixth grade, I wore a black flag t shirt and kim came up to me and said "wasted pepis" which was our band name.

flashforward years later I saw thurston do a show in town and we talked for a bit, this was also the summer that I met J Mascis and kind of made a fool out of myself but whatevs...yeah but thurston and I chatted about their gigs in China so it's great to see some Chinese artwork on the back of the eternal. I really hope I can see them again...

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