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terminal pharmacy 04.20.2009 03:59 PM

start pimping her out and make some cash, then sell her to a porn production company....

but seriously, one of my best friends was/is a junkie and he ended up ripping off my uncle and we had been friends for 15 yrs. you can reason with a person but you cant reason with a drug. kick her ass out.

joe11121 04.20.2009 04:48 PM

Kinda what terminal pharmacy said. You can never really trust someone who has a major drug addiction.

Toilet & Bowels 04.20.2009 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
it is, but it's an even better bumming agent.

when i laughed at this spittle flew all across my keyboard

Toilet & Bowels 04.20.2009 06:13 PM

i wonder how many times inhuman has bummed this girl since starting this thread? my guess is 6 or 7.

phoenix 04.20.2009 07:50 PM

bolt everything you love, down, with heavy duty cable. or send it off to be looked after until they leave.

and beware of 'friends' they bring over. for the same reason mostly. also the possibilty of yr house being the new place to do biz. cops at your door constanyly looking for someone is a really party killer, and puts an end/hurdle to most other minor habbits. :(

Sonic Youth 37 04.20.2009 07:56 PM


Inhuman 04.21.2009 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
tell her to finger her own cunt then lick her fingers or you will tell the police on her. then give her a hug.

This is what I ended up doing, fell through nicely and got free sexz outta it. But in all seriousness, the number of sexually-charged responses is astoundingly high solely given that I provided the junkie's gender.

She ended up heading to my roommates sisters place after wishing us a happy 420 and closing the door then and there. My roommate didn't even know she was into blow until she was here, and didn't feel like throwing her friend out. She wants to come back in now because there's nowhere else to stay, but hell naw.

Youth_Against_Facism 04.21.2009 01:48 AM

You should put some washing powder in a re-sealable plastic bag, tell her it's coke, throw it out the window and when she runs out close and lock the doors.

Problem solved!!!

static-harmony 04.21.2009 02:10 AM

Man hopefully she doesn't come back. I grew up around heroin junkies, crack addicts, etc. Don't trust them they will manipulate till they get what they want. If she really wants to change she will find it somewhere professionally.

Lurker 04.21.2009 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Inhuman
Seriously, not fun at all. My roommate befriended a girl she met in art camp years ago. She happens to be homeless now and has a coke addiction, but wants to ditch the habit. She's been staying at our place and makes the madame and I quite uncomfortable solely because of we don't know what she's like. A night of returning home with everybody silent because her withdrawal symptoms caused her not to like sound. Last night was intense vomiting from the washroom and the all of our advil had been consumed.

Blah. I trust my roommate and this girl is nice, but really there's a limit to who comes into the apartment. I need to move.

When you say roommate do you literally mean someone you share a room with?

Lurker 04.21.2009 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
still, its not her fault she lives in capitalist america,

Yes because capitalists give her money to fund her addiction whereas a communist society in which wealth is distributed wouldn't.

Toilet & Bowels 04.21.2009 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Lurker
Yes because capitalists give her money to fund her addiction whereas a communist society in which wealth is distributed wouldn't.

plus, isn't inhuman canadian and presumabley living in canadia?

Lurker 04.21.2009 04:54 PM

Haha, yeah I think you're right.

jon boy 04.22.2009 01:26 AM

people who used to do coke tend to go on about it a lot for some reason as if anyones interested in what they have to say.

floatingslowly 04.22.2009 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Youth_Against_Facism
You should put some washing powder in a re-sealable plastic bag, tell her it's coke, throw it out the window and when she runs out close and lock the doors.

Problem solved!!!

actually, I knew a guy that went by the name of Ajax for that same reason...

well, except that "throw it out the window" bit. it mostly went up his nose.

radarmaker 04.22.2009 11:28 AM

I switched my ex-girlfriend's coke for baking soda once, and she didn't even notice the difference.

In my defence, this was after finding out that she was fucking one of my closest "friends".

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