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Dead-Air 02.14.2009 01:46 AM

This kind of shit happens all over the world and has for thousands of years. What's disgusting is the tabloid jumping all over it to exploit the hell out of these poor dumb kids and their undereducated families (who probably got paid some pittance that they obviously need). The fact he's so white and sweet/innocent looking is why it's a story at all.

SonikJesus 02.14.2009 02:00 AM

My god she's ugly. I mean, I'm not trying to be mean but...

Rob Instigator 02.14.2009 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by Dead-Air
This kind of shit happens all over the world and has for thousands of years. What's disgusting is the tabloid jumping all over it to exploit the hell out of these poor dumb kids and their undereducated families (who probably got paid some pittance that they obviously need). The fact he's so white and sweet/innocent looking is why it's a story at all.

yeah, but it still sucks.

Alex's Trip 02.14.2009 02:12 AM

That kid gets more than I do.

pbradley 02.14.2009 02:12 AM

From the article, it sounds like they only had intercourse once and it was conceiving which comes across as less scandalous. I can't brag about losing my virginity at such a young age but in one particular way this is an unfortunate coincidence for this couple.

davenotdead 02.14.2009 02:13 AM

that is a really ugly bitch.

i feel bad for the baby now

davenotdead 02.14.2009 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator


cars_willkillyou 02.14.2009 02:59 AM

I have read every single post in this thread and have laughed at each one.

This will have to be my last time visiting this thread; I don't think it's right for someone to laugh for roughly 3 minutes straight by just reading a forum board.

This is ridiculous. funny.

pokkeherrie 02.14.2009 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator


What surprises me the most about all this is that a prepubescent boy who looks like he's 8 or 9 years old can even produce sperm in the first place.

davenotdead 02.14.2009 11:33 AM

something is fishy...

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.14.2009 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Dead-Air
This kind of shit happens all over the world and has for thousands of years. What's disgusting is the tabloid jumping all over it to exploit the hell out of these poor dumb kids and their undereducated families (who probably got paid some pittance that they obviously need). The fact he's so white and sweet/innocent looking is why it's a story at all.

no, it is disgusting in its own right.

while human beings have been having human beings at 12-15 for indeed thousands of years, since the 1850s or so in the western world we have really worked to create a new phase in existence, adolescence, a kind of extended childhood, where we encourage in many ways the individual remain a child, yet their physical bodies are capable of reproduction and in fact have a yearning desire to do so..

the other children of the world who have children at 12-15 tend to have been working hard much of their lives (with little time to play "with playmobil"), have been groomed to be better prepared physically, mentally and emotionally to deal with it, and in general, the circumstances are more acceptable, where as for little white kids from the developed world to be having children well, that late bloomer of a youth up there's baby-faced picture speaks for itself..

!@#$%! 02.14.2009 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Decayed Rhapsody
Very, very wrong indeed. They are the oddest looking couple I've ever seen.

that boy looks like a nice, kind kid, delusional of course as it befits his age, and waaaaaaaaaay out of his depth for what he's gotten into, but his "girlfriend" makes me AFEARED. she's fucking creepy.

!@#$%! 02.14.2009 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
he does not look all that happy...

lil mo-fuck probably has no idea of the shithell that is in store for him ....

This is so gross. I feel lik I need to bleach my brain

"drinking bleach is my way of winnin'" - Dead Milkmen



Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
any 15 year old GIRL that wants to have a teensy 13 year old peen in her is FUCKED UP.


Originally Posted by Lurker
Look at those evil eyes, she clearly raped him.

thats what im talking about

nicfit 02.14.2009 12:17 PM


SYRFox 02.14.2009 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by SonikJesus
My god she's ugly. I mean, I'm not trying to be mean but...

you ain't being mean
just realistic

tesla69 02.14.2009 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
now what i want to know is
why the fuck would he have sex with such an ugly girl :confused:

obviously you are not a human male.

RanaldoNecro 02.14.2009 01:16 PM

David Cross had a comedy skit about something like this. He said why do teenagers get to have sex with other teenagers. While he is a grown man with skills that doesn't get to have sex with them!


RanaldoNecro 02.14.2009 01:19 PM

This young man has reached the apex of working class life in England. Having a baby.

Derek 02.14.2009 01:36 PM

I honestly can't imagine this kid having any sort of sexual activity. What the hell.

Toilet & Bowels 02.14.2009 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
They're both from Eastbourne, which sort of makes them late starters in terms of the local average.

i eork with a girl from eastbourne and she was enthralled by this story

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