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Glice 07.31.2008 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by marleypumpkin
Okay, the next thing you know, they'll be selling vinyl at Wal-Mart. Would you go to a Wal-Mart to buy yr music? Or anything for that matter. Best Buy is just a corporate whore trying to get in on a piece of the pie, & you can't see why that would piss me off.

I buy CDs at 'Gas' stations, Asda (owned, in the UK, by Wal-mart) and any supermarket if they have a record I want. I'll also buy records from 'thrift' stores if they have something I want.

Truth be told, I've never seen the pop/ happy hardcore/ country compilations I want in a 'credible' 'indie' store. 'Getting a piece of the pie' is precisely what these companies do, that's how they stay in business. If vinyl wasn't in the 'ascendancy' (a vague sense of that word) then there wouldn't be the market demand. They're not contriving that market demand, and I'd wager you a million American dollars (worth roughly four packets of crisps in British sterling) that they won't even try and compete with your local grimey record store in terms of stock, so where's the problem?

Seriously though, how many people on this board are even aware of the smallest part of economics?

luckynumber9 07.31.2008 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by marleypumpkin
Okay, the next thing you know, they'll be selling vinyl at Wal-Mart. Would you go to a Wal-Mart to buy yr music? Or anything for that matter. Best Buy is just a corporate whore trying to get in on a piece of the pie, & you can't see why that would piss me off.

I'm just guessing, but Wal-Mart has probably sold vinyl in the past (they've had stores since the 1970's). You could get records at pretty much any retail store. I vaguely remember going to Sears and K-Mart and seeing records for sale. Personally, I could care less what big chain stores sell vinyl. It doesn't mean I have to buy from there. Not everyone has the option of going to a local record store, either.

marleypumpkin 07.31.2008 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I buy CDs at 'Gas' stations, Asda (owned, in the UK, by Wal-mart) and any supermarket if they have a record I want. I'll also buy records from 'thrift' stores if they have something I want.

Truth be told, I've never seen the pop/ happy hardcore/ country compilations I want in a 'credible' 'indie' store. 'Getting a piece of the pie' is precisely what these companies do, that's how they stay in business. If vinyl wasn't in the 'ascendancy' (a vague sense of that word) then there wouldn't be the market demand. They're not contriving that market demand, and I'd wager you a million American dollars (worth roughly four packets of crisps in British sterling) that they won't even try and compete with your local grimey record store in terms of stock, so where's the problem?

Seriously though, how many people on this board are even aware of the smallest part of economics?

Well, while we're in agreement w/ the fact that the American dollar isn't worth anything, I'll disagree w/ you that they've (Best Buy) been in business too long w/out selling vinyl to say that it's a need to stay in business. It's more the fact that they are stock piling. They want you to come into that store no matter what you're looking to purchase.

It's basically the ploy to get you to come into their store, & after that they'll dictate to you what you want to buy. That's what irritates me.

Also the fact they are setting a new trend for vinyl that isn't necessary. I like the nostalgia of vinyl. Sure I buy newer vinyl, but you can get those a number of ways w/out giving money to people who have plenty as it is.

Glice 07.31.2008 01:34 PM

What is the bottom line of being a business? Do you work? If I owned a business, it's very likely the point of that business would be to keep a roof over my head by making a profit selling goods and services. Of course they want you to come into their store to buy things. It's a business. That's what businesses do. I don't see what the criticism is. Did best buy ever announce itself to be a NGO, or a not-for-profit organisation? Perhaps it's a registered charity? Are people 'hoodwinked' into using these stores, or do they need to buy some bread, and maybe a few chocolate bars and the latest re-issue of the White album? I really don't understand this criticism.

Savage Clone 07.31.2008 01:40 PM

Well, they have been criticized in the past for selling CDs as "loss leaders," i.e. selling them for under cost just to get people in the stores to buy flatscreen TVs or a microwave. I think it's OK to call that lame and predatory to businesses that actually specialize in recorded media as their primary item of sale.

Rob Instigator 07.31.2008 01:45 PM


Glice 07.31.2008 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Well, they have been criticized in the past for selling CDs as "loss leaders," i.e. selling them for under cost just to get people in the stores to buy flatscreen TVs or a microwave. I think it's OK to call that lame and predatory to businesses that actually specialize in recorded media as their primary item of sale.

There was a baked-beans war over here a few years ago, similar thing.

With CDs as loss-leaders, my take is generally - I don't care that Wal-Mart is underselling my Avril Lavigne albums. I don't care that I'm getting an Elvis compilation under-trade. Bonkers 14 isn't an enterprise that I particular feel needs masses of money. I can understand the problem with it in principle, but the fact of the matter (if I might be so bold) is that the demographic of Best Buy shoppers is unlikely to conflict with the 'indie' demographic, for whom profit margins are much smaller (although I suspect the 'profit per unit' on a Christina Aguilera album is significantly smaller than that of the latest Whitehouse opus).

pbradley 07.31.2008 02:05 PM

I can only imagine older folks like my parents buying vinyl at a place they visist, though rarely, like Best Buy. As I'm sure my dad would pick up Bob Dylan's latest if he noticed while getting a new cell charger or something which is awesome for him since he hasn't really kept up with music.

I could only imagine that they would sell older big names like Dylan. Or maybe nascent hipsters picking up Flaming Lips on vinyl or something.

HaydenAsche 07.31.2008 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by mangajunky
It's not about pretension. It's the fact that the giant chain doesn't need your money to stay in business, but the mom and pop shop that's struggling to pay their bills desperately needs your business. If you're going to spend your money, give it to individuals not to a megacorp.

And spend more money at a little hipster indie shop?

I wouldn't call some hipster little cunt shop a 'mom and pop' store. Those people should sell their shop and apply at Best Buy. I don't spend more money at places just to support some people I don't know.

mangajunky 07.31.2008 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
And spend more money at a little hipster indie shop?

I wouldn't call some hipster little cunt shop a 'mom and pop' store. Those people should sell their shop and apply at Best Buy. I don't spend more money at places just to support some people I don't know.

Wow, that's harsh. Well that's what freedom of choice is all about, eh?


Personally I'm ecstatic that I work for a teeny company where I can walk into the office of the CEO and just bullshit about anything. I don't think I could ever work for Viacom or Sony.

Savage Clone 07.31.2008 03:10 PM

You've never seen your best friends go out of business because of people with your myopic attitude.

"Hipster indie cunt" doesn't describe a single one of them, either.

Rob Instigator 07.31.2008 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
And spend more money at a little hipster indie shop?

I wouldn't call some hipster little cunt shop a 'mom and pop' store. Those people should sell their shop and apply at Best Buy. I don't spend more money at places just to support some people I don't know.

get tio know them. they will give you much more wonderful advice and suggestions than the near-retard assholes at the best buy

Rob Instigator 07.31.2008 03:33 PM

hey savage! payday is tomorrow! I am ordering the pagoda vinyl!!!!!

Savage Clone 07.31.2008 03:36 PM

From Best Buy?

HaydenAsche 07.31.2008 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
You've never seen your best friends go out of business because of people with your myopic attitude.

"Hipster indie cunt" doesn't describe a single one of them, either.

I'm unaware of why anyone would start a business venture like a record store, grocery store or whatever when there are a vast number of chains out there providing it for cheaper to those who don't care. Convenience is easy. It's great. I don't shop at Wal-mart because I don't like the high ceilings, not because the general store downtown is gonna close if I do.

I understand supporting small businesses, but I think it's highly unintelligent to start a small business with the state of our economy.

HaydenAsche 07.31.2008 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
get tio know them. they will give you much more wonderful advice and suggestions than the near-retard assholes at the best buy

I suppose this is true. I'm not opposed to going into Cheapo or another record store. I walk into Best Buy not expecting advice, I'm expecting to walk right back to the cds, see if they have the new Lil' Wayne, whatever, and walk out after purchasing it at a reasonable price.

acousticrock87 07.31.2008 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I'm unaware of why anyone would start a business venture like a record store, grocery store or whatever when there are a vast number of chains out there providing it to cheaper for those who don't care. Convenience is easy. It's great. I don't shop at Wal-mart because I don't like the high ceilings, not because the general store downtown is gonna close if I do.

I understand supporting small businesses, but I think it's highly unintelligent to start a small business with the state of our economy.

That does make sense. But it's the same as supporting musicians. Some people are dedicated to doing something they love to do, and the only way they can accomplish that is by putting themselves at the mercy of strangers. It's a risk they have to knowingly take, and sometimes it does work.

That said, people who go into small business can't complain about individuals shopping at Wal-Mart. They should be well aware of that aspect of business before they start, and try to work out a strategy beforehand. If it is simply impossible, then they either go out of business or don't go into it in the first place, but you can't expect all the consumers to go in for you. I choose to support local business, but not everyone necessarily has a reason to.

Rob Instigator 07.31.2008 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
From Best Buy?

hahahahahh! you silly termindienator

mangajunky 07.31.2008 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by acousticrock87
I choose to support local business, but not everyone necessarily has a reason to.

Most people are idiots that would rather follow the trend of having a $4 cup of coffee in their hand than go down the street to the local java place and create a local scene.

Most people would rather buy things that are inexpensive because it's built on the backs of underpaid workers that are working full-time hours without benefits and products that are made in by exploiting people in third world countries. That's the mantra of Wal-mart, and Best Buy ain't too far behind. With their restocking fees, under-informed employees, and horrible customer service.
Cheaper isn't always better.

Fuck Barnes and Noble, fuck Starbucks, fuck Wal-Mart, and fuck Best Buy!

acousticrock87 07.31.2008 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by mangajunky
Most people are idiots that would rather follow the trend of having a $4 cup of coffee in their hand than go down the street to the local java place and create a local scene.

Most people would rather buy things that are inexpensive because it's built on the backs of underpaid workers that are working full-time hours without benefits and products that are made in by exploiting people in third world countries. That's the mantra of Wal-mart, and Best Buy ain't too far behind. With their restocking fees, under-informed employees, and horrible customer service.
Cheaper isn't always better.

Fuck Barnes and Noble, fuck Starbucks, fuck Wal-Mart, and fuck Best Buy!

I agree, but if all convenience is eliminated then there's little we can do for ourselves. Maybe it's just my American selfishness, but everyone needs to do some things for themselves.

I know a ton of vegetarians, and they have damn good reasons why everyone should be vegetarian. But there's no way I could do that, and I don't see many people pushing that agenda on here. Everyone has to pick their own battles. There's too much wrong with the world to fight for everything at once.

A final analogy: I don't buy music from bands I don't like just to support their dream. I would be fucking broke.

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