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HaydenAsche 01.30.2008 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I post on the same messageboard as one of Salamander. Ladies, prepare to drop you panties in awe of my massive celebrity-by-proxy.

I slept outside that same Salamander member's house for months.

Phlegmscope 01.30.2008 02:55 PM

I post on the same message board (or two actually) as sun city girl, who basically is the embodiment of the "skene". and I've seen him in person.

ChocolateJesus 01.30.2008 02:57 PM

I went to school in Choctaw with members of:

Traindodge and Gunfighter.

other than that, I live in the same town as a bunch of crappy bands, chief crappy band being the Flaming Lips. What a bunch of douchebags.

Savage Clone 01.30.2008 03:01 PM

Cue scathing screamingskull usernote in 3...2...1...

atsonicpark 01.30.2008 03:12 PM

Mostly noise bands. Yellow Swans, Goslings, shit like that. Connected with Murder by Death a little bit, even though I don't like them. I almost got into a fight with a member of Devil Wears Prada, some shitty scene band. Me and Jamie Stewart used to email each other. Me and Little Jimmy Urine from MSI email each other still every now and then. The guy from Racebannon is in my town. My ex-girlfriend fucked the drummer of My Chemical Romance about 5 1/2 years ago. I met MONG HANG. Shit like that. Nothing big, I guess.............

And yeah, I was being serious about the My Chemical Romance thing.

Um.. I have met Bill Gates and Steve Albini though. That's probably more interesting than any of the above stuff, haha...

floatingslowly 01.30.2008 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Cue scathing screamingskull usernote in 3...2...1...

I would like to state that ChocolateJesus was not paid or offered any sort of compensation for the above statement.

we here at Slowly Corp wouldn't dream of making the type of disparaging remarks that were posted above regarding any person or persons associated with Lovely Sorts of Death.

shame on you, ChocolateJesus. shame on you.


_slavo_ 01.30.2008 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I acted like a total cunt towards him on a separate occasion.

Not so hard to imagine, after all.

sonicl 01.30.2008 03:52 PM

I have introduced three members of this board to members of the band "Sonic Youth".

sonicl 01.30.2008 03:57 PM

Or I suppose I could turn things around and say that I have introduced all four members of the band "Sonic Youth" to members of this board.

_slavo_ 01.30.2008 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by sonicl
I have introduced three members of this board to members of the band "Sonic Youth".

You don't include that pic of me and Kim you shot at Roundhouse to that list, do you?

Confucious is sex 01.30.2008 04:07 PM

I used to work with a guy from a great band that none of you will have heard of because they are so 'hip' and/or 'scene'.

Confucious is sex 01.30.2008 04:09 PM

Oh, and I totally met Thurston Moore at ATP '06. We connected, you know? We're collaborating on new material which should be released in the Fall.

hat and beard 01.30.2008 04:34 PM

Waaaaaaaaaay back when (according to family lore) my siblings and I (yet wrapped in swaddling clothes) were playmates of none other than some guy from some famous band called Jimmy Eat World.

Cantankerous 01.30.2008 04:45 PM

y'all would get jealous so i'm gonna keep my big mouth shut
also not into namedropping

HaydenAsche 01.30.2008 04:49 PM

Oh, I forgot. Probably the most cool/indie one I can mention: I interviewed Ches' Smith from Congs for Brums and Xiu Xiu. He was really cool. Afterwords, he introduced me to Jamie Stewart and I proposed to Jamie. It was cute. Then, David and I went outside and smoked a cigarette and didn't say anything. I felt so hip.

Also, I saw P.O.S. and Cancer in this little shit town like an hour away from where I live. The guy from Cancer needed bud and I found him a bag of the danks afterwords. We smoked a bowl together. They weren't really anything special. Just some wannabe-rhymesayers band. P.O.S. is the shit, though.

Namedropping makes you so cool.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.30.2008 05:10 PM

I'm connected to a ton of bands, but saying why would be in disreguard to the privacy of the people who connect me to such bands.

Don Caballero
Big Black
Jesus Lizard
Scratch Acid
Sarah McLaughlin (haha I know, apparently my mom's cousin is married to her sibling)
Marilyn Manson
Einsturzende Neubauten
Nick Cave
Atari Teenage Riot
Depeche Mode

Disgruntled Youth 01.30.2008 05:40 PM

Hair Police-We are friends & live in the same town

Toilet & Bowels 01.30.2008 05:47 PM

i know one of the more well known people from the london improv scene to say hi to, but his name probably wouldn't mean much to anyone aside from glice.

Glice 01.30.2008 05:54 PM

I suspect I know the same person in the same capacity, as well as a few other people from the same scene from the same place in the same capacity. Rubbish.

Toilet & Bowels 01.30.2008 06:05 PM

yeah, but that's the best i can do. not that i really give a shit about any of the people here saying they know so&so, unless porkmarras can get me in there with diamanda galas that is.

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