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sonicl 05.22.2007 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by jimbrim
Thanks for that, her music is great, and i can defiently hear the similarities she shares with Newsom.
I just streamed 'Musings of a Creek Dipper' and thats my favourite so far.

Did you hear that, Porky? Someone thinks the music I like is great.

sarramkrop 05.22.2007 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Did you hear that, Porky? Someone thinks the music I like is great.

He's being polite.

sarramkrop 05.22.2007 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit
atari, is that you?:rolleyes:

Atari is you. You are atari, not me.

pbradley 05.22.2007 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
excuse me?

i have never met someone who actually thought avril was punk let alone "indie hipster irony".

i think you are talking about clap your hands say yeah.

it was a joke on this:

"p.s. Avril Lavigne started as indie because she sang in those country fairs?"

HECKLER SPRAY 05.22.2007 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Atari is you. You are atari, not me.

Why don't you want to be Atari ? Have you got a problem with him ?
I thought he was your friend...:rolleyes:

Everyneurotic 05.22.2007 10:42 AM

bad joke, my mistake.

pbradley 05.22.2007 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit
Yeah, I think T&B meant "indie" in a good way, not the modern emo-wannabe-blah blah culture or the post-u2 kind of radio friendly pop, he listed quite good (to an extent) bands with shitty (in his opinion) vocals, not crappy bands. You know, with a decent "attitude", "indie attitude".
I have no idea about the meaning of this post.

I was replying to "indie" as in independently released and how people use the fact as a distinguisher from major released bands. It's lame.

sarramkrop 05.22.2007 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by HECKLER SPRAY
Why don't you want to be Atari ? Have you got a problem with him ?
I thought he was your friend...:rolleyes:

Why don't you sod off?

HECKLER SPRAY 05.22.2007 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Why don't you sod off?

Keep cool, I was kidding. I didn't know you were allergic to this name.

luxinterior 05.22.2007 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels

what's the deal?

I don't know. Lately I've been asking myself the same thing. And it's not just the vocals either, it's the trite lyrics that a lot of these people come up with. I don't mind both of these things being attempted, but if it's not working out, let it go.

sonicl 05.22.2007 11:01 AM

I have a problem with the vocals on a lot of "post-metal" music - Isis, for instance. They seem to have a thing for taking beautiful music and plastering "I'm a demon" shit all over it. Pisses me off no end.

Everyneurotic 05.22.2007 11:02 AM

i love isis' vocals, i'm probably the only one who does.

nicfit 05.22.2007 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
i love isis' vocals, i'm probably the only one who does.

No, you're not.

pantophobia 05.22.2007 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
galaxie 500
sleater kinney
1000000 other bands.

what's the deal?

well shit Toliet, if a million bands have shit singers, which ones don't?

and are you including Carrie in that mention of Sleater-Kinney or just Corin?

val-holla-ing 05.22.2007 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
I don't know. Lately I've been asking myself the same thing. And it's not just the vocals either, it's the trite lyrics that a lot of these people come up with. I don't mind both of these things being attempted, but if it's not working out, let it go.

i feel the same way. i'm tired of sunshine indie pop bullshit with singers who can't sing worth a lick and just write different lyrics for the same way of holding hands and shit. it's almost as if bad singing and cutesy lyrics are a requisite for indie bands.

while we're on the subject of shitty singers, let's talk about thom yorke.

Toilet & Bowels 05.22.2007 12:14 PM

nic fit got it right, i'm talking about bands that are otherwise "good" within the of what is vaguely recognised as the indie rock scene. what i want to know is why these bands think it's ok to have a dreadful singer when they wouldn't stand for equally inept intrument playing?

corin tucker can't hold a note to save her life, her voice wavers all over the place.
the guy from galaxie 500 sounds like a spastic playing a violin
and the guy from unwound sounds like a bored & whining child

imagine if one of the band members ability with an instrument was markedly worse than the others and yet they were given a prominent role within the band, it would sound preposterous.


Originally Posted by pbradley
I was replying to "indie" as in independently released and how people use the fact as a distinguisher from major released bands. It's lame.

stop being hoity-toity and pedantic, the "debate" about what "indie" means is as old as the hills and excruciatingly boring.

HECKLER SPRAY 05.22.2007 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by val-holla-ing

while we're on the subject of shitty singers, let's talk about thom yorke.

I can't stand his voice !!!:mad:
It became unbearable since Ok Computer, like a crushed cat.

nicfit 05.22.2007 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
nic fit got it right


MellySingsDoom 05.22.2007 12:50 PM

Anyone who's heard bootlegs of the Stone Roses playing live will have noted Mr Ian Brown's ability to drift off into a key that is unrelated to the song that he's trying to sing.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.22.2007 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
I remember being at a friend's house party (a friend whom I was interested in bedding at the time) and Clap Your Hands Say came on and I asked "what's with the bastardarized Daniel Johnston meets Bob Dylan" (trying to show off my relatively cool music knowledge).

And she said they were her favorite band. Should have bit my tongue.

that happens often enough that I dont express my musical opinions to women, you just never know what people listen to anymore.

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