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the ikara cult 05.15.2007 05:58 PM

Its weird when you think about this generation growing up now with broadband nonstop internet access, its the most significant thing since television, theres gonna be some weird perspectives on it in 10-20 years time. Unlesss of course everyone is locked up inside 24 hours a day on the internet and is therefore unable to develop a perspective, but THE FUTURE YEAAAAH!

!@#$%! 05.15.2007 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Inhuman
yeah, I use nesting quite a bit. I find having position: absolute very difficult to do proper aligning, so I usually just use floats.

it works well with fixed pixel layouts


Originally Posted by Inhuman
If it's a 1024x768 background image, and on a 800x600 monitor, it expands the window size to include the whole image. It can sometimes be a tricky one! You can't make it 100% / 100%

what background images? no no...the smaller div will show LESS of the background (overflow:hidden), you can align it center, top/bottom left or right.

google "sliding door technique"


Originally Posted by Inhuman
Installing flash plugins on Linux's firefox doesn't work half the time. It would be nice to be bundled with OS's.

oh. installing anything on linux is a pain in the ass, and the reason i gave up on it.


Originally Posted by Inhuman
Good call on the valigns, absolutly right about that. I also think CSS should have a "corner radius" attribute for divs. And right on with the fonts. It would be neat if as well as the information and stylesheet, a font can be pinged from the web server and you can just 'temporarily' use it. Verdana's pretty much all I use

the font thing is in the works i believe; it would be a boon for internet typography because right now we're stuck with limited options. ive seen something like that at work in you type the sample text and it gets displayed in all the fonts. i think they do it by generating images though. still, brilliant.

i like verdana but a well-sized and properly spaced georgia is great for reading long texts like newspaper articles. check out the washington post & the new york times.

the corner radius is great too, could have 4 variables for all 4 corners like:

div { cradius: 25px 50px 25px 25px }

dude you should send your idea to the w3c

SynthethicalY 05.15.2007 06:16 PM

The fact that you waste money for it.

!@#$%! 05.15.2007 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
The fact that you waste money for it.


i love the internet. i lived without it for a year. i know.

(besides-- i make money off it-- mhuahahahaha)

Everyneurotic 05.15.2007 06:54 PM

i really love the internet, no joke.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.15.2007 07:21 PM

Those "if you don't do this you will have bad luck for 10 years, and if you do you'll meet your true love this week" sort of things.

pbradley 05.15.2007 07:34 PM

The easy access to porn makes up for everything, though.

Dead-Air 05.15.2007 11:21 PM

I'm going to seem like the ultimate luddite, but I hate instant messaging, and refuse to do it. I don't do text messaging on my cell phone either though. If I'm going to communicate with somebody in real time, why the fuck wouldn't I just call them?

I guess text messaging on the cell is more like e-mail, which I do tons of, but you have to type on a cell phone, which is just stupid and undoubtedly guaranteed to destroy your fingers from repetative motion.

IM bugs me, because it gives people the ability to interrupt you in what I consider one of the most private environs going. E-mail is great, because you can answer people as quickly as you feel like, and take the time to think out what you say. Even message boards are like that basically. But IM and IRC are just inane and invasive.

Dead-Air 05.15.2007 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
The easy access to porn makes up for everything, though.

Yeah, but what I hate about that is for all the "specialization" out there, you are inevitably exposed to a bunch of shit you don't want to see. I've never gotten into looking at pictures of girls covered in cum, though I don't have anything against consenting adults who do like that. Still, if I want to look at pictures of something I find erotic on the internet, I am sure to see lots of that stuff without even trying.

king_buzzo 05.16.2007 02:42 AM

It's boring without people posting, so come on. do it. you know you want to.

king-buzzo 05.16.2007 02:47 AM

Trolls. I hate trolls.

king_buzzo 05.16.2007 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by king-buzzo
Trolls. I hate trolls.

Ohh, look who it is.

atsonicpark 05.16.2007 03:21 AM

WHAT? there are people who don't like wikipedia? that's the best fucking site on the web!

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