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!@#$%! 04.03.2007 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly

I'll be making my wife read that later. :p

another good call.

a funny story-- during arthurfest we snuck into the backstage of the auditorium & partook of their food + beverages, clandestinely flaunting whatever rules were in place.

eliza from the magik markers mistook us for journalists i think (she had just finished being interviewed) and started talking to us-- she was so fucking cool.

i gave her my library card, as a little homage & reparation for messing with her guitar. no joke.

(yes, ive told this story already but floatingslowly hadn't heard it).

Everyneurotic 04.03.2007 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
wrong & wrong & wrong. merch people are people not drones. treat them like persons, not vending machines.

last animal collective show we went we bought practically the whole merch table & told him we lived in the sticks & had no access to record stores. he gave us a free baggie (valued at $15) so we could carry all our shit.

btw, in this deerhoof show satomi herself was running the merch table before the show. how fucking cool is that? oh and @ les georges leningrad they were doing it themselves as well we hung out a bit they were awesome.

so anyway... i Do see your point though when there are hordes of people though, gets overwhelming.

i stand corrected, i'm editing it to read "it's gig etiquette to not buddy up with the merch guy" talking about concerns with the transaction is one thing, asking him how does it feel to be on tour or about their favorite tv show is another thing.

of course, this does not count when a band member/members are running the merch table, but chances are, they are too busy trying to not get scammed by people luring them to take pictures and sign stuff and keeping tab of what's being sold. in that case, you just pay and tell them they rock/have a good show/the show was awesome or thank them for a piece of music and/or ASK (don't demand) if they can sign you something and/or take a picture with you...if the merch table is slow, you can actually strike conversation with them.

!@#$%! 04.03.2007 12:40 PM

if you're going to a classical music concert & you have fucking bronchitis, take your cough syrup for fucks sakes, or better yet, stay home with your phlegms & convalesce.

Everyneurotic 04.03.2007 12:40 PM

don't be the stubborn drunk, consult your friends if you are this guy; if you are indeed him, you either don't drink at gigs or you stay home to get drunk.

likewise, be polite and pass out in the back of the venue...and wear a dogtag with your name and address in case you are friends with bad/stubborn drunks, although you should have informed them about this and would have stayed home with the stereo up.

floatingslowly 04.03.2007 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
we snuck into the backstage of the auditorium & partook of their food + beverages, clandestinely flaunting whatever rules were in place.

although it might seem otherwise, this is perfectly acceptable behavior (if you can pull it off without being caught).

another variation would be sneaking into the show itself by climbing a large wall near the dumpster (assuming that the previous rule posted of supporting indie bands is not violated). bonus points are rewarded for perseverance if you are escorted out and return. this rule is especially true if Rod Stewart is playing.

Everyneurotic 04.03.2007 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
if you're going to a classical music concert & you have fucking bronchitis, take your cough syrup for fucks sakes, or better yet, stay home with your phlegms & convalesce.

this counts for jazz, folk/acoustic and improv gigs too.

!@#$%! 04.03.2007 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
this counts for jazz, folk/acoustic and improv gigs too.


Everyneurotic 04.03.2007 12:44 PM

if you are stoned or tripping, don't assume everyone at the show is too.

sarramkrop 04.03.2007 12:45 PM

Switch off your mobile phones too.

Everyneurotic 04.03.2007 12:47 PM

and for fuck's sake, don't try to start dancing at improv, drone, ambient, jazz, the like shows. you'll probably end up stepping over people sitting down.

especially don't try to start a mosh pit, no drum beat = no slam dancing.

king_buzzo 04.03.2007 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by jennthebenn
pantophobia is speaking from experience,
though. :D

I know... I guess that beats me...

Everyneurotic 04.03.2007 12:50 PM

DON'T EVER GO 'SHHHHH!!!!' no matter how loud people are talking during a show, it's equally or more annoying.

Everyneurotic 04.03.2007 12:51 PM

if you have a big jacket or coat, you take it off, especially if the show is crowded.

sarramkrop 04.03.2007 12:52 PM

No children or pets allowed.

No snogging.

Possibly no long hair because you block the view.

No chewing gum.

floatingslowly 04.03.2007 12:55 PM

don't bum-rush the stage so that you can hug your favorite band member.

nobody paid to see YOU.

conversely, if invited on stage: don't spend all of your time waving to your friends and taking close up shots of the drummer with your cell phone. it makes you look like a douche.

Everyneurotic 04.03.2007 12:56 PM

you don't shout "take your top off" to serious, non sexualized bands with girls in them.

val-holla-ing 04.03.2007 12:57 PM

don't be tall.
if you're gonna be tall, be tall behind those of us who aren't as tall.
don't fucking be tall.
don't start smoking pot in the middle of a crowd because there do exist people who don't indulge.
if you burn someone with your cigarette, take them in the back (after the show, of course) and pleasure them orally.
put your hands down. there's no need for \m/ at a shoegaze show.

sarramkrop 04.03.2007 12:58 PM

Oh, and no breaking wind in the middle of a crowd either.

Everyneurotic 04.03.2007 01:00 PM

if you are not witty or funny, you shut the fuck up or keep it at whisper level. it also goes out for tone deaf people who think that singing as loud and swaying to the music while bumping with everyone in the crowd makes him (it's almost always a him) more involved and a better fan of the band's music.

Brett Robinson 04.03.2007 01:00 PM

things i do/have observed at concerts:

1) pass gas in large crowds. it's fun and there's no way to be embarassed, cuz even if your date is standing right next to you, blame it on someone else!

2) if i'm attending more than 1 show of a particular tour, i like to shout out the songs in advance if i know what the setlist is like. that's called "hey band XXX stop playing the same songs in the same order every fucking night."

3) if someone is wearing a SWANS t-shirt, they're my new best friend.

4) if i'm filming the show, and i usually am, if you talk to me during the process of recording, i'll spit excessively when i reply to your drunken question about getting a copy.

5) SY seems to attract a rediculous and excessive amount of tall, blond, floppy-haired dudes who always ruin the views of the shorter girls.

6) if you think dancing is cool, it should not involve bashing into others' bodies. if that's you, i've got 20+ years of rage pent up inside me that i like to let loose on you when you come at me at shows. i do not refrain from gouging eyes, kicking groins, applying force to pressure points i've been trained in, and in those few small districts that remain, lighting and flicking a cigarette right at you.

7) anyone with the balls to wear a NIRVANA t-shirt to a MELVINS concert gets props in my book.

8) crowd surfing is stupid. 10-15 people doing it out of a couple 1000 attending the show? yeah... we all want to watch out for your stupid body. if you come near me, i'm going for your wallet and/or hoping to watch you fall and break your neck. unless you're david yow.

9) share your fucking joints or i'm calling the cops

10) don't ask shellac during their Q+A session a) when some other band's album is coming out or b) when the rapeman reunion is.

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