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ploesj 03.27.2007 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
yeah, busting up a marriage is serious business. i had a friend who broke up with his wife over a girlfriend. i suggested to him to keep the his mistress secret or buy a sports care, but to protect his marriage in the end. he split from his wife and now his kid hates him. for some reason (perhaps cos i was right?) he doesn't talk to me any more either. but really, it's a tough situation to be in when your emotions have you all fucked up inside. it's kind of a catch 22.

btw anyone who's interested in understanding the subject of marital infidelity should check out the movie "little children", which is really wonderful.

i swore to myself i wouldn't ever do the same as he did. not because i hate him, but because i've seen what it does to other people. and because i don't want to hear 'you're just like your father!' again :P

!@#$%! 03.27.2007 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by ploesj
i swore to myself i wouldn't ever do the same as he did. not because i hate him, but because i've seen what it does to other people. and because i don't want to hear 'you're just like your father!' again :P

yeah, i hear ya. well the future is hard to predict, but at least you have good intentions. be careful also you dont marry someone like your father-- that would be the other side of the coin.

the crazy thing is that most people learn about marriage & parenting from what they see growing up. so often times we grow up to make the same mistakes as our parents, without even knowing.

crazy, huh?

anyway, best wishes!

ploesj 03.27.2007 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
yeah, i hear ya. well the future is hard to predict, but at least you have good intentions. be careful also you dont marry someone like your father-- that would be the other side of the coin.

the crazy thing is that most people learn about marriage & parenting from what they see growing up. so often times we grow up to make the same mistakes as our parents, without even knowing.

crazy, huh?

anyway, best wishes!

thank you! i'm also lucky to be surrounded by wise people, they know when something goes wrong and put my feet on the ground when it's necessary.

Cantankerous 03.27.2007 05:27 PM

why should i care? fidelity is the least of my worries.

!@#$%! 03.27.2007 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
why should i care? fidelity is the least of my worries.

that's right. disease is a more urgent concern. :D

Cantankerous 03.27.2007 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
that's right. disease is a more urgent concern. :D

the point is that i'm not tied down by this person who is formally referred to as my boyfriend. if he went and fucked some other girl, so what? he knows what he's doing, he can make his own decisions, as can i. i could go and do the same thing with little or no consequence. as with most other things, i plainly just don't give a shit.

!@#$%! 03.27.2007 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
the point is that i'm not tied down by this person who is formally referred to as my boyfriend. if he went and fucked some other girl, so what? he knows what he's doing, he can make his own decisions, as can i. i could go and do the same thing with little or no consequence. as with most other things, i plainly just don't give a shit.

crabs, baby, crabs...

Cantankerous 03.27.2007 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
crabs, baby, crabs...

i'm smart enough not to fuck someone with crabs. and besides, you can get rid of crabs.

!@#$%! 03.27.2007 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i'm smart enough not to fuck someone with crabs. and besides, you can get rid of crabs.

you tellin' me! SURE YOU CAN but IT BURNS LIKE HELL

Green_mind 03.27.2007 05:56 PM

As you can babies.

Cantankerous 03.27.2007 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
you tellin' me! SURE YOU CAN but IT BURNS LIKE HELL

i can't get the crabs anyway...

!@#$%! 03.27.2007 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i can't get the crabs anyway...

ha ha ha ha!

i forgot you were a wax fiend.

well there are other things. :p

!@#$%! 03.27.2007 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Blatherskite
I thought crabs don't just hang on to hairs, though... I thought they liked to hang out in the folds and shit. Wait, a woman's vagina is pretty deadly right? Sperm can't live there. Can crabs live there? Hmmm, someone should do an experiment.

i though there was a line somewhere and i was managing to toe it, but you my friend are well past it. :p

(im sure i cross a lot of other people's lines btw. but that's another story.)

Cantankerous 03.27.2007 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Blatherskite
I thought crabs don't just hang on to hairs, though... I thought they liked to hang out in the folds and shit. Wait, a woman's vagina is pretty deadly right? Sperm can't live there. Can crabs live there? Hmmm, someone should do an experiment.

i don't know, i'll look it up.

oh here:

They are wingless, about 1 to 3 mm long. They attach themselves to hair strands, and hatch out of lidded pods called "nits". Ones that are too tightly attached to be brushed off must be removed by pulling with the nails or a fine-tooth comb.

!@#$%! 03.27.2007 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i don't know, i'll look it up.

oh here:

They are wingless, about 1 to 3 mm long. They attach themselves to hair strands, and hatch out of lidded pods called "nits". Ones that are too tightly attached to be brushed off must be removed by pulling with the nails or a fine-tooth comb.

ha ha ha

cantanky, let's not nitpick--

there are all number of "presents" that a straying dog can bring home.


blatherskite: i forgot to mention, that was my line, but there is no line cantankerous will not cross. she'll always call your bluff, ha ha.


anyway this is a most amusing thread. im glad to see people are getting schooled about zee eeveel krabbs.

Cantankerous 03.27.2007 07:13 PM

i don't particularly care to get gonorrhea or syphillis, however i do have some consolation that nobody i'm fucking is dumb enough to fuck someone with an infection, and if they do and then i get it, there's always antibiotics.

!@#$%! 03.27.2007 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i don't particularly care to get gonorrhea or syphillis, however i do have some consolation that nobody i'm fucking is dumb enough to fuck someone with an infection, and if they do and then i get it, there's always antibiotics.

ha ha ha ha

i havent finished it yet though but starts funny

Cantankerous 03.28.2007 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Blatherskite
"Hey! Who used all the penicillin?"
"Oh, Cantankerous hooked up with someone who has knob-rot."


!@#$%! 03.28.2007 01:25 AM

the gift that keeps on giving...


Cantankerous 03.28.2007 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Miss Cantanky, being a mama and all it worries me how little you seem to care about disease! And how you seem to think that if the std you get is treatable with antibiotics or medication, it's not a big deal.

Do you really want crabs gnawing at your cooch?!

the point is that i wouldn't knowingly fuck anyone with a disease and either would anyone i happen to be fucking, however, if it happens, tough shit. what goes around comes around.

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