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space 05.17.2010 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
yet another post where you have not made a point about the subject.

Better get to deleting space! Or you can just keep name calling... it suits you.

what's there to say waffleking?

you've contradicted every post you've made in this thread, but yr too smoked out to realize it.

seriously, get fucked.

ps: I can come up with a thousand more suitable names for you, if you like, professor.

I AM good at it.

hevusa 05.17.2010 01:20 PM

Most of the planet considers Jesus a messiah. Thus the area of Israel is considered the Jewish holy land.

Do I think religion and the "holy land" is a farce?? Yes, I wish it would disappear. But if America was given back to the Indians officially I think they would have the right to defend themselves too.

Anything else Space?

tesla69 05.17.2010 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Fucking anti-semitic bullshit... and you guys are supporting it??!!

Exactly what is "anti-semitic" about what fugazifan said? Please, provide us with even one sentence that was "anti-semitic". Methinks you are a zionist troll paid to intruse on discussions and make sure none can take place because morons like you needs to say "anti semitic" whenever someone disagrees with the Neocon/zionist apocalyptix insanity that they like to push as the only possible way to think about Israel.

space 05.17.2010 01:24 PM

so now, yet despite the fact that you don't care about "religious BULLSHIT", yr cool with people being fucked over because "most of the planet considers Jesus a messiah".

tell us more! if you keep digging, you might hit china.

@tesla, yes, it's painfully obvious that is the case.

hevusa 05.17.2010 01:25 PM

Wtf are you talking about...
are you saying that Israel is not considered a holy land?
or are you just blowing more hot air?

hevusa 05.17.2010 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
Exactly what is "anti-semitic" about what fugazifan said?

Protesting to help keep people around who hate Jews. That is what is anti-semitic about Fugazifans actions.

I am no zionist. I don't believe the Jewish people have a right to the state of Israel for the record.

space 05.17.2010 01:27 PM

I'm saying "tesla is right".

a =/= the, half-wit.

space 05.17.2010 01:29 PM

Methinks you are a zionist troll paid to intruse on discussions and make sure none can take place because morons like you needs to say "anti semitic" whenever someone disagrees with the Neocon/zionist apocalyptix insanity that they like to push as the only possible way to think about Israel.


hevusa 05.17.2010 01:30 PM

So you don't believe Israel is considered the holy land then??


hevusa 05.17.2010 01:31 PM

I don't believe Jews have the right to the state of Israel

I am not a zionist... keep deleting SPACE.

space 05.17.2010 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I think any group that lays claim to having the right to have a homelenad based on once having had a homeland 5000 years ago is pretty fucking ridiculous.

ok, lunchtime over. here's some wiki for you (HIVusa), since you have no concept of history except for that which benefits yr skewed and drug-addled arguement:


The modern State of Israel has its historical and religious roots in the Biblical Land of Israel, also known as Zion, a concept central to Judaism since ancient times.[12][13][14] Political Zionism took shape in the late-19th century and the Balfour Declaration of 1917 formalized British policy preferring the establishment of a Jewish state. Following World War I, the League of Nations granted Great Britain the Mandate for Palestine and the responsibility for establishing "the Jewish national home" within it.

In November 1947, the United Nations voted in favor of the partition of Palestine, proposing the creation of a Jewish state, an Arab state, and a UN-administered Jerusalem.

I hope this helps.


space 05.17.2010 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
I don't believe Jews have the right to the state of Israel

I am not a zionist... keep deleting SPACE.


Originally Posted by hevusa
why don't you leave the Jewish holy land and leave the Jews alone??? That would fucking end the problem right there.... the problem of YOU being on JEWISH holy land!


Originally Posted by hevusa
It is clearly the birthplace of Judaism and is Jewish holy land. To expect people that generally hate Jews to live there is FUCKING RETARDED.

If fugazifan is a Jew working to keep non Jews in the Jewish holy land he has fucking lost his mind and should be arrested at every opportunity possible.


I deleted "silly" posts of mine because they did not match the tone of my belief of just how gawd-awful stupid you are.

hevusa 05.17.2010 01:47 PM

Yes and???
I am not a zionist but I believe Jews have the right to defend the land that was granted them... just like I would defend Native Americans if they were given the same chance. Fugazifan is defending the very people trying to destroy his country and I find that fucking stupid.

And you SPACE keep making nonsense.

!@#$%! 05.17.2010 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Most of the planet considers Jesus a messiah. Thus the area of Israel is considered the Jewish holy land.

jerusalem is the 2nd holy city in islam, after mecca.

with 1.5 billion muslims backing up this belief vs 2.1 billion christians, i think it's hard to say "most the planet" blah blah blah.

here some little pie chart:


christians: 1/3 (not "most") of the world

2 additional notes:

1) jews don't consider jesus a messiah-- their idea of "the holy land" is different from that of the jesus people--
-- 1a - to jews, the holy land is land that was given to them by god, with license to kill its occupants (read the fucking bible: it's all there). this is a tough concept to sell to most rational people these days.
--1b - to christians, the holy land is holy because that's where jesus was born, made fishes, ate, took a shit, was crucifucked (hello steve). christians throughout history have mostly hated jews and often fixed to massacre them with the excuse of them being "christ killers" (their words, not mine). the crusades weren't cooked up to give the holy land to the jews, but to claim them for christianity. eventually this madness became obsolete.

2) muslims on the other hand consider jesus a prophet, whereas i consider him a fiction. muslims do lay claims on the bible and consider the quran the completion of prior divine revelation. they consider both jews and christians as "people of the book" & religious cousins, so to speak.

anyway, i don't know what this discussion is about at the moment but i just spotted the malfacts and sprung to action.

please, continue otherwise.

infinitemusic 05.17.2010 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by space
next questions:

how loud would you cry if bulldozers came and leveled yr house (but not those around you)? oceans of tears, I'm sure.


how loud would you cry if those same bulldozers passed by yr house in favor of the house next door? not a peep. maybe they even "deserved it"? maybe, instead of bulldozers, they should have used a nuke?


did you know that a hallmark of intelligence and evolved behavior is being able to care about others outside of yr internal system? going beyond racial, political and genetic ties, and caring about someone you do not know, or maybe even do not like, is a sign of GREATNESS.

crawl up from the primal slime. the view is spectacular from here.

I think I love you!

hevusa 05.17.2010 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
jerusalem is the 2nd holy city in islam, after mecca.

Judaism predates Islam and Jesus is considered a prophet within the Islamic religion... so the area of Israel was certainly the Jewish holy land first. It is considered Muslim holy land as well... but all that holy land bullshit is what is causing all this violence and idiocy in the first place. I wish it would just end.

tesla69 05.17.2010 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Yes and???
I am not a zionist but I believe Jews have the right to defend the land that was granted them... just like I would defend Native Americans if they were given the same chance. .

Actually, in this analogy, the Israelis are equal to the calvary, not the Native Americans.

I'm not sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood and all its wannabes. I hate fucking nazis. I hate slave religions. But everytime Israel plows under more homes it creates more hate. It cultivates more violence. The bulldozer is planting seeds of further war, and of course, many people love war and rape and death and flag waving. A lot of people are profiting greatly from this conflict.

hevusa 05.17.2010 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
Actually, in this analogy, the Israelis are equal to the calvary, not the Native Americans.

No, they are not. The Israelis were legally given land and they have the right to defend it.


Originally Posted by tesla69
The bulldozer is planting seeds of further war

So are the almost daily rocket fire that was hitting Israel.

space 05.17.2010 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
all that holy land bullshit is what is causing all this violence and idiocy in the first place.


Originally Posted by hevusa
why don't you leave the Jewish holy land


Originally Posted by hevusa
the problem of YOU being on JEWISH holy land.


Originally Posted by hevusa
Why the fuck would you people think it is appropriate for Arabs to be living on Jewish holy land???


Originally Posted by hevusa
It is clearly the birthplace of Judaism and is Jewish holy land.


Originally Posted by hevusa
If fugazifan is a Jew working to keep non Jews in the Jewish holy land he has fucking lost his mind and should be arrested at every opportunity possible.


Originally Posted by hevusa
there will be no peace with Arabs on Jewish holy land EVER.


Originally Posted by hevusa
the holy land that inspired the largest cults on the planet.


Originally Posted by hevusa
Most of the planet considers Jesus a messiah. Thus the area of Israel is considered the Jewish holy land.


Originally Posted by space
what's there to say waffleking?


Glice 05.17.2010 02:25 PM

Did this thread go a bit youtube, or is it just me?

Why, Mr Space, oh master of not rising to troll-bait, have you slipped up here? I'm disappointed.

Anyway, fair play and shalom to Mr Fan.

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