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Rob Instigator 05.15.2023 12:54 PM

Butthole Surfers are better than the whole lot of those fucks

!@#$%! 05.15.2023 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Butthole Surfers are better than the whole lot of those fucks

that's a wilfred benítez move!



Severian 05.16.2023 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
but children, you can't really compare the chaos and brutality of slayer with the fast and fun songs about fucking of motörhead.

if you had said something like napalm death... then we'd have a true contest about who gets to hell better.

bur remove the pedals and scratchy vocals from motörhead and you just have the structure and melody and basic beat of simple rocknröll tunes.

and those tunes are nice and fun, and they're faster than the usual, but they are something else altogether.

anyway sorry also about your hearing loss in the low spectrum frequencies lol.


i should add, to keep the discussion honest, and not make it a win at all costs thing, that i only introduced thrash metal in comparison to albini on the basis of his own stated desire for "intensity". so in the intensity department, i was saying, many of his contemporaries beat him handily (they all used real drums btw). and sure big black did make good guitar noise, but one swallow does not a summer make lol.

after than i don't know what potatoes and apples are being compared anymore. but like albini, and rob, i also do like ass. mmmm, sweet sweet ass.

and apple ass >> potato ass, for sure.

You’re right. Motörhead is essentially punk gone metal. Which is partly why I love them. But early Slayer is kinda hardcore gone metal. But also that’s inconsequential

!@#$%! 05.16.2023 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
You’re right. Motörhead is essentially punk gone metal. Which is partly why I love them. But early Slayer is kinda hardcore gone metal. But also that’s inconsequential

to my ears motörhead is closer to ac/dc than to actual punk. especially the 70s/bon scott era when ac/dc played faster (80s acdc was more hard rock or whatever, less rocknroll and less frantic unfortunately). also contentwise (if lyrics are deciphered) very similar attitudes towards fucking that punk lacked. their speed diverged though, and that was that.

but eg see
or a song about fucking

Rob Instigator 05.17.2023 10:19 AM


!@#$%! 05.17.2023 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

yes that was the ongoing joke lol


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
but children, you can't really compare the chaos and brutality of slayer with the fast and fun songs about fucking of motörhead.

anyway i found an interesting potato ass on the interwebs



which is more fuckable? a potato? or gordon lightfoot? (per this thread)

Rob Instigator 05.18.2023 08:25 AM

potato got that cake

The Soup Nazi 05.18.2023 08:21 PM

I knew I should have said jizz instead of ass.

!@#$%! 05.19.2023 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
I knew I should have said jizz instead of ass.



hirsute_biped 05.19.2023 04:51 PM

Let It Be > Let It Be

!@#$%! 05.20.2023 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by hirsute_biped

been listening to it since last week! i love it.

!@#$%! 05.20.2023 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
And I prefer Roland to Lombardo.



in the cover of your church bulletin no less

i listened to him before it was cool!


The Soup Nazi 05.20.2023 02:38 PM

^ I already have a copy, thank you, Chuckles. ;)

The Wire gives metal a good deal of space. And now that metaldudes like Stephen O'Malley have one foot in the world of headbanging (or whatever it is you do with that doom shit) and another in the avant-younameit, that coverage has grown exponentially. And no, I do not care much for it.

!@#$%! 05.20.2023 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
^ I already have a copy, thank you, Chuckles. ;)

The Wire gives metal a good deal of space. And now that metaldudes like Stephen O'Malley have one foot in the world of headbanging (or whatever it is you do with that doom shit) and another in the avant-younameit, that coverage has grown exponentially. And no, I do not care much for it.


that lombardo record is NOT metal hahahhahaa.

listen with your ears, not "idears" xD xD xD

te recomiendo a la sontag....


es buena medicina

The Soup Nazi 05.20.2023 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
that lombardo record is NOT metal hahahhahaa.

It doesn't change a word of what I said. In recent years The Wire has reviewed new albums by, for instance, Black Sabbath, Metallica, and Slayer, and featured an extensive primer on death metal. Then there's the cross-pollination with the type of music for which the magazine is more known - as the introduction to the Lombardo article says:


That Scott Walker + Sunn O))) album, to pick an example, isn't metal either, but I don't like it either. I think I'm being pretty clear.

!@#$%! 05.20.2023 06:13 PM


The Soup Nazi 05.20.2023 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

From Wikipedia:


On June 3, 2011, Araya received the keys to the city of his birth, Vińa del Mar.

This is the really crazy part: in 2011, the mayor of Vińa del Mar was an incredibly corrupt old broad member of UDI, a far-right ultra-Catholic (Opus Dei is in its DNA) party which was formed by and welcomed former Pinochet lackeys like herself. So how the fuck did that happen? I'd have to do some research, but for the moment, beats me...

!@#$%! 05.23.2023 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
From Wikipedia:

This is the really crazy part: in 2011, the mayor of Vińa del Mar was an incredibly corrupt old broad member of UDI, a far-right ultra-Catholic (Opus Dei is in its DNA) party which was formed by and welcomed former Pinochet lackeys like herself. So how the fuck did that happen? I'd have to do some research, but for the moment, beats me...

per the video interview, it was a surprise, and per the article and ceremony video, there were no keys


Los motivos del municipio para no entregarle las llaves de la ciudad

En es eentonces, el comunicado de la Municipalidad de Vińa del Mar explicó que la solicitud de que se le entregara un reconocimiento a Tom Araya provino de la Oficina de la Juventud. Esta, conocedora de su trayectoria, «le quiso saludar en su ciudad natal, «destacando con ello sus talentos y méritos musicales», agregando además que la entrega de este premio «se basa en las consideraciones de la Unidad Municipal que la solicita, y no ha sido costumbre, ni tampoco se requiere, que su otorgamiento se presente al concejo municipal»,. Esto es diferente a lo que sucede cuando alguien es nombrado Hijo Ilustre."

(esa mala ortografía no es mía)

so yeah it was the "youth office" that wanted to recognize him and that was all, no keys, no city council resolution, and it was all a surprise to him.

he did joke (at least twice, and laughed at his own joke by himself when it didn't land, lol, the idiot) that if they gave him the keys they might want to change the locks. but yeah, no keys, none.


eta: the "fuck gordon lightfoot" headline gets to be funnier and funnier as time passes. it's starting to become almost dadaist through repetition.

Rob Instigator 05.23.2023 02:28 PM

the headline is as increasingly funny as Gordon Lightfoot is increasingly irrelevant.

The Soup Nazi 06.03.2023 05:49 PM





Gordon Lightfoot - "Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald"

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