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Glice 04.21.2008 02:44 PM

Can someone please agree with me about the bass sound so I stop going on about it? Unfortunately my speakers can't eliminate it with the bass fully off. It's like pain, but fretless.

fugazifan 04.21.2008 02:53 PM

^best quadruple post of the year. i waaas drinking jameson and jamming to the pogues, but illl switch to this album just to hear the bass
and yeah i think i hear what you are talking about, kind of muddy. all in all im not a fan so far. there are some fun tracks, but some not so great tracks

Toilet & Bowels 04.21.2008 02:54 PM

if i ever meet the guitarist from this band i'm going to kick him in the balls

also, anyone who tries to play the traditional music of a country where they aren't from and don't live needs a sock in the jaw

fugazifan 04.21.2008 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
if i ever meet the guitarist from this band i'm going to kick him in the balls

also, anyone who tries to play the traditional music of a country where they aren't from and don't live needs a sock in the jaw

i dont agree with you at all.
sir richard bishop, the scg's, john fahey, robbie basho, and whatnot made some, and still make some mindblowing music. if they can play it they should, but sometimes it doesnt come out well...

Glice 04.21.2008 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels

also, anyone who tries to play the traditional music of a country where they aren't from and don't live needs a sock in the jaw

I agree with this sentiment. Apart from when people do it well. I don't think the record concerned counts, as it's fusion rather than straight klez. Fusion is a whole horrible box of cock all of its own.

Toilet & Bowels 04.21.2008 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by fugazifan
i dont agree with you at all.
sir richard bishop, the scg's, john fahey, robbie basho, and whatnot made some, and still make some mindblowing music. if they can play it they should, but sometimes it doesnt come out well...

i've never heard anything by any of those people than i would call them playing the traditional musics of another country

Toilet & Bowels 04.21.2008 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Apart from when people do it well.

Japs get a free pass though as far as jaw socking is concerned though.

fugazifan 04.21.2008 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
i've never heard anything by any of those people than i would call them playing the traditional musics of another country

what about all of sir richard bishops solo albums, the sun city girls doing straight up indonesian gamelan music, all of john fahey's different raggas

Toilet & Bowels 04.21.2008 03:17 PM

the only stuff i've heard by SCG isn't gamelan, and i'm prepared to make a small bet that their gamelan sounds different enough from indonesian stuff to avoid a punching, plus richard bishop and john fahey might play ragas but they sound enough like their own thing to not be what i was refering to, e.g. i've never heard a fahey record that i would mistake for being indian music, ditto bishop.

fugazifan 04.21.2008 03:23 PM

yes but they still play traditional music, what they play at times sounds more traditional than what the band that this thread is about does.
what i am rying to say is those artists fit a lot better into what you where saying than what these guys are doing. only the guys that i mentioned do it way better

Toilet & Bowels 04.21.2008 03:41 PM

yeah SCG, Fahey & co, don't take one exotic style of music and then tack on an kirk hamnett sounding electric guitar.
anyway if you think that the artists you are talking about fit better in to what i am trying to say than farmer's market it's only because i haven't explained myself clearly, because in my mind SCG, Fahey etc don't fit in to what i'm talking about at all, and i'll have to leave it at that.

fugazifan 04.21.2008 06:55 PM

but not really
but i'll leave it at that

sarramkrop 04.22.2008 03:12 AM

Being influenced by certain aspects of a country's music is one thing.

Lifting a country's traditional music and dumping it wholesale into the cauldron of styles that you are showcasing soullessly on a piece of music of yours is another thing altogether.

Do we agree on that?

pbradley 04.22.2008 03:37 AM

I only just skimmed through this but... what's jazz about this?

fugazifan 04.22.2008 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Being influenced by certain aspects of a country's music is one thing.

Lifting a country's traditional music and dumping it wholesale into the cauldron of styles that you are showcasing soullessly on a piece of music of yours is another thing altogether.

Do we agree on that?


Toilet & Bowels 04.22.2008 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Being influenced by certain aspects of a country's music is one thing.

Lifting a country's traditional music and dumping it wholesale into the cauldron of styles that you are showcasing soullessly on a piece of music of yours is another thing altogether.

Do we agree on that?


sarramkrop 04.22.2008 06:37 AM

3 or 4 more votes and the war is over.

Toilet & Bowels 04.22.2008 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
3 or 4 more votes and the war is over.

the people with good taste probably aren't reading this thread though

atsonicpark 04.22.2008 10:27 AM

SCG did mix pretty every genre of music EVER into their wide discography of work, including directly playing stuff that sounds identical to an Indonesian gamelan orchestra. And they were accused of being disrespectful for it... music's a fair bag, I think you can do whatever the fuck you want with it, who gives a fuck? "OH NO, I CAN'T USE THE SAME SCALES AS BANDS IN THE MIDDLE EAST." Who cares? It's a cool sound.

Also... You guys do realize Farmers Market is a Belgian band right? They probably have a completely different mindset in regards to music than any of us do. Just saying. No big point to be made with that statement, just pointing out the obvious.

Anyway, this album's great, seven people have messaged me on here thanking them (and about 10 people elsewhere) and telling me it's amazing, so I'm glad that the people who liked it.. uh.. liked it. Most of the negative comments on here are pretty ridiculous, though I think Porky's is the most fair. I don't hear anything soulless about their music, I just hear creativity and talent, but at least he's seeing why someone would find it enjoyable instead of going "fuck you and your tastes".

No one is required to like it. I just know a lot of people who care about good, creative music would. And those people did. And the sendspace link is going to expire soon. And this thread will die. The end!

sarramkrop 04.22.2008 10:48 AM


It's only a 5 mile walk.

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