PLips |
01.24.2017 06:18 AM |
Here's everyone's big sister on Ween Forum: link... or as she was known 2000 years ago, Juliana Caesaraea Queen of the Weens.
in my past life as, or ancestor Julius Caesar I/he sculpted his Big Sister because I had such a massive epic huge crush on her. Brutus fucking killed me for it because she gave me a rock hard boner and that is incest, that ambition should be made of sterner stuff.
My ancestral sister Sarah from Pittsburgh is as American as apple pi though she was part of a Yugoslav folk tambouritzan Ansambel out of sheer beauty love and admiration of the culture community and way of life. Link mastered the tamborica known as the prim and witnessed the 3rd Balkan War in the 90s in her hometown and was equally devastated as her yougoslovenski compatroits. :(
Link is a shining star of the constellation of Aquarius and illuminates sexuality with folk compassion of the hinterland peasant unbenounced by the immorality and divisiveness in lack of Righteous Judges in the present Anarchy of the Kali Yug; the Atrocity of Technology and Civilization.
Link will return to Ween Forum to lead the Matriarchal maw-link-melerwin Matriarchal Trifecta as Juliana Caesaria: our Most Holy Reverend Mother of Taco Forum. The bliss ectstacy of tHer Reginumulae will illumnate Western Civilization.
Link has Wisely moved to Austin Texas and built a Love Nest in Ween Forum Moderater 'Revman's' Man Garage and Sound Engineering Studio where they Nurture soothing warmth in a Scortching Climate. Great Blessings upon Them! Boognisht! Booyaa'kashaah!' the Great Prophet Smiles Upon them; and none to be worshipped but Allah!
Behold the Najljepshe' Slava Zhena! Matronic Righteousnesse Incarnate! Bask and Awe your senses in the Immaculate Glory and Beauty of Her Vigourous Healthy Aura!
She Blesses You! Health To Mary Of Medugorja! The Blossom of Her Immaculate Womb is in Fruition and in Preparation For Her Sisters to Dispensce to God's Children!
Imenu Oceta in Sina in Svetega Duha
