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TheFoxBen 07.19.2010 01:26 PM


I can't rate this movie. Kill me, I feel perveted, this is the most horrible movie I've ever seen. By the way, I saw it in a cinema, surrounded by strangers.

Rob Instigator 07.19.2010 01:33 PM

watching somethin that weird with a room full of strangers must have really ramped up the weird

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.19.2010 01:40 PM

my own demise..........................HA!

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.19.2010 02:40 PM

^ dude, me too!!! so dramatic

atsonicpark 07.19.2010 07:04 PM

Haha, what the heck, El Topo is one of the best films ever, an 11/10. Watch it a few more times.

Salo is boring.

atsonicpark 07.19.2010 07:48 PM



Re-watched this with my girlfriend. Truely an incredible film. MADE FOR $7,000?! Everything that's good about independant cinema is in this film.


Smoke - 7/10


Blue Collar - 7/10


Network - 8/10

TheFoxBen 07.19.2010 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Salo is boring.

Hahaha, that's all you've got to say ? I was wondering if you could tell me a bit more of your opinion about it... That movie seriously disturbed me in every possible way, I've never felt so awkward while watching a movie. An unique experience.

atsonicpark 07.19.2010 08:01 PM

Eh. Decent atmosphere, a few okay scenes, great Morricone music, way too long, what do you want me to say? I was looking forward to watching it for 5 years, could barely get through the whole thing while watching it (not because I was disturbed, because I was bored!). I'd read the De Sade book it's based on; the movie is about 5% as disturbing as the book. I dunno. Just not much to like about it. I know that was the point, but I dunno, I try to evaluate films based upon how they entertain me, or make me think. I guess it's probably an unconventional film, and kinda interestingly-structured, but it just goes on and on. I kinda found it comedic by the end, just how ridiculous it was, old men with binoculars and shit watching these "atrocities". I kept thinking "OHHHHHH THE HORRROR!!!!!" Like, come on.

I dunno, I just wasn't impressed. Maybe because I'd already seen KICHIKU DAI ENKAI... now if you want a truly disturbing, soul sucking movie..

noisereductions 07.19.2010 08:04 PM

I watched 20 mins of Confessions Of A Shopaholic and wanted to fucking riot.

atsonicpark 07.19.2010 08:07 PM

This Salo trailer is better than the movie itself:

I wish I could find the guy who took all the best Salo scenes and put Benny Hill music over top, THAT was a riot.

TheFoxBen 07.19.2010 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Eh. Decent atmosphere, a few okay scenes, great Morricone music, way too long, what do you want me to say? I was looking forward to watching it for 5 years, could barely get through the whole thing while watching it. I'd read the De Sade book it's based on; the movie is about 5% as disturbing as the book.

I dunno, I just wasn't impressed. Maybe because I'd already seen KICHIKU DAI ENKAI...

Haha, ok ! It's just that I'm probably going to think about the movie for a few days because it truly STRUCK me. I didn't think it was boring because I was kinda "fascinated" yet disgusted. I mean, it's hard for me to get bored while watching a movie, especially in a theater... But yeah, anyway, thank you for your opinion.

I've never heard about Kichiku, so you're saying that it's even more shocking than Salò ? Wow, I don't know if I wanna check it out haha.

atsonicpark 07.19.2010 08:11 PM

Sure. I find a scene of a woman raped by a shotgun and then the trigger pulled much more disturbing than Salo. But that's just a small part. The whole film is just the bleakest, most depressing, most hard to watch film ever. Unlike Salo though, I found it interesting the whole time.


I've got the 2 disc special edition.. got it from a pawn shop for a few bucks. This was actually an animal store that had a pawn shop in the front. They had like 30 dvd's, and this was one of them. No idea how the fuck KICHIKU got a pile of dvd's with PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN and HOME ALONE 2 but ...

Highly reccomended!

TheFoxBen 07.19.2010 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Sure. I find a scene of a woman raped by a shotgun and then the trigger pulled much more disturbing than Salo. But that's just a small part. The whole film is just the bleakest, most depressing, most hard to watch film ever. Unlike Salo though, I found it interesting the whole time.

It's tempting... :D

atsonicpark 07.19.2010 08:16 PM


Yeah, check out Kichiku. It's a bit slow going at first but it gets good.

Another movie that deeply troubled me was the last 30 minutes or so of Visions of Suffering. Some of it was laughable, as it's easily the most insane movie ever, only because they used every vst plugin, weird effect, etc etc etc ever to make the movie. So, the whole thing is this artificial world. But at the end, when a gigantic 3D scythe cuts a guy's balls out and then a weird metal pipe cleaner monster enters a guy's brain in crude stop motion and then goes into a pipe and like mates with another metal pipe cleaner worm thing or something to this weird metallic music...

I dunno, just a hard movie to watch.

Pretty much any movie released by UNEARTHED FILMS is pretty disturbing, really.

Count Mecha 07.19.2010 09:45 PM

Man I love Network, my favorite satire ever.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.20.2010 12:01 AM



Nothing special. It was too long, and I had trouble giving a shit about any of the characters. Still better than most of the upchuck coming out these days, though.

Count Mecha 07.20.2010 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson


Nothing special. It was too long, and I had trouble giving a shit about any of the characters. Still better than most of the upchuck coming out these days, though.

If I had one complaint about this movie it's that. None of the characters beyond Cobb have any kind of characterization or depth. Yeah sure, Arthur is resourceful and quick on his feet, but uh you don't know anything about him, or ever learn anything about him. It's like that for everyone but Cobb and I guess Fischer. Still thought the film was incredible though.

atsonicpark 07.20.2010 12:39 AM

"Nothing special." Sure, if you don't like imaginative, inventive, intelligent, well-made, breathtaking, mindblowing, forward-thinking mainstream cinema, it's definitely nothing special! Haha. Man, Joe, you must've been in a really bad mood when you saw that film. Or you just don't watch many mainstream movies coming out in te theaters nowadays, because this is by far the best mainstream American $160,000,000 movie to come out since the 2000's started! I also love Crank and Crank 2 and Superbad and Mean Girls and a few other examples, but other than that... big-budget Hollywood cinema has sucked. A cinematic wasteland. I try not to rate movies based upon their importance on the overall scheme of things, but I'm almost willing to give it a 10/10 just for being the only film to genuinely blow me away and not feel like a rehash of anything (though it did have a Dark City-ish feel in places).

Inception is a masterpiece, everyone, check it out!

Also, Joe, did you see my post on the last page? Giuseppe Andrews retired from filmmaking! Who's going to fill his void? I hope it's you!

alteredcourse 07.20.2010 12:44 AM

160,000,000 ? How does it all add up ? What the hell costs so much ?

atsonicpark 07.20.2010 12:48 AM


things to do in denver when you're dead - 7/10

A low 7. Strangely interesting, and unconventional in places, but eh. Steve Buscemi as a hardcore killer was just hilarious.


in search of a midnight kiss - 5/10

Why does it say "lo-fi" in that one quote? Um, anyway... this film is... okay. Great editing, nice to look at (black and white and overcontrasted) but eh.

atsonicpark 07.20.2010 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by alteredcourse
160,000,000 ? How does it all add up ? What the hell costs so much ?

Wasn't Keanu paid $10,000,000 just for doing the Matrix? And those films SUCKED ASS. I mean, this has always blown me away. Tom Cruise also gets like $20m per picture, doesn't he?

Anyway... it was shot on multiple expensive ass cameras over the course of many months (a year?), Leonardo DiCaprio probably commanded ten million, Ellen Page was probably a few million, there's explosions and cities toppling over and lots of other imaginative things, promotion, music, etc. I dunno. He soon realized that a film like Inception needed a large budget because "as soon as you’re talking about dreams, the potential of the human mind is infinite. And so the scale of the film has to feel infinite. It has to feel like you could go absolutely anywhere by the end of the film. And it has to work on a massive scale"

I'd imagine stuff like the train plowing through a city, and the crumbling world that the characters made up was the biggest cost sucker. In Freddy Got Fingered (this came out in 2000, right? Okay, this is another great mainstream film, 10/10), a shot of a car that was dropped from a helicopter into a power plant (which isn't even in the movie, just the deleted scenes) cost a million dollars! You gotta get permits and all kinds of shit for EVERYTHING.. explosives experts... stunt men.. the crew probably had a thousand people!... all kinds of extras for the crowd scenes...

That hotel was sets they built... so was the chamber in the snow fortress.. I mean, all that stuff.. wow.

I say that a good million of the budget was to afford cocaine for DiCaprio too. And a hooker every night.

I do like this, though:

For the dream sequences in Inception, Nolan kept the computer generated effects to a minimum and utilized practical methods whenever possible. Nolan said, "It's always very important to me to do as much as possible in-camera, and then, if necessary, computer graphics are very useful to build on or enhance what you have achieved physically.

Some reviewers complained the film didn't go "Far enough", I was expecting all sorts of insane dream logic shit to happen, but I'm glad he kept it subtle. Just an amazing film. Also, why do you guys want them to expand on any of the other characters? They're just his team members, that's all you need to know. On the other hand, I'm willing to bet there's a good hour of deleted scenes.

......It's still a pretty insane amount, especially when you consider Jodorowsky made THe Holy Mountain for $750,000 (El Topo was made for, what, $250,000?) and that film looks better than just about any film Hollywood has ever made. But eh.

alteredcourse 07.20.2010 12:54 AM

"Millions" is starting to sound worthless.

atsonicpark 07.20.2010 01:07 AM

Well, when you watch a film like WE ARE THE STRANGE, made for like $5000, all in a computer, it really blows your mind, in comparison.

Look how good that looks, and that $5k was for a computer and a camera to get some of the shots to manipulate, everything else was just effected and fucked with in the comp. I mean, it's one of the most visually amazing thing I've EVER seen, and that goes for any anime/tv show/bid budget movie/etc, period. Pretty nuts... I think it's easy and cheap to make indie films nowadays, especially for people willing to do their own soundtracks and such... I've never spent a dime for any of my movies... It's all about your imagination. So, I think indie films in general are easier to make, but big budget movies are just going to get bigger and bigger and more expensive, the same way video games cost more to make and such, too. Things just have to get bigger, or, in theory, people will not be "interested".

Yet the only video games I'm interested in are cheap games on XBOX Live or Wiiware.. or DS games... because no matter what, good gameplay is all that matters. Same for movies. As long as the story is good, then a budget doesn't matter. BUT the fear is people won't even pay attention to a movie if it doesn't have all this crazy shit in it. So, there ya go.

.......On the other hand, I think FOLLOWING looks, and is, a better movie than INCEPTION. But I love that grainy black and white shit. To think, he made that film for $7,000!

I think it's important to have a small budget; just like when I paint, I try to limit myself to 3 or 4 colors. When I make music (with Robe. at least), I only use an amp and a guitar, no effects. To me, there's already an infinite number of things you can do with just a few notes, or a few colors, or a camera, or whatever. When you have an unlimited supply of money or whatever, I think it opens up too many possibilities. I think the most creative things have been done in short amounts of time, for cheap... I'd say an absolute disaster is more interesting to see or hear than a movie where everything is proper. Disorder is always preferable..


atsonicpark 07.20.2010 01:51 AM


Finally found these on torrents, netflix instant watched them a thousand times..

Rob Instigator 07.20.2010 08:41 AM

CGI alone on every frame of the film wil nrun in the tens of millions.

batreleaser 07.20.2010 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Count Mecha
Man I love Network, my favorite satire ever.

Amazing film.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.20.2010 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
"Nothing special." Sure, if you don't like imaginative, inventive, intelligent, well-made, breathtaking, mindblowing, forward-thinking mainstream cinema, it's definitely nothing special! Haha. Man, Joe, you must've been in a really bad mood when you saw that film. Or you just don't watch many mainstream movies coming out in te theaters nowadays...

That could be it, but personally, I'd much rather watch your much-hated Donnie Darko (my score - 8.5/10) than that forgettable flick.

(MINOR spoilers below)

Sure everything looked pretty, they toyed with the concept of subjective reality, and people were floating around a lot... but I've seen much more intriguing dreamworlds portrayed on the big screen before (yes, I do understand that the dreamworld was supposed to reflect reality). I was stuck watching boring, unlikable characters spend hours convincing a guy to take down his father's corporation, through his dream.



So yeah..."nothing special". It was like they crossed The Matrix w/ Eternal Sunshine, but ended up with a product with less enthralling action than the former, and much less emotional beauty than the latter. The concept they set up was intriguing, but they honestly didn't do all that much with it.


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Also, Joe, did you see my post on the last page? Giuseppe Andrews retired from filmmaking! Who's going to fill his void? I hope it's you!

In my dreams!

But yeah, I heard. It really, really sucks. Hopefully it's only a temporary funk that he's in.


viewtiful alan redux 07.20.2010 09:07 PM



GeneticKiss 07.21.2010 01:14 AM

This probably shouldn't count, but I just saw the Nostalgia Critic's review of The Room on YouTube (Tommy Wiseau's lawyers made him take it off TGWTG, claiming copyright infringement, which prompted NC to make a video lampooning them that was pretty amusing in and of itself). I don't even have to watch the whole movie to tell that it's garbage. Wiseau was either intentionally trying to top Manos: The Hands of Fate as the worst movie ever or he's some pretentious twat who thinks he's on some level higher than the rest of us. The latter is far more likely, because no one could create such a disaster on purpose. Bad acting, horrid "plot", a title that makes no sense, and easily the worst ending ever besides that of Alone In The Dark. The Room easily ranks up there (down there?) with the animated musical Titanic, Action 52, and Billy Corgan's studio vocal take on the Smashing Pumpkins' "X.Y.U." as media so awful it's hard to believe they even exist.

Seriously: -8/10
Ironically: 11/10

I'm pretty sure this movie was mentioned earlier in this thread, but I'm too lazy to use the search function right now.

Count Mecha 07.21.2010 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
This probably shouldn't count, but I just saw the Nostalgia Critic's review of The Room on YouTube (Tommy Wiseau's lawyers made him take it off TGWTG, claiming copyright infringement, which prompted NC to make a video lampooning them that was pretty amusing in and of itself). I don't even have to watch the whole movie to tell that it's garbage. Wiseau was either intentionally trying to top Manos: The Hands of Fate as the worst movie ever or he's some pretentious twat who thinks he's on some level higher than the rest of us. The latter is far more likely, because no one could create such a disaster on purpose. Bad acting, horrid "plot", a title that makes no sense, and easily the worst ending ever besides that of Alone In The Dark. The Room easily ranks up there (down there?) with the animated musical Titanic, Action 52, and Billy Corgan's studio vocal take on the Smashing Pumpkins' "X.Y.U." as media so awful it's hard to believe they even exist.

Seriously: -8/10
Ironically: 11/10

I'm pretty sure this movie was mentioned earlier in this thread, but I'm too lazy to use the search function right now.

Man, I thought I was the only one who singled out X.Y.U. for having ridiculously bad vocals. Excellent call, that song is mutilated in the worst way.

I remember seeing a few seconds of The Room somewhere one night, I remember thinking it looked bizarrely incompetent.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.21.2010 01:38 AM


Ghostchase 07.21.2010 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark

Finally found these on torrents, netflix instant watched them a thousand times..

Interesting. So good?

atsonicpark 07.21.2010 08:43 AM

The Room is awesome. I really dig it, it's funny as hell.

LIFEFORCE is awesome; why does it have the same font as that INCEPTION poster, though? Haha. Weird. PATRICK STEWART TURNING INTO A BLOOD MONSTER FROM A GUY'S NOSEBLEED.

Ghostchase, VErmilion Pleasure Nights is basically a super insane Japanese sketch comedy show; it says "A Japanese Mad TV" but that's not correct at all. Imagine The State, The White Kids U Know, TV Funhouse, and yeah Mad TV; now imagine the weirdest, most insane things you've ever seen on those shows, multiply it by 100, and it still doesn't touch the insane humor on that show.

There's even a Lynch parody on volume 3!

Here's a random youtube clip

Rob Instigator 07.21.2010 08:47 AM


GeneticKiss 07.21.2010 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Count Mecha
Man, I thought I was the only one who singled out X.Y.U. for having ridiculously bad vocals. Excellent call, that song is mutilated in the worst way.

You're kidding me. I love the Pumpkins (Gish through Adore, with some of Zeitgeist), but I can't believe Flood let him get away with screaming like a girl on one line, ranting like a lunatic without any musical backing, and then topping it off with a Sand People impression when the song gets fast. Some singers can pull that off, but Billy, you are not one of them. And fucking get James and Jimmy back at least, if you can't get D'Arcy.


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
LIFEFORCE is awesome; why does it have the same font as that INCEPTION poster, though?

Not exactly. The Inception font has more lines and the Lifeforce font is shaded differently. Sorry to be so anal, but I don't like when people say things are the same when on closer examination they clearly aren't.

But yeah, Lifeforce is good, if for nothing else but the female alien...

atsonicpark 07.21.2010 12:06 PM

True, it's clearly not the EXACT same font, but they are similiar, for two random ass movies that have nothing to do with each other, on the same page on this board, from two different users. It's probably part of some "movies with vague sci fi elements font family".

TheFoxBen 07.21.2010 12:22 PM


10/10. Believe the hype. This movie is just SO INVENTIVE, one of the best things to have come out of someone's mind in the past years. I realize now that Christopher Nolan is not only one of the greatest directors of our time but also a real visionary. I mean, it's not truly perfect but it undoubtedly deserves a 10, just because something like THAT has been made into a movie. The Prestige is probably still my favorite Nolan movie but Inception is certainly up there with it.

Count Mecha 07.21.2010 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
You're kidding me. I love the Pumpkins (Gish through Adore, with some of Zeitgeist), but I can't believe Flood let him get away with screaming like a girl on one line, ranting like a lunatic without any musical backing, and then topping it off with a Sand People impression when the song gets fast. Some singers can pull that off, but Billy, you are not one of them. And fucking get James and Jimmy back at least, if you can't get D'Arcy.

I only like the first two albums with around maybe 5 songs from Mellon Collie but X.Y.U is just a riot. That song does EVERYTHING wrong. The guitar riffs are embarrassing, especially that one part later in the song when it speeds up but instead of staying together they all just kind of fall apart and then get really sludgy afterward. There's almost too much to say about Billy's vocals, the weird demon grunting, the girl scream, the one dimensional angry grunts. Even the lyrics are ridiculous.

"And in the eyes of a jackal I say KAAAAAAAAA-BOOM!!!"

Even if he was high when he wrote that, when he came down he had to of realized how bad it was, or well I guess he didn't because it's still in there. I don't know what to think. Ironically one of my favorite tracks from that record just because it's so abysmal.

Anyway, to get back:


Uh, it was fine. I like Anderson's films but I generally don't go out of my way to see them, except for maybe Boogie Nights, great picture that one. Anyway, this one just felt kind of um, unfinished, like it was supposed to have a third act but never did. And John C. Reilly who I normally enjoy very much was just supremely average in this one. He seemed pretty lousy to me in this one. But whatever, a one time film I guess. Phillip Seymour Hoffman's bit character was great though!

atsonicpark 07.21.2010 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by TheFoxBen

10/10. Believe the hype. This movie is just SO INVENTIVE, one of the best things to have come out of someone's mind in the past years. I realize now that Christopher Nolan is not only one of the greatest directors of our time but also a real visionary. I mean, it's not truly perfect but it undoubtedly deserves a 10, just because something like THAT has been made into a movie. The Prestige is probably still my favorite Nolan movie but Inception is certainly up there with it.

Really? The Prestige? Interesting.

FOLLOWING will always be my fav.

Count Mecha 07.21.2010 01:18 PM

I don't think he'll ever top Memento for me.

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