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The Soup Nazi 05.05.2020 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I figure I might as well post some things about him that show he actually knows what he is talking about, before the tweets (and Byteme/Skunk??) start.

Forget tweets or posts, guy's already been literally in the crosshairs for a while. That's what you get in the U.S. of A these days when you put science, empirical facts, rational logic over shitty conspiracy theories, imaginary friends and blatant stupidity.

The Soup Nazi 05.05.2020 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Dr Bright will apparently sing on the hill next week!! But won't the WH block him, just like they did with everyone else?

He'll testify before the Senate, not the House. You know, the camera of Congress which allowed Lindsey Graham to tell a hysterical Brett Kavanaugh, "You have nothing to apologize for, my friend..."

Skuj 05.05.2020 05:04 PM

Oh. Right.

The actual details in Bright's complaint are very interesting!!

And....there may actually be a god.....Graham's embrace of Trump is beginning to cost him politically?

(Fuck, which thread am I in. Sorry.)

Skuj 05.06.2020 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Yeah, I tried to find some kind of GOP connection in his past, but it seems like maybe he thought he could be of help? Like all those other people that Anonymous talks about in his book?

I found this:

I figure I might as well post some things about him that show he actually knows what he is talking about, before the tweets (and Byteme/Skunk??) start.

And so it begins!!

Bytor Peltor 05.06.2020 08:09 PM

What Is the Real Coronavirus Toll in Each State?

_tunic_ 05.09.2020 01:23 AM

This had me laughing out loud. Kids in the US will not be killed by Corona, but by driving in a car!



No driving test, but a driving license for 20,000 American youth

There are no driving tests in Georgia today because of the corona virus. But the backlogs have grown so much that the authorities have issued the driving licenses. Almost 20,000 young people now have a driving license, but have not taken an exam.

"I was so nervous about the exam. With the parking and all that," said 17-year-old Willa to CNN. "So I was very happy that I didn't have to do it."

Willa from Tucker, Georgia, could simply apply for her driver's license online. She does not have to take an exam now, just like thousands of other young people.

Exam by parents
In the state of Wisconsin, 16- and 17-year-olds will receive their driving license next week, without an exam. This concerns about 10,000 young people.

The parents of 17-year-old Stephanie from Cedarburg, Wisconsin, eventually do some kind of driving test themselves.

"My wife and I told each other that we are going to practice with her to see if she's ready," said Tom, Stephanie's father.

"We are the ones who have to give permission for her driver's license. We want to be sure as responsible parents."

A few rules
The states of Georgia and Wisconsin don't just hand out the driving licenses. There are a few rules. Young people in Georgia must have previously driven with a driving instructor for 40 hours.

They must also have a exercise driving license for at least a year without violations. You can apply for this in Georgia when you are 15 years old. You can then drive under the supervision of someone aged 21 or older who does have a driving license.

In Wisconsin, youth should have such an exercise certificate for at least six months. In addition, they must have practiced with their parents for 30 hours.

"Dangerous idea"
"We cannot assume that everyone has responsible parents," said driving instructor Sarah Casto of Georgia. "That is a dangerous idea."

She has started an online petition to stop the exam-less driving licenses.

Gas and brake
Some parents feel the same way. Mother Laurie from Georgia says, "It is dangerous that no one checks whether the person knows what the accelerator is and what the brake pedal is."

Too bad for Laurie. Her son is already 18 and he does not need his parents' permission to apply for a driver's license.

The Soup Nazi 05.09.2020 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
This had me laughing out loud. Kids in the US will not be killed by Corona, but by driving in a car!

Can that country get any stupider? I don't give a flying fuck if there's a backlog - does anybody need more cars in the street right now? LET THEM FUCKING WAIT. FUCK! :mad:

h8kurdt 05.10.2020 11:42 AM


Lockdown protester doing his best to look like a total moron. Actually no idea what runs through the minds of these people.

h8kurdt 05.10.2020 01:59 PM

Look at the brains on Bret here. You make it too easy, Robert, old boy.

_tunic_ 05.10.2020 02:15 PM

Someone "improved" those pictures


The Soup Nazi 05.10.2020 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt


Lockdown protester doing his best to look like a total moron. Actually no idea what runs through the minds of these people.

This is what makes the United States the laughing stock of the world today. Do people still wanna go there? Sure - if the alternative is getting tortured and killed it is (as long as you're willing to leave your kids inside a cage).

Diesel 05.10.2020 04:52 PM

As a kid I always wanted to visit America, but over the years my opinion changed after seeing countless videos and reports documenting the outlandish and downright scary stupidity. I'll never set foot there.

Skuj 05.10.2020 05:00 PM

I vowed never to go there as long as Trump is POTUS, and I have kept that vow so far. (I went there about 30x in my life.)

America, you are lost. You are NOT "great again". The world no longer looks to America for leadership.

choc e-Claire 05.10.2020 08:26 PM

My state has changed the rules for now, meaning that you're allowed to have up to five guests at once (which means that my whole household of six can't visit relatives, but whatever...).

I've been going fine with lockdown, but I'm honestly really excited about the prospect of getting proper social connections this time.

The Soup Nazi 05.11.2020 09:19 AM

Trump administration cuts funding for coronavirus researcher, jeopardizing possible COVID-19 cure
An American scientist who collaborates with the Wuhan Institute of Virology had his grant terminated in the wake of unsubstantiated claims that COVID-19 is either manmade or leaked out of a Chinese government lab.

choc e-Claire 05.11.2020 06:07 PM

I'm returning to school May 26th. Many of my friends are unhappy...

GeneticKiss 05.12.2020 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
As a kid I always wanted to visit America, but over the years my opinion changed after seeing countless videos and reports documenting the outlandish and downright scary stupidity. I'll never set foot there.

C'mon man, these people are in no way a majority. In fact, a lot of us agree with how dumb they are.

tw2113 05.12.2020 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
C'mon man, these people are in no way a majority. In fact, a lot of us agree with how dumb they are.

What could be a fun game is getting them to consider each other the dumber of the bunch

The Soup Nazi 05.12.2020 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
In fact, a lot of us agree with how dumb they are.

Not enough not to have a reality TV dotard as president, and not nearly enough to truly mobilize against a completely fucked system (second amendment and school shootings, electoral college, horrifying public healthcare, etc.).

The Soup Nazi 05.13.2020 12:49 AM

A Post-Post-Modern Slump
by Paul Krugman
The New York Times, May 13, 2020


Last week’s jobs report was ghastly, and as I pointed out in today’s column, the reality is almost certainly worse: the Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that difficulties in classifying workers idled by the coronavirus probably mean that the true unemployment rate is closer to 20 percent than 15. That’s worse than most of the Great Depression.

The good news, such as it is, is that we’ve probably already taken most of the economic hit from Covid-19. The lockdown of high-viral-risk activities has been fairly comprehensive, and a variety of indicators suggest that the economy more or less stabilized around the middle of last month.

So the question now is: How fast a recovery can we expect?

Economists — like epidemiologists, by the way — rely a lot on history to answer such questions. The problem now is that history gives us an ambiguous answer. It’s not that every economic recovery is different; there are, in fact, clear patterns. But there seems to have been two kinds of recovery, and it’s not immediately clear which — if either — pattern is likely to apply this time.

The figure below shows employment growth in the last six recoveries, with the final month of the recession set equal to 100, and each line labeled by the year in which recovery began.


What you see is that before 1990 we tended to have “morning in America” recoveries, in which jobs came roaring back. Since then, however, we’ve had extended “jobless recoveries,” in which G.D.P. is growing but it takes a long time for the jobs to come back.

Why did the recovery story change? Early in the Great Recession, I argued in a blog post titled “Postmodern recessions,” that fast recoveries followed recessions caused by high interest rates, imposed by the Federal Reserve to curb inflation; once the Fed relented, the economy easily sprang back. Later recessions had been caused, instead, by private-sector overreach: the commercial real estate bubble of the 1980s, the tech bubble of the 1990s. These were much harder to cure.

And I predicted, correctly, that the Great Recession, brought on by the collapse of a giant housing bubble, would be followed by another jobless recovery.

So where does the current slump fit? My reluctant conclusion is that it’s more like the pre-1990 slumps than the more modern episodes.

Why reluctant? Well, I was right about the housing bubble, the Great Recession, and a lot of other stuff around then, and it’s always tempting to revisit your greatest hits. And let’s be frank: Given my politics, I don’t like the idea of Donald Trump riding into November on the wave of a rapidly healing economy, and would like to believe that can’t happen.

But Covid-19 is, in some ways, like the spike in interest rates that generated the 1981-82 recession. It’s something imposed on the economy from outside, as it were, rather than the result of private-sector excess, so you’d expect fast recovery once the outside shock recedes.

A fast recovery, however, depends on having the pandemic recede. And that’s why the push from the Trump administration and its allies for a quick reopening of the economy is probably self-destructive. Epidemiologists, who are far more likely to get this right than the rest of us, say that we’re nowhere close to having the virus sufficiently contained to reopen; they’re extremely worried that we may have a second wave.

So if we were patient and self-disciplined, we probably could eventually see rapid recovery. But “self-discipline” isn’t a term many people would apply to Donald Trump.

Quick Hits

Recoveries from financial crises tend to be slow.

Indications of economic stabilization.

More indications, but with a horrifying portrait of who has been hurt.

Covid-19 is spiking in the heartland.

Facing the Music


Like everyone, I’m mostly living in old jeans and frayed T-shirts these days. But this ZZ-top cover, by a couple of talented sisters from Atlanta, reminds us about dressing sharp.

h8kurdt 05.13.2020 03:49 PM

Johnson really is nothing without his bully boys behind him to laugh and jeer. Keir Starmer annihilated him today at the PMQs. Shame that we've another 4 years of Johnson's nonsense to put up with.

The Soup Nazi 05.13.2020 10:00 PM

From The Washington Post:
As some countries ease up, others are reimposing lockdowns amid a resurgence of coronavirus infections

My country isn't mentioned, but that's exactly what's going on here: too much "ease up" too soon, shit spiked, and now, starting Friday evening, FULL quarantine in the whole Metropolitan region. That's gonna be fun...

Anyway, some important quotes from the Post's article:


The reemergence of coronavirus cases in many parts of Asia is also prompting a return to closures in places that had claimed success in battling the disease or appeared to have eradicated it altogether, including South Korea, regarded as one of the continent’s top success stories.

South Korea last week rescinded a go-ahead for bars and clubs to reopen after a spike in cases, hours after officials announced the lifting of previous social distancing restrictions and the start of a “new everyday life with the coronavirus.”

South Korean President Moon Jae-in warned his country Sunday to “brace for the pandemic’s second wave,” calling the battle against covid-19 a “prolonged” fight.

In the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the pandemic first emerged, authorities on Tuesday ordered the testing of all 11 million inhabitants after a cluster of six new infections emerged, five weeks after the city had apparently rid itself of the disease.

Germany, which is widely regarded as the model in Europe of a balanced coronavirus response, is warning that some areas may have to reinstate restrictions after localized outbreaks caused a rise in cases.

“We always have to be aware that we are still at the beginning of the pandemic,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel cautioned last week as a cluster of new cases in a meatpacking plant raised fears of an intensified outbreak. “And there’s still a long way in dealing with this virus in front of us.”


The latest cluster in Wuhan demonstrates how hard it will be to measure whether any location is truly free of coronavirus. The new cases there suggest the virus can flare up in patients up to 50 days after they have apparently recovered, said Wu Zunyou, chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in an interview with state broadcaster CCTV.

“The course of disease could last 30 to 50 days for some patients,” Wu said. “The virus could take longer to manifest itself in patients with weak immunity, who are also prone to ‘ons’ and ‘offs’ of symptoms.”


Crowds of Parisians gathered on the banks of the Seine to toast their release Monday from six weeks of one of the world’s toughest confinements, prompting police on Tuesday to ban the consumption of alcohol in the vicinity of the river.

The Soup Nazi 05.14.2020 02:38 PM

World Health Organization doctor says coronavirus 'may never go away'
WHO emergencies expert Dr. Mike Ryan said that without the "massive moonshot" of an effective vaccine, coronavirus could become a permanent threat.

From pandemic to endemic. Cases appear, quarantines go in place, cases go down, lockdowns ease up, cases spike like a motherfucker, lather, rinse, repeat.


Antagon 05.15.2020 06:38 AM

The Austrian chancellor Sebastian Kurz has recently received a lot of criticism for his appearance at a rally in the state of Vorarlberg which saw him mingling with the crowd, disregarding social distancing measures. The very same person is responsible for a fraught social climate brought on by his highly televised and publicized rhetoric, once stating "Soon everyone of us will know someone who has passed away from Covid-19.".

His admin also oversaw the conception of untransparently and misleading worded laws for the shelter in place period, leading to much confusion - illegitimate fines issued by overly eager police officers; people believing they cannot even visit their family or friends in their private homes (it never was illegal, the laws were worded in a way that could've easily been interpreted that way); coining the phrase of keeping a distance about the size of one baby elephant (wherever the fuck he got that from).

Whilst people have been shunning social contacts, trying to figure out how many baby elephants would fit into the gap between them and the next person, have been laid-off and deemed "inessential to the system" and have generally lived in an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty, no doubt exacerbated by the baffling statements of this guy, he apparently seems to live in a parallel universe.


Antagon 05.15.2020 06:55 AM


Oh, and he didn't even wear a facemask after previously salivating over the thought of the population wearing them pretty much everywhere, claiming that the new laws concerning the mandatory facemask in public means of transport and supermarkets should be seen as tutorial phase, so one could get accustomed to it. Then he expressed his wish that people put them on pretty much everywhere in the public. I want this song to follow him around whenever he confidently waltzes into another gaffe from now on.

_slavo_ 05.15.2020 07:01 AM

this dude looks like hes 23 and has a permanent tan

Antagon 05.15.2020 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
this dude looks like hes 23 and has a permanent tan

He does. And elderly conservatives are absolutely enamoured with his "youthfulness", would you believe. He got elected for a second time after losing a vote of no confidence. Welcome to Asstria.

tw2113 05.18.2020 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I've spent so much time playing solitaire on my computer that I think I'm now qualified for membership in the Royal Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things.

Membership is in the mail

h8kurdt 05.19.2020 03:50 AM

Trump now saying he's been taking hydroxychloroquine for the past couple of weeks saying

“You’d be surprised at how many people are taking it … The frontline workers many many are taking it,” Trump said.

“I happen to be taking it. I happen to be taking it. I’m taking it, hydroxychloroquine. Right now, yeah. A couple weeks ago I started taking it. Because I think it’s good, I heard a lot of good stories … I take a pill every day.”

This is even though

A string of studies around the world have suggested that hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine do little to prevent or treat Covid-19, and the FDA has cautioned against the use of either drug for Covid-19 outside of the hospital setting or a clinical trial “due to risk of heart rhythm problems”.

The drugs “can cause abnormal heart rhythms such as QT interval prolongation and a dangerously rapid heart rate called ventricular tachycardia”, the FDA said.

Let's add it to the long list of evidence that he's absolutely cuckoo

tw2113 05.19.2020 08:19 AM

hydroxychloroquine has entered the GOP election race?

Diesel 05.21.2020 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
C'mon man, these people are in no way a majority. In fact, a lot of us agree with how dumb they are.

That is obviously true. However, no-one glorifies gun violence quite like America; there are gun shops in every town selling guns with names like the bone collector. 2nd amendment worshipers etc. It's just not worth my time anymore.

The Soup Nazi 05.21.2020 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
hydroxychloroquine has entered the GOP election race?

If Dotard told the truth about taking it (which is a big if), yes, it has literally entered the election.

Reminds me of South Park's 'member berries...

The Soup Nazi 05.23.2020 11:35 AM

And the horseshit goes planetary. From AP:

Spain’s far-right holds car protest against virus lockdown
Several thousand followers of Spain’s far-right Vox party gathered Saturday in their cars and on motorbikes in the center of Madrid and other Spanish cities to protest the Spanish government’s handling of the nation’s coronavirus crisis.

The party accuses the government of Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez of lying about the impact of the health crisis and for violating Spaniards’ rights by confining people to their homes and closing business during the lockdown.

h8kurdt 05.24.2020 12:32 PM

Who'd I rather punch in the stomach-Dominic Cummings or Boris Johnson?

Honestly, the behaviour of this fucking conservative government during this pandemic is a fucking joke. String the lot of the up. Tbh, I'm just annoyed that it's recess for the government atm meaning Starmer can't read Johnson and new one at PMQ's on Wednesday.

g. 05.24.2020 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Who'd I rather punch in the stomach-Dominic Cummings or Boris Johnson?

Honestly, the behaviour of this fucking conservative government during this pandemic is a fucking joke. String the lot of the up. Tbh, I'm just annoyed that it's recess for the government atm meaning Starmer can't read Johnson and new one at PMQ's on Wednesday.

So true. Both are a disgrace and still in their privileged positions. Insult to all that abide by their rules.

The Soup Nazi 05.24.2020 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Who'd I rather punch in the stomach-Dominic Cummings or Boris Johnson?

Let's punch Stephen Miller first and then all these other fucks. And Bobby Gillespie. :D

The Soup Nazi 05.24.2020 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Who'd I rather punch in the stomach-Dominic Cummings or Boris Johnson?

Honestly, the behaviour of this fucking conservative government during this pandemic is a fucking joke. String the lot of the up. Tbh, I'm just annoyed that it's recess for the government atm meaning Starmer can't read Johnson and new one at PMQ's on Wednesday.

Civil Service Tweet Goes Viral


The Soup Nazi 05.24.2020 05:02 PM

From CNN:


With restaurants closed, rat sightings are increasing across the United States


Brown rats scamper on Pearl Street, in New York's Lower Manhattan neighborhood.

(CNN) With restaurants closed or open with limited capacity due to the coronavirus pandemic, a certain subset of those establishments' "patrons" is struggling.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is warning that certain areas across the country are reporting "an increase in rodent activity," as rats search for sources of food other than restaurant dumpsters. [...]

Shit, you guys got a lotta rats over there in NYC...

!@#$%! 05.24.2020 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
From CNN:

Shit, you guys got a lotta rats over there in NYC...

the news is they’ve moved to the suburbs

i still hate the suburbs

Debaser 05.24.2020 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by g.
So true. Both are a disgrace and still in their privileged positions. Insult to all that abide by their rules.

If Cummings does end up to be 'sacked' there's no doubt that he'll still be around lurching somewhere in the background. Absolute shitshow. I think this is all deliberate though imo, it would get some people to think 'screw this, if he can do this, so can I.' Herd immunity is still their goal.

No doubt that Steve Bannon had a few chats with Cummings during his 'tour' in Europe few years ago.

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