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!@#$%! 02.23.2015 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
During Lent Orthodox Christians abstain from consuming animal products

lentils 4 lent then

good stuff & rich in lysine unlike other legumes

add garlic/thyme to the cooking pot

pair w/ rice and some browned onions

can be eaten pretty much daily

also the mighty garbanzo. i can run on a bowl of garbanzos + olive oil for the whole day. add spinach when reheating for nutrition.

when eating dark greens use some calcium to bind the oxalates (even though greens are rich in calcium). since dairy is not an option... maybe almonds or seeds (sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, etc.--or chia) or tofu? but no cuz these are high in oxalates too. i don't know.

good Mg++ in sunflower + pumpkin too.

for b12, "nutritional yeast"

for probiotics, sauerkraut (refrigerated not canned)

best wishes.


ETA: i did a little research (was puzzled). ORANGES for the oxalates. at the end of the meal, like a chinese restaurant.

schizophrenicroom 02.23.2015 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
During Lent Orthodox Christians abstain from consuming animal products

any at all? wow. i didn't know this.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.23.2015 10:01 PM

Yeah we like catholics but more hardcore but less straight edge ;)

schizophrenicroom 02.23.2015 10:31 PM

it cracks me up when anyone over like, fourteen self describes as " straight edge." a faction of the diy/punk scene does here... mostly the under 21 crowd but still.

I had peanut butter and a banana as a post work out snack. still hungry.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.23.2015 10:48 PM

I grew up in the punk scene, new a lot of militant vegans and straightedge fucks (several whp were much older than 21) who would straight up sock a motherfucker for eating a a
Hamburger or offering them a beer!

In Orthodox we be drinkin ;)

schizophrenicroom 02.24.2015 04:18 AM

the no caffeine crowd are quite miserable

(but mormons are okay)

!@#$%! 02.24.2015 09:35 AM

pork loin roast



roasted sweet potato


black beans


breakfast of champions

schizophrenicroom 02.24.2015 03:27 PM

oooh. i ate from a massive spread they had for the speakers in this study I'm part of. talking for an hour gave me a bagel, muffin, and some quiche. twas good.

schizophrenicroom 02.24.2015 03:27 PM

the $75 gift card helped too

!@#$%! 02.25.2015 09:46 AM

oatmeal, spinach, eggs, butter

schizophrenicroom 02.25.2015 11:13 AM

I'm kind of whirlwhind today but for breakfast I had Greek yogurt with a banana, and a plate of bacon

!@#$%! 02.25.2015 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
I'm kind of whirlwhind today but for breakfast I had Greek yogurt with a banana, and a plate of bacon

that is a good combo!

i was ready some articles on nutrition yesterday-- they were saying carbs and protein w/ no fat will spike your sugar too much. actually they said-- carbs alone will spike your insulin, but with lean protein (e.g. whey) it will be even more.

butter is better.

my local walrats now sells irish butter. cheap too. a boon from the gods.

eta: read also that sugar-wise, if you ignore the vitamins and the potassium for a moment, eating a banana is just like eating a cookie. similar glycemic load/index apparently.

schizophrenicroom 02.25.2015 01:43 PM

yeah, i love fruit in all its beautiful forms but it's really a treat for me more than anything. i get so cranky and nasty when my blood sugar is high, worse than when it gets low.

what is irish butter?

i tried a low fat diet at some point and just felt awful

!@#$%! 02.25.2015 02:00 PM

low fat is for suckas and people from the 80s. you need fat for hormones, etc. plus it regulates your blood sugar. good fats are essential nutrients.

irish butter is just butter from ireland-- no special process or anything like cultured butter (though i'm sure there's cultured butter in ireland).

the beauty of it is that the the cows are pastured-- or so they say. well, the color & taste are fantastic so i believe it.

no feedlots, no weird grains or strange diets making their way into that sweet sweet cream. higher carotenes, higher omega 3s, CLAs, etc. altogether better.

there are american pastured butters but they are rarer. other countries that make pastured are new zealand (lots of grasses in their volcanic soil) or denmark or parts of france (e.g. normandy)-- but again hard to come by/expensive/etc.

kerrygold on the other hand exports massively to the US and can be had at prole prices. i can get a packet at the food coop for $5, at TJs for $4+, at walrats for i think $3.20 and at costco for $2.75 (but at costco i have to get a 3-pack and it must be salted).

walrats is near me while the other ones require a highway expedition. so i can buy a brick a week and use it judiciously and deliciously. the flavor & quality blow other supermarket butters out of the water.

schizophrenicroom 02.25.2015 02:38 PM

i should see if lucky's has it. lucky's is fucking awesome, you can buy a beer at the cafe and they have a space for it in your cart. and blood oranges .89 cents a pound!!!!

i like making garlic butter, but i'm a garlic nut.

yeah, i can kind of feel if i haven't eaten enough fat. i made a sandwich of just avocado and cucumber with salt/pepper/sriracha to eat at the computer trying to write this essay and ugh, so good.

!@#$%! 02.25.2015 02:59 PM

oh mang i haven't had a blood orange in a while

eating pork loin, broccoli, sweet potato, black beans, and an orange.

with black coffee (instant-- FTW-- srsly)

now i must face the computer monster again-- broken videos need repair. fuck!

!@#$%! 02.25.2015 09:57 PM

made an awesome stir fry w/ elk, pork loin, bacon, broccoli, scallions, hot pepper, rice, soy sauce. great with a ranger ipa. oooof!



have fun with it

schizophrenicroom 02.26.2015 12:38 AM

thanks!! gonna print that out.

that stir fry sounds incredible. i got home from seeing james franco give an interview on campus and my roommate was in the kitchen so i had to just steam some broccoli and cauliflower quick with some chili sauce and garlic butter. i'm hungry again.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.26.2015 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
with black coffee (instant-- FTW-- srsly)


That's not coffee

!@#$%! 02.26.2015 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
That's not coffee

it is just coffee, and in fact tastes better than most coffees you can get in most places

-it never gets rancid

-it doesn't need difficult cleanups

-it doesn't overbrew

-it doesn't need refrigeration, vacuum containers, etc

-the quality is consistent

-did i say it tastes better than ground coffee? ground coffee goes bad fast

-no special equipment

-doesn't generate as much trash as something like a keurig

-lets you take your own coffee everywhere

-costs less than 10 cents a cup instead of $2

-you're a closeminded mulehead

-forever & ever


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.26.2015 09:32 AM

Whateverz you the one drinking shit coffee yo

!@#$%! 02.26.2015 09:34 AM

i'd dare you to a blind taste test but closeminded muleheads "know" things apriori

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.26.2015 10:21 AM

Why you tryin to make it something personal all the time? I dissed the instant coffee, not you. I didn't say anything about you or your taste, i simply said, "thats not coffee." And ill take your lame pepsi challenge and yes, i can certainly taste the difference between shit coffee and real coffee. Do i sometimes drink shit coffee? Yes. Do i brag about it? Why? Shit coffee is just that shit coffee.. speaking of which i have to drink this Keureg shit right now and yes, its shit coffee too! Have a blessed day yo, peace.

!@#$%! 02.26.2015 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Why you tryin to make it something personal all the time? I dissed the instant coffee, not you. I didn't say anything about you or your taste, i simply said, "thats not coffee."

i didn't take it personally, but you're so muleheaded in your convictions sometimes i lose patience, is all. like when the neighbor dog barks nonstop.


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
And ill take your lame pepsi challenge and yes, i can certainly taste the difference between shit coffee and real coffee.

my point is that most coffees available to most are shit coffees, just hyped up. good coffee requires so much process and paraphernalia it's impractical in everyday life.


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Do i sometimes drink shit coffee? Yes. Do i brag about it? Why? Shit coffee is just that shit coffee.. speaking of which i have to drink this Keureg shit right now and yes, its shit coffee too! Have a blessed day yo, peace.

keurig is overpriced shit coffee that requires a special trashy machine with these little proprietary trashy packets that all end up in the landfill and people waste their money on it.

"good" instant coffee tastes less terrible than keurig, requires no special equipment, the container can be recycled, and it costs pennies per cup.


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Do i brag about it? Why?

to explain this is not bragging. you like to brag and assume everyone shares that preference. this blind denial of other perspectives is muleheadedness itself.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.26.2015 11:00 AM

What convictions? Who denied your perspective? All i said what, "that is not coffee."


!@#$%! 02.26.2015 11:15 AM

the notion that this thread is about "bragging"

for me at least these days this thread is about experimentation and looking for ways to live better-- not by spending more like some enthralled consumer who can drink nothing but civet coffee.

i see all around people who fall into this trap-- that spending more is always desirable. as a result they end up trapped in jobs and situations they detest, broke and in debt, and of course miserable.

i try to the best of my abilities to be anticonsumerist and to live free of traps. i experiment constantly.

so i post here for my internet friends who might want ideas to avoid these situations. i don't care for bragging or stupid ego displays or winning a discussion at all costs. i am however irritated by stubborn midsirections-- which is part and parcel of my ADD brain.

caffeine is great for ADD by the way. no need to pay $2/cup four times a day ($8) to cure it when one can pay 8 cents per cup (or less), especially if there is no marginal benefit, not even in taste or pleasure, to the extra $7.68 or $230.40 a month that goes with that custom.

so "FTW" doesn't mean "what a great boy i am". it means "i didn't have to pay $230.40 for bad coffee this month and here's how you can do that and take a day or three off from wage slavery and financial dependence and maybe work in something you love."

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.26.2015 11:39 AM

All i said was, "That's not coffee."

!@#$%! 02.26.2015 11:41 AM

i know what you said. you're factually wrong

feel free to pursue ego fulfillment in a hedonic treadmill of your choice


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.26.2015 12:46 PM

All i said was, "that's not coffee."

!@#$%! 02.26.2015 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
All i said was, "that's not coffee."


it's obviously not "coffee beans"-- only an idiot would try to turn that into a "discussion"

instant coffee is brewed coffee, dehydrated (e.g., freeze-dried)

brewed coffee is coffee.

dehydrated brewed coffee is coffee.

when you add the water back, it's coffee too.

just like jerky is meat and freeze-dried blueberries are blueberries.

fucking muleheaded troll.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.26.2015 01:10 PM

All i said was, "That's not coffee."

schizophrenicroom 02.27.2015 04:01 PM

trying to calculate how many calories i need a day is ridiculous. 2400 seems like way too much but a few sites have given that as what i should be aiming for based on height/weight/activity level/etc. i'm just gonna focus on macros.

!@#$%! 02.27.2015 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
trying to calculate how many calories i need a day is ridiculous. 2400 seems like way too much but a few sites have given that as what i should be aiming for based on height/weight/activity level/etc. i'm just gonna focus on macros.

i know it's nuts. i just eyeball it. especially if you eat something different every day, it's kind of crazy to calculate (easy for obsessives but nobody else).

bodybuilders are extremely dedicated to their monomania and i don't have that kind of patience either.

BUT they are the empirical proof of their theories-- unlike so many fad diets and theories that pop up every other month, bodybuilder communities consistently produce people who are a) massively healthy and b) lean as fuck.

so i use them as a reference and broad guideline more than something to strictly follow.

EVOLghost 02.27.2015 05:20 PM

black beans, rice, and avocado....all with tortillas of course.

schizophrenicroom 02.27.2015 06:00 PM

everything is better with avocado

!@#$- yeah, i cant stick to just eating the same stuff. i get bored. i'm just trying to figure out whats making me feel iffy and what doesnt.

!@#$%! 02.27.2015 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
black beans, rice, and avocado....all with tortillas of course.

internet high five! i had black beans for breakfast... with huevos


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
!@#$- yeah, i cant stick to just eating the same stuff. i get bored. i'm just trying to figure out whats making me feel iffy and what doesnt.

yeah it gets tiring the way bodybuilders do it. but the way i do it herbs & spices make all the difference.

i recycle & repurpose.

so for example a roasted pork loin is serve plain, later made into a pork sandwich, then stir-fried with vegs and rice, finally dunked into a bowl of ramen, for example.

same thing w/ the frijoles-- with rice and beans for dinner, with eggs and hot sauce for breakfast, in a burrito for a packed lunch, served with different hot sauces, etc.

then next week instead of black beans i'll do garbanzo for example (or whatever). similar carb/protein but different taste & different options (w/ egg and spinach for breakfast, cold with olive oil and red onion for a salad, or with some tuna for extra protein, mashed & mixed w/ tahini for hummus, etc etc. it's like bread.

the weekend is pure disarray though. i can sense the cherry garcia approaching in the snow... and we'll test some mexicocas with cherry booze. i'll make a pizza...


anyway before i disappear into the abyss i should send you this link-- it's a pdf book for good cheap meals-- some "food studies" person put it together... how to eat WELL for $4 a day.


a fucking benefactor of humanity is what she is. did a kickstarter and released a free pdf.

okay, have fun! (& best wishes finding the culprits)

schizophrenicroom 02.27.2015 06:36 PM

thanks so much dude! my ebt reloads in a few days so i can plan my meals for the next few days for that then go shopping

but today i will celebrate with beer and steak

EVOLghost 02.27.2015 07:22 PM

I can eat the same thing forever. Tuna Salad? I can eatit forever..

best breakfast? beans and eggs with some sour cream and valentina.

ceviche? fuck yeah homie.

schizophrenicroom 02.28.2015 04:45 PM

ohhh ceviche. i made kickass ceviche a few weeks ago with some swai fish. so good.

i made a quesadilla today with pepper jack, zucchini, brussels sprouts, chicken, scotch bonnets, and salsa verde. it was wicked delicious.

!@#$%! 02.28.2015 08:31 PM

hot damn, that sounds great! i had to google "scotch bonnets" lol.

i had a breakfast of pork ramen and beer

we were watching an ozu movie and someone in it orders pork ramen-- which was funny

later we fried leftover bacon

then we fried leftover sweet potatos in bacon fat and ater with leftover ají amarillo

then i blended some leftover cherries in water which we still drinkin

i am almost done with leftovers-- tomorrow i cook fresh for the week so today is fridge apocalypse

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