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cryptowonderdruginvogue 10.01.2008 05:40 AM

I don't need no rockin' chair, I can rock almost anywhere, daaaarlinhg

MellySingsDoom 10.01.2008 05:47 AM

I've just bought the Tricky record, and will listen to it tonight. I'll let you know what it's like. "Smelly guy" - ewwww! No wonder you're waiting.

Hellos to the crypto from me!

cryptowonderdruginvogue 10.01.2008 05:58 AM

alo melly
i'm going to bed
talk to you later this afternoo, yeah?

MellySingsDoom 10.01.2008 06:46 AM

Yeah, crypto, no probemo - we'll talk then :)

greedrex 10.01.2008 10:24 AM

Feel free to copy/paste this middlefinger wherever and whenever you need to.
I don't hate anyone at the moment, but i felt this pic was so glorious it needed to be posted somewhere on here for people to stare at in total disbelief.

Sonic Youth 37 10.01.2008 12:25 PM

354 word French paper in 20 to 23 minutes. I should be given a medal.

nicfit 10.01.2008 02:47 PM

ha ha even trolls are lame!

!@#$%! 10.01.2008 02:49 PM

just kill those motherfuckers, and the idiots who encourage them trying to pass as clever. what a bunch of fucks.

_slavo_ 10.01.2008 03:18 PM

only 4 more weeks and I'm off to Vietnam

nicfit 10.01.2008 03:28 PM

ha ha I take it back, if everything that's going on is a backfire caused by this thread, fair play to them, I say.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 10.01.2008 03:37 PM

I found a jazz club less than two milels from my house. Free music on Mondays.

!@#$%! 10.01.2008 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
ha ha I take it back, if everything that's going on is a backfire caused by this thread, fair play to them, I say.

yeah, yes, apparently we (not me, but "we") "invited" them into our lives and now they style themselves as interwebs commandos in search of a meaningless revenge. still, they should fuck off, right? im in short supply of patience today i guess.

nicfit 10.01.2008 03:43 PM

I guess they'll take their "revenge" and then move on and find something better to do, like all trolls do. People from here "trolled" them, now they're trolling back. Honestly I can live with it, I don't think they're much fun/interesting (altough I liked that "worst case ontario" bit) , but it's not like they're ruining my life. I'll just stop reading their posts, buah buah.
chabib will take care of the useless posts, sometime in the future. Perhaps.
mah mah!
anyways, ____I already spent too many words on the matter, time for a illyquore glass.

Advice Dog 10.01.2008 04:06 PM

I was born on a farm!

floatingslowly 10.01.2008 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
yeah, yes, apparently we (not me, but "we") "invited" them into our lives and now they style themselves as interwebs commandos in search of a meaningless revenge. still, they should fuck off, right? im in short supply of patience today i guess.

do you need a laxative or something? you were given a link by nic just now pointing you in the direction from which they came, and yet you still (somehow) think they were "invited"?

they came (I did too, twice) and they conquered. "you people" are so easily riled on the best of days. maybe you should take yrself (and this board) a little less seriously. it'll do wonders for yr blood pressure, I swear.

besides, apart from not condoning vigilante justice toward emmAH, I've enjoyed watching "you people" pull out yr hair as they have fun. yes, fun. it's really the only thing the internet is good for. apparently not here though. this place is for leaving yr pretentious books about so visitors can ooooh and aaaahh over yr intellectual might.

you cannot defeat trolls with angst (welcome to i-net 101). you can only deliver them sustenance by it. I would think you might know this already.

my kung-fu is strong; I'd be happy to offer lessons (for a reasonable price).


nicfit 10.01.2008 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Advice Dog
I was born on a farm!

Don't go fuck in the barn, because the barn's on fire!

✌➬ 10.01.2008 04:41 PM

Hi, this is funny.

schizophrenicroom 10.01.2008 04:44 PM

hi everyone.

✌➬ 10.01.2008 04:46 PM

Hey schizo, how you been?

Alex's Trip 10.01.2008 05:47 PM

I did a timed write essay today on The Sound and The Fury.

Woop. Waap. Weep.

schizophrenicroom 10.01.2008 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by ✌➬
Hey schizo, how you been?

hey, sorry i didn't see this! i've been excellent. how are you?!

!@#$%! 10.01.2008 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
do you need a laxative or something? you were given a link by nic just now pointing you in the direction from which they came, and yet you still (somehow) think they were "invited"?

they came (I did too, twice) and they conquered. "you people" are so easily riled on the best of days. maybe you should take yrself (and this board) a little less seriously. it'll do wonders for yr blood pressure, I swear.

besides, apart from not condoning vigilante justice toward emmAH, I've enjoyed watching "you people" pull out yr hair as they have fun. yes, fun. it's really the only thing the internet is good for. apparently not here though. this place is for leaving yr pretentious books about so visitors can ooooh and aaaahh over yr intellectual might.

you cannot defeat trolls with angst (welcome to i-net 101). you can only deliver them sustenance by it. I would think you might know this already.

my kung-fu is strong; I'd be happy to offer lessons (for a reasonable price).


dear delusional tithead: there is no kungfu against aerial bombardment. but if your idea of fun is to spread your buttcheeks open to the falling bombs, do enjoy.

for me, until this morning, this wasn't my personal circus, but a place to enjoy sporadically while at work. clearly, it's no more.

i knew where they were coming from, but you misread me: we do invite them when we engage them--- even your "hilarious" somersaults are an encouragement. now they are legion.

the way this board is being taken over reminds me (noting of course the huge differences in stakes and seriousness) of the spanish civil war where the fascists with the support of the nazis massacred the bickering republicans-- anarchists here and stalinists there and trostkyites further, a complete disgrace.

so have your fun, if you wish-- i just want my board back, warts and all.

my simple recipe for getting rid of this pestilence is 1) neg rep, 2) report, 3) ignore.

neg rep simply makes the shit stand out faster-- it's easily avoided without having to actually read and figure out who is talking crap. those giving pos rep to feel how cool they are are just confusing the shit out of the rest of us. so shut the fuck up and neg rep consistently.

report: well, sorry admins, for pestering you at home, but we can't handle total and utter morons. you can argue with people who have a modicum of intelligence, but discussing the morality of trolling with the rats that are eating your nutsac (<--dramatic license) is not the greatest of remedies. any kind of engagement is futile.

and afterwards ignore so they dont get a kick out of making asses of us. cos they do. everyt ime.

of course, having said that, the anarchists are going to come and say "oh no, but let's laugh", and the trostkyites are going to put bombs under my proposal, and we'll keep doing nothing while the board is taken over. but the fucking nazi fucks. great. luckily this is not real war, or else we'd be royally fucked like a bunch of hippies. but i digress.

sure, we can argue that we asked for it (i didnt), and bla bla bla, but the point is, i just want my board back, and fuck the theory of the internet, i just want my board back, and that is that.

anyway, end of my rant.

Sonic Youth 37 10.01.2008 09:00 PM

What it do everyone? I'm about to veg out with some Castlevania because no one can be contacted to hang out.

terriblecanyons 10.01.2008 09:03 PM

I'm watching stupid shit on tv while playing guitar.
I wish I had some chocolate.

Sonic Youth 37 10.01.2008 09:06 PM

I might drag out my guitar later on unless I find someone to hang out with.
I was sitting outside listening to the Cure like a total emo kid, then went to buy some Ben and Jerrys Peanut Butter Cup ice cream but the bastards were all out.

terriblecanyons 10.01.2008 09:07 PM

What assholes.

I could really go for an oreo blizzard right about now.
Or maybe a butterfingers one.

EMMAh 10.01.2008 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
I wish I had some chocolate.

Share with me!

Sonic Youth 37 10.01.2008 09:09 PM

Man, I want to go to Waffle House now. They're non-smoking now, which takes away from some of the late night charm.

Eh, they're not really assholes, the one person I really want to hang with is probably asleep right now.

terriblecanyons 10.01.2008 09:11 PM

Makes sense.

I really need to cut back on the junk food.

bwaha 10.01.2008 09:13 PM

I love food..even junk food. I just ate a turkey sandwich, some chips and dip, a doughnut, and some skittles. :D

Sonic Youth 37 10.01.2008 09:14 PM

I've eaten so many orange tic-tacs in the last two days that I cannot taste anything.

terriblecanyons 10.01.2008 09:15 PM

Whoa deja vu.

bwaha 10.01.2008 09:16 PM

I don't mind a lot, but if it's too fast and fills my mouth before I can swallow, then I always feel dirty if I lick it off my hand/ lips. I miss giving head all the time, and I miss swallowing. There's something really fun and satisfying about it.

EMMAh 10.01.2008 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth 37
I've eaten so many orange tic-tacs in the last two days that I cannot taste anything.

They're so good!

I can't eat one Tic Tac, I have to eat the whole box.

Sonic Youth 37 10.01.2008 09:21 PM

I must eat them 4 at a time, every time. I cannot finish a box with 1, 2, or 3. I must go buy another box to be able to finish that box.

Okay, I'm bored as shit now. Castlevania didn't pique my interest.

EMMAh 10.01.2008 09:24 PM

I don't buy them anymore because I know I'll just chomp through them all. I buy gum instead, but if I'm not careful I'll eat all my gum too.

EMMAh 10.01.2008 09:26 PM

For some reason I can smell dark room chemicals on my hands (like, fixer and what not)

I think it's my new pants... weird.

bwaha 10.01.2008 09:27 PM

Aww I miss the dark room! Sometimes I'd get that shit everywhere though.

terriblecanyons 10.01.2008 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
For some reason I can smell dark room chemicals on my hands (like, fixer and what not)

I think it's my new pants... weird.

I fucking love that smell.

Please, let me smell your pants.
That sounds really weird, doesn't it?

EMMAh 10.01.2008 09:33 PM

Most people would complain that it smells like old man haha, so I'm glad you like it too.

I wish there was a way to smell over the internet. That could be a mad thing though...

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