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ilduclo 09.28.2016 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
Sorry man, but it was the other way around.

The Iran–Iraq War began when Iraq invaded Iran on 22 September 1980. It followed a long history of border disputes, and was motivated by fears that the Iranian Revolution in 1979 would inspire insurgency among Iraq's long-suppressed Shi'i majority, as well as Iraq's desire to replace Iran as the dominant Persian Gulf state. Although Iraq hoped to take advantage of Iran's revolutionary chaos and attacked without formal warning, it made only limited progress into Iran and was quickly repelled; Iran regained virtually all lost territory by June 1982. For the next six years, Iran was on the offensive.[42] A number of proxy forces participated in the war, most notably the Iranian People's Mujahedin of Iran siding with Ba'athist Iraq and Iraqi Kurdish militias of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan siding with Iran—all suffering a major blow by the end of the conflict.
Despite United Nations Security Council calls for a ceasefire, hostilities continued until 20 August 1988. The war finally ended with United Nations Security Council Resolution 598, a U.N.-brokered ceasefire which was accepted by both sides. At the war's conclusion, it took several weeks for the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran to evacuate Iraqi territory to honour pre-war international borders set by the 1975 Algiers Agreement.[43] The last prisoners of war were exchanged in 2003.[42][44]"


yeah, and the invasion was approved by Reagan, who'd been shipping arms to Iraq for just that purpose for quite a while before.

!@#$%! 09.28.2016 10:02 AM

right-- it was the us that propped saddam, then destroyed him, as they did with the guy who killed torrijos-- noriega was it? i forget. yes, manuel noriega. same story.

england and russia had been meddling with iran for ages, and the ottomans were iran's (persia's) main strategic competitors during the modern era and since before.

in 1953 the us overthrew a secular democracy on behalf of britain's oil interests, and to keep russia out, and installed the shah.

the shah was knocked down by the islamic revolution and the usa became the great satan, and israel the point of contention, and they took on the american embassy and all the hostages.

then saddam was sicked on iran, given wmds, etc.

fucking reagan was a real charmer.

there are no innocents here, nobody is a saint. countries and "leaders" just want to advance their interests at the expense of everyone else.

having said that, it's generally better when people solve their conflicts through diplomacy. trump is for war and unilateralism and aligns with the cancer known as bibi netanyahu. both of them please fuck off.

Drjohnrock 09.28.2016 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
What really pisses me off is she probably taking the secret cure for AIDS, so she won't even die from it. Bitch!

About two months ago, I was driving home when some fuckhead going in the opposite direction drove left of center and hit my car. I wasn't hurt but there was considerable damage to my vehicle.

What I want to know is: why did HRC pay that guy to plow into my car? She was behind it! I just know it! Fucking bitch!

LifeDistortion 09.28.2016 11:52 AM

:Enters thread, reads the last couple pages of posts: Well, looks like I've missed quite the party.

!@#$%! 09.28.2016 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
:Enters thread, reads the last couple pages of posts: Well, looks like I've missed quite the party.

it's a clear conspiracy. you were kept out deliberately.

item: S.O.R.O.S.-I owns this website. status: fact.

EVOLghost 09.28.2016 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by PLips
America needs a Stone Cold Steve Austin to stick it to the prez.

this is the most sense anyone has made in this thread.

ilduclo 09.28.2016 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
right-- it was the us that propped saddam, then destroyed him, as they did with the guy who killed torrijos-- noriega was it? i forget. yes, manuel noriega. same story.

england and russia had been meddling with iran for ages, and the ottomans were iran's (persia's) main strategic competitors during the modern era and since before.

in 1953 the us overthrew a secular democracy on behalf of britain's oil interests, and to keep russia out, and installed the shah.

the shah was knocked down by the islamic revolution and the usa became the great satan, and israel the point of contention, and they took on the american embassy and all the hostages.

then saddam was sicked on iran, given wmds, etc.

fucking reagan was a real charmer.

there are no innocents here, nobody is a saint. countries and "leaders" just want to advance their interests at the expense of everyone else.

having said that, it's generally better when people solve their conflicts through diplomacy. trump is for war and unilateralism and aligns with the cancer known as bibi netanyahu. both of them please fuck off.

yeah, you're basically right there, but howevers, the Rethugs have been MUCH worse on the killing of innocents. Yes, Barack uses the drones way too much, but this is NOTHING compared to El Salvador/Iraq

!@#$%! 09.28.2016 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
yeah, you're basically right there, but howevers, the Rethugs have been MUCH worse on the killing of innocents. Yes, Barack uses the drones way too much, but this is NOTHING compared to El Salvador/Iraq

yes, republicans in general have been real sons of bitches in foreign policy as a rule. trump would be no exception. imagine, everyone who insults him is going to get a b2 bomber dropping ordinance on them

oh by the way-- a great read in today's washington post. this is how trump stands up for business ha ha ha ha ha:


compared to him, hillary is a saint

evollove 09.29.2016 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Drjohnrock
What I want to know is: why did HRC pay that guy to plow into my car? She was behind it! I just know it! Fucking bitch!

Hm. This seems more like Obama's fault. Something to do with the auto industry bailout. Not sure how it fits altogether. But it does.


BTW, the Daily Show came to my city to talk to people before a Trump rally. I actually graduated high school in the building they're standing in front of. This is so embarrassing.

Drjohnrock 09.29.2016 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
Hm. This seems more like Obama's fault. Something to do with the auto industry bailout. Not sure how it fits altogether. But it does.


BTW, the Daily Show came to my city to talk to people before a Trump rally. I actually graduated high school in the building they're standing in front of. This is so embarrassing.

Well, at least you can say you graduated from high school, unlike the Drump deplorables who flunked out of first grade.

greenlight 09.29.2016 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
It's always the same from you. I am SICK as FUCK with your false equivalency bullshit. If you're not able to make refined distinctions just shut up.

refined distinctions? off you go.



greenlight 09.29.2016 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Iran attacked Iraq. They had a war about it (maybe before you were born greenlight?)

Here are other fun things IRAN has done

Hijacking of Americans (direct attack on the US) in 1979.
Action by its government directly and/or via its armed -Hezbollah- wing:
US Marine Barracks in Oct. 1983, killing 241 Americans and 58 French soldiers.
1984-8 string of hijacking US personnel.
Bombing of US embassy in Lebanon in April 18, 1983, killing 63.
Bombings in Paris, France in 1985 and 1986. Dozens killed.
Attacking Israel since the 1980s via Hezbollah and Hamas terror "freedom fighting" Jihadi organizations.
Unsuccessful attempt to carry out attacks in Cyprus in 1988; a plot, foiled by Spanish police, to carry out attacks against Jewish targets in Europe in 1989; an unsuccessful attempt to detonate a car bomb outside a Jewish community building in Romania in 1992; and a planned 1996 attack, also foiled by police, on an Israeli institution in Paris.
1992 Bombing of Israeli embassy in Argentina. Killed 29.
1994 Bombing of AMIA Jewish community building, killed 85 and wounded 300, both, Iran and Hezbollah were charged.
July 19, 1994 bombing of Panamanian airline. Kills everyone (21) on board.
Killing of many American and British soldiers in Iraq (its trainors and weapons found there).
Killing of many of US, NATO soldiers in Afghanistan (backing Taliban).
Hezbollah "activities" in Somalia.
Many (Christian and pro western) Lebanese citizens fell victims to the terrorizing Hezbollah mob.
Use of Lebanese civilians, in its wars against Israel.

f. e. deadly attacks on Iranian nuclear scientists are being carried out by an Iranian dissident group that is financed, trained and armed by Israel’s secret service, U.S. officials tell NBC News, confirming charges leveled by Iran’s leaders. U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the Obama administration is aware of the assassination campaign but has no direct involvement....and list can go on and on I believe.

well, is not it the same what opposite sides are doing as well? but that is o. k. obviously. wtf.?

and god knows how many of what you are mentioning above was actually typical "operation gladio" thingy. check the history on Iran since WW2 till revolution in late 70ties. good one, no? I am not wondering why relations are so tense, so who is the enemy here? I don't want to defend Iranian theocratic constitution of Islam (it actually sounds scary) but pointing at them as agressor is bit constructed. and Israel having a nuclear weapons is o.k. and Iran can not have them, because they would destroy the world is bit unfair. sorry....I forgot, Israel does not have a nuclear weapons...I am a conspiracy theorist...

ilduclo 09.29.2016 03:36 PM


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.29.2016 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by greenlight
f. e. deadly attacks on Iranian nuclear scientists are being carried out by an Iranian dissident group that is financed, trained and armed by Israel’s secret service, U.S. officials tell NBC News, confirming charges leveled by Iran’s leaders. U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the Obama administration is aware of the assassination campaign but has no direct involvement....and list can go on and on I believe.

well, is not it the same what opposite sides are doing as well? but that is o. k. obviously. wtf.?

and god knows how many of what you are mentioning above was actually typical "operation gladio" thingy. check the history on Iran since WW2 till revolution in late 70ties. good one, no? I am not wondering why relations are so tense, so who is the enemy here? I don't want to defend Iranian theocratic constitution of Islam (it actually sounds scary) but pointing at them as agressor is bit constructed. and Israel having a nuclear weapons is o.k. and Iran can not have them, because they would destroy the world is bit unfair. sorry....I forgot, Israel does not have a nuclear weapons...I am a conspiracy theorist...

Its not necessarily about "who is the enemy" or who provoked whom rather as with the US/Russia discussion its the reality that "two wrongs never make a right" and provoked or not Iran hasn't necessarily been a "good guy" in the world but especially in the Levant and West Asia.

The false dichotomy of "the West is bad so their enemies must be good" is frankly getting embarrassing with so many otherwise well meaning and intelligent people arguing as apologists for international rogue states and black ops..

The Soup Nazi 09.29.2016 06:26 PM

Oh man, Gary Johnson is the comedic gift that keeps on giving. I think the key to his unintended comedy gold is that he doesn't try to bullcrap his way out of a question, he simply admits he doesn't know dick. :D Now, when he said he was having an "Aleppo moment" (which has been turned into a Twitter hashtag, just like #WhatIsAleppo before it), he went from a pathetically funny mook to an inconsiderate fucking asshole - THIS is what an Aleppo moment looks like, you "Libertarian" imbecile.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.29.2016 10:57 PM


pepper_green 09.29.2016 11:18 PM

what a out of touch cunt Hiliary is. her concerns are typical of her party and her type. saying the same old scum bag shit about minorities just to get that vote. she's the type that would pay a rapist a 1,000 dollars to get out of jail on good behavior just to have them receive a 1000 dollars. a suck up, worthless class biatch. she could never continue what Obama started. just rape it. I hate here retard liberal pussy attitude.

pepper_green 09.29.2016 11:33 PM

oh yeah Trump. he hates everyone and will enslave you.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.30.2016 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
what a out of touch cunt Hiliary is. her concerns are typical of her party and her type. saying the same old scum bag shit about minorities just to get that vote. she's the type that would pay a rapist a 1,000 dollars to get out of jail on good behavior just to have them receive a 1000 dollars. a suck up, worthless class biatch. she could never continue what Obama started. just rape it. I hate here retard liberal pussy attitude.


greenlight 09.30.2016 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Its not necessarily about "who is the enemy" or who provoked whom rather as with the US/Russia discussion its the reality that "two wrongs never make a right" and provoked or not Iran hasn't necessarily been a "good guy" in the world but especially in the Levant and West Asia.

The false dichotomy of "the West is bad so their enemies must be good" is frankly getting embarrassing with so many otherwise well meaning and intelligent people arguing as apologists for international rogue states and black ops..

exactly what i try to say. as you saying above nobody is saint. but that Russia is bad and dangerous so America must be good is just ridiculous. i do not want to deffend Russia, I am just tired of the same narrative from western mainstream media that them are bad and we are figting for peace and democracy values and instead bringing same if not bigger chaos and destruction to the whole middle east and it is getting messier day by day. Assad (who was elected by Syrians as their president and it seems that they like him) was using chemical weapons on his own people...(bit fucking stupid, isn't it?) 24/7 brainwash spin, 100 of moderate rebel groups (who kill only moderately, equipped with american weapons) financied by i do not know who (whole isis must be scam and the worst thing is that they have actually fans all around), war, destruction, typical staged regime change with same lame scenario. so he is doing what normal president does (to me), defends his country plus ask Russia for help. why should he step down? because someone accused him of killing his own people who voted for him (why would he do it anyway? just look at the guy does he looks like a tyrant, or is it that he just doesn't comply to someone elses agenda)? according to mainstream media Russia is killing civilians in Syria now... why would they do it? doesn't make any sense. worst thing is that whole country is in bits, horror, million people displaced. actually I should be lucky that I live in pretty much free society in peacefull times and shut up, if I think there would be a conflict like for example Nato against Russia we are pretty fucked over here...close enough. so it is not only them but also us (if not more) and maybe the real truth would be a shocker to everyone.

back to the elections tho. i will skip this thread till next debate. kinda tired of him and her...and being labeled conspiracy theorist just because I mention Soros (who does a lot of stir), or call someone evil (?!) and yet few of you here are mentioning black ops, coups, staged events, so you know that is the way things are done.

hold on. my today's fav. conspiracy memes..

greenlight 09.30.2016 06:15 AM




SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.30.2016 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by greenlight

Assad (who was elected by Syrians as their president and it seems that they like him)

You mean in a bogus election where 4,000,000 Syrians have been forced out of Syria, largely by GOVERNMENT violence and bombing, or the election that supposedly had over 93% approval (which is laughable to say the least and if anyone even remotely believes it was an actual election by any definition I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sell ;) )


was using chemical weapons on his own people...(bit fucking stupid, isn't it?)
don't forget bombing the shit out of the country killing tens of thousands of Syrian civilians who have NOTHING to do with terrorism but a lot to do with political opposition to Assad.. HMMMMMMMMMMM


24/7 brainwash spin, 100 of moderate rebel groups (who kill only moderately, equipped with american weapons) financied by i do not know who (whole isis must be scam and the worst thing is that they have actually fans all around), war, destruction, typical staged regime change with same lame scenario. so he is doing what normal president does (to me),
you mean the same US that has launched over 10,000 airstrikes against ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria? Yeah because you know its great foreign policy to continually attack and destroy militia groups that conspiracy nuts accuse one of somehow supporting?? SUUUUUUUUURE


defends his country plus ask Russia for help.



why should he step down?

Because he is destroying his own country and has completely lost his public mandate??


because someone accused him of killing his own people who voted for him (why would he do it anyway?

Its not an empty accusation and its not just "someone", its EVERYONE not named Putin or Assad!


just look at the guy does he looks like a tyrant, or is it that he just doesn't comply to someone elses agenda)?

Lets look at what he has done to Syria, lets look at how his family has EXCLUSIVELY controlled Syrian government for almost FIFTY years now, including through black ops and kidnapping??


according to mainstream media Russia is killing civilians in Syria now...


why would they do it?

because Assad is an important ally for Russia's oil pipeline to Europe and it was clear in 2011 that MILLIONS of Syrians in EVERY city in the country were resisting his dictatorship.


doesn't make any sense.

actually it makes perfect sense albeit totally insane

worst thing is that whole country is in bits, horror, million people displaced.



PLips 09.30.2016 10:07 AM

Alright enough regurgitation. I suggest you look up the extinct Syrian religion 'Manichaeism' from the prophet Manes circa 250AD. Don't just read the Wikipedia article which says nothing about its Veganism. The book 'The Manichaean Body' goes into full detail.

Manichaeism was manifested into Christianity from the time of the Crusades in Bulgaria and Bosnia as 'Bogomils' and in France as the Cathars and Albigensians whom were Slav colonies who practicised vegan Manichaeism.

Just as Bahai is the Paraclete of the Middle Eastern Religions, Manichaeism is the resolve for Syria, Zoroastrianism is the resolve for Iran, and Bogomilism is the resolve for Bosnia.

Obviously the resolution to these conflicts is so spiritually humble, but the utter arrogance of Islam and the secular West to marginalized and extinct virtuous philosophy it their own Hell. Go fuckyerself and read up on this shit babbling brooks

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.30.2016 10:10 AM

Because you know, ISIS totally has the airforce to pull of this kind of destruction



PLips 09.30.2016 10:17 AM

Yeah who cares?!? Why did the Muslims drive Manichaeism into extinction? Resurrect it! Anthony Burgess' "A Clockwork Orange" is based on Manichaean Dualism foreshadowing and reflecting Bosnian conflict between good and evil.

Are there Syrian Hippies? Syrian Beatniks would have to come first

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.30.2016 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by PLips
Yeah who cares?!?

I do, what of it?

PLips 09.30.2016 10:28 AM

Read up on Manichaeism!!! Who cares that it's extinct! It's extremely non violent and it's from SYRIA!!!

Rob Instigator 09.30.2016 10:49 AM

Manichaesim is a load of shit that influenced the development in early Christianity of a dichotomy where god vs satan was the everything. Manichean ideals posited a constant struggle between Light and Darkness, and that HUmanity was tasked with spreading Light to help combat the darkness.

Early church leaders took ideass from this religion when they started to believe that god was omniscient and shit, which brought about the idea that if god was all powerful and all knowing then he created all the evil in the world as well (fucking asshole toying with us). which is the end rewsult of absolutism.
because of this the Manichean ideas were transposed onto a very minor mythological figure and the idea of SATAN the GREAT ADVERSARY (an old Manichean name for the Darkness that Light fights against) who seems to be on eqwual footing with YHVH fighting for the souls of all humans.


Also, Manichean worship deemed the entirety of physical existence as evil and degraded, a trap for our souls which seek to escape this corporeal life of evil and unite with the noncorporeal good of the Light Deity.,

Bullshit upon bullshit

What is needed is a complete and total rejection of all religion (which is what Jesus the Christ was actually advocating and why the Hebrew leaders had the Romans kill him) , which is also what the OG Buddha was preaching, but no one makes money off of personal spirituality, so organized religions of any and all kind will continue to fuck us humans in the ass and make us bleed money to pour down their corrupt con-artist throats......

fuck all that shit.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.30.2016 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Manichaesim is a load of shit that influenced the development in early Christianity of a dichotomy where god vs satan was the everything. Manichean ideals posited a constant struggle between Light and Darkness, and that HUmanity was tasked with spreading Light to help combat the darkness.

Actually it was a heresy that never influenced Christianity,was always considered a crazy cult, and was continually shut down by the Orthodoxy.


Early church leaders took ideass from this religion when they started to believe that god was omniscient and shit, which brought about the idea that if god was all powerful and all knowing then he created all the evil in the world as well (fucking asshole toying with us). which is the end rewsult of absolutism.

No they didn't, quite the opposite, early Church leaders consistently rejected Manichaesim, especially this false idea of some kind of cosmic dualism or duality.


because of this the Manichean ideas were transposed onto a very minor mythological figure and the idea of SATAN the GREAT ADVERSARY (an old Manichean name for the Darkness that Light fights against) who seems to be on eqwual footing with YHVH fighting for the souls of all humans.
again this duality was EXPLICITLY and CONSISTENTLY rejected by the Church, period.


Also, Manichean worship deemed the entirety of physical existence as evil and degraded, a trap for our souls which seek to escape this corporeal life of evil and unite with the noncorporeal good of the Light Deity.,

Yes, which is why it was a heresy that was rejected at every level.
Bullshit upon bullshit


What is needed is a complete and total rejection of all religion (which is what Jesus the Christ was actually advocating and why the Hebrew leaders had the Romans kill him) ,

Which was why He specifically established apostles, disciples, and the infrastructure of an institutional Church right?

So it seems this thread knows ZERO about Christianity AND Syrian war... sighs...

Rob Instigator 09.30.2016 11:10 AM

you have read the bible man., Jesus said that the Church exists in our hearts, not as an institution. He called for everyone to not procreate, to leave their familial and religious obligations. The establishment of apostles was to spread that very word of internal divinity, NOT to create a bureaucratic structure that determines the beliefs its followers should follow. The OG christians were oppressed specifically because they were a threat to the state to organized religions of the time and to the very fabric of what the ruling people called "society,"

Rob Instigator 09.30.2016 11:11 AM

BTW, you know that church "leaders" reject things publicly which they actually incorporate into their lies: idol worship, sainthood(ancestor worship), pedophilia, sexual abuse, greed, war, killing, etc.


PLips 09.30.2016 11:23 AM

Regardless of whether Dogma is any basis for Faith there is a Dualism to Syria right now. That the 'Clockwork Orange' is committing suicide and NATO is putting mechanical restrictions on evil by bombing it.

The Manichaean Bogomil church in Bosnia existed on the border of Catholic and Orthodox influence, and had ability to function with a loose freedom for centuries. That it was actually a very peaceful place until WWI, which it had finally gone extinct decades before.

I'll post a printout of the 'Manichaean Body' that explains it's veganism.

My own belief in the virtue of veganism is not only that you don't kill another sentient being, is that you don't exploit it either. It is a virtue you can only prove to yourself not to impress or influence others, as Hitler and someone once told me Pol Pot was vegetarian.

Manichaeism is extinct, yet it is part of Syrian history and culture. Islam is Arabian, and so why they are valueing their a foreign tradition over their own is my belief the Syrian conflict is the result of their own hypocrisy.

What Animal Collective said on the album 'Sung Tongs': Please please please, try to enjoy your roots, have some fun fun, fun fun.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.30.2016 11:24 AM

Rob, you are a well read and intelligent dude.. I know you have a strong bias against religion, and that is completely fair, but at the least you should make evidence based, historically accurate arguments when discussing Christianity, and if you don't have the evidence don't make unintelligible and false claims?

also, can we get back to Syria or mocking the Election?

PLips 09.30.2016 11:42 AM

Before you go back these are two print outs from the book 'The Manichaean Body' which outlines the code of ethics of the 'Elect' or Monastic class of Manichaeism and vegan criticism by St. Augustine. There's no getting around it mang, this is some Syria's shit!



greenlight 09.30.2016 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Because you know, ISIS totally has the airforce to pull of this kind of destruction




hundreds of sorties,tens of thousands of rockets and artillery shells

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.30.2016 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by greenlight

hundreds of sorties,tens of thousands of rockets and artillery shells

That one picture is just one of hundreds, thousands, of the destruction across Syria. It is not some Western media conspiracy, it is an internationally recognized FACT that the Syrian military is committing the brunt of the violence, destruction, and killing. There are only 20,000 jihadis, yet possibly 500,000 killed Syrian civilians.. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Assad has made ISIS the boogeyman as a convenient scapegoat for his own military's cruel and inhumane destruction of their political opposition and menacing intimidation of civilians from trying to resist government oppression in anyway.

Again, so you work for RT then?


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.30.2016 12:44 PM

In case no one noticed, I feel "some kind of way" about Syria and I will not be shy or back down about it. If you want to wave Assad's flag, prepare for me to go at you with ZERO apologies or fucks given

greenlight 09.30.2016 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous



have to react.

what do evil dictators look like? what do they talk like? just how wicked is an evil dictator’s wife ? should she be toppled along with her husband? who am I talking about? president Assad of Syria and his wife, Asmas Al Assad.
you will be sorry you ever believed any lies told about them, let alone what they have conspired to do against them and all the citizens of Syria.

"Fall of Aleppo" is a very revealing phrase in that what the US is trying to prevent is Aleppo being run by Syria's legitimate government. given that ISIS and Al Qaeda do not have aircraft, these manpads are intended for use against the warplanes of Syria's government, and against Russia's aircraft, who were invited to enter Syria and assist the legitimate government. in contrast, the United States has no legitimate right to be in Syria, let alone waging war against Syrian forces .

I wont be arguing with you, clearly you are brainwashed so much that you would not even consider fact something else might be going on from what cnn is telling you. and you are saying I have zero idea? piss off then.

you right though, I would vote me bollox!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.30.2016 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by greenlight
have to react.

what do evil dictators look like? what do they talk like? just how wicked is an evil dictator’s wife ? should she be toppled along with her husband?

Its not a fashion magazine, its about human life being utterly disregarded for the sake of power grab.

Admittedly Assad started in mid-2000s with the potential as a reformer, he himself is well education and respected even if his family and regime have an atrocious history. However since 2011 he has revealed that he is entirely inept and weak and controlled by the regime OR he is actively a shameful, murdering war criminal.


you will be sorry you ever believed any lies told about them, let alone what they have conspired to do against them and all the citizens of Syria.

Only one believing lies is you. Keep waving that flag meanwhile thousands of people will continue to die, millions have been chased out of their homes and homeland, all so you can feel smug about your anti-Western view point. THIS IS REAL LIFE NOT SOME POLITICAL VIDEO GAME AND REAL PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING AND DYING EVERY SINGLE DAY


"Fall of Aleppo" is a very revealing phrase in that what the US is trying to prevent is Aleppo being run by Syria's legitimate government.

Legitimate governments don't have half the population fleeing in exile, voting with their feet. Legitimate governments don't have to rely solely on military force and violence to govern. Legitimate governments don't kill tens of thousands of civilians.


given that ISIS and Al Qaeda do not have aircraft, these manpads are intended for use against the warplanes of Syria's government, and against Russia's aircraft, who were invited to enter Syria and assist the legitimate government.

So did Putin send you or is it Assad?


in contrast, the United States has no legitimate right to be in Syria, let alone waging war against Syrian forces .

Sure but what does that have to do with Assad regime and their bullshit war against civilians?


I wont be arguing with you, clearly you are brainwashed so much that you would not even consider fact something else might be going on from what cnn is telling you. and you are saying I have zero idea? piss off then.

Oh, so I am the one who is brainwashed meanwhile you are waving the flag of an evil regime that is killing thousands of its own civilians.

History will demonstrate that it is YOU and your bullshit fanboy attitude about Putin and Assad that are in the wrong here. I don't have to argue anything, reality speaks well enough for itself.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.30.2016 01:05 PM

Its amazing the level of cognitive dissonance that exists surrounding Syria. More so its depressing. If an American President were doing even a small fraction of what the Syrian government is doing there would be unanimous international and domestic outrage, no questions asked. People criticize Overlord Hillary for emails or Bengazi?? What a fucking joke.

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