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king_buzzo 06.27.2007 06:23 AM

pookie, why is it soooooooooooo boring?

sarramkrop 06.27.2007 06:29 AM

Because you keep on posting boring shite, that's why. Now, fix me a drink, bitch!


Pookie's assistant

king_buzzo 06.27.2007 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Because you keep on posting boring shite, that's why. Now, fix me a drink, bitch!


Pookie's assistant

*sends cyber drink*there you go. Thank me later.

Pookie 07.03.2007 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by king_buzzo
pookie, why is it soooooooooooo boring?

Did you mean IT?

king_buzzo 07.03.2007 11:38 AM

as in computers? ohh well, let me ask something else.

so, almost everyone i know left for holidays, so i have 3 days of school left, and without anyone in it, is it going to be boring as fuck and lonely? and another thing, what should i do on lunch? internet?

Danny Himself 07.03.2007 12:08 PM

Dear Pookie,

I followed the advice you gave me in response to my previous letter, and went on a date to see Spiderman 3. Sadly, the film did not live up to my expectations- it seemed the hearsay and rumour was more compelling than the actual motion picture. But I got lucky that night also, so who's complaining?

I am writing to you with yet another conundrum. Should I go to see Bruce Willis' action packed Die Hard 4.0? My opinion, based on Bruce interviews I have seen on television and trailers on youtube, is that the film looks quite good. But then I think- do I expect too much? I loved the previous three films in the Die Hard series.. will this one spoil the love I have for the Die Hard franchise?

Dying hard to hear from you again,

Ambassador Wellington 'Fancy' Mbutu, Ivory Coast

sonicl 07.03.2007 12:36 PM

Dear Pookie,

Should I go and see the third Shrek movie at the cinema, or should I wait for it to come out on DVD and watch it at home on my little television?

Best wishes,
Francois Du Dupont XIII

PS - Don't you dare even think of suggesting that I just look in the mirror and save myself some money.

king_buzzo 07.03.2007 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by sonicl

PS - Don't you dare even think of suggesting that I just look in the mirror and save myself some money.


Tokolosh 07.04.2007 12:48 PM

Dear Pookie,

Why is it that when I go to Google and I type in Sharapova, I get:

Iask Myself.

Pookie 07.04.2007 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
Dear Pookie,

Why is it that when I go to Google and I type in Sharapova, I get:


Iask Myself.

Are you really expecting me to believe you didn't type in "Sharapova sucking a banana"?

Because this comes up when I put Sharapova:


Pookie 07.04.2007 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Francois
Dear Pookie,

Should I go and see the third Shrek movie at the cinema, or should I wait for it to come out on DVD and watch it at home on my little television?

Best wishes,
Francois Du Dupont XIII

PS - Don't you dare even think of suggesting that I just look in the mirror and save myself some money.

Watch it on your TV, but sit very close to it in order to enjoy the cinema experience. And to add to the experience, get a loved one to sit behind you whispering and slurping through a straw.

sarramkrop 07.05.2007 03:22 AM

Dear Pookie,

Why do people talk bollocks so frequently?


Pookie 07.10.2007 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Dear Pookie,

Why do people talk bollocks so frequently?



SynthethicalY 07.20.2007 03:02 AM

Dear Pookie,

Why is it, that I am bored even when I am tired? Always the same feeling, should I dance naked to feel a little excitement?

Boring Harry.

Pookie 07.20.2007 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
Dear Pookie,

Why is it, that I am bored even when I am tired? Always the same feeling, should I dance naked to feel a little excitement?

Boring Harry.

I always feel a little excitement when I'm bored.


sarramkrop 08.05.2007 02:51 PM

Dear Pookie,

My friends take the mickey out of me because they say that I have very big hands. I don't understand why. Help!

Handy Williams

Pookie 08.06.2007 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Dear Pookie,

My friends take the mickey out of me because they say that I have very big hands. I don't understand why. Help!

Handy Williams

Potsie! I know that's really you.

And don't worry, it's hardly noticeable.

But if you're feeling self-conscious, just paint them red and pretend you're on your way to a football match, and you're wearing those big novelty foam hands.

jon boy 08.06.2007 07:00 AM

dear pookie,

when will i die?

your as ever is, j.

Pookie 08.06.2007 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
dear pookie,

when will i die?

your as ever is, j.


Tokolosh 08.06.2007 07:15 AM


Dear Pookie,

Why don't you call me Toto anymore?
You know how it makes me feel.

Pretty please,
_ _ _ _

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