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floatingslowly 02.09.2011 09:22 PM

2010 was so very fucking badass.

DeadDiscoDildo 02.09.2011 11:47 PM

It was just OK for me.

I can see why you are stoked on it though.

floatingslowly 06.16.2011 07:56 AM

______, I'm so proud of you. :(....

who knew there was money to be found in "artificial" guinea pig insemination??????

you did, buddy, that's who. you DID!!!!!

floatingslowly 06.16.2011 09:39 AM

what's this "I'll sure miss SYG" bullshit? are they sending you to the moon??? you know the moon gets internet, right??

do you really want to hurt me???? do you want to make me cry????????????????????


floatingslowly 06.16.2011 09:45 AM

this is NOT COOL. I'm drowning in a flood of tears.


floatingslowly 06.16.2011 10:02 AM

I am about to email that website to tell them that you have a large stash of 'mentally challenged', 'goat' and 'mentally challenged vs. goat' porn stashed on your hard-drive along with your picture (which I thankfully saved in case 'fishsticks" doesn't ring a bell) in hopes that my efforts will reverse this dreadful day.

don't make me hit send, damn you. why you do dis to me??????????????????????????????????

floatingslowly 06.16.2011 10:23 AM

no!!!! do not listen to kinkypassturdpresenter. he doesn't love you like I love you. love you long time. love like the love between a man and his favorite stash of downloadable interactive Japanese fetish porn.

but no....just toss me aside and hide me like those masturbation tubesocks that your mother pretended not to find in her panty drawer. just go. just run away from this to that and play with your silly rich euro (€) friends until you rub holes in each other to the point where urine spurts out in six different directions, making it impossible to ever use a MAN'S toilet again.

you selfish bastard. what about the children?????? did you ever think of them???? no. you didn't. all you care about is fine cigars and your grandfather's wine dynasty. rich people stuff. :(!!!!!

floatingslowly 06.16.2011 10:34 AM

I dont believe that's what he's doing. that's just some other bullshit that friend-stealing website is involved in.

I hate them and their deep pockets full of BLOOD.

the future is underground where the sun dont shine.

floatingslowly 06.16.2011 10:59 AM

I have moved right through the stages of grief on to acceptance.


if you don't want to visit SYG in order to read about sonic youth's latest Yoko-inspired mixtape, which handheld version of Pokemon Teal yiujean is playing (for the day), astonicperk's one-millionth hour of watching Chinese pirated DVDs or, say, just how gassy last night's spicy bean curry made genteel death...then just GO. GO and never look back.

wait.....oh god....I don't care about any of that either!!!!!!!!¿¿¿ what does this mean!!!?? all the goodbye SYG. you fucking cunts......


floatingslowly 06.16.2011 11:52 AM

if you want to speak to me, I will be accepting messages clandestinely via comment section #16 of

ask for extra jalapeños. I'll know what to do.


gast30 06.16.2011 12:12 PM

it's good that today on the news the discrimination of colord people
on the work floor is busted

these medieval rasistic rapist phedofile europeans who think they are the überbreed
are put on their place

floatingslowly 06.16.2011 12:15 PM

woah. ur liek a gost!!!!!!!!! im will go 2 walmurt 2day n bye shitgun

do u thnk cirk cobane ther 2??????????

I mean gudby. shitgun r goodbuy @ wel*murt

fuck u afunsolo. who neds frenndds???????

floatingslowly 06.16.2011 12:16 PM

blue is my favorite colored people. they are in 3D.

floatingslowly 06.16.2011 12:20 PM

I heard Hole killed him. lots of little Hole.

floatingslowly 06.16.2011 01:27 PM

omg no u did it SYG. that goes last of intl. hitmakers .

sutups £ joggnz r mor Fun. then hear

fuck, somebody find me a messageboard....stat.

floatingslowly 06.16.2011 02:50 PM

yes. you said, and I quote:


Originally Posted by afonso
goodbye SYG fagboyz - I have a real job now like real mans and have no more time for you.

to floatingslowly: I leave you my collection of Japanese masturbation sleeves
to nikikinjkknipasswprkforgtttrr: I leave nothing. I hate you.
to savage clown: I leave you my eelskin pants. worn only three times. never washed.
to knox: I love you so much it hurts.
to glice: why do you hate MY white race so much???
to genteel desth: your pms make me blush :o
to crumbs crunchy delights: you are a beautfuk lady I want to cuddle
to neflieli; you are ThE BEST I love you love you more than knox

goodbye. it was the best of times. it was times to sing joys.

sounds pretty final to me. don't toy with my heart. <\3

floatingslowly 06.16.2011 03:59 PM

didn't you hear about %^%##%%.....???

he died. it was AiDS.


ps: give nicfit your sleeves. I'm too big for them anyways.

Savage Clone 06.16.2011 04:17 PM

Looking forward to those pants.

gast30 06.17.2011 03:23 AM

good morning
i'm gonna start this beautifull day in the computerage with smoking grass

gast30 06.26.2011 04:41 PM

done a iq-test in a stoned flashing state and got 130

my first test
the computer sez that i'm HIGHLY-SKILLED
i was high
the end.

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