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ilduclo 10.24.2018 09:23 AM

Right winger mail bombs to Soros, Clinton and Obama

Lefties mail bombs? nope

ilduclo 10.24.2018 11:04 AM

ilduclo 10.24.2018 11:35 AM

“The second they come here, they have a full legal right to free education, to free healthcare. They don’t pay for it, we pay for it. When you go to the doctor, you pay for your medical bills, they don’t have to. The people who are part of this current invasion, over 80 percent are gang-aged males, military-aged males. Many of them are from the extremely dangerous gang called MS-13.

“Those who are globalists, like George Soros, his goal is to see the destruction of the United States because he wants a one-world government. We need to recognize these are bad actors who want to see this happen and that’s why I thank God that Donald Trump is the President of the United States. If the president stands up and keeps this invading army out, I think he will be rewarded politically by the people in the United States.”

Michelle Crazy Eyes

Bytor Peltor 10.24.2018 01:00 PM

I early voted today!

I would post a pic of the sticker they gave me as I left, but I don’t know how to post pics from my phone : (

evollove 10.24.2018 01:35 PM

I voted early too.

Then came home to the news about pipe bombs sent to prominent democrats.

I assume a disgruntled Democrat is behind all this, because they are the ones who are hysterical and out of control and prone to violence, right?

EDIT: I was being sarcastic with the above comment, but I couldn't resist checking out the Breitbart crowd. First comment I see:

Lolol—awww come on people- this is a set up.. Dims trying to affect the voting

Another winner:

Of course it is a trick. They almost always find the sender in these cases but I will bet the ranch they never find these senders. If they do happen to find them it will not be revealed who they are until after the mid-terms. This is just another desperate attempt by the Left to fool the masses that get their news and politics spoon fed to them by Google, Facebook and their television sets.

!@#$%! 10.24.2018 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I didn't say full equality had been achieved yet. I said that the amendments and subsequent legislation had done much to extend the promise of the enlightenment to everyone, and then gave examples of those laws and their effects.

oh! the promise!

here a few promises for you:

you look fine

don’t worry, you’ll be okay

i’ll respect you in the morning

it’s not you, it’s me

i’ll call you

the check is in the mail!


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Yeah, a CRITICALLY important step towards freedom.

freedom from excessive incarceration, freedom from police brutality, freedom from discrimination, freedom from electoral apartheid, freedom from what?

words words words


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
My argument here continues as above, but the legal status of transsexuals might be more reasonably founded in whether or not they have a Y-chromosome than in the results of elective cosmetic surgery designed to create an illusion.

oh wow, who made you the gender expert? i didn’t know you had such understanding of these things.

please tell us how did you achieve this expertise


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
As I said, important steps have been taken, but much remains.

words words words

here’s a list of broken treaties for you n_treaties


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I'm saying they voted as a class according to their interests as a class.

class + ethnicity


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
That's not what I mean, and you know it.

i think you’re the one who doesn’t know what you mean because you’re so completely out of touch you think “promises” is enough

the service entrance is still in the back


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
On that I agree with you, but much has already been accomplished.


so out of touch! you must live in a bubble.

choc e-Claire 10.24.2018 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
My argument here continues as above, but the legal status of transsexuals might be more reasonably founded in whether or not they have a Y-chromosome than in the results of elective cosmetic surgery designed to create an illusion.

What's it to you whether trans women piss in the girl's bathroom?

(Also, there's a surprising amount of chromosomal differences, and you'll find most genetic scientists will say 'it's a bit more complicated than just XX / XY'.)

choc e-Claire 10.24.2018 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Many women don't relish the idea of sharing a bathroom with a "Trans Woman'.

That's true, but it really shouldn't be an issue: nobody's going to see a penis they don't want to.

And before you hit me with the safety argument, it's actually the other way round: trans people are significantly more likely to be assaulted than cis ones.

choc e-Claire 10.24.2018 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
When that happens, law enforcement should hold the perpetrators accountable, although I realize that doesn't a always happen.

Perpetrators should be held accountable, nobody's saying they shouldn't be. I'm just saying that the safety argument shouldn't be used as one to try and stop trans people from using the bathroom they'd prefer.

!@#$%! 10.24.2018 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
No: Laws, laws, laws.

laws are sheer bullshit when racism and sexism are institutionalized in legislatures, police departments, the medical profession, school funding...


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Reasoning will tell you the difference between a real man or woman and a surgically crafted illusion.


your binary speculations don’t apply to reality

you need to get out and meet more people before spewing nonsensical theories about things you know nothing about

or... did lola suprise you?


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
There remains a lot of work to be done.

well clearly


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Please re-read my prior posts about why working class people support Trump. I'm not going to re-post the whole thing again.

i know what he did

we all do


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I didn't say "promises", but "the promise". There's a big difference.

singular, plural, lie, lies, truth value = 0


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Agreed. But the framework for achieving the promise is here and it is real. It's called the Constitution.


he brought out the fetishes & the holy relics

the check is in the mail!

it’s in the mail!

it’s in the mail!


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Not quite.

bubble boy

Savage Clone 10.24.2018 11:38 PM

I'm a working class person and that rich kid can fuck right off. The fact that a person like that has managed to hijack populism only proves how stupid people really are. My vasectomy was the best decision I ever made. Humans should just become extinct. I honestly hope these are the end times.

tw2113 10.24.2018 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I'm a working class person and that rich kid can fuck right off. The fact that a person like that has managed to hijack populism only proves how stupid people really are. My vasectomy was the best decision I ever made. Humans should just become extinct. I honestly hope these are the end times.

would you agree that humanity is a virus on the planet earth? I feel that at times, truth be told.

ilduclo 10.25.2018 09:27 AM

Just another reason to vote D, so-called “Justice Dept” vs EEOC on trans rights

_tunic_ 10.25.2018 10:35 AM

any fans of the President Show on here? The latest episode was quite a thrill. You could watch it on the CC site in full if you're able and willing to sign in (I'm not even trying, as a non US resident it's probably not even possible :( ). Or read about it and see a small clip here


A President Show Documentary: The Fall of Donald Trump

A President Show Documentary: The Fall of Donald Trump - After losing re-election in 2020, Donald Trump's (Anthony Atamanuik) life enters a tailspin, and years later, a documentary crew attempts to track down his whereabouts.

Severian 10.25.2018 01:57 PM

*accusations of false flag democrats plotting their own homemade-bomb-based PR campaigns abound*

Bytor Peltor 10.26.2018 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
Right winger mail bombs to Soros, Clinton and Obama

Lefties mail bombs? nope

Are devices that are poorly made, incapable of going -BOOM- actually a bomb?

Pipe, duck tape, protruding wires and a smart phone:

It sure looked real and caused headaches for many. It’s fortunate that the person or persons responsible for this didn’t have the “know how” to pull it off.


Why send one to those four?
They aren’t running for or controlling anything??

Ilduclo thinks the Right is responsible......why?
To make the Republicans look bad?
To keep Republicans from voting?

......was someone trying to motivate Democrats to go vote?

Many Democrats were quick to call it many times did the Democrats want then-President Obama to call evil acts -terrorism- when something actually did happen while he was in Office......but he never would?

Anyone else find that odd?

To be clear, you don’t need detonation for the act to be terrorism......IT WAS TERRORISM!!!

Evaluating buildings and causing panic = TERRORISM!!!

I hope they find who is responsible and prosecute him/them to the fullest extent of the law!!!

Rob Instigator 10.26.2018 08:34 AM

bombers are weak assholes.

Think about the idiots that bomb and kill abortion doctors. Those are right wing hardcore idiots.

these packages have all come from Florida, the state with the largest collection of all kinds of idiot, both left wing and right wing....

!@#$%! 10.26.2018 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Are devices that are poorly made, incapable of going -BOOM- actually a bomb?

Pipe, duck tape, protruding wires and a smart phone:

It sure looked real and caused headaches for many. It’s fortunate that the person or persons responsible for this didn’t have the “know how” to pull it off.


Why send one to those four?
They aren’t running for or controlling anything??

Ilduclo thinks the Right is responsible......why?
To make the Republicans look bad?
To keep Republicans from voting?

......was someone trying to motivate Democrats to go vote?

Many Democrats were quick to call it many times did the Democrats want then-President Obama to call evil acts -terrorism- when something actually did happen while he was in Office......but he never would?

Anyone else find that odd?

To be clear, you don’t need detonation for the act to be terrorism......IT WAS TERRORISM!!!

Evaluating buildings and causing panic = TERRORISM!!!

I hope they find who is responsible and prosecute him/them to the fullest extent of the law!!!


..............why? (as you’d say)

..............were you in denial about deadbeat donnie’s rhetoric and its effects?

ok enough with the dots

yes, we didn’t know before, but we now know, cesar sayoc jr, a registered republican from florida, originally from new york (tesla is that you?) has been arrested for this terroristic bullshit

check out his sticker-covered van


yes, as the late john mccain put it so well, trump fired up the crazies, and he continues to do so every day

now wait for tesla to say false flag! etc etc and post a link from a lunatic blog

Bytor Peltor 10.26.2018 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

..............why? (as you’d say)

..............were you in denial about deadbeat donnie’s rhetoric and its effects?

ok enough with the dots

yes, we didn’t know before, but we now know, cesar sayoc jr, a registered republican from florida, originally from new york (tesla is that you?) has been arrested for this terroristic bullshit

check out his sticker-covered van


yes, as the late john mccain put it so well, trump fired up the crazies, and he continues to do so every day

now wait for tesla to say false flag! etc etc and post a link from a lunatic blog

So a guy “living in a van down by the river” somehow represents the Right, a crazie deadbeat donnie as you put it......and it’s people like this who elected Donald Trump into office?

Or more importantly, will be the ones to vote and help the Republicans keep control of the House and Senate on November 6th?

The ALL CAPS were for anyone of you who would try and say I was somehow not thinking this was terrorism. Bombs that don’t go -BOOM- make it much easier to dissect and investigate.

Have you heard the one about College campuses going out of their way to say that ANTIFA is protected language......while at the same time circulating flyers to their students warning them that sombreros, mustaches and Indian paraphernalia are not wise decisions for Halloween costume‘s because, “my culture is not your costume?”

Wish I had a CNN Sucks sticker on my jeep......everyone have a great weekend!

!@#$%! 10.26.2018 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
So a guy “living in a van down by the river” somehow represents the Right, a crazie deadbeat donnie as you put it......and it’s people like this who elected Donald Trump into office?

Or more importantly, will be the ones to vote and help the Republicans keep control of the House and Senate on November 6th?

The ALL CAPS were for anyone of you who would try and say I was somehow not thinking this was terrorism. Bombs that don’t go -BOOM- make it much easier to dissect and investigate.

Have you heard the one about College campuses going out of their way to say that ANTIFA is protected language......while at the same time circulating flyers to their students warning them that sombreros, mustaches and Indian paraphernalia are not wise decisions for Halloween costume‘s because, “my culture is not your costume?”

Wish I had a CNN Sucks sticker on my jeep......everyone have a great weekend!

lmao “college campuses”

whataboutism at its best

right out of deadbeat donnie’s propaganda school

say hi to your bomber friends :D

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