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!@#$%! 01.27.2013 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
In your reply, please consider whether you've been so much more reasonable to me because I identify as a cis-hetero-male. thx

i was cleaning catshit i came back briefly cuz of curiosity (it kills me). so...

no, funny man, it's because you didn't start up with accusations and you actually heard what i said without overreaching with wild conclusions and casting aspersions, declaring me "blacklisted", or impugning my motives-- you know, saying that if i sink and drown, i'm innocent, but if i float, im a witch that must be burned. so, yeah, it's because your answer wasn't fucking deranged.

i don't think nefeli is a cis-hetero-male whatever, and i think she's amazing, and she made a good post.

anyway, having said that, let me clarify i also have no fucking idea of what "cis" is, and i hope it's not an abbreviation for circumcision or some other horror.

k, gtg. beef.

keep poppin pimples 01.27.2013 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples

This means that some men should never approach strange women in public. Specifically, if you have truly unusual standards of personal cleanliness, if you are the prophet of your own religion, or if you have tattoos of gang symbols or Technicolor cockroaches all over your face and neck, you are just never going to get a good response approaching a woman cold.

i have a simple question. i talk funny and have a weird name and a beard and not especially fancy clothes. people meeting me for the first time will ask if i'm a muslim or if my parents are communists or if i know any illegal immigrants.

am i allowed to talk to women?

what if it has nothing to do with dating and i'm lost and just wanna find a bus stop so i go home to my mommy?

keep poppin pimples 01.27.2013 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i was cleaning catshit i came back briefly cuz of curiosity (it kills me). so...

let me clarify i also have no fucking idea of what "cis" is, and i hope it's not an abbreviation for circumcision or some other horror.

since we who have foreskin in america have to watch out for eachother, i'm going to recommend googling cis sexuality before next responding to the term

Genteel Death 01.27.2013 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
ever heard of hyperbole.

Sure, that's why I imagined you were simply doing some selective reading on past threads to convince yourself that you could word your post in a way that'd come across as convincing to board members who didn't know Laila on this forum while she was still regularly posting. If I remember well, Rob was super friendly and civilised to her while she was on here. Less hyperbole, more facts, please.

Genteel Death 01.27.2013 04:06 PM

Ironically, since you mentioned her username, I didn't see anyone busy attacking Rob on this (annoying) thread coming to her rescue while she was on the receiving end of pretty offensive jokes on a daily basis.

keep poppin pimples 01.27.2013 04:10 PM

if you search her name it literally takes five seconds to find this thread where two different people call her 'sunni poony' and the reason she was originally mentioned in this thread is because rob said persians are hot. i'm not trying to act like i was her best friend, i could easily have teased her too without even remembering, hope not. but she never did anything to anybody that there should be a 2 page thread making fun of her when she wasn't even on the site anymore

Genteel Death 01.27.2013 04:15 PM

I'm well aware of that, thank you very much.

Genteel Death 01.27.2013 04:22 PM

PM me please


PM me please


PM me please


PM me please


the ikara cult 01.27.2013 04:41 PM

I should add, im not much bothered by the initial tone of the thread, more by the tone, volume and level of the responses to the objections raised, and the lack of self-awareness and self-criticism these responses appear to indicate.

knox 01.27.2013 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i was cleaning catshit i came back briefly cuz of curiosity (it kills me). so...

no, funny man, it's because you didn't start up with accusations and you actually heard what i said without overreaching with wild conclusions and casting aspersions, declaring me "blacklisted", or impugning my motives-- you know, saying that if i sink and drown, i'm innocent, but if i float, im a witch that must be burned. so, yeah, it's because your answer wasn't fucking deranged.

i don't think nefeli is a cis-hetero-male whatever, and i think she's amazing, and she made a good post.

anyway, having said that, let me clarify i also have no fucking idea of what "cis" is, and i hope it's not an abbreviation for circumcision or some other horror.

k, gtg. beef.

let me refresh your memory once again:
you were the ONLY person on this board who didn't agree to keep objetification in ONE thread, despite the requests of QUITE A FEW women.
this was a long time ago...
very good memory for someone drunk and derranged.
oh no, i don't forget that sort of thing.

besides, everyone else made it very clear to you: it's blatantly obvious that you never addressed any points raised here but instead took it as an opportunity to try and attack me in every possible low way you could. then changed the tone completely when a man told you off.

in fact, you are reacting the exact same way you did before.

i'll take being a derranged drunk any day over being an insensitive coward.

keep poppin pimples 01.27.2013 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death

because people are telling knox to chill...
so you would think most people would appreciate a user so chilled that they want private contact, voice messages and facebook and myspace friendship with everyone even if they're mean as hell. we should be embarassed as a group that many of us are too mean to appreciate the sort of kindness and unconditional love that one is lucky to get from their own parents.

the ikara cult 01.27.2013 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
While she made some good points, some of which have been brought up on this forum more than twice previously, and certainly I have discussed and agreed on with other women in my life many times in the past, including my sisters, I still find knox insufferably patronising when she brings them forward to her internet audience. For instance, it made me chuckle that she even tried to suggest on this thread that I have an insensitive attitude towards gay-bashing (if I read that correctly). That's not the first time she ridiculously suggested I am insensitive to gender issues either. I'm all for being aggressive on subjects such as these, but if you end up alienating potential recruits to your cause, or worse still, you push away people already converted from engaging in any discussion with you because of your attitude, thus making them discuss those issues with people they'll find more engaging, surely it shouldn't come as a surprise if you are met with an indifferent or antagonist attitude from your regular bunch of idiotic rape-apologists and all-male internet acrobats, who will obviously enter the discussion with a well-worded reply to cover their tracks.

Lets be frank Porky, you love being a cunt on the internet. Its no surprise people question your motives when you reply to serious matters.

Genteel Death 01.27.2013 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by the ikara cult
Lets be frank Porky, you love being a cunt on the internet. Its no surprise people question your motives when you reply to serious matters.

I'm quoting this for when I need it to give you a run down of all the patronisingly homophobic traits you display on the internet. That's how much of a cunt I like being on the internet.

the ikara cult 01.27.2013 05:50 PM

How about now, lets see all those patronisingly homophobic traits now

Genteel Death 01.27.2013 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by the ikara cult
Ive been reading this thread and have felt either confused or sad whilst doing so.

Speaking as a heterocentric, very-likely-better-at-sports and, erm, intellectual debate than-most-of-you-queers man who thinks that taking a paracetemol when youre hungover makes you one giant plant-eating pussy, im often in the kind of twisted up emotional state where i think "I dont give a shit how homosexuals feel about their place in society and particularly on this forum. Get off my face unless you are obedient and show only exaggerated enthusiasm for life and people you don't know even know". I look at how many copies Boy Meets Boy has sold and part of me thinks "If you want these abusive fuckers running your lives, fuck you and dont come crying to me about it".

Then I fucking grow a pair, and realise how detestable that attitude is, but only just.

This is how I alternatively read your post. Frankly, ikara cult, there isn't much you can do if I enjoy being a cunt on the internet, and if you are annoyed by my attitude and reluctance to engage in almost 0% of serious conversations with you, it is because I don't really value your opinion and find you flakey and untrustworthy. You may be a nice guy in the flesh for all I know, but the fact remains that I don't really know who you are other than the times I happen to read your posts, and it's not my number one priority to get to know you either, particularity if you display such ambiguous attitude towards me, which makes me wonder if you have some issues with overtly confident homosexuals. I'd say you do. Also, I have noticed that every time you feel that uncontainable urge to remind me that I am a cunt, you regularly point out that other people do too. If those are the people I am being a cunt to on the internet, surely I am aware that they think I am a cunt already?Or does it make you feel better that you are not alone in your thoughts?

Trama 01.27.2013 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by knox
really, really

Why did you took my deviation of your line of speech as an aggression?

Perhaps the dichotomizing urge of the crusade?
Perhaps you think that by not replying to what Rob and others said I am somehow revalidating them? (I haven't even read most of their posts yet tbh)

I simply brought up the fact that all of us objectify and how it isn't forcibly sexist. Something you deemed impossible but is in fact a valid argument and something perhaps worth pondering before saying things like this:

Originally Posted by knox
Sex and objetification are only synonyms in the minds of brain washed western straight men.

the ikara cult 01.27.2013 06:54 PM

I just like having a go at you because youre the biggest bully on here. When youre in an arguement you cant be bothered with you resort to posting random gratuitous pictures and links to Coldplay songs instead. Which is fine, but at least admit you just do it for kicks.

Still waiting for those homophobic traits big boy...

Genteel Death 01.27.2013 06:58 PM

Ok. You won at the internet. I am off to bed.

the ikara cult 01.27.2013 06:59 PM

there are no winners here Porky

knox 01.27.2013 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Trama
Why did you take my deviation of your line of speech as an aggression?

Perhaps the dichotomizing urge of the crusade?
Perhaps you think that by not replying to what Rob and others and said I am somehow revalidating them? (I haven't even read most of their posts yet tbh)

I simply brought up the fact that all of us objectify and how it isn't forcibly sexist. Something you deemed impossible but is in fact a valid argument and something perhaps worth pondering before saying things like this:

No, I'm just saying that you're either wrong or have a very strange perception of what objectification means, especially in this social context we're addressing here. It's perfectly possible (and quite pleasurable) to have sexual pleasure/attraction with/to human beings without dehumanizing them. It's actually quite scary that someone would say it isn't. To your first two questions: yes and yes. You seemed to be antagonising for the sake of it, without being clear. And I think you know how you'd be interpreted in context and I had no reason to believe we were having a serious discussion, since you ignored most of what was being said. But as I said, I'm always up for a healthy discussion.

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