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The Soup Nazi 05.11.2023 10:07 PM



At least one of the network’s paid commentators went public with his objections before the Trump special aired. Michael Fanone, a U.S. Capitol Police officer who was injured while defending the Capitol during the Jan. 6, 2021, riot, wrote an essay published by Rolling Stone that indicted the programming decision.

“Putting him onstage, having him answer questions like a normal candidate who didn’t get people killed in the process of trying to end the democracy he’s attempting to once again run, normalizes what Trump did,” Fanone wrote. “It sends a message that attempting a coup is just part of the process; that accepting election results is a choice; and that there are no consequences, in the media or in politics or anywhere else, for rejecting them.”

In an interview last week, CNN political director David Chalian justified the event by noting that Trump is the front-runner for the 2024 Republican nomination, and that his “unique” status as a twice-impeached, criminally indicted former president who incited the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, didn’t change the network’s journalism mission.

“You’d be hard-pressed to say [the format] is less revealing than a one-on-one interview,” he said.

Chalian did not respond to a request for comment Thursday. CNN spokesman Matt Dornic said in an email, “I think Chris captured our position well in this morning’s [editorial] meeting.”

Trump, for one, expressed satisfaction with the event. “Hope everyone enjoyed CNN tonight,” he wrote on his social media platform Truth Social. “The New Hampshire audience was AMAZING. Thank you!”

But inside CNN, the mood was dark.

“I can’t believe anyone thought this was a good idea,” said one staffer, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid career repercussions. “I’ve been a CNN journalist for many years. I’ve always been so proud to say that. I’ve never, ever been ashamed of CNN until tonight.”

The Soup Nazi 05.11.2023 10:17 PM


The Soup Nazi 05.12.2023 07:52 AM


Publicly at least, Licht has had the backing of his boss, Warner Bros. Discovery chief executive David Zaslav. Asked for comment Thursday, a company spokesperson pointed to Zaslav’s interview on CNBC last week in which he stood by his lieutenant and brushed off some of the criticism that erupted after the town hall was announced. (“We have a divided government. Right? We need to hear both voices,” Zaslav said at the time. “All voices should be heard.”)

Bothsidesism like this ("but her emails...") was a big part of what got Fascist Rapist Fatso elected in 2016. Motherfuckers have learned NOTHING, or, more likely, are perfectly and shamelessly willing to unlearn it for ratings' sakes. "Democracy" this, "democracy" that - words words words. I am fucking PISSED. :mad::mad::mad:

Michael Fanone doesn't give a flying fuck if bitch-ass CNN execs let him go for telling it like it is, and that makes him the one TRUE voice of integrity over there, as opposed to "spoke on the condition of anonymity" horseshit.

Skuj 05.12.2023 02:50 PM

I'm hearing unconfirmed reports that Trump's team actually dictated the audience, and certain other conditions, like who can ask questions?

If this is true, and CNN acquiesced to all that, then FUCK CNN even more.

The Soup Nazi 05.12.2023 07:32 PM

Anderson Cooper justified the shitshow with the argument that it was a reminder of what a lying dangerous piece of shit the motherfucker still is. Rather unconvincing, because during the 2015-2016 horror campaign the jizzbucket stepped on every single third rail you can think of and enough mooks dug it so much they made him president.

The Soup Nazi 05.12.2023 11:26 PM

Brian Tyler Cohen's excellent take:

The Soup Nazi 05.13.2023 12:41 AM

From The New York Times:


Attack of the Pharma Phantoms

The case of the incredible, disappearing pharma profits

By Paul Krugman
Opinion Columnist

On Thursday, Brad Setser of the Council of Foreign Relations — esteemed by cognoscenti for his forensic analyses of balance of payments data — testified to a Senate committee about global tax avoidance by pharmaceutical companies. This issue may not have loomed large on many people’s radar screens, and with everything else going on you may wonder why you should care. But there are at least two reasons you should.

First, at a time when people are once again angsting about budget deficits — much of the angst is insincere, but still — it’s surely relevant that the U.S. government is losing a lot of revenue because multinational corporations are using accounting tricks to avoid paying taxes on profits earned here.

Second, now that it’s looking increasingly likely that Donald Trump will be the Republican presidential nominee, it seems relevant to note that his one major legislative success — the 2017 tax cut, which was supposed to bring corporate investment back to America — was, in practice, an “America last” bill that encouraged corporations to move even more of their reported profits, and to some extent their actual production, overseas.

About pharma: The U.S. health care system, unlike health systems in other countries, isn’t set up to bargain with drug companies for lower prices. In fact, until the Biden administration passed the Inflation Reduction Act, even Medicare was specifically prohibited from negotiating over drug prices. As a result, the U.S. market has long been pharma’s cash cow: On average, prescription drugs cost 2.56 times2.56 times — as much here as they do in other countries.

Strange to say, however, pharmaceutical companies report earning hardly any profits on their U.S. sales. Setser offered a striking chart comparing 2022 revenue and profit for six major pharma companies:


As he noted, 2022 was an exceptionally profitable year for these companies, but the pattern — large revenue in the U.S. market, with very low reported profits — has been consistent over time.

How do the pharma giants do that? Mainly by assigning patents and other forms of intellectual property to overseas subsidiaries located in low-tax jurisdictions. Their U.S. operations then pay large fees to these overseas subsidiaries for the use of this intellectual property, magically causing profits to disappear here and reappear someplace else, where they go largely untaxed.

The pharmaceutical industry, where patents rather than manufacturing facilities are companies’ principal assets, is exceptionally well suited to this kind of tax gaming. But it’s not unique. Over time we have increasingly become a knowledge economy, in which a large share of business investment involves spending on intellectual property rather than on plant and equipment:


And whereas factories and office buildings have specific locations, intellectual property pretty much resides wherever a corporation says it resides. If Apple decides to assign a lot of its intellectual property to its Irish subsidiary, causing a huge surge in Ireland’s reported gross domestic product, nobody is currently in a position to say it can’t.

How do we know that big overseas profits mainly reflect tax avoidance rather than economic reality? That’s easy: Look at where the profits are being reported. As Setser also pointed out, following up on the work of Gabriel Zucman (who just won the American Economic Association’s prestigious John Bates Clark medal; congratulations, Gabriel!), the great bulk of U.S. corporations’ reported overseas profits are in tiny economies that can’t possibly be major profit centers but do offer low taxes on reported earnings:


Which brings us to the Trump tax cut. The core of that tax cut was a reduction in profit taxes, based on the premise that America’s relatively high official corporate tax rate was causing large scale movement of capital overseas. But that corporate capital flight, it turns out, wasn’t real; it was a statistical illusion created by tax avoidance.

By the way, this isn’t just a U.S. problem. The International Monetary Fund estimates that about 40 percent of global foreign direct investment — investment that involves control of foreign subsidiaries, as opposed to portfolio investment, like purchases of stocks and bonds — is actually “phantom” investment driven by tax avoidance that doesn’t correspond to anything real.

It’s not surprising, then, that the Trump tax cut never delivered the promised investment boom. As it happens, right now we actually are seeing a boom in manufacturing investment — but that’s being driven by the Biden administration’s green industrial policy rather than across-the-board tax cuts.

But wait, it gets worse. One particularly ill-drafted feature of the 2017 tax law, with the acronym GILTI (I am not making this up), ended up giving corporations an incentive to shift actual production as well as reported profits overseas. As Setser points out, GILTI is probably a major factor in a recent surge in U.S. imports of pharmaceuticals:


Now, there are some very well thought-out proposals to address corporate tax avoidance. Unfortunately, they’re almost surely moot as long as the House is controlled by a party that wants to deny the I.R.S. the resources it needs to go after tax evasion.

But you should still bear in mind that cracking down on tax avoidance could significantly reduce budget deficits. And you should also bear in mind that the Trump administration’s only major domestic policy initiative was a flop.

Skuj 05.13.2023 11:49 AM

I used to enjoy listening to Cooper.

Basically, Team Trump dictated/controlled this whole thing, and CNN let them! CNN basically allowed a Trump rally, with lies, crowd, cheering, and no real opposition.

Fuck CNN.

!@#$%! 05.13.2023 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I used to enjoy listening to Cooper.

Basically, Team Trump dictated/controlled this whole thing, and CNN let them! CNN basically allowed a Trump rally, with lies, crowd, cheering, and no real opposition.

Fuck CNN.

tv will tv


not quite accurate but close enough

The Soup Nazi 05.13.2023 06:56 PM


The Soup Nazi 05.16.2023 08:00 PM

From The New York Times:


How Biden blew it on debt

Biden didn’t want to believe Republicans were this unreasonable. His mistake.

By Paul Krugman
Opinion Columnist

As soon as Republicans took control of the House last November, it was obvious that they would try to take the economy hostage by refusing to raise the federal debt limit. After all, that’s what they did in 2011 — and hard as it may be to believe, the Tea Party Republicans were sober and sane compared to the MAGA crew. So it was also obvious that the Biden administration needed a strategy to head off the looming crisis.

More and more, however, it looks as if there never was a strategy beyond wishful thinking. I hope that I’m wrong about this — that President Biden will, at the last minute, unveil an effective counter to G.O.P. blackmail. He may even be forced to do so, as I’ll explain in a bit. But right now I have a sick feeling about all of this. What were they thinking? How can they have been caught so off-guard by something that everyone who’s paying attention saw coming?

For those somehow new to this, the United States has a weird and dysfunctional system in which Congress enacts legislation that determines federal spending and revenue, but then, if this legislation leads to a budget deficit, must vote a second time to authorize borrowing to cover the deficit. If even one house of Congress refuses to raise the debt limit, the U.S. government will go into default, with possibly catastrophic financial and economic effects.

This weird aspect of budgeting allows a party that is sufficiently ruthless, sufficiently indifferent to the havoc it might wreak, to attempt to impose through extortion policies it would never be able to enact through the normal legislative process.

What, then, should Biden & Co. have done once Republicans took the House? They could have tried to raise the debt ceiling during the lame-duck session. This would have been hard given an evenly divided Senate. If it was possible at all, it probably would have required making big concessions to those Democratic senators least supportive of Biden’s agenda. Still, better to have a hostage negotiation with Joe Manchin than with Marjorie Taylor Greene.

So unless there was a plan to deal with the coming confrontation, there should have been a major effort to raise the debt ceiling. The fact that there was no such effort suggested that maybe there was such a plan.

But all we’ve seen from Biden officials since the House changed hands has been a combination of assertions that a U.S. default would be catastrophic — which may well be true — and denigration of any and all possible end runs around the debt ceiling. My heart sank, for example, when Janet Yellen, the Treasury secretary, repeatedly rejected the idea of minting a platinum coin — one of several possible ways to bypass the debt limit — as a “gimmick.” Yes, it would be a gimmick, but it would also be harmless. As I explained the other day, it would not mean printing money to cover the deficit; in practice, it would amount to carrying out normal borrowing through a back door.

The problem is that Yellen was in effect saying that the administration wasn’t open to any strategies that sounded silly or unorthodox; yet every strategy that avoids the debt limit must, in fact, be unorthodox, and will probably sound silly if taken out of context.

The economic merits of various unconventional financing strategies aside, think about how the White House was positioning itself politically. On one side, it signaled that it was terrified of the consequences of default; on the other, it made it clear that it was unwilling even to consider any alternatives to an increase in the debt limit. The administration might as well have put a sign on its back saying “Kick Me.”

Maybe the administration expected moderate Republicans or business groups or supposedly nonpartisan advocacy groups to somehow step in and pressure the G.O.P. to produce a clean debt ceiling bill. But I don’t see how anyone who has been awake for the past 15 years could have believed that was a real possibility.

And sure enough, after months of asserting that it would never engage in negotiations over the debt ceiling, that it would accept nothing less than a clean increase, the administration is now … negotiating over the debt ceiling.

Many people have pointed out that this sets a terrible precedent, that having seen that extortion works, Republicans will engage in it again and again. Even these concerns, however, seem to me to be taking too long a view. Now that Republicans see what seems to be an administration on the run, there’s every reason to expect them to keep escalating their immediate demands — quite possibly to the point where no deal is possible.

There’s a precedent from the Obama years. Back in 2011, President Obama and John Boehner, who was then the speaker of the House, came very close to a so-called Grand Bargain on debt that would have been objectively terrible — it would, for example, have raised the age of eligibility for Medicare, even though life expectancy for working-class Americans had risen very little — and would probably have been politically disastrous for Democrats. But the deal fell through because Republicans were unwilling to accept even small tax increases as part of a deficit-reduction plan.

Sure enough, Republicans have reportedly rejected every proposal to make a debt ceiling deal more acceptable to the Democratic base by closing tax loopholes.

I have no idea what happens next. I think there’s a real possibility that Biden officials will in the end be forced by sheer Republican intransigence to adopt unconventional methods after all — a task that will be made much harder by the fact that those same officials have spent months trash-talking the approaches they may need to follow.

But I don’t see any way to regard this whole episode as anything but a disastrous failure to face up to the reality of an opposition party controlled by extremists.

Quick Hits

Raising the debt ceiling would have been hard.

Is underlying inflation cooling?

When prophecy fails, crypto edition.

Crypto runs.

The Soup Nazi 05.22.2023 08:30 PM

An email I got from Gavin Newsom/Democracy PAC:



It's getting close to election season, so you're already hearing Republicans talk a lot about "crime" and "reducing crime" and even some Republicans calling Democrats "pro-criminal."

But let's get the facts straight with a little help from Senator Chris Murphy educating Ron DeSantis:


But let's have a look at how California stacks up where we have strong gun laws vs. states with weaker gun laws...

Florida's firearm death rate: 56% higher than California.
Texas's firearm death rate: 73% higher than California.
Tennessee's firearm death rate: 153% higher than California.

Someone should tell Governor Bill Lee since he is such a fan of "evidence-based crime prevention methods."


How about Arkansas? Sarah Huckabee Sanders talks a lot about Democrats being soft on crime.


Arkansas's firearm death rate: 158% higher than California.

Point is, everyone knows the steps we can take to make our communities safer from gun violence.

Strong gun laws save lives. It’s true in states across this country and countries around the world.

So when you hear Republicans talk about "crime reduction" or call Democrats "pro-criminal," please know that's all they are doing: talking.

The Soup Nazi 05.22.2023 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Basically, Team Trump dictated/controlled this whole thing, and CNN let them! CNN basically allowed a Trump rally, with lies, crowd, cheering, and no real opposition.

Fuck CNN.

This Is TNN

The Soup Nazi 05.24.2023 07:59 PM


Skynet maker Cyberdine Systems calls for AI regulation, warning of ‘existential risk’

The Soup Nazi 05.24.2023 09:12 PM

From Fareed Zakaria's newsletter:


The World Of Wagner

The video (which merits a warning to viewers) is ghoulish, intense, and jaw-droppingly macabre. In it, Yevgeny Prigozhin—the Russian businessman who leads the infamous Wagner Group mercenary army now fighting in Ukraine—points to rows upon rows of dead Wagner mercenaries and growls invective at the Russian military brass, for allegedly failing to provide ammunition for Wagner’s assault on the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut. In another video, Prigozhin threatens the same military leaders: Unless ammunition is delivered, his men will stop fighting and leave.

For casual observers of Russian politics and President Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine, this has all been stunning. In such a tightly controlled political system, where dissent can mean languishing in a prison colony, how is this man allowed to rail against the ruling order so menacingly?

As Putin’s war stalls—and as Wagner has devastated Bakhmut—analysts are dissecting what it all means. Their consensus: nothing good.

Prigozhin “has turned the war in Ukraine into his own show since early May,” Mikhail Fishman writes for The Atlantic. Having gained the right to recruit prisoners to serve as effective cannon fodder on the front lines in eastern Ukraine, Prigozhin has filled a battlefield need for Moscow. But Fishman sees Prigozhin as “playing with fire. Putin might well tolerate Prigozhin’s attacks on the military command, but as soon as he considers them an assault on the state itself, he will crush him.”

Appearing on Sunday’s GPS, the American Enterprise Institute’s Kori Schake suggested Prigozhin may be allowed to insult leaders in Moscow because Putin can no longer control the network of elites beneath him. That might be encouraging to Putin’s critics, but Schake reminds us: Whoever or whatever comes after Putin, at the top of Russia’s leadership hierarchy, “may actually be worse.”

Some of those conclusions are shared by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr., who writes in a Wall Street Journal column that such bickering and extreme hawkishness reflect “a universal elite consensus (in Russia) that the war has been a disaster and a blame game is coming.” Prigozhin and others, Jenkins argues, are looking ahead to their own postwar futures. While some observers meditate on internecine Russian politics, Colin P. Clarke of the Foreign Policy Research Institute argues that Prigozhin likely has another goal: returning his focus to Wagner’s empire of mercenary operations—and contracts for gold and other lucrative extractions—in Africa.

At Der Spiegel, eight coauthors detail Wagner’s use of an estimated tens of thousands of mercenaries (many said to have been recruited from prisons, the Der Spiegel coauthors write) who allegedly would advance into Ukrainian fire—or be executed by their own commanders. But Prigozhin and Wagner play a much bigger role in Russia’s global ambitions, the Der Spiegel coauthors write: returning it to a place of power and influence in Africa (and Syria), where struggling dictators have needed deadly force.

Of Prigozhin and his current feud with military leaders, they write: “He takes care of the dirty work for Putin—but he has decided to highlight that filth instead of doing his work in the shadows. He has given a face to the brutalization of the Putin regime. Many, though, have been left to wonder: Is this man powerful? Is he a megalomaniac? Desperate? All of the above?”

The Soup Nazi 05.26.2023 10:45 PM

Oh, COME ON, no replies to this? I thought it was pretty good...

!@#$%! 05.28.2023 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Oh, COME ON, no replies to this? I thought it was pretty good...

i would have replied, but you wouldn't have enjoyed what i found about this in yesterday's washington post. too weird a coincidence and best not.

The Soup Nazi 05.29.2023 12:53 PM


The Soup Nazi 05.30.2023 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i would have replied, but you wouldn't have enjoyed what i found about this in yesterday's washington post. too weird a coincidence and best not.

Uhhh... OK then. But Jesus CHRIST how about this:

AI poses 'risk of extinction' on par with nukes, tech leaders say


!@#$%! 05.30.2023 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Uhhh... OK then. But Jesus CHRIST how about this:

AI poses 'risk of extinction' on par with nukes, tech leaders say


i have a cynical idea about this

not paranoid/conspiracy, just cynical

first, i think ai is very stupid

second, there is an ai gold rush with investors trying to chase stonks into some ai promised land. ai is the new crypto! (and look where crypto ended).

so, in my opinion... this is just marketing stagecraft.

"oooh look at our mighty product, so mighty"

fuck these guys. i've looked behind the scenes at what feeds ai, shit like amazon turk.

it's garbage.

john searle's chinese room still applies. the rest is a bunch of hype. in my opinion.

of course if we put "ai" in charge of nukes it's our own stupidity that will kill us all.

(then again maybe the earth will do great without us hahahhahaahahahah)

i don't know. i really mistrust the ai hype. "as" more like it.

meanwhile, let's all read cipolla:


or in english...


The Soup Nazi 06.06.2023 08:59 PM

Remember "duck and cover"?


Texas... where elected officials are relying on Winnie the Pooh to teach their kids about active shooters because they don't have the courage to keep our kids safe.


Texas... where Greg Abbott signed a law to send DNA kits to parents of school children so their bodies can be identified after a shooting.


Guns are the leading cause of death for kids in America. Kids!

We're not talking about accidents, or cancer or something unpreventable. We know the steps to take to save our kids lives. But leaders like Greg Abbott lack the courage to act.

Until then... It's Winnie the Pooh for Texas families.

Gavin Newsom

The Soup Nazi 06.07.2023 10:00 AM



!@#$%! 06.07.2023 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

hahahhaaaaaa great news!

per this

i need to get me a subscription to the atlantic, which is the cultural prophet of the wasp elite. about time really... i freeload too many articles

last one i promise hahahah

The Soup Nazi 06.07.2023 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i need to get me a subscription to the atlantic, which is the cultural prophet of the wasp elite. about time really... i freeload too many articles

I can't sign up for a free trial; it requires a credit card and no sane bank in the world is gonna give one to ME. :(

Also, I gotta renew my CREEM subscription soon, via PayPal. :D


The Soup Nazi 06.08.2023 08:13 PM

Trump indicted. AGAIN.


The Soup Nazi 06.08.2023 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

Motherfucker lied to his own lawyers. That's evil, but retarded evil.

The Soup Nazi 06.08.2023 09:01 PM

>> It didn’t even take an hour for the Trump campaign to send its first fund-raising email off of the indictment. An appeal at 7:45 p.m. began, “We are watching our Republic DIE before our very eyes.” Trump has been struggling for campaign cash, and his first indictment, in Manhattan, briefly turbocharged his online fund-raising. <<

I watched the "Republic" DIE before my very eyes on Jan. 6 2021, thank you.

The Soup Nazi 06.09.2023 03:43 PM

Oh, great, this bitch is back:

!@#$%! 06.09.2023 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

see, this is why i was not so quick to celebrate

*it ain't over till it's over*

or till the fat lady sings, whichever comes first.

gotta keep it stoic or suffer extra :/

but yeah, hang in there, world. we can exorcize the world of this pendejo.

!@#$%! 06.11.2023 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
via PayPal. :D

peter thiel's digital money :(

The Soup Nazi 06.11.2023 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
peter thiel's digital money :(

But not cryptobullcrap. And not much different to making an ordinary online bank transfer. A great alternative for those of us who don't have your fancypants credit card. :)

hippietears 06.13.2023 05:23 PM

Being LGBTQIA+ in the United States
Im just terrified for the future of LGBTQIA+ people in America, I hate that my existence is political and is argued over when we just want to be able to be our authentic selves. We're so demonized by so many people, and I don't feel safe here. I might be in a better area, but it still bothers me that people that are also part of the community are suffering so much.

Antagon 06.13.2023 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by hippietears
Im just terrified for the future of LGBTQIA+ people in America, I hate that my existence is political and is argued over when we just want to be able to be our authentic selves. We're so demonized by so many people, and I don't feel safe here. I might be in a better area, but it still bothers me that people that are also part of the community are suffering so much.

I've been following these developments through various channels now. It seems to be especially gnarly in the states, what with all the openly hateful rhetoric making the rounds, restrictive and actively dangerous regional policies being proposed and introduced and all of the godawful conspiracy disinformation BS.

Unfortunately, similar developments can be seen around Europe - if in smaller doses sometimes. TERF-dom and related apologia has invaded the mainstream and some very well-established media outlets in the UK.

Here in Austria, the most prominent far right party recently staged a "protest" to disrupt a harmless and pretty fun reading of stories to kids by a drag performer. Fortunately, the counter-protesters outnumbered them vastly and the event went through uninterrupted. But the seeds are there and there's an ominous air permeating many conversations right now. I hope these developments can be stopped/curtailed somehow.

Good to hear you are in a better area though. It's important to have a community/people who have your back. Especially in trying times such as these.

!@#$%! 06.13.2023 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
But not cryptobullcrap. And not much different to making an ordinary online bank transfer. A great alternative for those of us who don't have your fancypants credit card. :)

it's still the source of his megafortune though. and check him out: or

anyway, you don't need "fancypants" or actual credit even... they don't give you a visa or mc number with your bank debit card??

mira por ejemplo:

y éstas que no cobran:ón

The Soup Nazi 06.13.2023 07:57 PM

I have a Visa DEBIT card, certainly, but I never have any money in the bank, except for that glorious day of the month when I receive my microscopic disability pension, at which point I send all the coins to my PayPal account. It's the best way to pay on Bandcamp, Discogs, eBay, and a billion other places; and when it's not accepted (Amazon, for instance), I ask a friend of mine to order for me, and then I pay him back using... PayPal, you follow. (ETA: Amazon does not care for my debit card, even though it's valid internationally.)

The reason I need a CREDIT card is that often ultra-limited editions are announced and you gotta act real damn quick, and with $0 in my bank account for most of the month that's not possible.

It's too bad a psycho piece of shit like Thiele created PayPal, but I have no alternative. :(

!@#$%! 06.14.2023 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by hippietears
Im just terrified for the future of LGBTQIA+ people in America, I hate that my existence is political and is argued over when we just want to be able to be our authentic selves. We're so demonized by so many people, and I don't feel safe here. I might be in a better area, but it still bothers me that people that are also part of the community are suffering so much.

on the one hand, this is like any other kind of social progress, reform, etc. two steps forward, one step back. then eventually the old recalcitrant people die and society comes around. so if that was the only thing in play, i'd say courage, endurance, change will come, etc.

on the other hand, these issues are used as a wedge in the culture wars and the attention they get is out of proportion with their impact.

and it has to be a scary thing and a royal pain in the ass to be used like cannon fodder, whether it's politics or actual war.

but when it comes to war, courage and endurance are not enough, and strategy is paramount.

so, what's the strategy?

The Soup Nazi 06.14.2023 08:14 PM



hippietears 06.16.2023 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Antagon
I've been following these developments through various channels now. It seems to be especially gnarly in the states, what with all the openly hateful rhetoric making the rounds, restrictive and actively dangerous regional policies being proposed and introduced and all of the godawful conspiracy disinformation BS.

Unfortunately, similar developments can be seen around Europe - if in smaller doses sometimes. TERF-dom and related apologia has invaded the mainstream and some very well-established media outlets in the UK.

Here in Austria, the most prominent far right party recently staged a "protest" to disrupt a harmless and pretty fun reading of stories to kids by a drag performer. Fortunately, the counter-protesters outnumbered them vastly and the event went through uninterrupted. But the seeds are there and there's an ominous air permeating many conversations right now. I hope these developments can be stopped/curtailed somehow.

Good to hear you are in a better area though. It's important to have a community/people who have your back. Especially in trying times such as these.

It's such a huge thing in here too, there's such a huge stigma that Drag Queens are pedophiles and want to hurt people, when infact it's the opposite. A lot of them have had experiences like that themselves and just want to teach kids positivity and bond witht heir community, and drag queen story times in libraries are a lot safer than other places like out schools for example. Shootings in school started to become a more frequent thing when I was in elementary school, and it's terrifying having to worry about that at such a young age, all through school and seeing it happen everywhere. My state has had 8 shooting this year, it's a huge problem. I could keep ranting about what I hate about living here, but I could have it worse.

hippietears 06.16.2023 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
on the one hand, this is like any other kind of social progress, reform, etc. two steps forward, one step back. then eventually the old recalcitrant people die and society comes around. so if that was the only thing in play, i'd say courage, endurance, change will come, etc.

on the other hand, these issues are used as a wedge in the culture wars and the attention they get is out of proportion with their impact.

and it has to be a scary thing and a royal pain in the ass to be used like cannon fodder, whether it's politics or actual war.

but when it comes to war, courage and endurance are not enough, and strategy is paramount.

so, what's the strategy?

I'm not really sure, I think we would have to find the center as to why people are acting like this, and I think it's fear. Fear of something that isn't a norm for someone that is looking in from the outside. So, what do they do in return? They shoot fear right back at us. It's a viscous cycle and it needs to be broken.

!@#$%! 06.16.2023 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by hippietears
I'm not really sure, I think we would have to find the center as to why people are acting like this, and I think it's fear. Fear of something that isn't a norm for someone that is looking in from the outside. So, what do they do in return? They shoot fear right back at us. It's a viscous cycle and it needs to be broken.

i think that part of the reactionary reaction is that there was a measure of maoism that was used to advance these issues, rather than education and debate as it had happened in eras before.

there is in the "left" these days a sense of "if you're not with us you're against us," which is unfortunate because nobody is allowed to ask questions. if you express any doubts or ignorance you're branded a fascist.

so when forced to choose between maoism and fascism, many have turned to fascism.

me i've tried to cling to the unfashionable center where rationality and debate should still be paramount. and i lean left, but center-left is not a very vocal population right now. everybody is afraid of "saying the wrong thing" and being branded an enemy of the left.

meanwhile there are those who embrace the brand instead, and flee to the other end of things where they are made to feel welcome, even if they did not start as extremists in the first place.

likewise, nazism rose as a reaction to communism. their burning of the reichstag was blamed on communists. and the herd ate it up.

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