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The Soup Nazi 01.05.2021 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Genuine question: how many of the people who voted for Trump two months ago have accepted the election results (i.e. that he lost)? I wonder what they'll be up to for the next four years.

Basically, at least 80% of those who voted Dotard believe the election was stolen, and somewhere in the region of two thirds to three quarters of all Republicans claim to believe the same.

tw2113 01.05.2021 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Genuine question: how many of the people who voted for Trump two months ago have accepted the election results (i.e. that he lost)? I wonder what they'll be up to for the next four years.

1460 straight days of telling everyone they still think the election was stolen.

!@#$%! 01.05.2021 10:33 PM

arnold sez: dump trump

The Soup Nazi 01.05.2021 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

He can go back to 1984, forget about Sarah Connor and whack Drumpf instead!

Bytor Peltor 01.06.2021 12:54 AM

From May 18, 2018 to November 10, 2020, my perspective has remained the same:


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Not once in the past two and a half years have I wavered in my belief about then President Barack Obama’s involvement by misusing and abusing the highest office in the land for personal and political gain. His actions were traitorous and treasonous and I hope it won’t be long before he is forced to testify. Someone needs to be held responsible for wasting over $30 MILLION of our tax dollars for a fake and useless Mueller Report.

If the Democrats who were in charge then would go to such lengths to have the 2016 election overturned, what makes you think they wouldn’t perpetrate election fraud in 2020 to try and regain control again???


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

For those who care to listen, this 50 minutes of audio explains how on the wee early morning of Traitor Obama’s final hours in office, $900 MILLION in cash was sent from America with $400 MILLION going to Italy to pay for voter fraud in the 2020 Election.

Again, for those willing to listen, a BIG BIG BOMBSHELL of info regarding how the votes were electronically manipulated using......(listen while you may!)

_tunic_ 01.06.2021 03:32 AM

Everybody has to wear a mask, except if you're friends with the President? Lawmaker Wants Mar-A-Lago Shut Down For Maskless NYE Party

"We're one step closer to shutting down Mar-a-Lago," he tweeted Monday night. "This was an egregious violation of our mask order. Hundreds of people. Indoors. No masks. It's a public health catastrophe waiting to happen. No business should get away with this."

So in case Trump can't move to Mar-A-Lago anymore, Scotland already told him don't dare come here!
Trump would not be welcome in Scotland due to coronavirus restrictions, says Sturgeon

"We are not allowing people to come into Scotland without an essential purpose right now. And that would apply to him just as it applies to anybody else," she added.
"Coming to play golf is not what I would consider to be an essential purpose."

Meanwhile, this guy is pissed off at the media for posting a picture that he posted on social media. He should have paid attention at his social media training...
Gay Republican who partied maskless at Mar-A-Lago blames media for getting his pharmacist fiancé fired

Gay Trump supporter George Santos hit out at the New York Times for citing an Instagram post showing him maskless at the Mar-A-Lago New Year’s Eve party, after his fiancé was subsequently fired

But most importantly, Democrats are winning the two Senate seats in Georgia, thanks to Trump's fabulous support of the Republican candidates
Georgia Republican official blames Trump if GOP candidates lose
Fact check: Seven of the most bonkers false claims from Trump's Georgia rally

Bytor Peltor 01.06.2021 04:38 AM

January 6, 2021 by Neon Revolt
At The Highest Levels – Part 1 of 3

“But I need to set the stage first. To understand everything I’m about to tell you, we have to go back; back to the fateful night of July 10th, 2016, when the then 27-year-old Seth Rich was found with two gunshot wounds in his back in the Bloomingdale neighborhood in DC, near his favorite bar”

“Rich would succumb to his wounds shortly thereafter, leading to rampant speculation as to the motive for his murder, and despite his family suing various individuals and corporations along the way, many were still left thinking that Rich was murdered by the the DNC and the Clinton Machine for, they speculated, leaking incriminating DNC files to Julian Assange and Wikileaks, eventually causing Hillary to lose the 2016 election, and to fuel the then-nascent Pizzagate investigations, as millions of concerned patriots became aware of just what exactly these leaked e-mails implied. After much research and deliberation, a large contingent of the community would go on to posit that two MS-13 gang members had been involved in the murder of Seth Rich, acting as guns for hire in a not-so-random hit. Two potential suspects would turn up dead in a nearby area shortly thereafter; perhaps the result of a kind of clean-up job.”

January 6, 2021 by Neon Revolt
At the Highest Levels – Part 2 of 3

“What you are about to read is parsed from several hours of leaked testimony I listened through today, via a whistleblower – testimony which is currently under seal in the District Court of Maryland.”

“This information indicated that Rod Rosenstein solicited the help of two trusted agents (Rosati & Boroshok) with whom he had worked closely with in the past to organize the operation to retrieve a thumb drive with classified emails always carried by Mr. Rich. The emails had been removed from the DNC server by Mr. Rich and later sold to Wikileaks.”

“I repeat – not a single member of the House Intelligence Committee, nor Tom Fitton, to my knowledge, ever did anything with this information.

Not a single investigation has come about as a result of this information.

Not a single prosecution. Not a single arrest.”

“Could it be that they were all afraid?”

Part THREE Pending!!!

h8kurdt 01.06.2021 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Part THREE Pending!!!

No thanks

!@#$%! 01.06.2021 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
my perspective has remained the same:

imbeciles never change ;P

Bytor Peltor 01.06.2021 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Part THREE Pending!!!


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
No thanks

But it’s the BEST part!

January 6, 2021 by Neon Revolt
At the Highest Levels – Part 3 of 3

According to recorded testimony from our whistleblower, Rosenstein, together with Pence’s knowledge and consent, went on to help engineer the entire coup attempt against President Trump – in an attempt to oust Trump, and promote Pence to the Presidency, at which point, Pence would turn around and appoint Rod Rosenstein as VP.

Lin Wood tweet
“ MUST BE DONE LIST before Congress meets today:

1. Mike Pence @vp @Mike_Pence must resign & thereafter be charged with TREASON.

2. Rod Rosenstein @RodRosenstein must be arrested & charged with being accessory to murder & TREASON.

3. Chief Justice John Roberts must RESIGN.”

!@#$%! 01.06.2021 09:16 AM


Bytor Peltor 01.06.2021 04:32 PM

Lin Wood tweet......calling out Tom Fitton to release his letter:

“Hey Tom @TomFitton, you believe in open records & release of federal records, don’t you?

Release the letter you received regarding the murder of Seth Rich.

I will give you a chance to release it & explain why you did not expose the TRUTH.

If you do not release it, I will.”


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
January 6, 2021 by Neon Revolt
At The Highest Levels – Part 1 of 3

“But I need to set the stage first. To understand everything I’m about to tell you, we have to go back; back to the fateful night of July 10th, 2016, when the then 27-year-old Seth Rich was found with two gunshot wounds in his back in the Bloomingdale neighborhood in DC, near his favorite bar”

“Rich would succumb to his wounds shortly thereafter, leading to rampant speculation as to the motive for his murder, and despite his family suing various individuals and corporations along the way, many were still left thinking that Rich was murdered by the the DNC and the Clinton Machine for, they speculated, leaking incriminating DNC files to Julian Assange and Wikileaks, eventually causing Hillary to lose the 2016 election, and to fuel the then-nascent Pizzagate investigations, as millions of concerned patriots became aware of just what exactly these leaked e-mails implied. After much research and deliberation, a large contingent of the community would go on to posit that two MS-13 gang members had been involved in the murder of Seth Rich, acting as guns for hire in a not-so-random hit. Two potential suspects would turn up dead in a nearby area shortly thereafter; perhaps the result of a kind of clean-up job.”

January 6, 2021 by Neon Revolt
At the Highest Levels – Part 2 of 3

“What you are about to read is parsed from several hours of leaked testimony I listened through today, via a whistleblower – testimony which is currently under seal in the District Court of Maryland.”

“This information indicated that Rod Rosenstein solicited the help of two trusted agents (Rosati & Boroshok) with whom he had worked closely with in the past to organize the operation to retrieve a thumb drive with classified emails always carried by Mr. Rich. The emails had been removed from the DNC server by Mr. Rich and later sold to Wikileaks.”

“I repeat – not a single member of the House Intelligence Committee, nor Tom Fitton, to my knowledge, ever did anything with this information.

Not a single investigation has come about as a result of this information.

Not a single prosecution. Not a single arrest.”

“Could it be that they were all afraid?”

Part THREE Pending!!!

!@#$%! 01.06.2021 08:51 PM

impeach the wacko and let pens finish the term

take away the nuclear football

!@#$%! 01.07.2021 01:05 PM

and lol, facebook has shut him down for the rest of his term

_tunic_ 01.07.2021 06:28 PM

Guess what Trump was doing today? GOLF!
Annika Sorenstam, Gary Player shame golf by accepting Medal of Freedom from Trump

And yesterday Giuliani f**led up by leaving a voicemail for the wrong senator. Mind you, this took place during the lockdown!

Here’s what Giuliani had to say.

Senator Tuberville? Or I should say Coach Tuberville. This is Rudy Giuliani, the president’s lawyer. I’m calling you because I want to discuss with you how they’re trying to rush this hearing and how we need you, our Republican friends, to try to just slow it down so we can get these legislatures to get more information to you. And I know they’re reconvening at 8 tonight, but it … the only strategy we can follow is to object to numerous states and raise issues so that we get ourselves into tomorrow—ideally until the end of tomorrow.

I know McConnell is doing everything he can to rush it, which is kind of a kick in the head because it’s one thing to oppose us, it’s another thing not to give us a fair opportunity to contest it. And he wants to try to get it down to only three states that we contest. But there are 10 states that we contest, not three. So if you could object to every state and, along with a congressman, get a hearing for every state, I know we would delay you a lot, but it would give us the opportunity to get the legislators who are very, very close to pulling their vote, particularly after what McConnell did today. It angered them, because they have written letters asking that you guys adjourn and send them back the questionable ones and they’ll fix them up.

So, this phone number, I’m available on all night, and it would be an honor to talk to you. Thank you.

EVOLghost 01.07.2021 06:53 PM

lol is Peltor trying to distract everyone from Trump's crimes?

!@#$%! 01.07.2021 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
lol is Peltor trying to distract everyone from Trump's crimes?

he's trying to get a chicken hypnotizer diploma from trump university

and failing at it, except with himself

he's currently glued to the mirror with his mouth open after reading a lin wood tweet

_tunic_ 01.07.2021 07:12 PM

Trump-Supporting Lawyer Lin Wood Has Been Permanently Banned From Twitter


Hmm I thought Lin was a woman's first name, guess I was wrong....
HE got banned after announcing on Parler that he would be posting under a different Twitter account

Bytor Peltor 01.08.2021 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
he's trying to get a chicken hypnotizer diploma from trump university


It was four years ago today: January 7, 2016, that President Barack Obama summoned Vice President Biden and FBI Director James Comey to the Oval Office. Even though FBI investigators found no wrong doing on behalf of President Elect Donald Trump or his campaign, the decision was made to continue spying, investigating and targeting President Elect Trump for Russian collusion. Small potatoes compared to the $32 MILLION+ wasted on the Muller investigation......the same investigation that confirmed what the FBI discovered at the end of December 2015.

Oh, let us not forget Sleepy Joe floating: The Logan Act!

!@#$%! 01.08.2021 01:11 AM

bla bla bla bla MILLION


let's see...


he's added 13 more visits as of today

tw2113 01.08.2021 01:44 AM

If golf playing is a requirement to be POTUS, I'll never be POTUS.

Bytor Peltor 01.08.2021 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by tw2113
If golf playing is a requirement to be POTUS, I'll never be POTUS.

No worries, you enjoy going on vacations?

Barack took his family to Hawaii eight times during his eight year Presidency. If Hawaii is too touristy for ya, there’s also Martha’s Vineyard......another yearly Obama family destination.

Of course, Barak played golf at all those places too, but don’t let that stop you from becoming the first South Dakotan to be elected President!

h8kurdt 01.08.2021 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
No worries, you enjoy going on vacations?

Barack took his family to Hawaii eight times during his eight year Presidency. If Hawaii is too touristy for ya, there’s also Martha’s Vineyard......another yearly Obama family destination.

Of course, Barak played golf at all those places too, but don’t let that stop you from becoming the first South Dakotan to be elected President!

HAHAHA! A yearly vacation is a bit different to every fucking week. My god man...

_tunic_ 01.08.2021 04:29 AM

Trump is invited to play golf in Iraq

He probably would bite if they would have packaged their message like that

Diesel 01.08.2021 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
HAHAHA! A yearly vacation is a bit different to every fucking week. My god man...

I don't see the problem fam: Like the average Joe I too enjoy a vacation or 87 per year and you can be damned sure if I was president that no Pandemic would stop me.

You know you're a global laughing stock when even Nicola Sturgeon is capable of taking the piss:

"We are not allowing people to come into Scotland without an essential purpose right now, and that would apply to [Trump], just as it applies to anybody else," Sturgeon noted.

"Coming to play golf is not what I would consider to be an essential purpose,"

nicfit 01.08.2021 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
For those who care to listen, this 50 minutes of audio explains how on the wee early morning of Traitor Obama’s final hours in office, $900 MILLION in cash was sent from America with $400 MILLION going to Italy to pay for voter fraud in the 2020 Election.

Again, for those willing to listen, a BIG BIG BOMBSHELL of info regarding how the votes were electronically manipulated using......(listen while you may!)

I live in Italy. I won't even start trying to explain how this is absolute horseshit, instead listen to this, while you may!

_tunic_ 01.08.2021 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Dumbo
To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.


The Soup Nazi 01.08.2021 11:13 AM

^ Called it on September 7. Just sayin'.

LifeDistortion 01.08.2021 06:46 PM

Where were you when Twitter banned The President of the United States Twitter account permanently? Good riddance.

choc e-Claire 01.08.2021 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Where were you when Twitter banned The President of the United States Twitter account permanently?

on Twitter :D

I'll miss it mostly for all the absurd pre-presidency tweets. "Sorry folks, I'm just not a fan of sharks" is a particular favourite.

!@#$%! 01.08.2021 07:31 PM

oooooooooh so many good riddances ha ha ha haa!

that deserves a celebration

but keep trumpo's hands off the nukes!

_tunic_ 01.08.2021 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Where were you when Twitter banned The President of the United States Twitter account permanently? Good riddance.

I was watching Ridiculousness :D

Trump banned on Twitter & Facebook, Instagram too?
Only problem is that he will find other platforms like newsmax and whatever the right wingers are using

tw2113 01.08.2021 08:55 PM

Probably signing up on Myspace right now

The Soup Nazi 01.08.2021 09:15 PM

Best picture of him EVER:


Skuj 01.09.2021 02:53 PM

Mighty fine read.

Skuj 01.10.2021 03:29 PM

I predict this thread will die. Ivanka won't run in 2024 or beyond. Her last name is Trump.

Antagon 01.10.2021 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I predict this thread will die.

Fuck, I hope you're right.

!@#$%! 01.10.2021 05:01 PM

rather than simply die i hope it's flushed down by a cosmic toilet

Skuj 01.10.2021 05:13 PM

For years (actually 4) I've been wondering.....what will it take for Trump to go down? For Repukes to abandon him?

Well, very late in this saga, I believe that we now know.

What's that saying about lies, and how they always come back to haunt? Trump told myriads of lies. But, as per a NYT link I recently posted, he told a Great Big Lie about how this election was stolen, and how he really won. That lie came back to bite in a spectacularly terrible way.

tw2113 01.10.2021 05:27 PM

The thread won't die as long as y'all keep posting to it.

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