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ni'k 06.04.2010 01:03 PM

i know that last time when i mentioned something you had specifically addressed to knox you were bewildered and indignant about it for about 3 posts. but yeah, knox has was being very polite because that really was the stupidest thing you have said so far.

someone needs to go read over their own posts and pull their heads out of their asses. and in the mean time stop talking because you are unable to comprehend that someone else expressing something they feel in a way that is borderline autistic. you actually can't tolerate what knox said and see it as some sort of affront to your right to jack off, and then comes another volley of questions, as if she has no right to feel that way. at least no right to feel that way without having to listen to you make absolutely unrelated and, again, moronic points.

!@#$%! 06.04.2010 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
i know that last time when i mentioned something you had specifically addressed to knox you were bewildered and indignant about it for about 3 posts. but yeah, knox has was being very polite because that really was the stupidest thing you have said so far.

someone needs to go read over their own posts and pull their heads out of their asses. and in the mean time stop talking because you are unable to comprehend someone else expressing something they feel in a way that is borderline autistic.

are you speaking for knox and do you think she cannot speak for herself? wow, that's patronizing.

ni'k 06.04.2010 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
are you speaking for knox and do you think she cannot speak for herself? wow, that's patronizing.

wow. no you fucking idiot. i am speaking for myself. she speaks for herself and has been doing so. that has nothing to do with me. i am addressing the utter bilge that you are saying not because of who you are addressing it to, but because it is such crap. or do you think that when a male speaks aswell as a female what he says has to be more important than what she says and so the thing that has to be listened to? why is it that you can't grasp that more than one person can be speaking about something.

!@#$%! 06.04.2010 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by gualbert
Maybe you think boarders are male by default.
I do it, but I can't help it (and then later, I'm surprised that some of them are female, like Nefeli noticed).

no, that's not what i meant at all-- there's a lot of dudes who used to post here regularly, and now don't post or rarely do, from savage clone to crypto. this place used to be lots busier in general.

!@#$%! 06.04.2010 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
wow. no you fucking idiot. i am speaking for myself. she speaks for herself and has been doing so. i am addressing the utter bilge that you are saying not because of who you are addressing it to, but because it is such crap. or do you think that when a male speaks aswell as a female what he says has to be more important than what she says and so the thing that has to be listened to? why is it that you can't grasp that MORE THAN ONE PERSON CAN BE SPEAKING ABOUT SOMETHING.

you're saying what knox said, meant, was doing, etc. i know-- you read minds.

ni'k 06.04.2010 01:11 PM

ladies and gentlemen, the man who cannot take his head out of his asshole.

the man who thinks because i am making a descriptive comment about knoxs post, calling it polite, i am speaking on her behalf. wow, no wonder you find it completely impossible to listen to what a female is saying over and over and over again. you really do have some sort of problem listening to them. and it's innate and automatic because you have failed to realise every single time.

!@#$%! 06.04.2010 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
ladies and gentlemen, the man who cannot take his head out of his asshole.

the man who thinks because i described knoxs post as polite, i am speaking on her behalf. wow, no wonder you find it completely impossible to listen to what a female is saying over and over and over again.

i'm trying to understand, but you're getting on the way instead. yes-- you're the self-appointed spokesman for women. you listen to everything they say & know it absolutely. all of them. amazing.

!@#$%! 06.04.2010 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
you actually can't tolerate what knox said and see it as some sort of affront to your right to jack off, and then comes another volley of questions, as if she has no right to feel that way. at least no right to feel that way without having to listen to you make absolutely unrelated and, again, moronic points.

by the way, this is an utterly demented little rant by you. my right to jack off? i didn't feel threatened in the least. i spoke of "men" as a category per the title of this thread. i did feel a little sorry for the (now fictional) boyfriend, and knox said she'd discuss anything, so i took her on her word.

do you feel the need to dominate this thread and impose your views on others? or are you going to let people try to have a conversation, however unpleasant/ bothersome/ inappropriate/ impure it may seem to you?

ni'k 06.04.2010 01:22 PM

and more shit continues to flow out of your mouth.

if you want to try and understand then go back to the top of the page and try again. then see the glaring and obvious mistake you made. it's right there, go on, look. something tells me you won't be able to shut the fuck up long enough to see it tho, all that will result is more of this self justifying bullshit that you seem to think cancels out how anyone else is entitled to feel, because you have last word syndrome so go on, take it, its yours.

it's obvious to anyone that you are behaving like an idiot, other people have already mentioned this to me. anyone can see it, they wouldn't even need to read womens minds! they could do what you simply can't and read what a woman has actually said, and then, you know, think about it, instead of... yeah i've told you this already.

!@#$%! 06.04.2010 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
it's obvious to anyone that you are behaving like an idiot, other people have already mentioned this to me.

ok, board pope! i have been deemed sinful in the eyes of other people and i have no right to speak!

wow, if i did what every other asshole tells me, i'd be you by now.

knox 06.04.2010 01:28 PM

jesus christ symbol.
the story wasn't fictional.
you're smarter than that.

here I am, with this recently acquired stupid boyfriend who claims to be a big sonic youth fan.

i get excited obviously, lets discuss the albums.

he tells me a whole shitload of crap about the 'political context' of the certain albums and whatnot.

so we're having a half-serious conversation about that.

i mention that if he's going to analyse lyrics, kim's songs can be quite interesting.

he says yes but you know what her songs are really good for? wanking.

and i think "oh, how appropriate and insightful".

and i always sound serious and pissed off.
im rarely ever serious but always pissed off.

knox 06.04.2010 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
you're saying what knox said, meant, was doing, etc. i know-- you read minds.

i think he's just saying what he thinks.
after all it's a public discussion so anyone can say whatever they want.

space 06.04.2010 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by gualbert
Maybe you think boarders are male by default.

us girls gotta stick together.

!@#$%! 06.04.2010 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by knox
jesus christ symbol.
the story wasn't fictional.
you're smarter than that.

well, good to know you think that. but don't assume i'm going to understand everything you say outright.


Originally Posted by knox
here I am, with this recently acquired stupid boyfriend who claims to be a big sonic youth fan.

i get excited obviously, lets discuss the albums.

he tells me a whole shitload of crap about the 'political context' of the certain albums and whatnot.

so we're having a half-serious conversation about that.

i mention that if he's going to analyse lyrics, kim's songs can be quite interesting.

he says yes but you know what her songs are really good for? wanking.

and i think "oh, how appropriate and insightful".

and i always sound serious and pissed off.
im rarely ever serious but always pissed off.

ok, so he was maybe clumsy or juvenile or had bad timing while trying to open up to you about what turns him on.

but where's the joke? maybe i'm not as smart as you think, or maybe i'm approaching this situation from a totally different place than you, but i feel a little sorry for the poor bastard.

!@#$%! 06.04.2010 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by knox
i think he's just saying what he thinks.

i know that. but i'm not sure he does.


Originally Posted by knox
after all it's a public discussion so anyone can say whatever they want.

yes-- but not according to him, no.

gualbert 06.04.2010 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by space
us girls gotta stick together.

Piss off, riot grrls!
Feminists sluts!

space 06.04.2010 01:48 PM

I like a girl that's as comfortable throwing bricks as she is molotovs.

and by a girl, I mean, myself.


verme (prevaricator) 06.04.2010 01:57 PM

she chopped it off herself.

Rob Instigator 06.04.2010 01:58 PM

I have never in my 36 years had a woman ask me to talk about sonic youth ANYTHING, other than saying they like my t-shirt. (only band T's I have are Sonic Youth. Maybe 12 now.)

!@#$%! 06.04.2010 02:02 PM

because of mysterious reasons that shall remain unfathomed, i just found in the website for what used to be bitch magazine that may was national masturbation month.

nice article + discussion. checkit.

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