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tesla69 07.16.2018 06:46 PM

William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987:

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

Skuj 07.16.2018 08:08 PM

Maybe this is a turning point? (How many times have I wondered that?!!) I'm actually surprised at the level of outrage across the spectrum on this. What I'm trying to understand is how do Kelly/Bolton etc let Trump go out and say that shit in front of the world when standing beside Putin?

The Soup Nazi 07.16.2018 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Maybe this is a turning point? (How many times have I wondered that?!!) I'm actually surprised at the level of outrage across the spectrum on this. What I'm trying to understand is how do Kelly/Bolton etc let Trump go out and say that shit in front of the world when standing beside Putin?

From the most recent Fareed Zakaria column in The Washington Post:


Jonathan Chait writes in New York magazine that “Trump is training his base to hate NATO and like Putin.” Indeed, Trump has been remarkably successful: Fifty-one percent of Republicans now believe the United States shouldn’t defend NATO allies unless they increase defense spending. Even more astonishingly, Trump seems to have reversed Republican attitudes toward Russia and its dictator, Vladimir Putin. At a recent rally, Trump said, “You know what? Putin’s fine. He’s fine. We’re all fine. We’re people.” Republicans are now twice as likely as Democrats to express a favorable opinion of Putin, and 56 percent of Republicans want to cooperate and engage more with Russia.

The Republican Party has proved remarkably malleable ideologically. The party of law and order now has deep distrust of the FBI. The party of free trade is now far more solidly behind protectionism than the Democrats. The party that celebrated President Ronald Reagan’s optimism about immigrants now contains a majority that supports separating families at the border and criminally prosecuting undocumented immigrants.

Trump’s political genius continues to be that he recognizes that the base of the party is ripe for this ideological revolution — that while the old Reaganite formula may still be subscribed to by Republican elites in Washington and New York, it’s not embraced out there in the grass roots.

Five years ago, one establishment Republican wrote that “the specter of isolationism is stalking the Republican Party. . . . It is hardly certain that isolationist sentiment will prevail. But it is critical . . . that national-security Republicans can answer the questions being raised, restore a coherent party platform and thereby thwart the new isolationism.”

(This is the part when you think, Oh, that must have been John McCain. Try a different John...)


Those words were written by John Bolton, now Trump’s national security adviser. It seems even the most stalwart national-security Republicans have accommodated themselves to the Trump revolution.

The Soup Nazi 07.16.2018 10:23 PM

In better news...


'Trump Baby' protest blimp is coming to America

The Soup Nazi 07.16.2018 11:14 PM

I gotta say, them Brits showed you Unitedstateseans a lesson in protesting — of course they just had to keep it for a couple of days while you gotta press on for who knows how long, but still, they did get under the fucker's revolting skin. Now it's time for you to assume the mantle and BURN BABY BURN! ...Yeah, so enjoy the following postcards from Old Blighty, if you haven't seen 'em already. (Personal favorite: the one about England's lost semifinal at the World Cup).





The Soup Nazi 07.16.2018 11:16 PM





The Soup Nazi 07.16.2018 11:18 PM





The Soup Nazi 07.16.2018 11:24 PM

Washington Post editorial:

Trump just colluded with Russia. OPENLY.

Skuj 07.17.2018 12:37 AM


This egg actually seems to be sticking to the wall. Perhaps? Maybe?

In American History books to come, July 16th 2018 will figure prominently, surely?

I'm still trying to figure out just how the fuck this could happen. Trump is very accustomed to tweeting bullshit, with not a care in the world that it is proveably false. But when you stand beside Putin, in front of the world, and say that kind of shit, well......the optics/platform is very different, right? Did he really think there would be no fallout? I think he is that deluded!!

Skuj 07.17.2018 12:40 AM

PS: England made me proud last week.

I'd like to think that my country, Canada, is a long way from succumbing to this kind of politics/reality, but I worry. Storm couds are gathering.

Skuj 07.17.2018 01:41 AM

At the end of the day (literally!) I just feel that Trump will never have the mental capacity to grasp wtf is going on in the world. You can hate Hillary Clinton as much as you desire, but she was FUCKING RIGHT about Trump's "qualifications/preparations" for this monumental task: He just fucking doesn't get it!! He is not cognisant of world history or global developments. He really does think that Putin is a wonderful guy!!

This whole fucking thing is surreal!! A POTUS publicly siding with Putin over his own Int Orgs. Mind boggling. I'm 56 years old, and this represents a Strange New World to me.

(I put tesla on ignore. Part of me wonders how he explains all this. Is he posting defenses like a crazy man?)

ilduclo 07.17.2018 09:24 AM

"One little thing I might add to that is the helping of people. Helping of people. Because you have such horrible -- if you see -- and I've seen reports, I've seen pictures, I've seen just about everything."

ilduclo 07.17.2018 06:03 PM

Here is what legendary journalist Dan Rather had to say:

There has been no shortage of historic summits in American history - but nothing like what is happening today.
No American president has ever appeared as a supplicant to a foreign power who attacked us - an attack that the intelligence community says is ongoing.
No American president has been so eager to placate a hostile foreign power. And no American president has been under a credible shadow of allegedly conspiring with a hostile foreign power.
No American president has so attacked our allies and heaped scorn on his fellow citizens while heaping praise on a hostile foreign power.
No American president has been so ill-prepared for diplomacy and statecraft and then insisted on handling negotiations with a hostile foreign power alone.
We do not know what was discussed. We will not be able to trust what President Trump or Putin say was discussed. Their words fail even the most minimum standards of political truth telling.
This is a historic summit indeed, but historic in terms of the damage it can (and likely already has done) to our nation and a democratic world order.

The Soup Nazi 07.17.2018 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
You can hate Hillary Clinton as much as you desire, but she was FUCKING RIGHT about Trump's "qualifications/preparations" for this monumental task: He just fucking doesn't get it!! He is not cognisant of world history or global developments. He really does think that Putin is a wonderful guy!!

That and/or KOMPROMAT.


Hillary really said it best when she told him —TO HIS FUCKING FACE, not via Twatter— that he'd be a puppet president. Or, as the formal term goes, a Controlled Asset.

Skuj 07.17.2018 07:00 PM

The Liar In Chief and his team came up with a backtrack today, involving "would" vs "wouldn't".

Are people actually going to buy that?

The Soup Nazi 07.17.2018 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
The Liar In Chief and his team came up with a backtrack today, involving "would" vs "wouldn't".

Are people actually going to buy that?

Yes, the 35% or whatever the fuck it is already bought it (if they cared at all in the first place), Republicans will now say, ah well, he finally admitted there was some kinda meddling, we're A-OK, news cycle over, let's give the 0.01% another tax cut, boom.

The Soup Nazi 07.17.2018 09:29 PM

From Politico:

Why Trump's GOP critics never go nuclear


Hours after Donald Trump sidled up to Vladimir Putin at their now-infamous news conference, Republican Sen. Bob Corker received a call from a prominent politician who pleaded with him to repudiate Trump — and to make it hurt this time.

The politician, who is weighing a run against the president, urged the Foreign Relations Committee chairman to use his procedural leverage in the Senate to halt Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court as payback for Trump’s refusal on Monday to acknowledge Russia’s election meddling. Nothing doing, the retiring senator responded.

“Why would I cut off my nose to spite my face?” Corker recounted responding to the pol, whom he declined to name publicly. “I like the Supreme Court nominee. So what the heck?”

And that's just the beginning of the article.


The Soup Nazi 07.17.2018 11:44 PM

Short (1:29) clip from The Guardian:

Maria Butina, accused Russian spy, poses with politicians and asks Trump, in 2015, about foreign policy regarding Russia
Butina, who has been charged with spying, met American politicians [hey Santorum, you wretched waste of oxygen] and candidates to establish 'back channels' and secretly reported back to the Kremlin through a high-level Russian official, according to the US Justice Department.

Skuj 07.18.2018 12:57 AM

Fuckin, The Mueller Report will cause a civil fucking war, I swear.

A thought I had today: Research why Nixon resigned, and why Clinton endured the Impeachment Process.

Then, compare what they did to what Trump has done.

What. The. Fuck. Is all I can say right now.

Sucklechimp 07.18.2018 08:35 PM

I believe that regardless of what side you're on, the media is never going to give you the real deal about the pulse of society. Almost everyone I talk to in red-as-fuck Oklahoma absolutely hates the man. I seriously have a hard time finding people who are as insane about Trump as the media would have me believe. I am holding out for the mid-terms, after which I will make the judgement whether or not the Republic is fucked. I guess it's called hope, and I sure as shit hope I'm not deluded.

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