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Skuj 04.10.2020 09:46 PM

We can do one move per day? I just moved, you move tomorrow, I move the next day......

That way we won't piss off the 7 people in the world that follow this thread.

!@#$%! 04.10.2020 10:09 PM

bitch, im going to sleep now

you get your move tomorrow cuz im fucking tiiiiired

_tunic_ 04.11.2020 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Nah maybe I fucked it up. Funny though.....this was the first one we played where I thought I was, you know, keeping up. :)

Some of you may call me a covidiot for this. I won't argue with you. But I made a judgement call:

We were supposed to be in Tofino for 3 nights starting today, but obviously that vacation got fucked. I didn't organize Easter egg shit. But I told my 11 year old that today, if we stay 2m from everyone, we can go to Wally World and score a big lego. He loves that shit. So we did. And I picked up Blu Rays of The Joker, and Little Women, to boot.

But here's the catch: We walked there. It's 6km each way, mostly along an abandoned railway line. He (and I) loved the walk. The whole outing (with rests, snack stops, and Wally World deliberations)was 3hrs50min. Clearly, we won't do this every day. And I picked up work shifts for 3 days in a row starting tomorrow anyway. So I'm really glad we did this today.

I marked the one word that will get you fined in Belgium. How can you be so stupid that you didn't know this!?!? :D
I'm too lazy to translate the article so here's the link in Dutch language
A married couple in their sixties were taking a bike ride, and at some point decided to take a rest on a park bench. They were even sitting 1.5 meter apart even though as a couple they didn't have to. But they got fined 500 Euros without warning by a police officer. So in Belgium exercising in public is allowed as long as you keep your distance, resting is not!

I'll translate the statement from the mayor:

"People should keep moving, but they shouldn't get stuck. This includes sitting on benches in the park. The police must do their job and ensure that the rules are enforced to avoid gatherings. If we are going to allow people to sit on benches together, everyone will try to change the rules and the measures will no longer make any sense at all ”

!@#$%! 04.11.2020 08:59 AM

just a little while ago i was almost ready to kill some senior citizens for some fresh eggs

i mean going out there to the supermarket and infect them

not that i'm infected. but i always thought if anyone were likely to be a silent carrier it would probably be me


then i had my whey shake and all was good. i still dream of bright yellow egg yolks running down a slice of fresh bread with a pile of bacon on the side though.

and it's the egg yolks really. i looked for powdered eggs and it's mostly egg whites. insert puke emoji.

egg yolks.

anyway, e7-e5

2000 dead in the USA yesterday

83 and counting, this morning

!@#$%! 04.11.2020 11:35 AM

well, this game is taking forever now, im not sure i’m enjoying it in this format

meanwhile, a video to cheer everyone up:

EVOLghost 04.11.2020 12:08 PM

Was furloughed on Thursday. I got really drunk that night and slept most of yesterday. I feel a little better. Lets see how this unemployment thing goes.

Skuj 04.11.2020 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
well, this game is taking forever now, im not sure i’m enjoying it in this format

meanwhile, a video to cheer everyone up:

Well, fuck that then. I'm going to "work" soon, with my small magnetic set.

So here we are at Easter, and things are not great. But they will be great again in May. Right?

The Soup Nazi 04.11.2020 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
So here we are at Easter, and things are not great.


!@#$%! 04.11.2020 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Well, fuck that then. I'm going to "work" soon, with my small magnetic set.

So here we are at Easter, and things are not great. But they will be great again in May. Right?

post your next move soon as you can then. one move a day? we ain’t in prison and we have internet.

i have no corona news but too many covidiots still without masks keep walking in the street so i don’t see death letting down

eta: spoke too soon, got reuters alert with 9,875 british dead

Diesel 04.11.2020 01:27 PM


Diesel 04.11.2020 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
post your next move soon as you can then. one move a day? we ain’t in prison and we have internet.

i have no corona news but too many covidiots still without masks keep walking in the street so i don’t see death letting down

The Swedish approach may yet prove to be the best long term solution;

!@#$%! 04.11.2020 02:21 PM &oe=5EB6E728

!@#$%! 04.11.2020 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
The Swedish approach may yet prove to be the best long term solution;

yeah, but here hospitals have been begging for donations. ‘merica!

Skuj 04.11.2020 02:55 PM

Meh, let's move whenever. Fuck that other idea.

I may try to couch my moves with literary references. Maybe it will be amusing. Maybe not. But I'm having some creative fucking fun.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, it was g1 where the Knight began, it was f3 where it next went, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

!@#$%! 04.11.2020 04:06 PM


lmao i almost wrote "b1" and "c3" BUT NO.

that was a nice quote there.

i might provide later but gotta get some furniture rn

Skuj 04.11.2020 04:15 PM

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single bishop in possession of a good fortune at f1, must be in want of a wife at c4.

The Soup Nazi 04.11.2020 04:24 PM

The chess game was amusing at one point, but now it's just spam, sorry not sorry.

Skuj 04.11.2020 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
The chess game was amusing at one point, but now it's just spam, sorry not sorry.

It was a pleasure to burn.

Ok, fuck. I'm trying to keep my mind active during this crazy time. But goddammit, I'm only talking Covid here, and playing chess in that chess thread, Symbols. Sorry.

!@#$%! 04.11.2020 05:03 PM


turn this thread back to endless bitching and moaning about useless politicos then.

i think our game was way more entertaining than the tantrums, and the literary quotes were an A+ move, and i wouldn’t cave like that, but fine if you wanna.

"trying to keep my mind active during this crazy time" was indeed the point. but now let's cry instead because that's the house specialty.

Bf8-c5 for the last word— but if provoked it won’t fucking be

see you on the other side (maybe)

as for coronary: my prep is going fucking great tyvm. this space station is entering 2nd stage of quarantine.

4 weeks without leaving the house today.

!@#$%! 04.11.2020 05:39 PM

anybody gardening this spring?

Skuj 04.11.2020 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
anybody gardening this spring?

In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.

!@#$%! 04.11.2020 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.


thanks for that

!@#$%! 04.11.2020 06:17 PM

a question for i fratelli d'italia:

if you have pomodori col tonno, as a sauce i mean, with cipolla, do you add parmigiano, or is it a crime because fish?

imma put some on it. i would think romano perhaps better but i have none. sue me if you must. i saw you eat pizza col tonno once. plus there's burro in it. plus i'm using every ingredient in the house :D #quarantine

ps- but please enlighten me. if not now, when?

Skuj 04.11.2020 06:31 PM

Call me Ishmael.

!@#$%! 04.11.2020 06:34 PM

also want to know if to make pasta frolla with semolina flour i could skip the egg. i saw a recipe with just water and olive oil and i might risk it.

also thinking of making a flax egg as binder instead. now that would be highly unorthodox but charlemagne wanted flax to grow in his empire and here we are today. also fresh butter will be gone soon.

Diesel 04.11.2020 07:35 PM

^Just go to the shop ye' muppet

!@#$%! 04.11.2020 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
^Just go to the shop ye' muppet

fuck that, one has to stand in line with all the imbeciles

i dont fear corona but imbecility is a real threat

i’ll go one of these days maybe

!@#$%! 04.11.2020 08:51 PM

from the washington post right now. i was just coming to post it

Medical databases show 1 in 10 hospitalized middle-aged coronavirus patients in U.S. do not survive
Joel Achenbach

The coronavirus is killing about 1 in 10 hospitalized middle-aged patients and 4 in 10 older than 85 in the United States, and is particularly lethal to men even when taking into account common chronic diseases that exacerbate risk, according to previously unpublished data from a company that aggregates real-time patient data from 1,000 hospitals and 180,000 health-care providers.

Allscripts, through its subsidiary CarePort Health, released the data collected from multiple electronic health record companies across the nation. It does not identify patients by name.

Image without a caption
Allscripts said it was repurposing the data to help hospitals better understand the nature of covid-19 and the needs of patients who are discharged but will need follow-up care.

“Never in the history of the world has there been something that operated at this scale, and never have we had the ability to track it electronically the way we can today,” Allscripts CEO Paul Black said Saturday.

“We couldn’t have done this five years ago,” he said.

The new data do not cover everyone infected by the virus, only patients who have been hospitalized. The CarePort data come from facilities in 43 states. The high death rates in the data reflect the fact that hospitals typically admit only patients with severe symptoms, CarePort CEO Lissy Hu said.

Sign up for our Coronavirus Updates newsletter to track the outbreak. All stories linked in the newsletter are free to access.

Most cases of covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, are mild to moderate, and people generally can recover at home.

The first batch of data covers 6,479 hospitalized patients, roughly four times the number of patients analyzed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in a surveillance report released Wednesday.

“We have data from all these different sources, in terms of hospitals large and small, different geographies, different electronic health records,” Hu said. Most hospitals have information only from within their own electronic records, she said. Instead of the data being used for analysis after the fact, the release of the information now can help hospitals respond while the pandemic is ongoing, she said.

This broader swath of data largely echoes the CDC findings. One difference: CarePort found that, after adjusting the estimated mortality rate to take age into account, chronic kidney disease appears to correspond to a 2.5 times greater risk of death among hospitalized patients.

According to CarePort, an 85-year-old who has no chronic diseases and is hospitalized faces a mortality risk between 22 and 27 percent. But if the person has what is known as existing acute kidney injury, the mortality rate spikes to 39 to 49 percent.

“The strongest signal for us based on our data seems to be kidney disease,” Hu said.

These numbers reinforce what has been known about covid-19 since it first flared in China: This is a disease that is far more severe in the elderly, people with underlying chronic diseases and particularly older people with multiple chronic conditions.

Among the common diseases associated with higher levels of mortality from covid-19 are diabetes, lung disease and heart disease. These are common conditions in the United States, and the medical community is still trying to understand how these conditions affect the progression of covid-19.

Covid-19 can sicken a person at any age. The Allscripts data show that 57 percent of people hospitalized were under the age of 65, which is consistent with CDC data.

The new data show that, even when controlling for age and the most common chronic diseases, men are 1.3 times as likely as women to die in the hospital from covid-19. This is consistent with observations in China and Italy, and it remains unexplained.

“Those common conditions don’t seem to explain why men do worse,” Hu said. She said there might be some uncommon conditions that are skewing the results, and so the gender difference in disease outcomes remains a preliminary finding. But being male, she said, “seems to increase risk even when you take into account very common underlying conditions.”

The average age of a patient hospitalized with covid-19, the company said, is 59.6 years old. Mortality rises sharply with age: It is just 1 percent for hospitalized patients under the age of 20, 4 percent for ages 20 to 44, 9 percent for 45 to 54, 13 percent for 55 to 64, 23 percent for 65 to 74, 31 percent for 75 to 84, and 40 percent for 85 and up.

The data compiled by CarePort found that a 65-year-old with multiple chronic conditions — hypertension, diabetes, kidney disease and obesity — has the same mortality rate as a 75-year-old with no such chronic conditions.

Allscripts and CarePort plan further dissemination of data in the days ahead.

“There’s information in the data, about cohorts, about populations, about hot spots, about race, ethnicity, about sex, male-female, and that’s information that we want to get out so that other people use it and make better clinical decisions,” Black said.

This is preliminary data, and Allscripts cautions that the numbers could change as more patient records are compiled. There are built-in limitations: The numbers reflected patients whose disease outcome is known, which is to say, they recovered or died. That doesn’t capture the cases of people still hospitalized and for whom there is not yet a statistically recorded outcome.

The Soup Nazi 04.11.2020 11:32 PM

^ I don't know whether it's the cold registered facts or the insane combination of possible variables that I should fear. (Or if I should fear at all - does "let's face the music and dance on the Titanic's deck" remain an option?) We're in fucking Rumsfeld territory here, and this:


"There's information in the data, about cohorts, about populations, about hot spots, about race, ethnicity, about sex, male-female, and that's information that we want to get out so that other people use it and make better clinical decisions [...]"

just put the Doturd to sleep. Yes, I had to mention it.

The Soup Nazi 04.12.2020 12:28 AM

From Paste:


Why Bill Murray's Groundhog Day Is the Ultimate Quarantine Movie

Skuj 04.12.2020 12:58 AM

Nah, this must be fake news. There is no way that I believe this. Trump cannot be this stupid. Fake fake fake.


The Soup Nazi 04.12.2020 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj

Right in his wheelhouse is right.

What I'm exhausted with —and this is not just about the current assclown's administration, but also, for instance, Dubya's (Colin Powell criticizing him after all was said and BOMBED)— is the perennial lack of a blunt disclosure, in real time, publicly, by an insider. Fauci said in that interview, "Whaddaya want me to do, jump in front of the microphone and push him down?" — YES, GODDAMMIT, I want SOMEONE that FOR ONCE can forget all the protocol crap, step up live, push the motherfucker aside and say THIS GUY IS A LYING MORON INCAPABLE OF COMPREHENDING THE SITUATION AND IF WE FOLLOW HIS BULLSHIT, YOU, YOU #MAGA MOOK WATCHING THIS, ARE GOING TO DIE.

It's an Aaron Sorkin-type fantasy, I know. :(

_tunic_ 04.12.2020 02:02 AM


Diesel 04.12.2020 08:24 AM

South Korea are well prepared for virus outbreaks;

I watched Train to Busan last night and now realise how unrealistic it is: The Koreans would've nipped the zombi outbreak in the bud...

!@#$%! 04.12.2020 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel
The Koreans would've nipped the zombi outbreak in the bud...

true & proven fact

h8kurdt 04.12.2020 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel
South Korea are well prepared for virus outbreaks;

I watched Train to Busan last night and now realise how unrealistic it is: The Koreans would've nipped the zombi outbreak in the bud...

Is it any good that film? I'm tempted to give it a whirl.

Diesel 04.12.2020 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Is it any good that film? I'm tempted to give it a whirl.

This was my third viewing, so I would say... yes, but then again the zombi apocalypse genre is a favourite of mine so I'm biased. There's an anime prequel but it's not as good.

The sequel to Busan is coming out soon, made by the same director. He also made one of the best anime movies of late, King of the Pigs which you may or may not be aware of. If not, I highly recommend also.

Skuj 04.12.2020 03:59 PM

I may have lost my mind over the last couple of days.

To review: I was a competitive runner for 45 years. Then in 2017, my left knee started to complain. Things worsened, and the last run I did was January 23, 2019. I got an osteoarthritis diagnosis soon after, and I became a swimmer.

After 13 months as a swimmer, Covid put a (temporary?) stop to that.

Near the end of a 90min walkabout last night, I broke down, lost my mind, and decided to jog 400m on a soft soccer turf....just to see what happens. Nothing happened!! No pain. No fuckups.

Early today I jogged 10min on a field. Again, no pain. No major discomfort.

It is strange to do this again after 15 months of not doing it. My body/legs are very "wtf?" And I'm going reeeeaaallly fuuucking slooooow.

I wonder if I over-reacted to the diagnosis, because my knee was swollen and fucked up back then. But back then I was trying much bigger runs on harder surfaces. And the diagnosis was "mild", although with osteo, what the MRI shows vice what you feel can be very different. And we all have fucking osteo, to varying degrees.

I'm willing to continue this crazy experiment to see where it goes. I'll stick to 10-20min max, really fucking slow and careful, for quite a while, on soft surfaces. If the experiment fails epically, ie I end up in pain again, then I'll know. I'm not holding my breath, or getting my hopes up high.

So that's one crazy covid story.

_tunic_ 04.12.2020 04:24 PM

The swimming might have cured it?
That's good news anyway, congrats!

Skuj 04.12.2020 04:29 PM

I think 15 months off was a good thing. I may find that I'm at square one once I try a few more runs, but we'll see.

Thanks for the congrats, but I'll take that once I know that this ends up well. :)

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