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ilduclo 06.28.2018 06:21 PM

OH MY GOD THIS FUCKING WEEK. It's weird how that little "voting" thing works, isn't it? During the 2016 election season, people kept saying "I DON'T CARE IF YOU LIKE THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE OR NOT, FUCKING VOTE FOR HER FOR THE SUPREME COURT ALONE." Guess we were right about that! It's almost like we've READ A BOOK. And now we have to say so long, farewell, aufwiedersehen GO FUCK YOURSELF to Anthony Kennedy, whose lazy 81-year-old ass couldn't stick around just a year or two more, because guess he doesn't have the stamina of a common Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Skuj 06.29.2018 12:23 AM

One thing we know for sure: Trump and McConnell will get their way with regard to the new Conservative Supreme Court person before the November elections. And nobody, absolutely NOBODY in today's GOP will give a flying fuck about the hypocricy of 2016 and their (unconstitutional!) refusing to even hold a hearing for Obama's pick.

I honestly believe that McConnell is one of the worst human beings ever.

We have already seen the consequences of Obama's concession. (And make no mistake - he had an absolute right to force this because of GOP noncompliance, but he was too nice. I really think he underestimated what was to come in late 2016. Didn't we all?)

You will pay the price for decades.

Did Schumer throw in the towel already? He needs to fight this tooth and nail, even if the outcome is guaranteed. History will record that the Dems were rightfully outraged. Just saying "fuck it we can't change the outcome" will be devastating for the near future and Dem prospects.

Fuck, are too nice. Jesus.

Bytor Peltor 06.29.2018 04:46 AM

Hatefulness On The Outside = Hatefulness On The Inside


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
I always knew Tesla was a cunt but I didn't suspect you are one too until I decided to open this thread and read your posts. I wish your kids are taken away from you and you never get to see them again. You are unfunny, insensitive and a piece of shit.

tesla69 06.30.2018 12:17 PM

This is interesting and disappointing, esp. as she's already being pitched as presidential material...didn't I predict above 'they' weren't going to let her win...hit piece #1...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the socialist phenom also told the Washington Post "I wasn’t born to a wealthy or powerful family — mother from Puerto Rico, dad from the South Bronx. I was born in a place where your Zip code determines your destiny."

Except Ocasio-Cortez isn't quite the blue-collar champion she's branding herself as. Breitbart's Josh Caplan is out with a "fact check" on the Democratic Socialist's background - only to find she grew up in one of the richest counties in the United States.

Around the age of five, Alexandria’s architect father Sergio Ocasio moved the family from the “planned community” of Parkchester in the Bronx to a home in Yorktown Heights, a wealthy suburb in Westchester County. The New York Times describes her childhood home as “a modest two-bedroom house on a quiet street.” In a 1999 profile of the area, when Ocasio-Cortez would have been ten years old, the Times lauded Yorktown Heights’ “diversity of housing in a scenic setting” – complete with two golf courses.

tesla69 06.30.2018 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Did Schumer throw in the towel already? He needs to fight this tooth and nail, even if the outcome is guaranteed. Fuck, are too nice. Jesus.

you mean schmuck schumer? what a useless neoncon sack of shit. He's another traitorous piece of shit who voted for every version of the Patriot Act.
But maybe thats not part of your template thinking!

tesla69 06.30.2018 01:51 PM

Wow, I imagine there is a single word in German to express awe, wonder, incredulty, pride and grit - you guys did it, I really doubted it could happen but the poor campers and their sad dogs have all been helped, we can do it! The encampment is cleaned up and the wandering dopefiends are no longer passed out sprawled on the sidewalk with their eager puppies pulling on leashes secured 'round their unconscious human's ankles. Anything more said would just be babble but for all the anger and disinformation marketing going on here, this board really can unite under the Sonic Youth banner and get it done. We should be proud. Thank you all.


Originally Posted by tesla69
Pretty much every day I walk to work west on East 6th Street, across Cooper Square, past the dipshit twins playing badminton in the middle of the sidewalk next to Cooper Union, past the cube in Astor Place, to the uptown at Broadway at 8th St, and I see at least a dozen caucasian dopers sleeping under the building scaffoldings all over the neighborhood, and in the restaurant stairwells, they migrate to Starbucks to use their bathroom and sleep in the front rooms, there are usually a half dozen or so spread out around astor place; they are the campers with their sad dogs, a new code for dope user, dressing like a camper with their template camo colored rags pieced together and sad dog. And when I say dope, I mean heroin or other hard opiates, not weed, but they're probably also polyabusing meth and coke and alcohol and dope and then they od and the taxpayer gets to pick up after them. I generally only see white people sleeping on the street and networked young white junkies with their smart phones begging at curbside with their precious emotionally gripping signs - the campers get up to work during the day - there is a circuit among campers that knows they can come to Manhattan and Brooklyn and make enough from panhandling and stealing amazon packages from lobbies to pay for their dope and smart phone - I think the only reason the East Village won't be flooded with campers this summer is because the rest of the country is so heavily flooded with dope from China and Afghanistan and Latin America that the dopers don't need to join the campers here with the relatively easy and consistent supply historically of hayron in NYC. I'm without respect for the campers - I could give a fuck if they shoot dope through their eyeball, just don't make everyone else involved - because they always, everytime, without exception, leave their cardboard and other garbage behind. that someone else will clean up. Its kind of interesting because I've read most of the useful heroin books: WS Burroughs, Alexander Trocchi, Iceburg Slim, Donald Goines, Jim Carroll, Herbert Huncke, etc.. Maybe these campers are messing with meth too. But any of you are welcome to come to East 6th Street and help the junkies. They are there right now with their sad dogs as you read this, I guarantee it. You could help the junkies under the scaffolding on 2nd Ave and East 6th and then pop into Mighty Quinns for some roasted meats! The junkies are still there now suffering. Won't you help. The immigrants are going to do fine, they aren't lying around the streets of New York begging and stealing and doing dope like the white people are. thank you and coffee.

ilduclo 06.30.2018 10:44 PM

check this out
this is awesome

_tunic_ 07.01.2018 02:17 AM

US ambassador to Estonia resigns in frustration over Trump

And he's not the only one


(CNN)The US ambassador to Estonia is resigning in frustration with President Donald Trump's comments about, and treatment of, European allies.

James D. Melville Jr.'s resignation, first reported by Foreign Policy magazine, makes him the third ambassador in the last year to leave the State Department early. He is among many senior State Department officials who have headed for the exits or been pushed toward them since Trump assumed office.
In a statement, a State Department spokesperson confirmed Melville's departure.
"Earlier today, the United States' Ambassador to Estonia, Jim Melville, announced his intent to retire from the Foreign Service effective July 29 after 33 years of public service," the statement read in its entirety.
Melville's resignation comes at a time of acutely heightened tension in an alliance that, before Trump's election, had been one of the most solid, reliable and interconnected US relationships.
But Trump's attacks on NATO members, his trade tariffs against EU nations, his rejection of the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris climate agreement and his attacks on leaders such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel have cast a pall over US ties to Europe.
Many European officials are wary about Trump's mid-July visit to the NATO summit in Belgium. Those officials there fear that Trump's meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin after NATO will look like the friendlier encounter in comparison.
"The transatlantic relationship, which all around the table we consider a given, is not a given," a European diplomat told CNN. "We now have a major crisis."

'It's time to go'

Foreign Policy quoted from a private post on Melville's Facebook page in which the seasoned diplomat referred to the President's comments about Europe in explaining his decision to retire early.
"A Foreign Service Officer's DNA is programmed to support policy and we're schooled right from the start, that if there ever comes a point where one can no longer do so, particularly if one is in a position of leadership, the honorable course is to resign," the magazine quotes Melville's post as saying. "Having served under six presidents and 11 secretaries of state, I never really thought it would reach that point for me."
"For the President to say the EU was 'set up to take advantage of the United States, to attack our piggy bank,' or that 'NATO is as bad as NAFTA' is not only factually wrong, but proves to me that it's time to go," Melville said in the post.
The announcement of Melville's departure was followed by that of Susan Thornton, Trump's choice to be the nominee to be assistant secretary for East Asian affairs, later on Friday.
Two State Department officials said Thornton notified staff in an email today that she is retiring in July.
The officials said Thornton, a well-respected career diplomat who has been doing the job in an acting capacity since Trump took office, was notified she will in fact not be the nominee and she decided to retire.
Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson pushed very hard for Thornton's nomination amid intense pushback from conservatives on Capitol Hill and hardliners in the administration.
Secretary of State Pompeo tipped his hand on Thornton about a month ago during testimony on Capitol Hill, in which he said he would be making announcements on personnel, including a top diplomat for East Asia, signaling Thornton was no longer going to be considered for the post.
State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said the administration was grateful for Thornton's two-and-a-half decades of service.
"We particularly appreciate her dedication to Department and interagency colleagues, her extraordinary leadership, especially as Acting Assistant Secretary over the past year and a half, and the personal example she set as an embodiment of the best qualities of a Senior Foreign Service Officer," Nauert said in a statement. She added that Pompeo is moving forward with efforts to nominate someone for the key position.
The duo is only the latest foreign service officer to leave in a department where the senior ranks have been deeply depleted and even rising stars have resigned rather than serve the President.
In November, an award-winning US diplomat based in Nairobi wrote then Tillerson a blistering letter saying that the Trump administration had diminished the influence of State Department with its preference for military solutions.
Elizabeth Shackelford wrote that "despite the stinging disrespect this Administration has shown our profession," the State Department's diplomats "continue the struggle to keep our foreign policy on the positive trajectory necessary to avert global disaster in increasingly dangerous times."

'Traditional values ... betrayed'

In her resignation letter, Shackelford told Tillerson that she "would humbly request that you follow me out the door."
In January, then-US Ambassador to Panama John Feeley resigned over differences with the Trump administration, saying in his resignation letter that "as a junior foreign service officer, I signed an oath to serve faithfully the President and his administration in an apolitical fashion, even when I might not agree with certain policies."
"My instructors made clear that if I believed I could not do that, I would be honor bound to resign. That time has come," wrote Feeley.
Once he had left office, Feeley was less circumspect in a scathing oped in the Washington Post, saying that he had "resigned because the traditional core values of the United States, as manifested in the President's National Security Strategy and his foreign policies, have been warped and betrayed."
In March, another career diplomat, then-US Ambassador to Mexico Roberta Jacobson, announced her decision to step down amid increased tensions between the US and Mexico that's due in large part to Trump's incendiary rhetoric about the country, its citizens and its trade relationship with the US.
A few days after her announcement, the White House delivered the equivalent of a slap, excluding Jacobson -- who served as ambassador until May -- from a meeting in Mexico City between Trump son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner and President Enrique Pena Nieto.

_tunic_ 07.01.2018 04:43 AM

Moog Asks Customers to Protest Trump Tariffs


The North Carolina-based synth company states it will likely have to make layoffs, possibly move overseas due to new policy


Moog synth photo by Olly Curtis/Future Music Magazine via Getty Images

The Trump administration recently began imposing new tariffs on steel and other imported products. Earlier this month, it announced an additional 25% tariff increase on electronic components and tech goods from China. Various American manufacturers, including Harley Davidson and General Motors, have warned the tariffs will threaten American jobs. Now, North Carolina-based synthesizer manufacturer Moog has issued a similar statement to its customers, urging them to call their representatives and ask for the tariff to be reconsidered before it goes into effect on July 6.

“These tariffs will immediately and drastically increase the cost of building our instruments, and have the very real potential of forcing us to lay off workers and could (in a worst case scenario) require us to move some, if not all, of our manufacturing overseas,” the letter reads. “We ask that you will support us by imploring our elected officials to recognize that these tariffs are seriously harmful to American businesses like Moog.”

ilduclo 07.01.2018 07:53 AM

Great posts. More MAGA in the fields, too...soybeans, which have been burbling along at $1100 for about a year down to 850. Last ships loads before 25% tariffs imposed are approaching Chinese delivery ports right now....that’s a business of $12 billion a year now, let alone the ancillary transport barging/rails/storage/stevedoring jobs. BTW, prices were $1500 to 1800 under Obama, but he was a black Muslim socialist, huh farm belters? Steady price erosion of 16% so far under Trump.

Bytor Peltor 07.01.2018 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
...soybeans, which have been burbling along at $1100 for about a year down to 850.

I shorted SOY a few months ago $$$$

ilduclo 07.01.2018 10:42 AM

John Lewis:
" Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble."

Leonard Pitts Jr.:

You’ll seldom find a more compelling example of that willful blindness than this. To approve the travel ban, after all, the Court had to take Trump at his word that it was based in national-security concerns and had nothing to do with his animus toward Muslims. And the Court did. It put aside overwhelming evidence of religious bigotry. It even put aside the fact that Rudy Giuliani says Trump told him he wanted to ban Muslims and was seeking “the right way to do it legally.”

Sonia Sotomayor:

“[A]t a rally in South Carolina, Trump told an apocryphal story about United States General John J. Pershing killing a large group of Muslim insurgents in the Philippines with bullets dipped in pigs’ blood in the early 1900s.”

“In March 2016, he expressed his belief that “Islam hates us. … [W]e can’t allow people coming into this country who have this hatred of the United States … [a]nd of people that are not Muslim.’

[Trump] called for surveillance of mosques in the United States, blaming terrorist attacks on Muslims’ lack of ‘assimilation’ and their commitment to ‘sharia law.’ ”

The Soup Nazi 07.01.2018 07:37 PM

This woman is the last shred of decency left on that putrid Petri dish of a party:

Susan Collins says she won't support a Supreme Court nominee who's hostile to Roe v. Wade


Skuj 07.01.2018 10:25 PM

It's July 1st. I live in Canada.

Happy Thank-Fuck-I-Live-Here-Day.

PS: Enjoy those tariffs that took effect today.

Skuj 07.01.2018 10:30 PM

Where did the GOP go? It's the Trump party now.

It's amazing to watch Trump videos/media, and see how his Flunkies act around him. It's almost like the shit we see coming out of North Korea.

Pence is on record as being very strongly against Roe-Wade right? Will he get his way? How many millions of Evangelicals are there, who will look the other way as Trump is Trump, as long as he does their bidding? This is the main reason for Pence being VP, isn't it?

Fuck Religion. (Crucify me now.)

The Soup Nazi 07.01.2018 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by hairs missing
Top-ranking democrat Joe Crowley, who many thought was poised to become the next speaker of the house, has just been defeated by progressive challenger and democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in an enormous upset:

Her platform:

- Medicare for all
- Housing as a human right
- A federal jobs guarantee
- Gun control/assault weapons ban
- End private prisons
- Immigration justice/abolish ICE
- Public financing of elections
- Restore Glass Steagall
- Mobilizing against climate change

I feel SOMEWHAT optimistic for the first time since the 2016 Sanders campaign... Thanks to the people of New York's 14th district. Now please vote for Cynthia Nixon in September :cool:

ALSO, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez happens to be quite the looker. Not that that has anything to do with this. But still. Just sayin'.


LifeDistortion 07.01.2018 11:27 PM

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in just a short time is just the reinvigoration Democrats need, and the fact that the Democratic leadership has not celebrated her win is just another example of how the Democratic leadership will always shoot themselves in the foot always sticking to the center. Young voters are excited for Ocasio-Cortez in a way they haven't been since Obama, and if they continue to act like her win is a fluke and she's not worth championing they will continue to lose to shitty Republican candidates.

The Soup Nazi 07.01.2018 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in just a short time is just the reinvigoration Democrats need, and the fact that the Democratic leadership has not celebrated her win is just another example of how the Democratic leadership will always shoot themselves in the foot always sticking to the center. Young voters are excited for Cortez in a way they haven't been since Obama, and if they continue to act like her win is a fluke and she's not worth championing they will continue to lose to shitty Republican candidates.

Indeed. By the way, her last name is actually Ocasio-Cortez. And if it weren't hyphenated, it would be Ocasio. That's how it rolls.

ilduclo 07.02.2018 09:02 AM

Michelle Wolf "If you see Kellyanne Conway, I am so, so sorry for you. That means you're going to die in seven days"

ilduclo 07.02.2018 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

well, not really, it's just a charade. The candidates will say "I can't tell you how I'd vote, since I don't have any case testimony or evidence yet, and I always respect previously decided cases." Yeah, sure, just like they respected
the Abood decision in Janus vs AFSCME (and what a good name that is for the 2 faced asshole)

btw, TSN ---The Soup Nazi has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space.

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