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k-krack 12.31.2006 01:03 AM

ahahah you suck. I don't use computers at school... but yr in university, right?

Inhuman 12.31.2006 01:09 AM

Nah I'm still in college. I use computers in every class except gym and english, so I'm often on them 10 hours a day...(which means a lot of posting).

finding nobody 12.31.2006 01:13 AM


touch me i'm sick 12.31.2006 01:14 AM

i jsut added you

k-krack 12.31.2006 01:15 AM

Haha indeed. Gym in college? Wierd, I figured that class went away for life after grade 9. Hate that class. RIP, in an ironic way, shitty class.

touch me i'm sick 12.31.2006 01:17 AM

i still have gym. it's my last year though,. we play dodgeball and stuff. hahah

finding nobody 12.31.2006 01:20 AM

I had team sports last year

k-krack 12.31.2006 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by touch me i'm sick
i still have gym. it's my last year though,. we play dodgeball and stuff. hahah

We played dodgeball in gym, too... it was fun... but it was so competitive with all the moronic twats in the class. Hard to have fun with those cunts.

touch me i'm sick 12.31.2006 01:22 AM

it can get scary when people take dodgeball seriously. i'm retty good at the dodging part. the throwing and catching is where i go wrong

k-krack 12.31.2006 01:23 AM

I'm not bad at either. But I'm no Ben Stiller.

touch me i'm sick 12.31.2006 01:24 AM


finding nobody 12.31.2006 01:24 AM

I always got so mad when I saw someone cheat:mad:

touch me i'm sick 12.31.2006 01:32 AM

yeah that's the worst.

touch me i'm sick 12.31.2006 01:32 AM

it's veyr satisfying when you're the last one left on your team without getting out

finding nobody 12.31.2006 01:33 AM

Shit gets intense

k-krack 12.31.2006 01:37 AM

It does get pretty intense... especially when there's like.. two people left on yr side, but almost everyone ont he other team.
It's like, "holy shit dude, there's like, fifty balls coming for one of us any second," and you just know they're using some annoying tactic like that!

touch me i'm sick 12.31.2006 01:38 AM

hahah yeah. that shits crazy

drrrtyboots 12.31.2006 01:43 AM

i dont have any dodgeball in my school, i think theyre too afraid of kids getting hurt and lawsuits and whatnot. we do have fitness friday tho. it basically means everyone goes down to the track and runs a timed miled. mmm, great!

k-krack 12.31.2006 01:43 AM

hahhaa sounds like a blast, Nick.

drrrtyboots 12.31.2006 01:43 AM

not really. im glad to be in drivers ed this marking period actually, too cold for that fitness friday malarky.

touch me i'm sick 12.31.2006 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by drrrtyboots
i dont have any dodgeball in my school, i think theyre too afraid of kids getting hurt and lawsuits and whatnot. we do have fitness friday tho. it basically means everyone goes down to the track and runs a timed miled. mmm, great!

yeah we'r enot supposed to play dodgeball... our teacher just tells us that we're gonna work on our throwing and dodging skills. haha

drrrtyboots 12.31.2006 01:45 AM

i wish someone would let me throw and dodge balls. but hey, tomorrow night is new sure ill end up doing something of that nature.

touch me i'm sick 12.31.2006 01:46 AM

tee hee

touch me i'm sick 12.31.2006 01:47 AM

i suppose i should rep you

drrrtyboots 12.31.2006 01:48 AM

save for when i say something wittier. i hate my posts sometimes...

edit: too late. thank you for yr love.

k-krack 12.31.2006 01:50 AM

Don't be such a downer!

touch me i'm sick 12.31.2006 01:51 AM

i'm always willing to give some loving!

drrrtyboots 12.31.2006 01:52 AM

haha, im not a downer! but my evening didnt turn out like i hoped. i just wish it were about a 20 hours from now is all.

touch me i'm sick 12.31.2006 01:55 AM

what had you hoped for this evening?

drrrtyboots 12.31.2006 01:56 AM

well, not sitting on a friends couch watching re-runs on mtv. a good friend of mine is home from school and ive barely gotten to see him besides going to show of his last weekend so i was hoping to get together with him but its been hard. i think im going out to lunch with him tomorrow so alls not lost.

k-krack 12.31.2006 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by touch me i'm sick
i'm always willing to give some loving!

I'm up for it!

k-krack 12.31.2006 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by drrrtyboots
well, not sitting on a friends couch watching re-runs on mtv. a good friend of mine is home from school and ive barely gotten to see him besides going to show of his last weekend so i was hoping to get together with him but its been hard. i think im going out to lunch with him tomorrow so alls not lost.

That's a bummer, man. Have fun tomorrow, then.

drrrtyboots 12.31.2006 01:59 AM

oh i will. animal collective videos on youtube are currently cheering me up, its a gooooood thing.

touch me i'm sick 12.31.2006 02:00 AM

ahah isn't facebook jsut the lamest? altough i have to admit looking through other people's pictures is just great fun..

touch me i'm sick 12.31.2006 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by k-krack
I'm up for it!

and then i shower you with loving

drrrtyboots 12.31.2006 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by touch me i'm sick
ahah isn't facebook jsut the lamest? altough i have to admit looking through other people's pictures is just great fun..

hahaha facebook? i never said that! but it is the lamest, as is myspace. the internet fucking sucks man.

touch me i'm sick 12.31.2006 02:02 AM

hah no i was talking to kracko. but thanks anyways?

drrrtyboots 12.31.2006 02:03 AM

shit, i missed something. sorry, im quick to make assumptions at this time of night.

touch me i'm sick 12.31.2006 02:04 AM

aren't we all

drrrtyboots 12.31.2006 02:05 AM

deffinitely. it reminds me to stop embarrassing myself and go watch something on tv. gnite to you both and i hope your news years involves balls and dodging as well. i mean that in the best way possible of course.

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