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The Soup Nazi 05.06.2020 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj

Anyway, if Ruth dies, we all know what McConnell and Trump will do, and the hypocrisy is astounding.

RBG is back at home. And she's like Kenny: even if she dies, she'll be back for the next episode.


Bytor Peltor 05.07.2020 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
RBG is back at home. And she's like Kenny: even if she dies, she'll be back for the next episode.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg Encased In Carbonite Until Next Court Session

Skuj should changing his avatar to this!

I hope RBG is recovering, she has served our country for a long time!

Bytor Peltor 05.07.2020 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj

Justice Dept dropping Flynn’s criminal case




Skuj 05.07.2020 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I bet I know how this proceeds now: The judge (Obama appointee, surely!) will (rightly) deem that Flynn is still guilty, and that these notes have no effect whatsoever. Cue the outrage in Trumpyworld. Flynn gets pardoned very quickly (fuck you Obama!) and plays a major role in Today's GOP. While the dust still settles, Stone gets pardoned.


$10, anyone?

Well, it looks like Today's DOJ has spoken!!

I had this belief that a judge would decide.

Flynn is still fucking guilty, no matter how DOJ and Trumpies twist this.

So, onto the next step: Flynn joins team Trump again? (I hope he does!!)

Bytor Peltor 05.07.2020 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Well, it looks like Today's DOJ has spoken!!

Flynn is still fucking guilty, no matter how DOJ and Trumpies twist this.

I’m guessing you have sand in your eyes because anyone can clearly see and understand that the DOJ doesn’t drop charges against guilty people!

But don’t you worry, the guilty will soon be going to jail because you can’t perpetuate fraud upon the court and get away with it.

You can’t waste TWO YEARS and 32+ MILLION DOLLARS of the Tax Payers money on an investigation and not have to answer for it!!

......the big names are coming!!!

Skuj 05.07.2020 04:20 PM

The more I read about the "technicality" that Flynn will be freed on, the more I shake my head.

Did Flynn talk to the Russians illicitly? YES.

Did he lie about these talks? YES.

What's worse: Flynn getting off for this reasoning, or Barr's summary of Mueller's findings? We live in very strange times, and Barr should scare everyone.

(The judge, a Clinton appointee, must still decide the Flynn case though, right?)

Skuj 05.07.2020 07:19 PM

"On February 14th 2017, Trump talked to FBI Director Comey about Michael Flynn, asking him to “let this go” because he’s a “good guy.” Comey wouldn’t do it, so Trump fires him. Today, Barr did what Comey was unwilling to do."

An interesting take.

Skuj 05.07.2020 08:18 PM

(Keeps posting to self....)

So, Barr is at odds with Mueller here (I just re-read the Flynn section in the report), as well as the IG. What are the chances that he is also at odds with the judge who ultimately decides this case?

My $10 bet is still on. :)

h8kurdt 05.08.2020 08:24 AM

Don’t Forget, Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.

Skuj 05.08.2020 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt

Oh but he was tricked into it by The Deep State, and as Barr said in an interview, sometimes we plead guilty when we don't understand that we were not guilty blah blah blah Make America Great Again.

Skuj 05.08.2020 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt

I enjoyed that piece. One can see a pattern here in Barr's behaviour. If it was one or maybe two major things he had done to please Team Trump, an arguement could be made that he is an impartial AG. But look at the list!! And it's going to get worse. The Trumpists know this. "Some big names are going to pay" keeps coming up, and I believe it now. But Barr has zero credibility. I have a copy of the Mueller Report on my shelf, and I must be reading a completely different book than the one Barr read.

h8kurdt 05.08.2020 03:20 PM

Pleaded guilty TWICE, but yet he's innocent. Gotta love those mental gymnastics.

h8kurdt 05.08.2020 05:20 PM


I have been in and around DOJ since 1983. I have never seen a case dropped after someone has pled guilty and the underlying facts demonstrate beyond any shadow of a doubt he is guilty. This is simply a pardon by another name. A black day in DOJ history.

[Michael R. Bromwich]former DOJ IG; Asst US Attorney, SDNY; Assoc. Independent Counsel, Iran-Contra; independent monitor; law enforcement consultant

How many of Trump's cronies have been sacked, sent down, or disgraced since he became president? And yet you believe that Flynn is as innocent as a newborn baby and has been treated horribly by the FBI? Trump drained the swamp about as well as a plumber using a toothpick on a clogged shitter.

Skuj 05.08.2020 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
[Michael R. Bromwich]former DOJ IG; Asst US Attorney, SDNY; Assoc. Independent Counsel, Iran-Contra; independent monitor; law enforcement consultant

How many of Trump's cronies have been sacked, sent down, or disgraced since he became president? And yet you believe that Flynn is as innocent as a newborn baby and has been treated horribly by the FBI? Trump drained the swamp about as well as a plumber using a toothpick on a clogged shitter.

Lol. That's good.

You quoted Skunk "you have your article and I have mine" above, and I admit that I clicked on that link and looked about his beautiful for 10 seconds. That is 10 seconds that I will never get back. These are the kinds of "news" and "sources" that Byteme and Skunk revel in, and I feel sorry for them. I really do.

Skuj 05.08.2020 05:48 PM

"RT is the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel which brings the Russian view on global news."

You cannot make this shit up. Skunk really is a Russian bot, and he may not even know it. Thank FUCK I can't see him unless he is quoted.

Skuj 05.08.2020 05:52 PM

The channel is registered as a "foreign agent" with the United States Department of Justice under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). A 2017 report by the United States Intelligence Community characterized RT as "The Kremlin's principal international propaganda outlet" and said that RT America had been set up as an autonomous nonprofit organization to avoid FARA's registration requirement.[4][5] RT America's estimates of its audience reach in the USA have been considered to be exaggerated.[6]

From wiki.

The Soup Nazi 05.08.2020 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
So, onto the next step: Flynn joins team Trump again? (I hope he does!!)

I hope they make him Pence's chief of staff. :D

Skuj 05.09.2020 10:43 AM

Obama told some people how he really feels about the Trumpy response to Covid-19, and the recent Flynn developments. The recording was very recently "leaked".

The tweets shall begin in 10...9....8....

!@#$%! 05.09.2020 11:27 AM

this isn’t really about covid but about the imbeciles in charge and the deranged ones who support them

In the early days of the pandemic, the U.S. government turned down an offer to manufacture millions of N95 masks in America

Aaron C. Davis
May 9, 2020 at 10:06 a.m. MDT

It was Jan. 22, a day after the first case of covid-19 was detected in the United States, and orders were pouring into Michael Bowen’s company outside Fort Worth, some from as far away as Hong Kong.

Bowen’s medical supply company, Prestige Ameritech, could ramp up production to make an additional 1.7 million N95 masks a week. He viewed the shrinking domestic production of medical masks as a national security issue, though, and he wanted to give the federal government first dibs.

“We still have four like-new N95 manufacturing lines,” Bowen wrote that day in an email to top administrators in the Department of Health and Human Services. “Reactivating these machines would be very difficult and very expensive but could be achieved in a dire situation.”

But communications over several days with senior agency officials — including Robert Kadlec, the assistant secretary for preparedness and emergency response — left Bowen with the clear impression that there was little immediate interest in his offer.

“I don’t believe we as an government are anywhere near answering those questions for you yet,” Laura Wolf, director of the agency’s Division of Critical Infrastructure Protection, responded that same day.
Bowen persisted.

“We are the last major domestic mask company,” he wrote on Jan. 23. “My phones are ringing now, so I don’t ‘need’ government business. I’m just letting you know that I can help you preserve our infrastructure if things ever get really bad. I’m a patriot first, businessman second.”

In the end, the government did not take Bowen up on his offer. Even today, production lines that could be making more than 7 million masks a month sit dormant

Bowen’s overture was described briefly in an 89-page whistleblower complaint filed this week by Rick Bright, former director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority. Bright alleges he was retaliated against by Kadlec and other officials — including being reassigned to a lesser post — because he tried to “prioritize science and safety over political expediency.” HHS has disputed his allegations.

Emails show Bright pressed Kadlec and other agency leaders on the issue of mask shortages — and Bowen’s proposal specifically — to no avail. On Jan. 26, Bright wrote to a deputy that Bowen’s warnings “seem to be falling on deaf ears.”
That day, Bowen sent Bright a more direct warning.
“U.S. mask supply is at imminent risk,” he wrote. “Rick, I think we’re in deep s---,” he wrote a day later.

The story of Bowen’s offer illustrates a missed opportunity in the early days of the pandemic, one laid out in Bright’s whistleblower complaint, interviews with Bowen and emails provided by both men.

Within weeks, a shortage of masks was endangering health-care workers in hard-hit areas across the country, and the Trump administration was scrambling to buy more masks — sometimes placing bulk orders with third-party distributors for many times the standard price. President Trump came under pressure to use extraordinary government powers to force private industry to ramp up production.

etc etc (because the clusterfuck is wider and deeper and there’s more) :

Skuj 05.09.2020 02:32 PM

I know I should never generalize, but these two suspects sure don't look like racist ignorant asshole fucks, he said, sarcastically, in the Trump thread, because Trumpism is basically white supremacism.

h8kurdt 05.10.2020 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk

Why not let the criminal justice system work itself out until a verdict is reached and then, with all the evidence out in open court, react negatively should the facts so justify?


Once again, concerning the Trump movement as being white supremacist:

Proof The MSM Is Full of Shit! United We Stand VA 2A're trying to make out the police did their job thoroughly and to trust the law to do its job? They didn't charge the two fucks until two months later and only after public pressure. Think it would have been the same if the races were reversed?

Fucking moron. You try and say you're all about the law when the reality is you can't call two racist, murdering cunts for what they are-two racist, murdering cunts.

Georgia D.A would not allow police to make arrests because of friendship with the father

Trust the law to do the right thing. But only when video footage comes out, right?

!@#$%! 05.10.2020 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I am a lawyer


h8kurdt 05.10.2020 06:12 AM


“The police at the scene went to her, saying they were ready to arrest both of them. These were the police at the scene who had done the investigation,” Commissioner Allen Booker, who has spoken with Glynn County police, told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “She shut them down to protect her friend McMichael.”

And why not give that process a chance? Because the process of enacting the law has failed so many times before. Especially when an innocent black male is killed.

!@#$%! 05.10.2020 06:31 AM

i don’t know what fantasies drunkle bob is mumbling about, i was just laughing at his claim that he’s “a lawyer.”


!@#$%! 05.10.2020 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Do you realize that you're risking a lawsuit by virtue of your claim? I can certainly prove before a court of law that I am admitted to the bar of one of the several States of the United States of America, albeit on the retired list (in good standing). Unless you feel quite certain that you can prove the opposite, I strongly suggest that you withdraw your claim, and admit your error upon that point.

a lawsuit for laughing at you?

you’re going to have to sue the world

i mean read what you just wrote


!@#$%! 05.10.2020 07:25 AM


all i know about “you” are your words on a screen, and i find them to be tone-deaf ridiculous and contradictory words in a misplaced context, and i can laugh about them until i am blue in the face, and will continue to do so.

!@#$%! 05.10.2020 07:32 AM

i called my lawyer, this is what he said


i asked if we should countersue.


!@#$%! 05.10.2020 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I'm glad you called your lawyer. Yet that's not what I requested of you.

What I'm asking is that you put HIM in touch with ME.

You can do that by PMing me.

i told him to contact you directly

he said


and he disappointed me

!@#$%! 05.10.2020 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I'm sorry to hear that he has disappointed you concerning your request that he contact me directly, yet I wonder how can he contact me unless he has my contact information?

I promise you that I will contact him should you provide me with his contact information.

i promise you he will contact you as soon as i have your contact information

h8kurdt 05.10.2020 07:48 AM

Threatening to sue him because he laughed and said you're not a lawyer? Haha!


!@#$%! 05.10.2020 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Threatening to sue him because he laughed and said you're not a lawyer? Haha!


i didn’t say he wasn’t a lawyer

i just laughed at him

i still am and you’re welcome to do so as well

!@#$%! 05.10.2020 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
He will apologize or he will pay!

here’s a dollah

buy yourself a coke

!@#$%! 05.10.2020 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
By virtue of his having called into question my professional credentials, he has, in fact, libeled me.

by virtue of claiming i said things i didn’t say you have in fact libeled me


!@#$%! 05.10.2020 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
What was the meaning of that post, if not to question my professional status?

objection, goes to speculation



!@#$%! 05.10.2020 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Nope. It's a reasonable (non-speculativee) inference from your own statement.


you got enough attention for today, you may return to your loneliness

The Soup Nazi 05.10.2020 08:13 AM

h8kurdt, eventually you'll have to summarize what's going on here for me. ;):D

!@#$%! 05.10.2020 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
NOPE! It's gone too far for that. Your attorney's contact info, or a retraction and apology.

One or the other.

who are you again?

!@#$%! 05.10.2020 08:29 AM

i mean if you’re saying im saying you’re not who you are please clarify who you are first.

h8kurdt 05.10.2020 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
NOPE! It's gone too far for that. Your attorney's contact info, or a retraction and apology.

One or the other.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

!@#$%! 05.10.2020 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I've already told you.


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