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Hey, I need some advice on which pedal to buy:
Choice: 1. Electro-Harmonix Small Clone chorus or Big Muff I know these are kinda different pedals, but I just can't make a decision. I only have 1 pedal, which is the Boss DS-2... Anyway, let me know if you have either and what you think, cheers! |
I got my Big Muff today! I super-glued the plastic nuts back together and put them on, they're a bit loose but it sounds great!
Oh yeah
Got me poly chorus it rules ^ A truely inciteful post |
![]() No comparison ![]() |
See: What Win is singin' into. LOUDSPEAKER. Oh, but that mic just sound liks it's huge reverb. Like he's in a giant chamber. JUST GET SOME REVERB, BRO! |
Danelectro delay, I use it for reverb though.
I like lots and lots of reverb. A hint of distortion. Every once in a while I'll use the danelectro octave distortion. |
New pic of the small pedal army
(Big Muff is the most recent addition) ![]() |
I was thinking about getting a wah pedal, since I hate having to step hard on my ME-50. I'm affraid that I will break it.
Any suggestions about wah pedals? Or should I build my own...? |
Mine is just a plain Dunlop Cry-Baby, just the standard model. It could do more, but I don't use it for face-melting, so I don't mind it.
I say go with the Fasel Cry-Baby or the Vox wah |
[quote=finding nobody]Forget the Small Clone. Get Poly Chorus. Small Clone is the watered down version of the poly chorus
No comparison More like a scaled-down version. The Small Clone is the best I've heard in it's range and I use it lots...so if you want basic, Small Clone and if you want infinitely tweakable, get a Poly Chorus. How do you like your polychorus, finding nobody? I asked you about it a while ago in your thread you started. |
Nice score!
You can see my old Tele Custom up for sale at this vintage store called Willies...I hope someone buys it, I need heroin really bad.
http://williesguitars.com/index.cfm?...il&prodID=2103 |
I enjoy it. cranking up the feedback knob and letting it rip is my favorite thing to do |
Hey, thanks for all the advice...think I'll go for the small clone!
Some of the new upcoming Electro Harmonix pedals:
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ive been thinking about getting a clone theory but i might just wait out for that electric mistress instead, |
I want the Pog and Memory Man! And the electric mistress too.
Guys what pedals is Thurston using on this tracks...
http://www.boomkat.com/item.cfm?id=45116 Sample 1.... |
well the main guitar just has some light overdrive on it, could just be the amp sound,
that 'swelling' droney sounds is delay like a memory man or something, i could be wrong but thats what i think |
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hmm i have to go back and listen to this again... i'd be suprised if he used a memory man on guitar as thurston never really uses delay. |
maybe a compression?
so, what i'll do first is order an alesis nanoverb and then a ehx stereo pulsar. then i'll get a cat to make me a superfuzz clone. after, i'll go for a fender blues jr.
but, the reason me wanting the stereo pulsar is because its absolutely crazy and noisy, look at this video from a guy from hc: http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...76729199730268 http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...63826708064003 as for the new ehx's, there's a couple of demos on www.gearwire.com but they all suck. i want a holy stain though, it looks like it sounds awesome. |
Yeah, the guy who demos those has a horrible clean guitar tone. He needs a better guitar and an amp.
But the Stereo Memory Man sounds awesome regardless of the shit he was playing and his shit tone. |
I got that Thrashmaster Soundtank pedal delivered a couple of days ago. It was £5 (inc. P&P) off ebay. Seems fun for distortion, though it's a bit buzzy. |
The Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai and Micro POG will be cool, even though that guy who demo'd them sucked. I'm getting the Stereo Memory Man as soon as I can and the Arion SAD-3 will be coming off the board then. I took all my danelectros off the board (chili dog, french toast, PB+J) if anybody wants them, I'll sell all 3 shipped for 80, or 25 each for the first 2, and 40 for the PB+J. I just gave my board a make-over today: ![]() ![]() before ![]() |
Not much new here pedal-wise, just sold my Moog Ring Modulator since I was using my frequency analyzer mostly anyway...needed some black tar heroin asap.
My friend just got a Moog Freq Box and I played with it for a long time today...can you be both impressed and indifferent at the same time? Maybe my pedal fetish is waning...but I am looking forward to the new EH and BYOC pedals. Julian, you ever gonna do a byoc pedal? I guarantee you will become addicted. |
Eventually I'll do some BYOC. I want to do all the gain pedals they have.
I'm gonna get a flanger (I'm thinking either the new EH one or an MXR or something else) and 2-3 of the new EH pedals and call it quits for awhile and focus on guitars. I've been wanting a jazzmaster for awhile now, and I'm just gonna get my shit together and save up for one. I really like my setup now. The Danelectro pedals really suck tone and since I don't have a true bypass looper, I decided to take them out. Worlds of difference in my sound. |
That's how I got my synth. . . my dad found it at a garage sale for 10 dollars. :) |
BTW, going through the thread, I saw you made a large beaver. How does it compare to your other big muffs?
I'm kinda not liking my amp any more...I'm really tempted to go with something solid state (don't even go there, tube amp heads:fuckyou::D) and lighter. Like the Jazzmaster Ultralight: ![]() I have an old Tele Custom on consignment at a vintage store here and I'm thinking about outright trading it for something in the store. |
I sort of want a 65 Deluxe Reverb. 1x12, 40 pounds (that is how much my head weighs!), would probably be good enough for every gig I do.
I also want a Mig 50 head. My priority list is something like this: 1. Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai 2. Holy Stain 2 1/2. Devi Ever peep optical expression pedal 3. Flange of some sort (I'm starting to GAS for a flanger hoax, have you got to try one on for size CHOUT?) 4. Jazzmaster 5. ? |
My friend has the Flanger Hoax...(oh yeah, it's actually on I Was Sent Here (2 Fuk U)luckily he's my boss and I can use it anytime, the same guy who just got the Freqbox. The FH is frustratingly cool, another infinite tweaker, reminds me of my analog synth - it's hard to get an exact setting twice out of it. I had a friend who sold his but I didn't have the money at the time to buy it off of him.
I think I'm over tube amps for now, at least to gig with, unless they're light...I know there's some holy reverance for them, but I don't hear much difference in sound anyway - too many fucking variables in any given situation...perhaps I'll be proven wrong, but I doubt it. maybe I'll keep the DeVille for my room...that fucking Jazzmaster ultralight above I think weighs less than 20 pounds total! I'm with you on the new memory man, I need one...still undecided if I should get a micro pog or wait for the regular pog prices to go down... Quote:
My friend had a Deville and I didn't like it very much, plus it was incredibly heavy and had no casters. My head + cab setup is heavier, but atleast my cab has casters so I can roll it around.
The Devilles aren't made very well, they don't have a master volume and a preamp volume, which is annoying, and the speakers are crap. I've heard about people switching out their tubes and speakers on their hot rod Devilles and them sounding much better. I tried to convince my friend to do that. But he ended up trading it for a used Marshall solidstate half-stack that sounds like utter balls. He's sort of a tool, and always just wanted to rock a marshall with a les paul. |
my buddy Matt would end up calling him one of the "camion rock" kind. teeh eeh. I am done with pedals for good now. totally satisfied with what i have. honestly tho I'm really thinking about switching my amp's speakers. Like the Deville, I've heard the same things about my FM 212 - meaning that it's poorly constructed and the speakers blow ass. in terms of sound, I really like it. and it's cheap as fuck. so I'm guessing what is gonan happen if I will change the speakers? I found a harmonycentral guy who wrote a bizzare article in a bizzarre way stating that he changed those and ended up having a great tone. lemme paste it here for ya: Product: Fender FM-212R Price Paid: US $315 Submitted 07/04/2006 at 11:49am by FRG7SWL Features : 8 Basic solid-state Fender amp, with 100 watts its' major attraction! Basically a two-channel amp, normal-n-drive; consider that 3rd "more drive" mode a sonic steroid! Mid-contour emulates Mesa Boogie types of Recto-vibed distortion if one certain mod is performed(see below). Spring reverb for subtle retro Fender vibe. Separate bass, midrange, & treble tone controls for both normal-n-drive channels. Pre-amp out & power amp in jacks for additional tonal flexibility. 2-button footswitch for channel access. Sound Quality : 10 Considering this amp retails for around 3 bills, Fender had to make a production short-cut somewhere. It's in them stock Eminence speakers! They're voiced to emulate Jensen's C12Ns(1204s to vintage vibers), which means they don't suffer brutal wattage gracefully! Plus, they're wired in parallel! That lowered ohmage leads to sucky tone-n-electrical meltdown! As for that aforementioned mod, replace them stock Eminence drivers with Brown Soun's hemp-coned Vintage 30s, wired in series! All of a sudden that normal channel delivers classic Fender clean! A guitar geek bud said it sounded like a 60's-era Twin! Then when you kick into drive, you've got Mesa Boogie-ized Recto-Verbed distortion; more drive morphs into poly-phonic putty! Add pedals of choice if ya need more tonal versatility! Them hemp-coned V30s converts that lowly 212R into a veritable mini-stack! You'll have volume bordering on pain thresh-hold; yet that 212R aint even huffin'-or-puffin'! For added electrical protection, use an appliance surge protector like those sold @ Ratio Shaq! Used a Fender 50th anniversary Yngwie'ized Squier Strat, Mexican Jazz Bass, & Ibanez Les Paul Custom copy(with P.A.F. & P.A.F. Pro pickups) to put this pup through its' paces! Reliability : 10 With that V30 mod & surge protection adapter, you've got a versatile, portable mini-stack for around 6 bills! A modded 212R should suffice until ya can afford that multi-kilobuck boutique amp! Ya can take a 212R out to a gig & not worry about some five-finger-discount Freddie; whereas ya gotta keep constant surveillance on a classic Twin or Bassman amp! Who sez ya can't be smug coaxin' scintillatin' tones outta a lowly 212R??? Customer Support : No Opinion Have never had to find out, thankfully!!! Overall Rating : 10 Mesa Boogie built their empire moddin' Fender amps! With the aid of hemp-coned V30s, ya get the feelin' a Fender engineer returned the favour by incorporatin' Recto-vibed distortions into them drive channels! For around 6 bills total, plus a little bit of elbow grease, ya get a sonic slice of harmonic heaven! whaddya think? |
Haven't posted here in a while. I have some pix of my gear though!
![]() You can see my new(ish) 50 watt amp under the Hiwatt there. An Australian 'Ashton' amp. I hadn't heard of them either, but it sounds good. In the way of pedals, recently I have only been rocking a Wah and a Tremolo pedal.. I'm keeping it simple for now. My phaser is somewhere.... and my blue box is broken again. Here's some close ups of that Vox Ace I got off ebay: ![]() ![]() ![]() I highly reccomend picking one up if you can, it plays like a dream. The action is great. That tele-deluxe-esque pickup has been installed since the guitar was made in the 70s, obviously, but the original neck pickup sounds just as good too. I can get some lovely sounds out of it. |
you know it might not be the best ever idea to lean your lovely guitars on that there radiator,
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