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I'm just about to go and buy a new smoke alarm, because our old one keeps going off for no reason, and we don't want to burn to death over the Christmas period.
Pecan Pie rocks my socks.
i like your avatar, she is cute
im gonna go watch harry potter 4 soon
look into his eyes and you shall see
why everything is quiet and nothing's free i wonder how he's gonna make her smile when love is running wild on the diamond sea |
holy fuck! i was just humming that song! |
I love that movie. One of my favourite adaptations from book-to-movie period, let alone the best one from the HP series, a mon avie. |
In "xxx xxxxxx xxxx", when considering what managing Xxxxxxxx’s writing means to him, the narrator thinks to himself, “I had stumbled onto a cause, a thing that justified me and made me feel important, and the more fully I disappeared into my ambitions for Xxxxxxxx, the more sharply I came into focus for myself.” This can be illustrative of how ‘choosing’ the Other is in fact a choice of freedom, not only in that one is ‘free’ to choose, but also in that gaining subjectivity allows you to be ‘free’ to perform (within) the will of the Other as if it were one's own: "Given the strain of reconciling myself to the project, it was probably necessary for me to equate Xxxxxxxx's success with my own". Also in this respect: “The true test, after all, is to be like everyone else. Once that happens, he no longer has to question his singularity. He is free – not only of others, but of himself” (italics, mine). |
I'm going to die of alcohol poisining in about 3 hours.
rest in peace |
yeah, this is the second time im watching it, its funny as hell! |
Some special seasonal irrelevence!
Science explains Christmas goodwill Last Updated: 12:01am GMT 20/12/2006 Roger Highfield reveals that a leading professor has at last figured out why we are so generous to each other at this time of year. One of the world's leading game theorists has come up with an explanation for the orgy of goodwill and giving at Christmas, a feature of the seasonal good cheer that has baffled scientists for years. At first glance, the universal idea of survival of the fittest should have put paid to giving presents and acts of charity since the last thing any competitive creature will do is to waste its valuable resources on another. advertisement But in the animal kingdom, gifts are made for good reason: in many insect and some bird species, females accept males as mates only if they are offered a morsel of food to boost the chance of reproduction; and there are many other behaviours seen in insect societies where individuals help each other, so long as they are related and carry each other's genes. In human societies, however, we are often charitable and give to people who are unrelated to us, or whom we do not even know, particularly at Christmas. Experiments also show that we often express our gratitude by being more charitable to others. The reason for all this Christmas goodwill is spelt out in a mathematical analysis carried out by Prof Martin Nowak of Harvard University, working with Sebastien Roch of the University of California, Berkeley. In the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the scientists examine what they call "upstream reciprocity." Prof Nowak explains: "If someone is nice to you, you feel good and may be inclined to be nice to somebody else. This everyday experience is borne out by experimental games: the recipients of an act of kindness are more inclined to help in turn, even if the person who benefits from their generosity is somebody else." This 'upstream reciprocity' - which includes giving to a charity at Christmas - may appear to be a misdirected act of gratitude: at first glance it only makes sense if you help somebody because they have helped you. The team's mathematical analysis shows that upstream reciprocity alone does not lead to the evolution of cooperation, which would help society to thrive, despite the simple-minded view that only the fittest should survive in our dog-eat-dog world. But the models do show that upstream reciprocity can increase the level of cooperation if it is linked to direct reciprocity, the equivalent of "if you scratch my back, I will scratch your back." And they also show that all important cooperation thrives if there is 'network reciprocity' - giving to people who are likely to give to another, who will in turn give to another - and so on - who will eventually give a gift to you. That embodies the concept of 'I help you and, eventually, somebody else will help me'. After calculating random chains of altruistic acts between one person and another, the team reaches a heart-warming conclusion in its technical paper: "Our analysis shows that gratitude and other positive emotions, which increase the willingness to help others, can evolve in the competitive world of natural selection." Scrooge himself would have been impressed by their arguments which show how, even in a nature that is supposed to be red in tooth and claw, a person who has just received help may go on to help several others in "an 'epidemiology of altruism' resulting in an explosive increase of altruistic acts." In this way, science has at last explained Christmas goodwill. |
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to elaborate:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apples |
My brother says i'm a wigga.
whats a wigga? *forgive me
haha Hey the erotic Pacman! How are you? Welcome to the board |
it stands for "white nigga." I don't promote using such names, but hey, that's what it means. It's basically any white guy who acts like they want to be black. Example: http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A9gnMiFwtpJFSkQBPjCjzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NDgyNWN 0BHNlYwNwcm9m/SIG=121fhekki/EXP=1167329264/**http%3a//img137.exs.cx/img137/7084/wigga4qo.jpg |
You just did... kinda... |
I hate Fubu and everything like that. I think he just mixed up "indie" and "wigga". I hope.
Aww... I got this longsleeve dickies shirt with a huge logo for christmas. I hate walking around with a brand name on me, So I'll probably cover it up with a dress shirt. Like this, but longsleeve ![]() |
god is mark ibold. |
She left us a christmas note if you search through the forums, she's still here. EDIT: http://www.sonicyouth.com/gossip/showthread.php?t=9318 |
i tagged my girls desk tonight after she passed out because shes going through some rough shit and she was talking some crazy talk.
i might have to buy her a new desk, which is cool i just hope she doesnt get too pissed ![]() (yes, its thee "ill be your mirror" by the velvet underground lyrics) i do some stupid shit when im drunk. |
The singer of Ministry sings with a fake english accent some times. I don't really like Ministry. It's funny they used to be synth pop.
thats bizarre
i want sauce with everything.
I wonder if Ginn had anything to do with that. I used to wear my SST "Kill Bono" shirt all the fucking time. Hell, it's full of holes and falling to pieces, and I still wear it every once in a while.
The MD of the company I work for is in the area and may drop in at any point, and I'm on here instead of getting the place looking good.
Posh Spice makes me want to kill baby animals.
i hate packing
My mom just asked me how I know the word "cock".
my grandma used "cock" as a term of endearment.
What could a businessman ever want more than us sucking in his store?
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