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Skuj 04.09.2020 11:28 PM


The Soup Nazi 04.10.2020 12:40 AM

The county where "my" office is located will stop being in quarantine from 5AM Monday, but the one where I live will remain quarantined for at least another week. This is one of the stupidest things ever: there are no physical barriers between the two, no highway that you need to drive; it's the same fucking thing divided by arbitrary abstract lines - you can literally be in both counties at once if you stand in the middle of certain streets.

Which brings me to this opinion piece by the Washington Post's editorial board - it's about the U.S., of course, but I highlighted the part which applies to my own asphalt jungle as well:


Time to plan for a phase-two battle against the coronavirus

GLIMMERS OF hope are emerging that the coronavirus pandemic is slowing. Washington state and California have flattened the curve with social distancing to such an extent that they are offering spare ventilators to stricken New York, where Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D) says hospital admissions are plateauing, and other signs show the pandemic will be more manageable than the worst-case projections. An earlier estimate of 100,000 or more deaths nationwide has been scaled back considerably, assuming social distancing continues through May.

No one should draw the conclusion that it is time to let up. On the contrary, the changing dynamics of infection and hospitalization show that social distancing to break the virus transmission is working where attempted and ought to be redoubled. If people relax, the consequences could be a dangerous second wave. Most of the population is still vulnerable — and such cities as New Orleans, Detroit and Chicago are now experiencing their own sub-epidemics. Deaths are still climbing; they lag some weeks behind the levels of infection.

It is time to seize the moment and create a strategy for the coming months, a phase two when the United States will shift from fighting the house fire to managing some kind of stabilization, if not normalcy. Some significant work has been done by think tanks, but the administration appears engulfed in managing the daily crisis. President Trump should appoint a skilled manager and leader to take on phase two. To neglect planning could risk chaos later on. Mr. Trump’s overeager insistence that reopening will be “sooner rather than later” has not been accompanied by a strategy to get there.

In any return to normalcy, comprehensive diagnostic testing will be required to isolate the sick and help certify those who can go back to work safely. Can an administration that presided over a movable feast of half-measures now create a national testing network that will be orders of magnitude larger? As The Post reported Wednesday, states are going their own way in the absence of leadership from Washington.

At the same time, a recovery strategy will require serology testing on a scale never attempted before to determine who has been infected and might be immune by looking for antibodies in serum. Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services Brett P. Giroir reassured members of the media on Tuesday that “we will have millions on the market by May,” but similar promises about diagnostic tests were unfulfilled, and there are concerns about the quality of serology tests now being rushed out. Another layer of uncertainty is whether the coronavirus will leave behind enough recovered people with immunity to restart the economy. Former Food and Drug Administration commissioner Scott Gottlieb said the percentage of the population infected and showing antibodies in Europe is between 1 and 15 percent, but he thinks it may be lower in the United States. If only 5 or 10 percent of the population is immune, the remainder are still at risk of infection, and the virus is not controlled by a vaccine or drug therapy, then what are the paths to recovery this year?

This is a Rubik’s Cube challenge entwining public health issues, economics and social behavior, and it deserves more attention than it is getting.

_tunic_ 04.10.2020 03:47 AM

this should have been posted in this thread.

Neil Young for president!


The Soup Nazi 04.10.2020 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
Neil Young for president!

Yeah, no, he was born in Kenya ER I MEAN Canada.

I always thought that photo was either a) Photoshopped as fuck, or b) real, but basically a sign of Neil saying, "Yeah, you can use 'Rockin' In The Free World', but I'll spend all that money on things you HATE", the way Chrissie Hynde did it with Limbaugh and "My City Was Gone" - all those coins go to PETA, as I understand.

!@#$%! 04.10.2020 09:21 AM

ew that fucking ugly bastard why do i have to wake up and look at it

!@#$%! 04.10.2020 09:21 AM

i forgot how to block images on this board


oh there we go. relief!

so... hm lemme look at this thread now safely...


ok i need to go take out the trash from my house the same way i did with the fugly pic here. eyesores.

meanwhile e4-e5 then


eta: dark shadows reminded me of "strange paradise" which i went to look for on youtube. then i read an article on youtube that said that strange paradise was created in response to... dark shadows! 60s version lolololol. i didn't know there was one.

covid tv: strange paradise on youtube. weird and cheap as fuck. i always thought it was a british show but it's canadian!

Skuj 04.10.2020 11:15 AM

Adams gets fired in 3.....2.....1.... (He's black too!)

I feel sorry for you Americans. So many contradictions coming from your "leaders" (of which I consider Adams to be one of the true ones).

pxp. Fascinating!

Skuj 04.10.2020 11:21 AM

I must now do a major cleanup of the house, for photos today. When it lists I'll link it here, in case any Americans decide upon Canada. (Who can blame them?) It's a Divorce Sale, so the price may be rather attractive.

!@#$%! 04.10.2020 11:27 AM

Qxp obviously. By which i mean, Qxe5

Please people quit listening to that miserable narcissistic fucking huckster.

Go watch “Strange Paradise” on youtube instead. So fucking weird! Relax and eat and so on.

Skuj, did you ever see that show?

Skuj 04.10.2020 11:53 AM

Bd6. I check now and then. Don't know that show but I adore Twin Peaks.

!@#$%! 04.10.2020 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Bd6. I check now and then. Don't know that show but I adore Twin Peaks.

strange paradise is a canadian concoction from the 60s

(weird that you never saw it. i wonder if jim jarmusch ever saw it, given the title)

original dark shadows was from 1966

per wikipedo, the canadians were riding the dark shadows wave

there was a dark shadows remake in 1991 (the one i'm seeing)

there are some hotties in it if that interests you lmfao

the twin peaks connection is my own. it's not the same story at all but it's a similar setting and atmosphere and "tone" from a cheap show that appeared a year later. i don't know if this show is quoting the original dark shadows but i assume it was heavily influenced by twin peaks which was a hit in its day and resembles this some-- only this is objectively dumber.

anyway.... Qxc7?

Skuj 04.10.2020 12:39 PM

We are obviously playing two different games. My B is at d6, so how can you go to c7? Maybe I screwed up. Sorry if I did. Let's review our moves. Later.

!@#$%! 04.10.2020 12:41 PM

oh fuck THAT BISHOP fml i moved your piece wrong my bad

now im proper fucked huh?


i had put it in d5

this is why it helps my adhd to post the starting square if we can do the full notation?

so k your bischoff backing up yr peón.


no, the ok.. one sec. you have a knife to my throat eh? wait...


ok, Qe5-d4

sorry man

imma spell it all out from now on please do same

Diesel 04.10.2020 12:54 PM



!@#$%! 04.10.2020 01:19 PM

Coronavirus samples stolen from Chicago lab employee’s car, police say

Coronavirus test samples were stolen from the car of a lab employee in Chicago, according to police and local reports.

The 42-year-old woman had five frozen samples in the trunk of her Jeep when she parked it outside a gas station on the city’s South Side and went inside the store, Chicago police said in a statement. The samples were to be tested for covid-19, the disease caused by the virus, the Chicago Sun-Times reported, citing a law enforcement source.

As the woman walked into the station, a man climbed into her Jeep, which she had left unlocked and running, police said. She and a relative went looking for the car and found it about two miles away. They alerted nearby officers.

When the officers approached the Jeep, two men jumped out and ran. The officers were not able to catch the pair. The test samples were missing from the trunk, police said.

Police are continuing their search for the two men.


nice loot, dumbfucks

Skuj 04.10.2020 01:25 PM

Ok, you did Qe5-d4. I hope we are looking at the same game. :)


!@#$%! 04.10.2020 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Ok, you did Qe5-d4. I hope we are looking at the same game. :)


yes now the queens are in a high noon scenario and your bishop to my right yes?

if so, then Qd4xf4 or QxB as you'd say

Skuj 04.10.2020 02:02 PM


!@#$%! 04.10.2020 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj

damn, i thought you'd make a more defensive move instead of attacking my alfil

why didja doit...



Skuj 04.10.2020 02:19 PM


!@#$%! 04.10.2020 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj

i learned "don't surround yourself with yourself" from these guys :D


Skuj 04.10.2020 02:31 PM if I take your Q with my N.....there must be a catch......hold on.....

!@#$%! 04.10.2020 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj if I take your Q with my N.....there must be a catch......hold on.....


never mind hwat? N????

wasn't he miles away?

how did what?

Skuj 04.10.2020 02:33 PM

NxQ. Are we on two different setups again? Have I missed something?

!@#$%! 04.10.2020 02:35 PM

oh i fucked up and put your horsie in the wrong place

fine, i surrender lol

Skuj 04.10.2020 02:35 PM

Well this is all fucked. I gotta walk Dude. Sorry it turned out like this. I likely fucked up somewhere.

!@#$%! 04.10.2020 02:36 PM

i got some important lab supplies today and i'm, er, "cooking" :D

(not that kind, walter white!)

im sorry i fucked this one up

!@#$%! 04.10.2020 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Well this is all fucked. I gotta walk Dude. Sorry it turned out like this. I likely fucked up somewhere.

no, i did. jeez...

ok that was the end of the chess olympics :D

i got more deliveries coming tomorrow i gotta prep for

prep prep prep


have a good one.

_tunic_ 04.10.2020 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
Coronavirus samples stolen from Chicago lab employee’s car, police say

Coronavirus test samples were stolen from the car of a lab employee in Chicago, according to police and local reports.

The 42-year-old woman had five frozen samples in the trunk of her Jeep when she parked it outside a gas station on the city’s South Side and went inside the store, Chicago police said in a statement. The samples were to be tested for covid-19, the disease caused by the virus, the Chicago Sun-Times reported, citing a law enforcement source.

As the woman walked into the station, a man climbed into her Jeep, which she had left unlocked and running, police said. She and a relative went looking for the car and found it about two miles away. They alerted nearby officers.

When the officers approached the Jeep, two men jumped out and ran. The officers were not able to catch the pair. The test samples were missing from the trunk, police said.

Police are continuing their search for the two men.


nice loot, dumbfucks

Lol (or not but still)
It gave me a flashback to the movie I saw yesterday He Never Died starring Henry Rollins as let's say a biblical cannibal, who's at one point so hungry that he sucks blood out of a bloodbag then accidentally drops it to the floor and first starts licking it from the floor, then ends up soaking it with a sponge and squeezing it into a glass.
And the bloodbag he purchased from a med student, from the trunk of his car.

Apologies for being gorily offtopic

On the Corona topic, the last few days the hospitals have reported less admissions and less people in the ICU in the Netherlands. It's only small decreases but still. We hope this trend continues

And also this could be a breakthrough, and if it is really proven:
Researchers Radboudumc: essential mechanism covid-19 exposed
(This is a link to the google translation of the Dutch article, hope it's accessible abroad)

_tunic_ 04.10.2020 02:53 PM

Oh and lmao that my chess prediction really became true :D :D :D

!@#$%! 04.10.2020 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
Oh and lmao that my chess prediction really became true :D :D :D


hahahaa i see images as links now

!@#$%! 04.10.2020 06:54 PM

yes skuj. i fucked up yr horsie the other way

Skuj 04.10.2020 07:00 PM

Nah maybe I fucked it up. Funny though.....this was the first one we played where I thought I was, you know, keeping up. :)

Some of you may call me a covidiot for this. I won't argue with you. But I made a judgement call:

We were supposed to be in Tofino for 3 nights starting today, but obviously that vacation got fucked. I didn't organize Easter egg shit. But I told my 11 year old that today, if we stay 2m from everyone, we can go to Wally World and score a big lego. He loves that shit. So we did. And I picked up Blu Rays of The Joker, and Little Women, to boot.

But here's the catch: We walked there. It's 6km each way, mostly along an abandoned railway line. He (and I) loved the walk. The whole outing (with rests, snack stops, and Wally World deliberations) was 3hrs50min. Clearly, we won't do this every day. And I picked up work shifts for 3 days in a row starting tomorrow anyway. So I'm really glad we did this today.

!@#$%! 04.10.2020 07:56 PM

that’s a really nice story, covidiot! :D

i don’t know, i talk to other canadians online and they’re all staying the fuck home.

but i understand the important need, he’s gotta feel good right now


so you go to wallyworld but you don’t know sam’s club?

also: you won the last one!

Skuj 04.10.2020 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
that’s a really nice story, covidiot! :D

i don’t know, i talk to other canadians online and they’re all staying the fuck home.

but i understand the important need, he’s gotta feel good right now


so you go to wallyworld but you don’t know sam’s club?

also: you won the last one!

We live in a smallish town with much greenspace - hundreds of people are out walking and biking, keeping distances from each other. I'd fuckin die if I had to stay indoors. I really do think we have the privilege of getting outdoors safely here. As for Wally World, we lined up to get in, 2m apart, and inside the crowds were sparse. It was very doable, keeping away from others, with red arrows down each aisle for direction of travel. I fuckin hate going to Wally World at the best of times, but in this town they have the lego and the Blu Ray releases on time.

Sam's Club wtf?

I WON. WTF? :) A very hollow victory.

!@#$%! 04.10.2020 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
We live in a smallish town with much greenspace - hundreds of people are out walking and biking, keeping distances from each other. I'd fuckin die if I had to stay indoors. I really do think we have the privilege of getting outdoors safely here. As for Wally World, we lined up to get in, 2m apart, and inside the crowds were sparse. It was very doable, keeping away from others, with red arrows down each aisle for direction of travel. I fuckin hate going to Wally World at the best of times, but in this town they have the lego and the Blu Ray releases on time.

Sam's Club wtf?

I WON. WTF? :) A very hollow victory.

didnt you drop your king too previously?

sam’s club is the wallyworld-owned version of costco. they sell in bulk. you might have seen “sam’s choice” brand at walrats? coffee, beef jerky, that sorta shit. no?? sam walton was the founder. wal-etc

Skuj 04.10.2020 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
didnt you drop your king too previously?

sam’s club is the wallyworld-owned version of costco. they sell in bulk. you might have seen “sam’s choice” brand at walrats? coffee, beef jerky, that sorta shit. no?? sam walton was the founder. wal-etc

I never look for anything in Wally World other than lego and Blu Rays.

"...drop your king..." Eh? :)

Skuj 04.10.2020 09:27 PM

Oh I get it. I resigned a couple (or 3?) times when I knew that you had fucked me up. But that last game was just errors in communication.

!@#$%! 04.10.2020 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Oh I get it. I resigned a couple (or 3?) times when I knew that you had fucked me up. But that last game was just errors in communication.

i misread and counted your move as self-strangulation when it actually wasn't

purely my fault

could have asked to take back but it was beyond

if we play again we use full dashes

start + end position

adhd is a thing xD

Skuj 04.10.2020 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i misread and counted your move as self-strangulation when it actually wasn't

purely my fault

could have asked to take back but it was beyond

if we play again we use full dashes

start + end position

adhd is a thing xD

Ok. Well, fuckin, I'm white, and e2 to muthafuckin e4, Bitch.

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