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h8kurdt 04.18.2006 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
Nevertheless, she bought one of the shirts they were selling, and wears it all the time even though she doesn't actually like the band. She pretends to--either because she thinks it will make me like her more, or because she's figured out that no, I am not the only one who likes the band, and yes, some people do think they are "cool." She does this with the Stooges and the Clash t-shirts too. It's kind of repulsive.

Come tho think of it i've got a mate that does that. He loves telling me how he's got a Clash t-shirt or Nirvana t shirt. Even though a) he never wears them and b) he never listens to them (he's never even heard the Clash and he even admitted it himself). now that got me riled up.

I sthis thread just pure snobbishness now?

Glice 04.18.2006 11:14 AM

Yes to the snobbishness. It's fine if anyone here never gives bands their proper due, but I suspect everyone here makes offhand comments about other people's favourite bands. The hypocrisy doesn't worry me, it's the lack of humour in taking the piss out of other bands that annoys me the most.

For the record, most SY fans I've known have been completely snobbish twats with their fingers too far up their own arse and an unshaking belief that SY are somehow the very epitome of 'out there' music when they are, in fact, merely a very good and moderately innovative rock group.

Not that I would apply such a criticism to anyone here, you understand...

Trasher02 04.18.2006 11:19 AM

haha funny thread!!
everyone in my school thinks it sucks, i even had a discussion about experimental music with a teacher i really hate!

Teacher:What music do you listen too Lee
Me:Experimental stuff...
Teacher:Experimental?!? isn't the lowest form of music?
Teacher:Well, it has no structure.
Me: Does music have to have structure?
Teacher:*Can't think of an answer and ignores me*

h8kurdt 04.18.2006 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
Yes to the snobbishness. It's fine if anyone here never gives bands their proper due, but I suspect everyone here makes offhand comments about other people's favourite bands. The hypocrisy doesn't worry me, it's the lack of humour in taking the piss out of other bands that annoys me the most.

For the record, most SY fans I've known have been completely snobbish twats with their fingers too far up their own arse and an unshaking belief that SY are somehow the very epitome of 'out there' music when they are, in fact, merely a very good and moderately innovative rock group.

Not that I would apply such a criticism to anyone here, you understand...

Somebody speaks sense here? WOW. I've met some freaking annoying SY fans who refuse to accept other peoples taste in Music. I always worry if I'm like that sometimes (snobby I mean) I try not to but sometimes it's bloody hard.

AllHandsOnTheBigOne 04.18.2006 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
He also does this thing where he likes to sing a Sinatra-style version of Kool Thing, which is just him singing his own lyrics "It's a Kool Thing, yeah yeah, a Kool Thing, yeah yeah" to a tune that is not present in the actual song, while snapping his fingers.

That's just cool.

Pablitzen 04.18.2006 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Somebody speaks sense here? WOW. I've met some freaking annoying SY fans who refuse to accept other peoples taste in Music. I always worry if I'm like that sometimes (snobby I mean) I try not to but sometimes it's bloody hard.

that's the problem when you like ONE band...SY is not the one band i like, and i try to listen a lot of diferent kind of bands/ need to be open minded and LISTEN to others opinions...

Fox 04.18.2006 02:16 PM

Someone told me, one day:

"You know, Sonic Youth is not the only band who only make larsens for 20 minutes..."

Inhuman 04.18.2006 02:22 PM

A guy ranting on a myspace thread:
"Ugh, I love Sonic Youth and stood out in the cold to see them for 2 hours- only for them to play feedback. They were hitting random stuff around the stage and it made me feel like hitting myself with random stuff it was so horrible".

Rob Instigator 04.18.2006 02:24 PM

these are some great posts.
people say stupid shit about sonic youth all the time.
it's just ignorance.

TheDom 04.18.2006 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
A more than fair comment I think. People are probably going to say something stupid if you say something that's insulting a band they like. And besides which BEP are fucking ace.

Yeah, I can see how it is a fair comment, but I forgot to add that the dude was SERIOUS about the band name. He forgot it in that 2 second conversation...


Originally Posted by h8kurdt

"Sonic Youth Suck"
"Do they? Name a song"
"I dont know any... they're always on MTV2"

Bloody hell have I been watching it at the wrong time.

That happened to me.. but with Mudhoney.

Me: "Hey, you'll like Mudhoney"
Friend: "No way, they suck!"
Me: "You haven't even heard them..."
Friend: "Yeah I have, they are always played on 92.5 (radio station that plays the latest pop hits)"

schizophrenicroom 04.18.2006 07:21 PM

I acknowledge and respect other people's taste in music, but one day this girl I kind of hang out with grabbed my mp3 player. Genetic was playing, and she told me I don't listen to "good music" and I need to get rid of everything on my player. That's what I fucking HATE. I'd rather be a tightass snob that likes moderately interesting music than a goddamn snob that only listens to My Humps and tells me, free of irony/sarcasm, it's the best fucking song of all time.

luxinterior 04.18.2006 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Yes to the snobbishness. It's fine if anyone here never gives bands their proper due, but I suspect everyone here makes offhand comments about other people's favourite bands. The hypocrisy doesn't worry me, it's the lack of humour in taking the piss out of other bands that annoys me the most.

For the record, most SY fans I've known have been completely snobbish twats with their fingers too far up their own arse and an unshaking belief that SY are somehow the very epitome of 'out there' music when they are, in fact, merely a very good and moderately innovative rock group.

Not that I would apply such a criticism to anyone here, you understand...

I guess that's what I can't comprehend...the idea that the band is so "out there" that no one could possibly want to listen to them, or on the other side of the spectrum, that anyone could use the band to gain some sort of credibility. When I'm asked what they sound like, I just say, "They're a rock & roll band," and let the person figure it out for themself. I rarely initiate conversations regarding music, and I would never play music around other people unless we're all riding in my car, and that never happens because I don't like to drive. I'm not one of the kids at school who will take out their laptop in the middle of class and start playing a song that everyone else is then forced to listen to. Even if I had a laptop, or some other music-playing device, I still wouldn't do that. Which is why I don't understand people's reactions when they basically goad me into talking about music that I like. I'm not going to lie and say I like something that I don't, but I also won't insult someone for the sake of making them feel inferior. Mostly, I'd just rather keep quiet about music in general, unless I'm on this message board or something.

karma_army 04.18.2006 08:53 PM

Well a guy i know looked at a picture from inside the murry street liner notes and said "man they should be called Senile youth"
i said "..........."

sonicpollution 04.18.2006 09:03 PM

Yeah, I played Washing Machine (or tried playing) for a group of people once, and got so many bad reactions that I just gave up playing it halfway through "Becuz", and let them listen to whatever it was they liked. But my two favorite reactions to it were:

*Person makes a really disgusted face*: "Who is this?"
"Sonic Youth."


"Wow, this is really different from what I usually listen to. I'm not used to hearing a girl sing." (this person lives under a rock aparently.)

nomadicfollower 04.18.2006 09:09 PM

My friends have just flat out said SY is shit, or I'll be at a friends house and I'll hijack the stereo, cut of the phish, and fucking blare some Confusion is Next. They hate that. Heh.

sonicpollution 04.18.2006 09:15 PM

Yeah...I actually pulled the stereo-hijack trick at a local concert I was performing at once. They were playing music over the sound system before the show, and when the CD changer was left unattended I slipped A Thousand Leaves in there and started blasting "Ineffable Me". It didn't really go over that well...and for some reason it really pissed off the concert organizers. Everyone else was doing it too, I was the only one not playing "good" music apparently. Of course that was only the beginning of my troubles with the organizers, but that's a whole different story.

Rob Instigator 04.19.2006 09:32 AM

that's fucking crazy. BECUZ is a fucking beautiful song!

h8kurdt 04.19.2006 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by sonicpollution

*Person makes a really disgusted face*: "Who is this?"
"Sonic Youth."


Pfft freakin idiot. What kind of thing is that to say?

Inhuman 04.19.2006 10:57 AM

Not Sonic Youth related, but I once knew someone who claimed they heard everything, and they were fuckin' serious. I asked him something like "Name a Burning Airlines album, and what's J. Robbin's current band name?" and he said he didn't remember song and band names, but just heard everything. What a crock of bullshit.

karma_army 04.19.2006 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by sonicpollution
Yeah...I actually pulled the stereo-hijack trick at a local concert I was performing at once. They were playing music over the sound system before the show, and when the CD changer was left unattended I slipped A Thousand Leaves in there and started blasting "Ineffable Me". It didn't really go over that well...and for some reason it really pissed off the concert organizers. Everyone else was doing it too, I was the only one not playing "good" music apparently. Of course that was only the beginning of my troubles with the organizers, but that's a whole different story.

Sop then what else pissed off the organizers??? :p :rolleyes:

krastian 04.19.2006 04:07 PM

I loooooove Becuz. How about playing it SY *wink wink nudge nudge.

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