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Everyneurotic 04.12.2006 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Lone Flanger
For every person on this board that says they won't download it yet, there are about a million other myspace account toting hipsters that are rocking out to it in their own ironic fashion right now.

mmm, so what? i don't know about everybody else here but i figured that i'm going to end up buying and downloading it will only take so much space on my hard disc so why bother? it's not like i'm afraid sy will go poor from downloading

internet urban legends are great, especially the music related ones

schizophrenicroom 04.12.2006 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
i can't wait to see their cameo on laguna beach!!!!

omg, me neither!! itll be soo x hawt x.

trance feeeedback 04.12.2006 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
i hope the new sonic youth album sounds like a cross between ashlee simpson's last and the new good charlotte album!!!

i can't wait to see their cameo on laguna beach!!!!

I hope it sounds more like ashlee simpson's first album, her last one was too much rock for me....

and thier cameo is on Gilmore Girls, not Laguna beach........

schizophrenicroom 04.12.2006 03:00 PM

i personally hope it also sounds like lindsay lohan's rock and roll album.

Everyneurotic 04.12.2006 03:03 PM

good sir trance feeeedback:

1) i was being sarcastic
2) i know it's gilmore girls which by the way is quite different and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy better than crappy mtv reality shows
3) sonic youth will not cameo on gilomore girls, it will be thurston, kim and their daughter

trance feeeedback 04.12.2006 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
good sir trance feeeedback:

1) i was being sarcastic
2) i know it's gilmore girls which by the way is quite different and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy better than crappy mtv reality shows
3) sonic youth will not cameo on gilomore girls, it will be thurston, kim and their daughter

Everyneroutic, I know you were being sarcastic, thats why I said that stuff about ashlee simpson and Laguna beach. I was merley responding to your sarcasm with my own sarcasm!

Everyneurotic 04.12.2006 03:13 PM

i missed the laguna beach bad!!!

anyway. i hope paris hilton makes her appearance on their new video. it would be the best thing ever!!!

schizophrenicroom 04.12.2006 03:14 PM

you didn't hear? they're going like goo and making a video for every song on the album. all of the videos are woven into a loose narrative about the plight of a girl during the rapture, played by miss hilton.

trance feeeedback 04.12.2006 03:16 PM

I heard her and steve share a kiss in one of those videos...

schizophrenicroom 04.12.2006 03:18 PM

oh, they do. also, at the very end of the video for reena, the rockin' closer, it ends with a deleted scene from huskers on a plane they are currently shooting with husker du where paris hilton grooves for hours and hours with william shatner. there is buttsex.

Everyneurotic 04.12.2006 03:18 PM

by the way, ashlee simpson's last is so underrated, people think it's not as good as the first but i like it because it's like post-meta-proto-new wave revival with emo overtones in a pop context.

i don't know why you like gross bands like dinosaur jr and comets on fire and hair police and crap like that. we all know sy's contemporaries are ashlee, franz ferdinand and fall out boy. and that sy secretly wish they were as awesome as my chemical romance

schizophrenicroom 04.12.2006 03:21 PM

they want to be like she wants revenge too.

i think ashlee's first album is the best. the neubauten-esque stylings and belle and sebastian-like lyrics really blend. the screamo elements on her second album, though, really aren't as up to par as her first album, even though you can hear the sonic youth and interpol influences.

i think sy and ashlee and death cab for cutie should tour. it'd be so post-meta-proto-new wave! (i love that term so freaking much.) franz ferdinand and kriss kross dueting with christopher cross would be the openers.

Everyneurotic 04.12.2006 03:24 PM

kriss kross dueting with christopher cross...

that's like something that would make the space/time continuum to be destroyed

schizophrenicroom 04.12.2006 04:06 PM

it does do that. it's like when thom yorke thinks. he tears a hole in time.

Everyneurotic 04.12.2006 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
they want to be like she wants revenge too...

she wants revenge is the best band ever.

hahaha, that thom yorke thing is pretty accurate

schizophrenicroom 04.12.2006 04:47 PM

i know, aren't they?!?!

i'm good with musical facts like that. gimme a musician, i know a fact!

Everyneurotic 04.12.2006 04:55 PM

alright, milli vanilli

schizophrenicroom 04.12.2006 05:01 PM

they sometimes wore purple underwear on stage because they believed the color would enhance their singing. it worked.

Everyneurotic 04.12.2006 05:06 PM

i was not aware of that!!


Pablitzen 04.12.2006 05:09 PM

i think this is like don't want to get your presents before december 25th :D
this is the same...i prefer waiting until the oficial release of Rather Ripped (June?) and don't get a bad quality copy right now

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.12.2006 06:05 PM

wah wah! sonic youth might get offended if we talk about downloading their leaked record on their website!

news flash! this is a sonic youth message board! isn't this the place to discuss all that is sonic youth? what do you think, the that Thurston is throwing his fist in the air and Lee just kicked the desk @ echo canyon reading these threads? and even if? so what? fuck em! music appreciation is music appreciation, regardless of that appreciation is followed by $$$ donations!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.12.2006 06:16 PM

personally I always was kinda scared of david geffen, but it has nothing to do with internet piracy. if people were "selling" these pirated copies of music, then I could see the problem, but tape trading is tape trading and i agree with the "rather ripped" pun. thurston is the tape trading master! the more people that download my record the happier I am that people "new ears are listening" (do whatever you want with the MP3s, just listen to em first)

Everyneurotic 04.12.2006 06:20 PM

you are so predictable

chabib 04.12.2006 06:20 PM

SuchFriendsAreDangerous, why are you so resistant to understanding the context of what i'm saying? it has nothing to do with business.

keep arguing with yrself. it's fun to read.

Everyneurotic 04.12.2006 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by chabib
SuchFriendsAreDangerous, why are you so resistant to understanding the context of what i'm saying? it has nothing to do with business.

keep arguing with yrself. it's fun to read.

he's just seeing the opinion of the board in general and goes against it for kicks.

SonikJesus 04.12.2006 06:24 PM

I can't believe you said fuck 'em to Sonic Youth. That's just disrespectful. How do I take away reputation points by the way?

golden child 04.12.2006 06:26 PM

chabib doesnt give a fuck if you download it, although he will not be held responsible and he will laugh at you if you do get caught. (which although isnt likely, i wouldnt test your luck by doing it here)

its not like he gets money off the record...

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.12.2006 06:30 PM

chabib, InI understand fully the context of what you are saying. I'm sure that artists are a bit upset at times when people are listening to shitty quality leaks of their records, but at the end of the day, their fans wont settle for shitty sound and inferior quality, and so the FANS will buy the record. While your context has nothing to do with business, this SUBJECT does, because leaking and ripping only is a problem to record companies because many people who ARE NOT FANS of a band, but rather PONTENTIAL CUSTOMERS OF THE LABEL, download the shitty leaks without buying the record, the record company lose a customer. FANS buy the records and listen to the leaks like an appetizer, so what is the harm really? that is my point here all along, that the record companies, the "bogus capitalist process" have guilted everyone.

Everyneurotic 04.12.2006 06:38 PM

i can believe people still buy into that stupidity


for proof, try and research who are the most downloaded artists and then compare to the best selling artists

yet, buying albums instead of downloading is something way better because it requires EFFORT from both parts. from the artist/labels by putting together the best product possible and from the fans by caring about those things enough to spend money on them. i like covers, i like discs, i like all that stuff; if you don't, well that's your problem, i for once, appreciate a record with printed covers and liner notes and packaged in shrink wrapped more than some clutter in my hard drive i will burn into a mass produced, unadorned cd-r

and about the tape trading, it also requires effort, i still have a couple of dubbed tapes i had, and they required time to be recorded (not to mention getting or improvising the equipment needed for that), time to be marked, and time to make the artwork; it wasn't clicking on some machine and having a disc in 20 minutes tops, looking all pale and crappy.

and don't get me started on mixtapes/mixcds...apples and oranges, man

Neongod 04.12.2006 06:40 PM

But why not wait for the proper release? Has the world sped up so fast that people can't wait 2 more months? Has suspense become so intolerable? We have the Thurston acoustic set, a video of Pink Steam (the last few minutes anyway), and the radio interview with a couple of snippets. The waiting is the fun's gonna be at least another two years until it happens again.

golden child 04.12.2006 06:54 PM

but to all you who are against getting music any way other than buying the proper cd/vinyl....


the artist gets no profit what so ever, the capitalistic money hungry pigs that own the store are getting it all! acually its worse than downloading, because nobody is benifiting from downloading

so if you see rather ripped used DONT BUY IT,

18.99 at sam goody will keep sonic youth alive.

needless to say, i have not and plan not to download rather ripped.

funhouse 04.12.2006 07:06 PM

yeah im not going to download it. im just really excited to wait for it!

golden child 04.12.2006 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by AssBlaster
Since Sonic Youth openly sells (and even "remasters" ha) the piece of crap known as the "Ciccone Youth-Whitey Album", I think they are in no position to complain about their artistic integrity being compromised :)


sonikjuice 04.12.2006 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by AssBlaster
Since Sonic Youth openly sells (and even "remasters" ha) the piece of crap known as the "Ciccone Youth-Whitey Album", I think they are in no position to complain about their artistic integrity being compromised :)

Wow... is this a joke? I'm sorry, if you can't appreciate the Whitey Album I'm surprised you can appreciate Sonic Youth at all. Don't you have a sense of humor? Even if you don't, there are plenty of tracks, such as Macbeth and G-Force, that are among their finest work.

Rupert 'Stiles' Stilinski 04.12.2006 08:15 PM


I woke up today totally unaware that I would have a brand new sonic youth record in my hand and now I've listened to it twice and am looking forward to having some beers at home and rocking out to it.

There's nothing wrong with this. I'll buy my copy the day it comes out, but anyone that says it's better to wait is full of shit. It's actually a whole lot better listening to this new masterpiece right now.

I'm actually surprised how relatively unsurprised I am by the sound. There's nothing on it that I find really all that outrageous as compared to their last few releases. It seems like it will be a fun record though once it completely grows on me.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RATHER RIPPED!!!!

Inhuman 04.12.2006 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by AssBlaster
Since Sonic Youth openly sells (and even "remasters" ha) the piece of crap known as the "Ciccone Youth-Whitey Album", I think they are in no position to complain about their artistic integrity being compromised :)

Hahahahaha. Wow. The Whitey Album has to be one of the best albums they ever released IMO. Platoon II, GeForce, Burnin Up, Into the Groovey...c'mon they're some of the best song's I've heard in ages.

sonikjuice 04.12.2006 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by AssBlaster
Wow. Somebodies feeling sensitive today. :D

No, not really. I was just surprised that someone who is into Sonic Youth would call the Whitey Album "crap." Is there any particular reason why you think it's "crap," or have you only recently been exposed to Sonic Youth and not yet fully developed an appreciation for their humor/music? (Judging from your use of "somebodies" and your nickname I'm guessing you're still in middle school?)

nancykitten 04.12.2006 10:54 PM

I would imagine at least 90% of the people who use this forum are planning to buy the album, which makes the whole "you're disrespecting SY/you're ripping off SY" thing redundant. I really doubt SY even care if it's downloaded or not.

I'll download a couple of tracks to whet my appetite for the full thing when I buy it.

sonicl 04.13.2006 12:36 AM

I suppose there is a chance that this leak of RR has come from within the Sonic camp and is a promo tool to get appetites whetted, which would put the whole thing in a different light, but it's more likely that it's someone trying to show off "look I've got a copy of the new SY CD".

To the people who have posted on here to say "I've heard RR", do you think you're doing a public service, or are just trying to impress your peers? And just how disappointed are you at how unimpressed, indeed uninterested, so many people are with your attempt at being cool?

Nematocide 04.13.2006 12:40 AM

I'm going to buy it for the actual cd and the art and everything.

...but I couldn't resist the leak.

And holy goddam shit is the album good.

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