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acousticrock87 08.15.2006 04:55 PM

From the outside:



And from the inside:



o o o 08.15.2006 05:02 PM


jon boy 08.15.2006 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by o o o

isnt that the mauer park? i live close to that.

o o o 08.15.2006 05:24 PM

it is indeed the Mauerpark on a sunny sunday. i also live quite close...

jon boy 08.15.2006 05:25 PM

i live on prenzlauer allee. check yer pm's.

o o o 08.15.2006 05:33 PM

i checked and replied.
i live in Lychener Strasse, now...

jon boy 08.15.2006 05:36 PM

yeah its a nice part of town. i go to ausland when they have something on. isnt that on that street?

o o o 08.15.2006 05:50 PM

yes, it is on that street. i've heard about it, the place looks interesting from outside, but unfortunately i did not go there yet... i guess i shall look at their calendar or i will never go.

k-krack 08.15.2006 10:02 PM

Heres one i took not too long ago. here it is common for there to be many plush animals on tarps in the parking lot of banks.

schizophrenicroom 08.15.2006 10:21 PM - i don't feel like transferring the pic to photobucket, but here is a view of the beach. not actually my town (i'm next door to new smyrna), but it's damn close enough.

random info about my town:
  • Black race population percentage above state average.
  • Hispanic race population percentage significantly below state average.
  • Median age significantly above state average.
  • Renting percentage below state average.
  • House age below state average.
  • Percentage of population with a bachelor's degree or higher below state average.

here's one from

k-krack 08.15.2006 10:37 PM

it looks old, jade. thats all i think about florida :old old old old old old old!

matt reeder 08.15.2006 11:12 PM





jon boy 08.16.2006 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by o o o
yes, it is on that street. i've heard about it, the place looks interesting from outside, but unfortunately i did not go there yet... i guess i shall look at their calendar or i will never go.

they do have some great bands/nights on there. at the moment they are closed for renovations and their summer break! its weird that a place just shuts down from july until september.

went to festaal the other day for one of the lasy fest nights and that was exellent.

porkmarras 08.16.2006 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
i found this picture on a throbbing gristle website of all places, this is a picture of my road, a few doors down from my house


Oh dear.

jon boy 08.16.2006 03:34 AM

this is a pic of my street. you can actually see my flat from that one.


Anngella 08.16.2006 05:50 AM

Bike path I was on yesterday..

And that's the only decent picture Google Images has of Muskego.

Tokolosh 08.16.2006 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by matt reeder

Wow! That's one hell of a mountain in the background.
It's surely not Hamilton, Hood, Jefferson or Bachelor.
Is it Mt Adams?

That's a beautiful area, Anngelia. It's a shame that we don't see those telephone poles anymore.

RdTv 08.16.2006 06:37 AM


porkmarras 08.16.2006 06:38 AM

Next i'll be moving to this place:

porkmarras 08.16.2006 06:39 AM


porkmarras 08.16.2006 06:40 AM


Tokolosh 08.16.2006 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras

What does a guy like you wanna do there?

porkmarras 08.16.2006 06:41 AM

I once went to an exhibition in that mosque wich is in the same place i'm moving to.Can you see me?


RdTv 08.16.2006 06:44 AM

Looks like an opening scene for some pretentious gangster movie.

porkmarras 08.16.2006 06:45 AM


Tokolosh 08.16.2006 06:46 AM


The city I live in... at the turn of the century.

porkmarras 08.16.2006 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by RdTv
Looks like an opening scene for some pretentious gangster movie.

It's a supermarket.

RdTv 08.16.2006 06:47 AM

I realize this, but the lonesome suitcase, the dull grey vibe, the obvious UK setting, all makings for superb pretentious gangster film.

wax 08.16.2006 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by RdTv
I realize this, but the lonesome suitcase, the dull grey vibe, the obvious UK setting, all makings for superb pretentious gangster film.

dull grey vibe? that looks like a beautiful day for england. it gets a lot duller and greyer than that. look, theres some blue in the sky.

porkmarras 08.16.2006 07:11 AM

And you wouldn't want to walk around there at night,i tell you.

porkmarras 08.16.2006 07:14 AM

dizzie rascal was born and lives round the corner so i can't complain.I-I-I LUV YOU I LUV YOU!

wax 08.16.2006 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy

whats this building?are you in berlin? its not koepi is it?

Iain 08.16.2006 07:59 AM

If I remember correctly, the above building is on Friedrich str., very near to Oranienburger Tor U-bahn...

Toilet & Bowels 08.16.2006 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Oh dear.

oh dear what?

porkmarras 08.16.2006 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
oh dear what?

nAAATHING.I must have walked past your house a million times.Some of the shops along there look like they never open.

Toilet & Bowels 08.16.2006 08:43 AM

well anyoee who lives in east london has probably been past my house many times as it is situated on a main road right by a busy junction

jon boy 08.16.2006 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by wax
whats this building?are you in berlin? its not koepi is it?

its tacheles which is the most established squat in berlin. that buuilding comprises a beach, several bars, art gallery, bands and three cinema's. its not as good as it used to be though its turned into a tourist attraction and place where drunk english football hooligans go.

iain is right but you can also get to it from oraienburgerstrasse.

wax 08.16.2006 09:42 AM

theres another squat that looks very similar, my mate used to live there and i spent a week stating there in the dead of winter a few years ago.
its on koeperniker(sp?) strasse in kreuzberg (sp again?) , hence the name koepi.
it wasnt a nice place to stay. the people were pretty miserable, there was a very bad vibe in that place, very bitter people. i did go to another squat to see a kraut rock band called embryo which had much more of a warm hippy vibe going on. cant remember which part of berlin it was in but the gig was amazing.
i thought the pic you posted was a view from the back or something. i didnt do alot of exploring while i was there. i spose alot of old buildings in berlin look pretty similar. it is an amzing building though.


jon boy 08.16.2006 09:54 AM

it used to be a jewish department store until the 30's when it was wrecked by the nazi's. after the war a lot of buildings were never renovated on the eastern side due to lack of money and when the wall came down these became squats, hence the reason there are so many in berlin.

ploesj 08.16.2006 10:15 AM


i'm currently living here.. but moving to this nice street:


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