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Better_Than_Deux 06.14.2010 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by space
I am in a "strange" city (old/new) with no friends, I do not get high and I am trying not to spend money.

silly worries haunt me like never before. maybe they aren't so silly, but worry doesn't serve me right now, and I need to become more calm, focused and, well, happy.

I haven't read all of the thread so if there's double of things, MY BAD.

1) What kind of excersise are you doing? low impact work outs like yoga are the best to release endorphins AND toxins. It's not enough to run/walk, you need to stretch. Not just legs- but all areas of the body.

2)eat bananas (potassium), if you are a goth kid make sure you sit in the sun for at least 15 minutes a day (for vitamin d-III, which you can not find in vitamins)

3) get on a regular sleep pattern (8 hours a day, other wise you are simply asking to be depressed). take 'true calm', 'kava kava', or melotonin on a reg basis. they can be pricey, but they're super easy to steal if worse comes to worse. try to stay away from tylenol pm, ambien, or other sleep medications.

4) as far as activities go- check out community calanders. you're obviously not going to make life long friends, but you'll be connecting with human beings at least somewhat. it's important.

what city are you in?

pm me.

im super-awesome at finding things to do.

space 06.14.2010 08:13 PM

^^^ thank you very much.

I treadmill. have been doing 10km/90 minutes, but cutting that back because I think it's too much. I also lift dumbell weights (all I have) and situps. not enough stretching though. will do.

do not get enough vit. K. will add 'nanas to diet. get next to NO sun. felt like a shut-in lately. sit in office getting a monitor tan. working on that.

sleep has been bad. random hours, sometimes not enough, sometimes too much. I'm working on a 17 hour time difference with my gf and that makes sleep hard. I'd rather be around when she is. also...working on doing better at that. bed has been shit. scoots around, pillows fall off, I wake up all night. fixed the roll and have been sleeping somewhat better.

I'm north of LA right now. not too interested in making "new" friends because I don't have enough time yet. leaving in a little over two weeks...

have concert next week, hope to hang out with suchfriends and might go to venice beach tomorrow...maybe take niece to disneyland.

feel like my straight-edge lifestyle might need to take a break...

yr thoughts are very appreciated and the advice will be taken. thank you.

EVOLghost 06.14.2010 08:20 PM

Listen to this song yo.....

it's awesome.

moppity 06.14.2010 09:58 PM

I second the suggestion of stretching. Attempting to touch your toes (ie stretching your hamstrings I guess) can create an incredibly relaxed/contented sensation.

Also, hang out with your niece, even if it's not disneyland. Kids can really take you out of your own head.

space 06.14.2010 10:05 PM

I live with the niece, and yeah, she's a lot of fun. my kind of girl.

star wars before games before dolls.

that said, can you teach me how to fail a Voight-Kampff?

Better_Than_Deux 06.14.2010 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by space
sleep has been bad. random hours, sometimes not enough, sometimes too much. I'm working on a 17 hour time difference with my gf and that makes sleep hard. I'd rather be around when she is. also...working on doing better at that. bed has been shit. scoots around, pillows fall off, I wake up all night. fixed the roll and have been sleeping somewhat better


I had a bf who was 2 hrs behind me, and THAT was hard. long distance relationships suck in that respect.

my advice to you would be explain to your gf that you need sleep.


It's starting to affect (...effect??) your mood and lifestyle. I'm sure she'll understand if it's only going to be 2 weeks before you see her.

Best of luck!!

!@#$%! 06.14.2010 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by space
I have been doing 10km/90 minutes, but cutting that back because I think it's too much.

go to gnc and buy yourself a can of "100% gold standard natural whey" and have a shake after each workout-- it will help with the recovery.


Originally Posted by space
not enough stretching though. will do.

you'd better! otherwise, how the hell are you going to be able to do this?


space 06.14.2010 10:27 PM

she needs sleep as much as I do...more so maybe. no maybe...more so. I think we're both doing better at that though due to no other choice. at least, I am. she still has night with less than 4 hours. that's no good.

and yes 17 hours is brutal.

thank you again for kind advice.

space 06.14.2010 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
go to gnc and buy yourself a can of "100% gold standard natural whey" and have a shake after each workout-- it will help with the recovery.

you'd better! otherwise, how the hell are you going to be able to do this?


I usually eat dinner right after the long walk. seriously having to cut back on that...I think my brain is being punished. and I DO stretch, just not as well as I should.

I also should have posted this thread a month ago before the near melt-down.

ps: miyazaki also helped. been looking for Nausicaa for a week, and yr "I wated Ponyo" inspired me to just get it.

!@#$%! 06.14.2010 10:31 PM

dinner is not the same as whey which is quick absorption aminoacids that get mobilized into the bloodstream and help repair the muscle right away. best consumed within 30 minutes of finishing the workout, then you shower and make dinner and eat your greasy tacos or what have you.

space 06.14.2010 10:40 PM

ok Ill look into it then.

I wish I had greasy tacos every night... limit to special treat.

it's rice, beans, corns, peppers and some chicken...most nights.

floatingslowly 06.14.2010 10:46 PM

currently relaxing to Apocalypse Now - redux.

everytime I think I'm going to wake up back in the jungle.

moppity 06.14.2010 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by space
I live with the niece, and yeah, she's a lot of fun. my kind of girl.

star wars before games before dolls.

Yeah, my niece is similar. I played Heroquest (my favourite childhood game) with my nephew and niece the other day and my niece was digging it hard.


Originally Posted by space
that said, can you teach me how to fail a Voight-Kampff?

Too much empathy? I swear, empathy is a dangerous emotion. Too much of it and it's kind of crippling. Too little and you're accused of being a sociopath (/replicant).

Satan 06.15.2010 01:14 AM

pick up a hooker and take her out for ice cream

pbradley 06.15.2010 01:17 AM

Floats and I should start an old-school emocore band, last for only a week, and be legends to a generation after.

Satan 06.15.2010 01:27 AM

good luck with that one

pbradley 06.15.2010 01:30 AM

It's better than giving sperm ice to prostitutes. And I know that's what you meant, don't deny it.

Satan 06.15.2010 01:34 AM

no, man. ive always wanted to pick up a whore and pay her to have ice cream with me. serious.

pbradley 06.15.2010 01:41 AM

Yeah, Pretty Woman was a pretty good movie, I suppose.

Satan 06.15.2010 01:46 AM

ive never seen it, i don't like either of those two

Satan 06.15.2010 01:51 AM

and youre a fucking smartass

pbradley 06.15.2010 01:56 AM

You're welcome.

Keeping It Simple 06.15.2010 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by Satan
and youre a fucking smartass

He's more of a twat.

pbradley 06.15.2010 04:25 AM

Keeping It Simp
He walks with a limp
And solicits young girls for a-touchin'
They give him no mind
Wastes all of his time
So he persuades them by end of a bludgeon

Glice 06.15.2010 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Keeping It Simp
He walks with a limp
And solicits young girls for a-touchin'
They give him no mind
Wastes all his time
So he persuades them by end of a bludgeon

Exactly the sort of overwrought, obsessive tosh we've come to expect from the hysterical pseudo-intellectual poseur. :rolleyes:

pbradley 06.15.2010 04:57 AM

It makes me laugh to myself to see the lunatic leftists squirm to the point that they must return to the pseud rhetoric that they are so wont to regurgitate.

Lurker 06.15.2010 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
It makes me laugh to myself to see the lunatic leftists squirm to the point that they must return to the pseud rhetoric that they are so wont to regurgitate.


Glice 06.15.2010 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
It makes me laugh to myself to see the lunatic leftists squirm to the point that they must return to the pseud rhetoric that they are so wont to regurgitate.

Typical humourless so-called 'parodic' post from the PC brigade who can't see their vacuous Maoist piffle for the hysterical tosh it is.

akprodr 06.15.2010 07:06 AM

look, forget about the patience thing. Just jump in the ocean and swim to austrailia! Stop in Hawaii, you'll probably be ready for a rest by then...

space 06.15.2010 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Floats and I should start an old-school emocore band, last for only a week, and be legends to a generation after.

weezer has already written a song about me. what do you bring to the table?

besides, the only way that we could be famous like that would be if one of us tragically took our own life.

roll you for it? I call odd numbers.

Better_Than_Deux 06.15.2010 02:36 PM

is keeping it simple...glice..?

Derek 06.15.2010 02:38 PM

What an insult to Glice.

Better_Than_Deux 06.15.2010 02:40 PM

they insult the same way.

"blablablhablhablah i am smart blahblahblahblah you are not blahblahblah bigwordsbigwordsbigwords i am british or some shit"

space 06.15.2010 02:44 PM

don't ruin his fun, Nancy Drew!

ni'k 06.15.2010 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Better_Than_Deux
they insult the same way.

"blablablhablhablah i am smart blahblahblahblah you are not blahblahblah bigwordsbigwordsbigwords i am british or some shit"

I can't be the only one that thinks Better Than Deux's incoherent spittle-flecked babblings are exactly the type of lunacy you'd expect from a Stalinist PC gone mad pseudo Nazi New Labour doublethink lunatic "smoke dope and hope" jobless benefit scrounging intellectual facist Cajun looting black queer communist feminist wigger Palestinian philosopher immigrant poseur loser Asian middle class deranged Somalian Arab cool glass of Foster's.

pbradley 06.15.2010 03:19 PM

And with that, I think we've used them all. Good job, everybody.

Derek 06.15.2010 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Better_Than_Deux
they insult the same way.

"blablablhablhablah i am smart blahblahblahblah you are not blahblahblah bigwordsbigwordsbigwords i am british or some shit"

That's cause Glice has spent the past while imitating KIS's terrible insults :)

Satan 06.15.2010 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Keeping It Simple
He's more of a twat.

no, that would be you.

Better_Than_Deux 06.15.2010 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
lblack queer communist feminist wigger

you've figured me out ni'k

Better_Than_Deux 06.15.2010 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
I can't be the only one that thinks Better Than Deux's incoherent spittle-flecked babblings are exactly the type of lunacy you'd expect from a Stalinist PC gone mad pseudo Nazi New Labour doublethink lunatic "smoke dope and hope" jobless benefit scrounging intellectual facist Cajun looting black queer communist feminist wigger Palestinian philosopher immigrant poseur loser Asian middle class deranged Somalian Arab cool glass of Foster's.

can you copy and paste this into a usernote for me?
i don't have any; and i feel like you really captured my internet persona here.

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