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porkmarras 06.14.2006 04:50 AM

I haven't been watching it every night but my flatmate keeps me up-to-date first thing in the morning.I agree with your opinion on 'Rather discussed' monkeyboy.It will be nice listening for every half-decent barbecue this summer.

Rob Instigator 06.14.2006 09:12 AM

The album is killer, you just want to own yr sonic, and you should know that Sonic owns themselves and you.

I CONCUR!!! - rob instigator

Trasher02 06.14.2006 09:21 AM

Rather Ripped best album since Dirty?
Dirty isn't even in my top 3 why should Rather ripped be there?

PAULYBEE2656 06.14.2006 09:35 AM

"best album since dirty"
nuff said!!!!!!!!!!!!

yknow, i was one of the disapprovers of ripped sayin its merely ok, but ykow, after several uninterrupted listens, its really good. sonic pop! the strongest tracks are the bonus ones tho and how does that fit into the meaning of life?

gmku 06.14.2006 09:38 AM

I think it's killer, too. And it just keeps sounding better and better every time I play it. I'd say it's easily their best since Dirty, although those kind of comparisons bother me a little, because I've really liked almost everything these guys have ever set their hand to.

It's one of those great summertime soundtrack albums. I could be happy playing nothing but this all summer.

PAULYBEE2656 06.14.2006 09:48 AM

ok ok. my point was that if someone said best album since dirty, they are not right!!!! murray st, nyc, thousand leaves, maybe not nurse, are all far superior than dirty as far as im concerned

Trasher02 06.14.2006 10:13 AM

Nurse IS superior as Dirty.
dirty is one of their worst albums

Daycare Nation 06.14.2006 02:50 PM

Exactly. Dirty is one of their best albums.

Daycare Nation 06.14.2006 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Daycare Nation is quickly qualifying as the Jade Goody of the house.

I'm Lord of the Chavs.

mule 06.14.2006 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Daycare Nation
Exactly. Dirty is one of their best albums.


HaydenAsche 06.14.2006 04:11 PM

Murray Street > Anything else that came after Dirty.

Rob Instigator 06.14.2006 05:06 PM

Dirty Has Wish Fulfilment!!!!!

krastian 06.14.2006 05:18 PM

^Thank you Rob.

satirejohn 06.14.2006 06:21 PM

Murray Street is the best album since Daydream Nation, so no...

Daycare Nation 06.14.2006 10:10 PM

I don't really care for Murray Street and don't see Daydream Nation as any kind of landmark. Daydream Nation has a few really good songs on it.

Daycare Nation 06.14.2006 10:12 PM

Rather Ripped is getting better with every listen!

khchris(original) 06.14.2006 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Daycare Nation
I think so...It's more consistent than A Thousand Leaves, and way more interesting than Murray Street or Sonic Nurse or NYC.

I'm very excited about this album. My enthusiasm was curbed a little bit by the guy who rear-ended my new car while I was stopped on the service road during my first listen of the album, though.

Best since Washing Machine. I have already moved it past A THOUSAND LEAVES. Rather Ripped has a much more variety in song styles than ATL. But, I'm sure the newer fans(O'Rourke-era fans) have something to say about that(hehehe).

Daycare Nation 06.14.2006 10:13 PM

No, I named myself as a parody of the album. You are rather retarded.

Daycare Nation 06.14.2006 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by khchris(original)
Best since Washing Machine. I have already moved it past A THOUSAND LEAVES. Rather Ripped has a much more variety in song styles than ATL. But, I'm sure the newer fans(O'Rourke-era fans) have something to say about that(hehehe).

How would you rate Washing Machine, A Thousand Leaves and Rather Ripped? In what order?

khchris(original) 06.14.2006 10:19 PM

Washing Machine > Rather Ripped > ATL

Daycare Nation 06.14.2006 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by AssBlaster
Well your parody is stupid. Kill yourself now.

You are stupid. But I still love you because God does. You can spread your lies and your hate and bitterness all you like, it's not going to change the fact that your opinions about Sonic Youth are dumb.

nomadicfollower 06.14.2006 10:27 PM

I think I'm losing any intelligence I have reading this thread.

Daycare Nation 06.14.2006 10:29 PM

It's difficult to discuss anything when you are being attacked by blasting assholes.

khchris(original) 06.14.2006 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by nomadicfollower
I think I'm losing any intelligence I have reading this thread.

Before you lose intelligence, you have to have intelligence.

trainyard bliss 06.15.2006 12:52 AM

it's sad that no one can ever discuss something they feel any real passion about on this message board because most of you are so thin-skinned and hateful.

i don't think i've even tried to express anything meaningful since the board was redone and i had a different name.

qprogeny79 06.15.2006 11:26 AM

virtually every album they've put out has been subject to the "best album since washing machine" or "best album since dirty" treatment by at least someone. remember leno introducing nurse as having some of the "strongest reviews of their career?" in all honesty, this stuff takes historical perspective, but i'll offer my two cents (which in this inflation-crazed market is now worth . . . uh, nothing):

the main reason why people like you and me are pissed off with this album is that it contains almost NONE of the psychotic, dissonant feedback and experimental attitude that has characterized their sound, however much it has changed over the years, since their inception over a quarter century ago. objectively speaking (i.e., taking the broader perspective of music in general rather than myopically focusing on a comparison to sy's earlier releases), this is a good album -- although i give severe negative points to the lyrics, especially on what a waste, pink steam, and or. however, i agree with most of you that by sy standards this may be hard to swallow, for precisely the reason mentioned above. we were expecting another album full of expressway to yr. skull, karen koltrane, nyc ghosts & flowers, pattern recognition, etc., and we instead got works that are, well, catchy. i'd like to see a return to the old 80s form as much as anyone else here, but everyone needs to evolve, and i don't expect we'll be seeing much of it anymore except on syrs and in side projects.

i'm not going to try to shove rr anywhere on a list with, say, sister or ddn or washing machine, because honestly i think they're such a different band now that such comparisons aren't quite fair.

kingcoffee 06.15.2006 01:10 PM

I sincerely think that Daycare Nation is retarded. There is no way that Rather Ripped is any better than any of the other SY albums in the past 20 years. It's one of their weakest. The only album I can even think of it being better than is Goodbye 20th Century. Only one. It's weak. Just plain weak. It's not shit. It's just got very little balls. It's thin, and weak! Like a little girl.

kingcoffee 06.15.2006 01:11 PM

And there is no way in fucking hell that the past three albums were inconsequential! Rather Ripped is inconsequential!

Inhuman 06.15.2006 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
It's one of those great summertime soundtrack albums. I could be happy playing nothing but this all summer.

That's a good way of putting it. I always come home from work, slap Rather Ripped on the turntable, and have a nice relaxing listen while eating ice cream and playing final fantasy. (speaking of which, I was dating a girl and one of the reasons we aren't dating anymore is because she complained Final Fantasy 6 sucked. What a douche)

mule 06.15.2006 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by kingcoffee
I sincerely think that Daycare Nation is retarded. There is no way that Rather Ripped is any better than any of the other SY albums in the past 20 years. It's one of their weakest. The only album I can even think of it being better than is Goodbye 20th Century. Only one. It's weak. Just plain weak. It's not shit. It's just got very little balls. It's thin, and weak! Like a little girl.

You think someone's retarded because they might like RR better than some of the recent Sonic Youth releases??

*backs away slowly*

badgercorn 06.16.2006 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Inhuman
I always come home from work, slap Rather Ripped on the turntable, and have a nice relaxing listen while eating ice cream and playing final fantasy.

That sounds amazing. I'm doing that on Monday when I get back from work..

When I first got RR I wasn't massively into it, kept comparing it to Nurse. But fuck, it's really hit me now. I can't get enough of it, especially Pink Steam

Daycare Nation 06.16.2006 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by mule
You think someone's retarded because they might like RR better than some of the recent Sonic Youth releases??

*backs away slowly*

No, Mule! Stand up for your rights. Let's fight this wretched hive of scum and villainy.

TheDom 06.16.2006 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by badgercorn

When I first got RR I wasn't massively into it, kept comparing it to Nurse. But fuck, it's really hit me now. I can't get enough of it, especially Pink Steam


I gave it a 4/10 at first but I will now easily give it an 8/10. Not a 10 or a 9 because Sleepin' Around is one of their worst songs ever.

Daycare Nation 06.16.2006 06:02 PM


Daycare Nation 06.16.2006 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by TheDom

I gave it a 4/10 at first but I will now easily give it an 8/10. Not a 10 or a 9 because Sleepin' Around is one of their worst songs ever.

I love that song!

SonikJesus 06.16.2006 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Daycare Nation
I love that song!

Me too. Ever since I first heard it, in the summer '05 video in the video section, I loved it. However, I think it would have been way better without vocals.

Inhuman 06.16.2006 09:01 PM

What? Sleeping Around is excellent. One of the stronger songs on the album in my opinion. I'm even starting to like "Or" now. THe only one that I question is "Do you believe in rapture". It still hasn't hit me

qprogeny79 06.16.2006 09:47 PM

^^yeah, ditto. seriously, it sounds like t slapped it together in about 6 1/2 seconds. i must admit i don't get or either.

--edit-- i second (er, fourth or something) the sleepin' around defense -- i like the gtrs. only thing about it with which i'm still having difficulty is the lyrics, which are pretty obnoxiously formulaic.

kingcoffee 06.16.2006 11:02 PM

Ok, so I may have been a little overenthusiastic about my opinions and Im sorry. But I really can't get behind the statements that Rather Ripped is better than the last few SY records. I just can't. You're opinions are your own and I have to respect that. But to ME, it just seems insane. That's all.

Forensic Scene 06.16.2006 11:05 PM

Sonic Nurse is better, Murray Street is cool (maybe the same as rather ripped) and NYCG&F was really creative andnot comparable.

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