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afterthefact 10.09.2008 12:16 PM

I thought it was Dan the Automator AKA Nathaniel Merriweather, but then I guess there are a lot of different people on it, so...

Rob Instigator 10.09.2008 12:18 PM

he is the main guy, but patton and some girl named jennifer charles were brought in for vocals

Derek 10.09.2008 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I think Patton;s versatility is amazing. His voice can do many things in many ways and that IS something good. so he is not the "best" at any one style. who cares? do you listent o rock so you can ROCK or do you listen to it to wank off on how fabulopus the technical mastery of these assholes is? shit. just rock out man.

I know, I just look into some things too much. haha...

Rob Instigator 10.09.2008 01:47 PM

at least you are a critical listener!!! I hate people who give me the old "I like everything" line. that is such bullshiot. that means they have no discernment! ha ha!

Like when Katie Couric asked Governor Palin what periodicals she reads and she said "Oh, all of them."

yeah, sure.

PAULYBEE2656 10.09.2008 02:15 PM

what is it with patton.. he makes shit records and still comes up smelling of roses.........

i liked half of tomahawks anonymous and 25 percent of mr bungle and a smidgen of some other shit but fantomas and the rest.. its muck! imo

Rob Instigator 10.09.2008 02:40 PM

it's cuz the girls think he's foxy

Glice 10.09.2008 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I think Patton;s versatility is amazing. His voice can do many things in many ways and that IS something good. so he is not the "best" at any one style. who cares? do you listent o rock so you can ROCK or do you listen to it to wank off on how fabulopus the technical mastery of these assholes is? shit. just rock out man.

But...but...but... Patton is wanking off without actually having any technical mastery? Surely? Unlike the overwhelming majority of rock musicians ever, Patton is the one who sounds very much like he'd love to do something other than rock, but simply isn't capable. I don't have much time for Zorn, but at least he can justify his fourteen million projects by being able to play the shit out of his horn...

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 10.09.2008 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Good record label though.


Rob Instigator 10.09.2008 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
But...but...but... Patton is wanking off without actually having any technical mastery? Surely? Unlike the overwhelming majority of rock musicians ever, Patton is the one who sounds very much like he'd love to do something other than rock, but simply isn't capable. I don't have much time for Zorn, but at least he can justify his fourteen million projects by being able to play the shit out of his horn...

that is all true Glice. I see him as the vocalist equivalent of Frank Zappa, doing his best to annoy the shit out of everyone around him.
Naked City was some cool scary shit though man.

atsonicpark 10.09.2008 06:45 PM

california is such a sweet, amazing record. I love "air conditioned nightmare", "pink cigarette", "none of them knew they were robots", and the brilliant "goodbye sober day". My buddy saw them on tour after this album came out and said that mr. bungle not only played the songs perfectly live (!), they actually sounded better. I prefer disco volante because it's so dark and every song is a masterpiece...

Trey Spruance.. he deserves a thread. By far the most underappreciated guitar player ever...

batreleaser 10.09.2008 07:42 PM

you like california? that record annoys the fuck out of me. but i too love disco volante, i dont get how that record is so great. terry spruance i guess, but im not even into secret chiefs 3 half as much as you. i like them, of course.

atsonicpark 10.09.2008 08:42 PM

haha california is amazing! How can you like the more-annoying-by-far disco volante but not california? Disco Volante is better obviously but california perhaps has better songwriting on it.

punkaspoo 10.09.2008 08:46 PM

I can't trust a person who cannot appreciate King for a Day...Fool for a Lifetime -album.
Faith No More was a great band.

atsonicpark 10.09.2008 08:50 PM

Who me? I didn't say I didn't like FNM, they just usually don't excite me.

Angel Dust is some kind of masterpiece though.

punkaspoo 10.09.2008 09:15 PM

I meant generally. Didn't mean you.

atsonicpark 10.09.2008 11:48 PM

ohhh. Gotcha.

Rob Instigator 10.10.2008 08:53 AM

I did not say listen to rock for the sake of rock

I say "don't you listen to rock so YOU CAN ROCK?"

I do. I dont know AFI, but my chemical romance can rock a twelve year old for sure. ha ha ha

I really do not like the sound on calivfornia. the songs sound overproduced and I do not like the songs. I prefer Mr Bungle when they are in full schizophrenia mode.

as far as FNM, I love we care a lot, and real thing, and ANGEL DUST for sure, but King for a day was boring,a nd I refuse to listen to any FNM record without Jim martin, the man whose riffs on Jizzlobber blow anything on king for a day out the water.

pedestrian 10.10.2008 09:01 AM

Mike Patton does what he does. You either appreciate it or you don't. I'm not saying you "get it", that's pretentious. I'm just saying that the guy has a unique sound that is hit or miss depending on one's preference. I, personally, think Loveage and Peeping Tom are both INCREDIBLE records. But, whatever, that's me. I vote in favor of genius.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 02.05.2009 09:26 PM

I love Patton. Always have and always will. I wouldn't quite take his spunk in the mouth these days, but many of your guys' criticisms seem a tad unjust. Mike falls victim of being hailed above and beyond by his fans who praise him as the second-coming of Christ, when the dude is really just a pretty damn good singer who likes to explore the true capabilities of his own vocal chords. I mean, there has to be a reason why so many great artists choose to work with him.

And with that being said...let's enjoy some Mondo Cane.

trojan 06.18.2009 08:39 AM

John Zorn's Six Lithanies For Heliogabalus, definitively a must-have

pbradley 06.18.2009 08:53 AM

Mike Patton is a cunt. But I like a few songs from Tomahawk.

Tickerwelly 06.18.2009 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by punkaspoo
I can't trust a person who cannot appreciate King for a Day...Fool for a Lifetime -album.
Faith No More was a great band.

I'm with you on this. I think this was the point where people either lost interest or gained more. I remember buying it the day it came out and being surprised how schizophrenic the tone of the album was but amazed at good the songs were. It's like a Ween album. "Cuckoo For Caca" and "Take This Bottle" are so different from each other that they have no business being on the same album. I like it.

Tomahawk's Anonymous sucked though. That and his album with Kaada were both ruined by him. The sarcastic tone of his vocals does nothing for the music when he's trying to be "authentic".

I'm looking forward to some new Fantomas.

atsonicpark 06.18.2009 12:34 PM

Fantomas are so awful that it blows my mind. Shitty, boring cut and paste metal on a few albums that communicates absolutely nothing beyond a cheap thrill but gets old fast (nearly every song they do in this style is "quiet part" followed by "LOUD BASHING METAL PART!!!!!!!!" over and over and over), one of the most boring "ambient" albums ever with another album, and then a somewhat entertaining film soundtrack album where they play straight versions of film songs and then inject "metal" parts in them sometimes (for most of the songs). I gotta say, their take on "Charade" is brilliant, but most of their stuff is terrible. Tomahawk is one of the most boring bands I've heard in my life. Extremely dull. And I gotta agree with you, Patton's vocals on "Romances" suck, but Kaada's music is so amazing that I think it's probably the best album Patton's ever been on (besides the last 2 Bungle albums). You know, in my opinion.

I'm still wondering why people consider Patton a genius...

Tickerwelly 06.18.2009 02:29 PM

I consider him a genius because by the lone power of his voice he can let me travel through a twisted evil beauty tunnel no one else can take me through. That's not something I normally ask from a vocalist. I don't normally even expect them to be creative.


the line "my head is like lettuce. go on dig your thumbs in.'

the vocals on the chorus of "Mayday" on the Tomahawk album Mit Gas - An extremely simple word turned into a frightening free fall into concrete.

"Investigation Of A Citizen Above Suspicion" from Fantomas' The Director's Cut- The chorus where he yells "them or you" sounds like his voice is shattering into a million little pieces. Or like he orally vomited out a thousand little demons.

Derek 06.18.2009 02:36 PM

Definitely overrated but his association with Mr Bungle makes all his criticisms moot.

Or not... I like him on a personal level but most of his music is utter cack.

But still... Mr Bungle.

vulva 06.19.2009 06:01 AM

Hey guys he's pretty good. Get off his dick. Crank 2 fucking ruled. Did you see the part where the stripper's tits got shot and the silicone oozed out? I also liked when he said "did I drop something or did I just hear a chink?" Also the A Perfect Place soundtrack was lovely and shit. A Perfect Twist was like making out with a walrus, the good way. So anyways, Mr. Bungle sucked, no biggie. Faith No More was are neat in small doses and their reunion performance at Download was really nice. Tomahawk would be fun live.

chairman of the bored 06.19.2009 11:23 PM

patton burgles turds

vulva 06.19.2009 11:36 PM

hey man whatever this is the best way to kick off a reunion show. He's a great guy who sings

youthoftomorrow 06.21.2009 12:31 AM

well, i for one thought Anonymous was a fantastic record and still listen to it.

Zombie Robot 06.21.2009 01:08 AM

patton is an acquired taste. i enjoy early fnm, his fantomas collab w/melvins, some mr bungle, and have to really be in the mood (rarely am) to handle some tomahawk and peeping tom. his collab on 'She' w/Merzbow was cool though. i admire his versatile style, and i used to think he was hot. i am lookin forward to the fnm reunion tour. should be a fun show.

dionysusundone 06.21.2009 03:29 AM

Swa(y) the native american Tomahawk record isn't very good. It's worth a download, but don't shell out money for it until you've heard it, I was severely disappointed by it considering the talent of the musicians.

Green Magnesium 06.21.2009 04:07 AM

I'm not too into Faith No More or Mr. Bungle or much of his other work , but I do LOVE Tomahawk. Their Anonymous album is gorgeous, imo.

loubarret 06.21.2009 07:51 AM

I like Faith No More and Mr Bungle, nothing more and nothing less. More a Fatomos and tomahawk fan.

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