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greedrex 09.21.2008 03:19 PM

for me it's def "BECUZ"
it's got the simple powerful drive / feel to it
the Kim vox
the massive skronk
the beautiful Lee dissonant notes
can't get enough of this songs
possibly my favourite song EVER

RanaldoNecro 09.21.2008 05:40 PM

EXpressway to Yr Skhull

max 09.21.2008 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Lawrence
I've always thought "Schizophrenia" -- has both Thurston/Kim vocal parts and some very pretty/very atonal-dark passages, plus that great ending. Really, what's better?

Preferably a live version though...

right on.

Pax Americana 09.22.2008 12:27 AM

Schizophrenia is a good choice. Teen Age Riot came to mind too.

EVOLghost 09.22.2008 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Pax Americana
Schizophrenia is a good choice. Teen Age Riot came to mind too.

Haha I never even thought about those songs but they sure are great ones.

mlrmlr 09.23.2008 07:26 PM

Cinderella's Big Score and maybe Unmade Bed.

mlrmlr 09.23.2008 07:27 PM

Of course Schizophrenia but the live version in Reading 1991. (The Year Punk Broke)

EVOLghost 09.24.2008 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by mlrmlr
Of course Schizophrenia but the live version in Reading 1991. (The Year Punk Broke)

Is there really a better version??
But I came up with one just now. What about Radical Adults Lick Godhead Style?

RanaldoNecro 09.25.2008 11:15 AM

I love Her all the Time from The Year Punk Broke...

Magic Wheel Memory 09.25.2008 12:24 PM

I think Teenage Riot is too pop. Very different from most of SY's stuff. And I think The Diamond Sea is just very unique. I don't think either song has much in common with a lot of their other work.

Malcolm81 09.25.2008 01:16 PM

Schizophrenia is a good choice. Tom Violence also comes to mind.

sarramkrop 09.25.2008 01:16 PM

I'm surprised someone would play The Diamond Sea to a SY novice in order to give them an idea of their trademark sound. I mean, the lyrics and playing are heavily indebted to Echo and The Bunnymen (down to Thurston Moore's vocal style), Neil Young, or psychedelic rock from the sixties (the instrumental part), not exactly the first things that I'd associate with the noise that they are generally known for. Great song and all that, though.

couch 09.25.2008 08:36 PM

Song 1 on SYR8.

joe11121 09.25.2008 09:58 PM

Theresa's Sound World

Hip Priest 09.26.2008 05:54 PM

On the Strip.

akprodr 09.26.2008 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by joe11121
Theresa's Sound World


narlus 09.26.2008 09:55 PM

expressway to yr skull.

if it's good enough for bruce russell to name his label after, it's good enough for anyone.

ruinedbyharps 09.28.2008 08:18 PM

i'd say brother james

bubblegum 09.29.2008 01:24 PM

tom violence
disappearer(because i have absolutely no idea how it will sound live)
and the whole " sonic nurse" album

bubblegum 09.29.2008 01:26 PM

woops wrong thread

NicolįsD 10.01.2008 11:25 PM

schizophrenia or...billie jean.

no. definitely schizophrenia.

[Sandbag] 10.02.2008 06:08 AM

satan is boring :P...

nah... um 'diamond sea' or 'candle' methinks

Alexander 10.02.2008 05:40 PM

I don't think I woud attempt to indoctrinate someone into Sonic Youth just based on the strength of one song. I don't think that would be an accurate or thorough representation of such an enormously ecclectic and varied band. I suppose for arguments sake I would say The Sprawl if I had to pick 1 song

NicolįsD 10.02.2008 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Alexander
I don't think I woud attempt to indoctrinate someone into Sonic Youth just based on the strength of one song. I don't think that would be an accurate or thorough representation of such an enormously ecclectic and varied band. I suppose for arguments sake I would say The Sprawl if I had to pick 1 song

so... The Sprawl.

good choice.

syntax-free 10.03.2008 05:03 PM

Teenage Riot.

batreleaser 10.03.2008 05:12 PM

express way to yr. skull, definitley. perfectly cuts off and captures thier transition between atonal noise punk to grandioise noisy pop music, and the riffs, and the chorus, are some of the most explosive things ive ever heard in rock music. an incredible song.

Scars4Eyes 10.04.2008 07:24 AM

I'm quite surprised nobody mentioned Silver Rocket. It's got it all: the energy, the noise bridge and great singing. Plus it's a neat poppy song that can get people hooked in less than 4 minutes.

lechaoscestmoi 10.04.2008 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by syntax-free
Teenage Riot.


frades 11.22.2008 03:10 PM

"stones" is definitive for SY. it simply takes the same riff at the end that was at the beginning:

"androgynous mind"
"diamond sea" also.

Trasher02 11.23.2008 06:27 AM

I'd pick Mote. Sums SY up perfectly, the catchy melodies and the insane feedback at the end.

pbradley 11.23.2008 07:11 AM

Sonic Youth have a definition to define?

barnaclelapse 11.23.2008 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Alexander
I don't think I woud attempt to indoctrinate someone into Sonic Youth just based on the strength of one song. I don't think that would be an accurate or thorough representation of such an enormously ecclectic and varied band. I suppose for arguments sake I would say The Sprawl if I had to pick 1 song

I was going to say the same thing.

I think I'd really have to go with an overall album or even a carefully chosen compilation as a means to introduce someone to Sonic Youth.

GeneticKiss 11.23.2008 11:44 PM

I'm surprised no one picked Silver Rocket...

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