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Cantankerous 08.20.2008 11:23 AM


_slavo_ 08.20.2008 11:27 AM

Shentov, my mate, I keep my fingers crossed for you. But, this sentence actually wasn't necessary, you know that I do.

MellySingsDoom 08.20.2008 11:28 AM

What _slavo_ says from me.

demonrail666 08.20.2008 11:28 AM

I smoke lots of weed. I'm OK with it, apart from it making me believe Phil Collins' No Jacket Required to be a work of utter unbridled genius. Oh yeah, and start inane threads about Dio.

_slavo_ 08.20.2008 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
Sure, _slavo_ - Seroxat, when trialed in the UK, caused some users to fall so low they attempted suicide (in 1 or 2 cases, the trialers did kill themselves :(). This damning evidence was suppressed in the UK, because the makers of Seroxat and the UK Government wanted to push the whole "wonder drug" thing. I am very fucking dubious about Seroxat as a result - every person on an MH board that has taken it has had some sort of adverse effect...

That sucks. I was actually intrigued about it. I'd come to the conclusion that if I ever had to start taking any kind of medicine for my condition (i still can somehow deal with it with no help of medication), it would be Seroxat. But you kind of made me feel aware of the dark side, too.

Cantankerous 08.20.2008 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I smoke lots of weed. I'm OK with it, apart from it making me believe Phil Collins' No Jacket Required to be a work of utter unbridled genius. Oh yeah, and start inane threads about Dio.

yeah me too but i could never abide that album or anything by phil collins, regardless of the amount of weed i smoked.

props to all of you who've had drug problems/addictions and quit, by the way, i know how much it sucks.

MellySingsDoom 08.20.2008 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I smoke lots of weed. I'm OK with it, apart from it making me believe Phil Collins' No Jacket Required to be a work of utter unbridled genius.

Remind me to use the above sentence for future bribery purposes, heh heh heh heh.

Heh heh heh :p

!@#$%! 08.20.2008 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
okay if you want to be serious, i'll get serious

in the last six months i've kicked both a huge cocaine habit and a pretty bad opiate addiction as well (i've only recently stopped taking methadone for it)


what the fuck happened to modesty & shit??

ha ha -- but you know that was awesome.

Cantankerous 08.20.2008 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
what the fuck happened to modesty & shit??

ha ha -- but you know that was awesome.

what does this have to do with modesty? i'm just stating a fact.

EMMAh 08.20.2008 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
okay if you want to be serious, i'll get serious

in the last six months i've kicked both a huge cocaine habit and a pretty bad opiate addiction as well (i've only recently stopped taking methadone for it)


Good job woman :) Keep it up.

My dad is an alcoholic, which I consider to be a drug problem.

I recently stopped seeing a friend of mine because to her coke was the most important thing around. The other day she told me that she wasn't so fucked up anymore, but she's said that numerous times. I'll believe it when I see it.

My other friend has been clean for a while now, but he was really into coke too. Coke or anything else he could get. Pretty sure his rock bottom was doing PCP and cutting the shit out of his arms and having to go to the hospital.

Another friend used to do morphine, quit that and started doing e all the time, now I hear she's doing coke.

I know a lot of people who have/have had drug addictions.

Cantankerous 08.20.2008 12:33 PM

it runs in my family.
grandma was a gambling addict, two uncles addicted to heroin, my other grandma cannot live without her weed, my other uncle can't live without his weed, two of my aunts are alcoholics, and my aunt (who has been dead of cancer for ten years) was addicted to cocaine and meth.
and we all smoke cigarettes.
just to be clear this is most of my family.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.20.2008 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by shentov
so, first i want to ask all of you nice people to keep this one serious, as much as you can.
does any of you ever had (or has now) serious drug problems. i obviously don't mean i-lost-my-car-and-aptment type of shit (since you obviously have a computer and a residence to type from), but one serious fiending for the drug might be enough. i leave alcohol and cigarettes aside, just because of their social accepted status. but an alcohol addiction fits.
this one is more for the illegal substances. cannabis might be left aside too, but i don't know. i know a person who claims he has a cannabis addiction, even though he gets how stupid it sounds. he just can't make a day w/o it and gets really fucked up if he doesn't have a stash. i think it's more of a brain game, but psychic withdrawal is a huge part of the shit (at least for me).
upper pills, downer pills, opiates, smack, crack (rock), meth, amph, all of the above...

anyone on the same boat?

Thurgood: I'm here today because I'm marijuana.Rehab patient: You in here 'cuz of marijuana?! Man, this is some BULLSHIT!Bob Saget/Cocaine addict: Marijuana is not a drug. I used to suck dick for coke.Rehab patient: I've seen him!Bob Saget/Cocaine addict: Now that's an addiction, man. You ever suck some dick for marijuana?Thurgood: No, I can't say I have.Bob Saget/Cocaine addict: I didn't think so.

EMMAh 08.20.2008 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
it runs in my family.
grandma was a gambling addict, two uncles addicted to heroin, my other grandma cannot live without her weed, my other uncle can't live without his weed, two of my aunts are alcoholics, and my aunt (who has been dead of cancer for ten years) was addicted to cocaine and meth.
and we all smoke cigarettes.
just to be clear this is most of my family.

I wish I knew that kind of family history. My mom's side is all healthy blah blah, but my dad was adopted so I have no clue about any of them.

I don't worry about myself though - cause I only smoke pot - but I always worry that my brother will turn out to be an alcoholic.

floatingslowly 08.20.2008 12:41 PM

I had too much LDS in the 70's and 80's.

I'm better now.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.20.2008 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I had too much LDS in the 70's and 80's.

I'm better now.

didn't everybody?

!@#$%! 08.20.2008 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
I don't worry about myself though - cause I only smoke pot - but I always worry that my brother will turn out to be an alcoholic.

well, hm, weed can turn out to be a very enslaving addiction as well-- sure not as violent or beastly but still, over the years, the damage happens.

i used to be pretty addicted to weed actually, for a while-- it was all i looked forward to all day-- and if i didn't smoke i felt anxious and "incomplete"-- and then my character started to change where i didn't know what i wanted to do with my life or anything and all i did was wish for fantasyland ("why can't the world be like i want?").

lucky for me i got busted ha ha ha. it was scary, but-- best outcome ever.

floatingslowly 08.20.2008 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
didn't everybody?

you've been to Utah? :)

davenotdead 08.20.2008 12:51 PM

i get pretty kranky/irritable if my internet dosn't work... i also usually get on right after i wake up and right before i go to bed... sometimes i can't sleep if i go to bed without logging on first

EMMAh 08.20.2008 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
well, hm, weed can turn out to be a very enslaving addiction as well-- sure not as violent or beastly but still, over the years, the damage happens.

i used to be pretty addicted to weed actually, for a while-- it was all i looked forward to all day-- and if i didn't smoke i felt anxious and "incomplete"-- and then my character started to change where i didn't know what i wanted to do with my life or anything and all i did was wish for fantasyland ("why can't the world be like i want?").

lucky for me i got busted ha ha ha. it was scary, but-- best outcome ever.

I'd rather smoke too much weed than do too much of anything else though.

Don't know if I've mentioned it here before, but I would like to depend on it less. Apparently that's not happening today though. First thing I did when I got up was a massive roach hunt haha.

How did you get busted?

Rob Instigator 08.20.2008 12:54 PM

I have never had to deal with it myself, but I have had friends who have had to go to re-hab to detox from pills and cocaine. I also recently ha d afriend try to commit suicide three times in one week, from drinking and cocaine addiction.

rough rough shit man.

EMMAh 08.20.2008 12:58 PM

That is rough man :(

My dad's friend killed himself about a year ago because he had be struggling with drug addiction. I don't know exactly what, but apparently it had been going on for a really really long time.

!@#$%! 08.20.2008 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
I'd rather smoke too much weed than do too much of anything else though.

Don't know if I've mentioned it here before, but I would like to depend on it less. Apparently that's not happening today though. First thing I did when I got up was a massive roach hunt haha.

How did you get busted?

got busted a couple of times driving, my parents found weed in my pants (i was 19 and living at home), it was a combination which ended in lots of family drama and i also totaled a number of cars while drunk AND stoned. never just drunk.

in order to get weed i also drove a dealer around in my car (he had a HUGE bag on him, it would have been atrocious getting caught, because of the sheer amount) and hung out with a bunch of cokeheads who had access to good weed & i put up with their crap so i could score weed. eventually i ended up driving them around while unbeknownst to me they were dealing coke all over town.

there was all manner of shitty consequences and when everyone around me realized i was a pothead, my relationships with people changed as a consequence and i found myself stuck with shit people.

i just mentioned this because while weed is not as violently bad as other stuff, it's still an addiction, it's still self-medication and coverup for emotional problems, and so the problems continue while you dull the pain.

having an alcoholic parent predisposes you to these emotional problems & addictions.

my friendly suggestion... if you're looking to be less dependent on weed or anything else for that matter is to treat the underlying causes, i.e. your anxiety & depression & the sources of it, rather than simply trying to curb use & "control" the addiction.

i promise that this works. :p

MellySingsDoom 08.20.2008 01:10 PM

!@#$%! - Re treating underlying causes....agree in principle, but I know from very bitter personal experience just how near-impossible it can be sometimes. Emotional pain and sadness can be SO overwhelming that turning to alcohol/weed (in my case) was the only way I could numb my senses. It's FAR harder to face up to your personla shit - I know, because I finally did it this year (it was why I was away from here for so long...) - ANYONE going through that right now has my empathies and support. I wouldn't tell people what to do - God knows, I didn't listen to anyone for the best part of ten years - instead, I would do what I never got for a long while - I would LISTEN to these people, no matter how upsetting/horrible it might be for me...

Glice 08.20.2008 01:13 PM

I've known people with addictions. It's a bit shit. Some things tend to lead people to being addicts - Coke, smack. As may of you are probably aware, I generally give weed the shortest shrift because there's a general perception that it's 'not as bad as alcohol because you don't get violent'. And yes, many people smoke weed and it doesn't change them in any way. However, weed is not benign in 100% of cases, and I know plenty of people who can't move without it.

Obviously, anyone boshing Charles or brown on a daily basis needs to check themselves; anyone doing gurners on a weekly basis for more than a year or so is headed for brain damage/ massive mid-30s depression; anyone drinking more than a few times a week for more than 5 years or so needs to sort it out; no-one except for people who were mental already does speed for any period of time; ketamine should be enjoyed lightly; don't do hallucinigens for for than a few years; if you find it impossible to go more than 3 days without weed, you have an addiction, and you're probably exceptionally boring to all around you. You probably have very little sex-drive, and any notions of ambition will disappear until you stop 'chilling with a little spliff', you boring cunt.

I apologise to anyone who has an addiction to a drug class not covered above.

MellySingsDoom 08.20.2008 01:16 PM

You forgot the addiction to "not being gay enough to be a gay, you gay" :D ;)

!@#$%! 08.20.2008 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
!@#$%! - Re treating underlying causes....agree in principle, but I know from very bitter personal experience just how near-impossible it can be sometimes. Emotional pain and sadness can be SO overwhelming that turning to alcohol/weed (in my case) was the only way I could numb my senses. It's FAR harder to face up to your personla shit - I know, because I finally did it this year (it was why I was away from here for so long...) - ANYONE going through that right now has my empathies and support. I wouldn't tell people what to do - God knows, I didn't listen to anyone for the best part of ten years - instead, I would do what I never got for a long while - I would LISTEN to these people, no matter how upsetting/horrible it might be for me...

i dont know man, about the first part of your message, i found it more difficult to live with chronic emotional troubles than to get cured. in my case it was a lack of understanding of my situation that kept me going for numbness (weed, booze, tv, the internet) rather than being alive and cured after doing some hard work. what i mean is that i was self0-destructive and eventually ready to off myself before i finally started clawing my way out of the hole. and then i much rather would have avoided the years & years of piled-up damage now i am working to undo. so while it might be hard to face these troubles on your own, there are people who know how to provide support for these painful cures, so one doesn't have to go through surgery without anesthetics. i'm just saying, it was well worth it getting unstuck-- it's the best education i ever got. now the last sentence you wrote i did not understand, please forgive me if i ask for a re-explain.

demonrail666 08.20.2008 01:23 PM

I have a VERY strong self-destructive impulse. I'm also terminally lazy. Which in this case is just as well, in that I can rarely be arsed to do too much damage to myself.

gmku 08.20.2008 01:29 PM

Ordered "legal pot" from the back of Rolling Stone magazine once, while I was in college and living at home. Mom freaked out, can't have that stuff arriving in the mail, what will the neighbors think, all that. "Mom," I told her, "if the neighbors are snooping in our mailbox, they've got a much bigger problem on their hands than a druggy college kid living next door."

MellySingsDoom 08.20.2008 01:29 PM

!@#$%! - Thanks for the reply. Re. my last part - I had loads of practical advice from friends, family etc, but trying to speak to people about how terrible I felt would get sympathy, but no real understanding. This would lead me to feel more pissed off/hateful towards myself, and so the cycle would continue. Being listened to without any prejudice or "you're not really that unhappy, pull yerself together" attitude is something that I found very hard to get. That plus wild paranoia (yes, I am aware of the contradiction I'm making here, but bear with me) would lead me to dismiss anything people said to me - I didn't feel they were really listening to me, so why should I listen to them? It's a horrible self-repeating cycle, which I finally managed to break out of. Again, really being listened to (and validated as an emotional being) is the most important thing that's happened to me in my life, seriously.

!@#$%! 08.20.2008 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
!@#$%! - Thanks for the reply. Re. my last part - I had loads of practical advice from friends, family etc, but trying to speak to people about how terrible I felt would get sympathy, but no real understanding. This would lead me to feel more pissed off/hateful towards myself, and so the cycle would continue. Being listened to without any prejudice or "you're not really that unhappy, pull yerself together" attitude is something that I found very hard to get. That plus wild paranoia (yes, I am aware of the contradiction I'm making here, but bear with me) would lead me to dismiss anything people said to me - I didn't feel they were really listening to me, so why should I listen to them? It's a horrible self-repeating cycle, which I finally managed to break out of. Again, really being listened to (and validated as an emotional being) is the most important thing that's happened to me in my life, seriously.

oh yeah--people-- fuck them-- they don't know shit. for me talking to my family just was all about denial and bullshit. cos you know, parents don't want to admit they fucked up, friends are as ignorant as one is, family wants to gloss over shit... so fuck them.n they want to keep you sick out of convenience, ignorance, and sheer habit.

i got cured by a shrink. nobody else could. and i had to shop around-- some shrinks were assholes, some were religious fucks, some were clueless,one was a lecherous bitch, etc., but eventually i found a competent, smart, old, well-read shrink who, while a little wackadoodle himself, understood me well enough to show me the way back to sanity-- it was quite simple really once i found the way, and i'm forever grateful. yeah i had to keep trying but i really was sick and tired of being sick and tired, so... i keep pushing until i found the way.

btw what you discuss about just being listened to without being judged, that's mostly what people in support groups do. i'm not much of a group person so individual shrink sessions worked best for me, but i know people who've been helped by groups like that-- again i'd say is a matter of wanting to get better, shopping around, and making the effort. because there's help out there no doubt. but again it's not the ignorant civilian fucks (who just want to maintain good appearances) who will help-- it's the ones who can admit that things are fucked up and look at it with you that will really lend you a hand.

MellySingsDoom 08.20.2008 01:59 PM

!@#$%! - I'm in a gay support group at the moment - it's working out really well, and I'll be there for some time. Fortunately, I found a good group straight away :)

EMMAh 08.20.2008 01:59 PM

Yeah, the one shrink I went to was insane.

Made up lies to my mom. I swear if I ever see her again I'll fucking shank her.

!@#$%! 08.20.2008 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
Yeah, the one shrink I went to was insane.

Made up lies to my mom. I swear if I ever see her again I'll fucking shank her.

emmah-- maybe you need a group (ACOA seems like right up your alley), maybe a differetn shrink, but you know, it's like a pair of shoes, they have to fit. my last shrink and i got along really well, we had a good chemistry, we both had the same literary references that we could exchange, he was an old dude who had lived and experience shit, and i had great respect and trust for him-- without trust, really, all else is fucked. some people need a male shrink, some people a female shrink, and then there are so many schools & approaches, not everything is right for you-- once i went with a woman to a child's shrink for a couples problem-- it was the most useless fucking shit ever. anyway, i hope you find something, because it sucks to live in chronic pain. best wishes to you...

!@#$%! 08.20.2008 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
!@#$%! - I'm in a gay support group at the moment - it's working out really well, and I'll be there for some time. Fortunately, I found a good group straight away :)

bravo, man!


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
a gay support group -I found a good group straight

waaah??? :D

Cantankerous 08.20.2008 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
Yeah, the one shrink I went to was insane.

Made up lies to my mom. I swear if I ever see her again I'll fucking shank her.

the one i went to tried to relate with me so bad and she just couldn't. huge generation gap. it was sad.

"oh, i remember a lot about bob dylan..."



Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I had too much LDS in the 70's and 80's.

I'm better now.

them latter day saints will fuck you up good, man

my biggest problem is not having anything to do all day combined with the fact that i just don't give a fuck about anything. i admit that i'll probably be addicted to drugs sometime in the future but i'm enjoying NOT having nosebleeds right now.

EMMAh 08.20.2008 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
emmah-- maybe you need a group (ACOA seems like right up your alley), maybe a differetn shrink, but you know, it's like a pair of shoes, they have to fit. my last shrink and i got along really well, we had a good chemistry, we both had the same literary references that we could exchange, he was an old dude who had lived and experience shit, and i had great respect and trust for him-- without trust, really, all else is fucked. some people need a male shrink, some people a female shrink, and then there are so many schools & approaches, not everything is right for you-- once i went with a woman to a child's shrink for a couples problem-- it was the most useless fucking shit ever. anyway, i hope you find something, because it sucks to live in chronic pain. best wishes to you...

I talk to a woman at my school actually. She's younger, really chill, and seems to give good advice and all that.

Aren't those Latter Day Saints people a cult or some shit?

Cantankerous 08.20.2008 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
I talk to a woman at my school actually. She's younger, really chill, and seems to give good advice and all that.

Aren't those Latter Day Saints people a cult or some shit?

if you ask me they are

really they're just mormons.

gmku 08.20.2008 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
I'd rather smoke too much weed than do too much of anything else though.

Don't know if I've mentioned it here before, but I would like to depend on it less. Apparently that's not happening today though. First thing I did when I got up was a massive roach hunt haha.

How did you get busted?

It's incredible to me how many substance users eventually come to this conclusion. I've not heard anyone I know ever say, God, I wish I could depend on weed or alcohol or whatever more than I do now.

I don't mean to make light of this. But I always think of it when I hear someone's bravado about how they can handle drugs.

Cantankerous 08.20.2008 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
It's incredible to me how many substance users eventually come to this conclusion. I've not heard anyone I know ever say, God, I wish I could depend on weed or alcohol or whatever more than I do now.

I don't mean to make light of this. But I always think of it when I hear someone's bravado about how they can handle drugs.

no one can really "handle" drugs
i mean, yes, there are people who can take more drugs or drink more booze than other people
but it bites everyone in the ass in the end
you play with fire and youre gonna get burned. period.

gmku 08.20.2008 03:10 PM

Wiser words were never spoken.

Yes, they were. Never mind.

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