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Cantankerous 07.18.2008 09:42 PM

am i the only one who finds the shaggs to be exceedingly irritating?

Dead-Air 07.18.2008 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
am i the only one who finds the shaggs to be exceedingly irritating?

Well, that's sort of the point, innit?

Cantankerous 07.18.2008 09:49 PM

they put me off, really badly.

Green Magnesium 07.18.2008 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by SuperCreep

Sleater-Kinney are ass. One of the most annoying bands ever.

Agreed. I could never figure out why they had British sounding accents.

Bertrand 07.19.2008 04:25 AM

Gito Gito Hustler (they're on the same label as the Donnas - who I neither liked or disliked)
Tu Seras Terriblement Gentille (Parisian surf trio, hitting the wrong chord once in a while, but it doesn't matter)

Next are bands who had a stray male playing drums or else at one point :
The Slits (plus Steve Beresford in the final year)
Les Calamités (my favorite French band probably)
The Launderettes

Bands only supposed to be all girls :
Thee Headcoatees
The Shangri Las

I'd like to hear some UT but their records are invisible now here; the only thing I heard's from the Nothing Short of Total War compilation.

demonrail666 07.19.2008 04:37 AM

Without listing bands just because they have only girl members, here are ones that I listen to loads and are/were great bands in their own right. The Runaways would definitely make the top ten most listened to on the gramaphone at Rail Acres.

The Runaways
The Lunachicks
The Bangles

demonrail666 07.19.2008 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
am i the only one who finds the shaggs to be exceedingly irritating?

No, they are irritating. Especially when every time I try and play guitar I end up sounding like the fuckers.

Toilet & Bowels 07.19.2008 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by Green Magnesium
Agreed. I could never figure out why they had British sounding accents.

corin tucker wishes she was poly styrene

Toilet & Bowels 07.19.2008 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Without listing bands just because they have only girl members

yes. there's no reason on earth why anyone would list the likes of L7 or Cibo Matto otherwise.

Shonen Knife
The Raincoats
Queen Meanie Puss

demonrail666 07.19.2008 05:07 AM

Yeah, I should've listed The Raincoats.

Dead-Air 07.19.2008 05:24 AM

In regard to listing groups solely because they were all female.


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
yes. there's no reason on earth why anyone would list the likes of L7 or Cibo Matto otherwise.

Based upon the people who listed L7, that seems far from the truth. Emmah was pretty emphatic about liking them, I listed them but qualified it was based entirely upon their live show (I saw them many times in the late '80s and early '90s in Seattle in really small clubs, and they were awesome, which was never really captured on record), and Cantankerous seems unlikely to list anyone based upon that reason.

Cibbo Matto I don't think anyone but me listed, and all I can say is I really like their debut album. It was quite unique at it's time. Their second album was not all female (in fact it features a guy I used to party with in Olympia before he moved to NYC) and it's horrible. So they were better off all-female, for whatever reasons.

Savage Clone 07.19.2008 07:39 AM

Angel'in Heavy Syrup are pretty amazing, especially the fourth album.

Cibo Matto always made my teeth hurt.

demonrail666 07.19.2008 11:42 AM

There's a japanese Black Metal band that's been around for about six months now whose name I forget, but they're supposed to be quite interesting in their own right. I'll edit when I find their name.

Edit: Gallhammer.

Toilet & Bowels 07.19.2008 12:49 PM

the stuff i've heard from gallhammer was crap

demonrail666 07.19.2008 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
the stuff i've heard from gallhammer was crap

Well that's cleared that one up. Ignore Gallhammer; they're crap.

I just decided to to test T&Bs claim by listening to some stuff on Youtube. And, inevitably, he's right. They are crap. Another Japanese Rock band that I can safely ignore.

batreleaser 07.19.2008 01:09 PM

what the fuck do you mean thee headcoates are supposed to be girls? billy childish?

batreleaser 07.19.2008 01:10 PM

gallhammer isnt black metal, its part of thier sound, but so is doom, crust punk, etc..

Everyneurotic 07.19.2008 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Angel'in Heavy Syrup are pretty amazing, especially the fourth album.

Cibo Matto always made my teeth hurt.

fuck me, how did i forget angel'in?!! love them to death.

and yes on that sentiment on cibo matto too, never for the life of me understood their appeal.


the only L7 album i like is bricks are heavy, the rest of what i've heard is constantly mediocre. i'd like to listen to larissa strickland of laughing hyenas' L7 though.

Savage Clone 07.19.2008 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by batreleaser
what the fuck do you mean thee headcoates are supposed to be girls? billy childish?

HeadcoatEEs, not Headcoats, Mister Know-It-All.

EMMAh 07.19.2008 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Dead-Air
In regard to listing groups solely because they were all female.

Based upon the people who listed L7, that seems far from the truth. Emmah was pretty emphatic about liking them, I listed them but qualified it was based entirely upon their live show (I saw them many times in the late '80s and early '90s in Seattle in really small clubs, and they were awesome, which was never really captured on record), and Cantankerous seems unlikely to list anyone based upon that reason.

Yeah, I actually like them. Definitely don't listen to them as much as I used to, but that's the same with Nirvana and I still love them. Not that Nirvana and L7 were on the same level at all.

Dead-Air 07.19.2008 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
Yeah, I actually like them. Definitely don't listen to them as much as I used to, but that's the same with Nirvana and I still love them. Not that Nirvana and L7 were on the same level at all.

Having seen a lot of both bands in a lot of the same clubs at the same period in time, really the comparison is valid. Now Nirvana went on to create some awesome albums, which L7 never did, but they really are both bands from the same scene who made cool music that mixed punk and metal before that stuff got labelled grunge and all.

As far as mediocre bands from that scene there's Seven Year Bitch, and for outright bad there's Dickless, but L7 were a great live act.

pantophobia 07.19.2008 10:12 PM

the divsion of opinion on Sleater-Kinney always amazes me

Toliet & Bowels is a good example, i know for a fact he thinks the Hot Rock is one his top 50 all time albums (also one where Corin little less "oppressive" i suppose) yet loses him in the follow up All Hand on the Bad One, although i am not sure his opinion on One Beat or the Woods

atsonicpark 07.19.2008 10:19 PM

the only one i really like ANY songs on is the woods. they're not a bad band, just unexciting to me.

batreleaser 07.20.2008 04:11 AM

ywah thats what i was gonna say, the woods is pretty good. otherwise, theyre horrible as hell.

Dead-Air 07.20.2008 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by pantophobia
the divsion of opinion on Sleater-Kinney always amazes me

Toliet & Bowels is a good example, i know for a fact he thinks the Hot Rock is one his top 50 all time albums (also one where Corin little less "oppressive" i suppose) yet loses him in the follow up All Hand on the Bad One, although i am not sure his opinion on One Beat or the Woods

I've never understood why anyone would either love or hate them. I saw them so many times at shows and parties in Oly when they were one of many bands on the bill and I always thought they were o.k., but nothing special. I honestly think both Excuse 17 and Heavens to Betsy were significantly better bands. When suddenly S-K were being tromped around as the saviors of rock, it was so patently ridiculous. Even so, they were never really horrible, just incredibly overrated.

truncated 07.20.2008 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Dead-Air
I've never understood why anyone would either love or hate them. I saw them so many times at shows and parties in Oly when they were one of many bands on the bill and I always thought they were o.k., but nothing special. I honestly think both Excuse 17 and Heavens to Betsy were significantly better bands. When suddenly S-K were being tromped around as the saviors of rock, it was so patently ridiculous. Even so, they were never really horrible, just incredibly overrated.

Having expressed my hatred for S-K numerous times in the past, I suppose I agree with the rationality of this statement. They really were just overrated. I personally hated them because of their self-proclaimed fem-political undertones, but that's me.

MellySingsDoom 07.20.2008 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Well that's cleared that one up. Ignore Gallhammer; they're crap.

I just decided to to test T&Bs claim by listening to some stuff on Youtube. And, inevitably, he's right. They are crap. Another Japanese Rock band that I can safely ignore.

Time for me to play my "shitealiciously rubbish music taste" wank card - I like Gallhammer. I saw them live last September and thought they kicked ass.

Cantanky - re the Slits cover for "Cut" - apparently Budgie had already left the Slits by the time they came to do the cover shot for that. Well, that's his story anyway...:D;)

The Voodoo Queens were pretty great the first time I saw them (at the White Horse in Hamsptead) - good, sassy all-female garage punk. Tis a shame they soon turned into a godawful pop-metal outfit.

demonrail666 07.20.2008 04:50 PM

re S-K^^I'm definitely in the 'love 'em to bits' camp. Hot Rock, Dig Me Out and All Hands ... are stupendously good. 'The Swimmer' and 'Jenny' are two tracks that I regularly turn to.

MellySingsDoom 07.20.2008 04:55 PM

I liked Sleater-Kinney when I saw 'em live in 2000 - not often you get a proper "indie" rock band that actually kicks out the jams so well.

Cantankerous 07.20.2008 04:58 PM

okay my favourite girl band of all time is the runaways, by miles

thanks youtube.

sleater kinney were nothing special. sorry folks.

greedrex 07.20.2008 04:58 PM

SK : good band? yes
annoying voice? yeah at times it just sacrifices the rest of the instruments
still good anyway? oh quite yes.
LPs? mmm the only horrible is .... The woods!!!! It's shite
then Hot rock is the best following closely by call doctor and s/t

demonrail666 07.20.2008 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
okay my favourite girl band of all time is the runaways, by miles

thanks youtube.

Replace 'my favourite' with 'the greatest'. We're talking about a basic fact here, not an opinion.

Cantankerous 07.20.2008 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Replace 'my favourite' with 'the greatest'. We're talking about a basic fact here, not an opinion.


demonrail666 07.20.2008 05:11 PM

And never ever change that avatar. Ever! ... EVER!

uhler 07.20.2008 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Dead-Air
I honestly think both Excuse 17 and Heavens to Betsy were significantly better bands.

i think so too. my favorite sk is their first album. followed by hot rocks.

Cantankerous 07.20.2008 09:48 PM

corin tucker is the only cute one

ps, nice victorias secret panties carrie


Savage Clone 07.20.2008 10:11 PM

I think what people are overlooking here is the goddamn walking scientific breakthrough they represent: successful hybridization of human and goat vocal chord DNA.

Everyneurotic 07.20.2008 10:19 PM

i really don't think sleater-kinney were very consistent, and they were certainly not one of the best bands of the 90's.

the guitar intro to "dig me out" the song is still one of my favorite moments in music, ever.

Cantankerous 07.20.2008 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I think what people are overlooking here is the goddamn walking scientific breakthrough they represent: successful hybridization of human and goat vocal chord DNA.

joey ramone invented that. he bleated like a goat while those sleater kinney girls were still in diapers.

Everyneurotic 07.20.2008 10:47 PM

nope, the goat shit started with "surfin' bird"

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