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schizophrenicroom 05.27.2006 05:47 PM

that was my wallpaper for the longest time, hayden.

luxinterior 05.27.2006 08:29 PM

Same as my avatar.


alyasa 05.27.2006 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche

Chan Marshall is hawt.

Oh, disappoint me girl, let me down...

HaydenAsche 05.27.2006 10:37 PM

LOL. That pic has been mine for almost 4 months. Before that it was my old avatar with Jamie Stewart tied to a tree naked and McElroy torchering him with something. HAWT.

golden child 05.27.2006 11:14 PM

for sure, mcelroy is a hottie.

i want this one, but it isnt big enough


HaydenAsche 05.27.2006 11:16 PM

Don't deny that Jamie isn't a hottie. I'd do them both.

golden child 05.28.2006 04:51 AM


stereotyp 05.28.2006 07:15 AM


akprodr 05.28.2006 12:06 PM

I'm the only one with a train? What's up with that?

alyasa 05.28.2006 12:07 PM

Cute train, you must be a Railroad Tycoon fan? :)

akprodr 05.28.2006 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by alyasa
Cute train, you must be a Railroad Tycoon fan? :)

Actually, no. I've never had the patience to learn it. Rather be out shooting the real thing.

truncated 05.28.2006 12:17 PM


finding nobody 05.28.2006 12:40 PM


alyasa 05.28.2006 12:40 PM

I'd love to know what painting that is...

Everyneurotic 05.28.2006 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by stereotyp



h8kurdt 05.28.2006 12:50 PM

That pic was on me dracula book but i'm fucked if I can find it.
This one I mean


truncated 05.28.2006 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by alyasa
I'd love to know what painting that is...

You talkin' to me?

That would be Edvard Munch's Vampire (or Vampyr, depending on which scholarly bastard you're asking).

Everyneurotic 05.28.2006 12:55 PM


this is brand new, ever since i got a new hard disc something like last year, i went for the black desktop, but i felt it was time to put something nice. and afrirampo are nice.

h8kurdt 05.28.2006 01:02 PM

I shall sell myself out and show you mine.


alyasa 05.28.2006 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
You talkin' to me?

That would be Edvard Munch's Vampire (or Vampyr, depending on which scholarly bastard you're asking).

Thank you... I wasn't aware he had so much influence on the goth kids... Thank you.

h8kurdt 05.28.2006 01:46 PM

BURRRNNNN (or was it)

A Thousand Threads 05.28.2006 01:54 PM


screamingskull 06.02.2007 07:48 AM

i can't post a picture of my desk top as i don't know how to print screen on a mac, but my current screen saver is this


it switches between that and this


king_buzzo 06.02.2007 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by A Thousand Threads

Nooooo, that desktop doesn't have a lot of shortcuts.

drrrtyboots 06.02.2007 10:27 AM


Video games and illegality!

Richard Pryor on Fire 06.02.2007 06:05 PM

That picture is awesome

Originally Posted by !@#$%!

natacha von braun + lemmy caution = HOT

Richard Pryor on Fire 06.02.2007 06:06 PM


That's me on with my legs in the air, and that's Be Your Pet, getting outstaged by my awesome shit.

nicfit 06.02.2007 06:15 PM

Ehmm...why is your pants' ass wet?

Richard Pryor on Fire 06.02.2007 07:10 PM

I was having a good time, throwing bottels on the dance floor and rolling around in the beet spit stick stew on the floor.

Alex's Trip 06.02.2007 07:27 PM


I just made a shirt with that logo.

Danny Himself 06.02.2007 07:48 PM


Torn Curtain 06.03.2007 05:13 AM

Mine is a bit messy :D

It's not a pic taken in Africa but just a few hundred meters far from my home during floods 2 months ago:


Hip Priest 06.03.2007 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
Press 'print screen' on your keyboard then paste into paint or whatever program you wanna use for that. Save then upload...

Thank you.


Trasher02 06.03.2007 11:22 AM


king_buzzo 06.06.2007 02:25 AM

Home desktop is just black, School desktop is


yesca 06.06.2007 10:42 PM


schizophrenicroom 06.06.2007 10:51 PM


Danny Himself 06.07.2007 06:19 AM

Wow, I would have expected something seriously exciting on your desktop, Jade. If you catch my drift. It's good to see you're an mspaint enthusiast though.

AND I just noticed the 'road to joy' lyrics. ILY!

king_buzzo 06.07.2007 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by yesca


_slavo_ 06.07.2007 08:12 AM

My desktop at the work computer:


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