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porkmarras 06.26.2007 06:56 PM

better start saving up your lunch money

!@#$%! 06.26.2007 06:59 PM

better sell a kidney, or two

KT-019 06.26.2007 06:59 PM

Another year, another advance in computing technology that leaves me further behind the times.

Back in 1987, when I was manufactured, phones were for human interaction and that was it- they had answering machines back then, too, I think. And speakerphone. But now, what is all this mumbo jumbo? Why does a telephone need to be mobile, and capable of playing high-quality music files and video games? My thought-generation program tells me that stereo systems are for music and that arcade machines are for video games. I think this entire iPhone business is ruthlessly unnecessary and a blight on the world of computing. Why spend time writing the code and building the casing of this monstrosity when lonely machines like me are sitting in computer lab closets waiting to be used?

Oh, woe is me.

SynthethicalY 06.26.2007 07:00 PM

Give blood everyday, wait is this for Alex? If so nevermind, your blood will get rejected.

!@#$%! 06.26.2007 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
I did that, twice. Once without taking quicktime out, and once with taking it out.

Also, the downloaded Iphone presentation looks the same when I play it on quicktime. What the fuck! All that downloading...

flash woes perhaps?

Alex's Trip 06.26.2007 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
Give blood everyday, wait is this for Alex? If so nevermind, your blood will get rejected.

More for me.

Originally Posted by !@#$%!
flash woes perhaps?

Yeah, maybe. What the fuck do I download for that though?

!@#$%! 06.26.2007 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
More for me.Yeah, maybe. What the fuck do I download for that though?

flash of course.

i dont know man. i use winamp. who needs that itunes crap? useless crap.

Alex's Trip 06.26.2007 07:13 PM

Eh, fuck it. I'll just use this view and wait till iTunes 8. Maybe it'll be fixed.


Alex's Trip 06.26.2007 07:32 PM

Fixed it.

I had to get new drivers for my video card.

SynthethicalY 06.26.2007 07:38 PM

HAHA. DOn't you hate that Alex, when the problems are so fucking easy.

demonrail666 06.26.2007 07:41 PM

I could never justify paying that much for something that'd get stolen the moment I took it out in the street to make a call.

Norma J 06.26.2007 08:17 PM

I'm not one who needs the latest gadgets.
Don't even know what one is and I don't care to know what one is.

LatexLove 06.26.2007 08:23 PM

Latex in his own thoughts thinks that he should wait till the gadget spoken in this here thread, is lower in price.

Alex's Trip 06.26.2007 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
watching the thing made me want one, at the beginning i was like "what a waste of money" and by the end i was saying "i have to have one!"

So I watched it, and I definitely want it more than before, even though I really don't need it.

Maybe once I leave for college or something it'd be nice to have, and it'd be more useful and thus worth the money. At that point I'd probably need a new phone or ipod or something. But still, it needs to be on Verizon.

Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i fucking want a business version of that piece of shit. i could use a new PDA that talks. but i want it on verizoff. who has time to watch tv at work? i already waste enough time on this crap board.

Watch the video. You can have word documents, pdf documents, and I'm assuming plenty of other stuff.

LatexLove 06.26.2007 08:25 PM

Where is the Link for this download?

porkmarras 06.26.2007 08:25 PM

on teh first page

val-holla-ing 06.27.2007 07:54 PM

i'm getting a 4gig model on friday.

sure i already have an ipod, two laptops and an imac, but when it boils down to it, my laptops are my instruments and i'd feel more confident if i didn't have to take them out of the house as much, but could still stay connected to the internet (especially since most of my communication is done via email). i don't like most of the business phones and this is the first phone that i've been really excited about.

btw, those "hidden prices" that got posted posted weren't quite right. the voice plan includes the data plan and text messages (not many texts, mind you, but the data is unlimited). i already pay 80 bucks a month for service on my shitty razr phone and i'd be more than happy to pay just as much for an awesome iphone.

screamingskull 06.30.2007 09:40 AM

so did you get one Val-holla-ing?

i worked out the 4GB one's are actually only about £250 which isn't as bad as i thought.

val-holla-ing 06.30.2007 06:33 PM

yeah, i got one! it's awesome and money well spent! it's so easy to use and it's fun. i love it.

screamingskull 06.30.2007 06:38 PM

how much did it cost you?

truncated 06.30.2007 09:19 PM

If you pay $500 for the Apple logo (which is essentially what you're doing), then you're an utter twat. Here, it's only available for AT&T, and people are actually camping out for these things.

Did I tell you you're all twats?

You're all twats.

Alex's Trip 06.30.2007 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
If you pay $500 for the Apple logo (which is essentially what you're doing)

That really isn't true. It isn't like there is a plethora of other phones that can do everything the iphone can do as well as it does it.

Sonic Youth 37 06.30.2007 09:31 PM

No, 8 gigs is just not enough.

truncated 06.30.2007 09:35 PM

It's overrated, and insofar as it's possible, it has too much technology. It's almost more cumbersome to have all of those functions on one device, and from various consumer reports, apparently the reception is shit.

Alex's Trip 06.30.2007 11:04 PM

I don't buy any of that shit that consumer reports say. I try it for myself and then see.

Everyone told me, "Oh Ipods are shit, the battery life is awful and you'll break it as soon as you drop it!" None of this shit has happened to me. I take good care of my expensive electronics. I don't really believe any of it until I find out first hand.

WHOREOHSCOPE 06.30.2007 11:13 PM


luxinterior 06.30.2007 11:41 PM

I already have little use for my cellphone. I can't imagine having a need for an iPhone or even an iPod. I don't know when I would ever use one.

ahhavalon 06.30.2007 11:44 PM


Tokolosh 07.01.2007 05:49 AM

It's quite pathetic seeing a bunch of fashion victims camping outside a mac store for a week, so that they can be the first to say, "Look, I'm cool now". Suckers!

fishmonkey 07.01.2007 06:29 AM

i'd rather have an ipod and a phone that wasnt the size of a small brick.

ALIEN ANAL 07.01.2007 06:40 AM

i hate phones and i hate phone noises
i have my phone on constant silent and just have vibrate.
so im pretty sure a phone built for being extra noisy can get fucked

king_buzzo 07.01.2007 07:01 AM

so i was just jamming yesterday, i had my phone near, my phone rings while i was using uber fast delay and it creates such a beautiful feedback i kept calling myself to recreate it but no, i couldnt...

anyways, no i am not going to get the new iphone.

!@#$%! 07.01.2007 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
It's quite pathetic seeing a bunch of fashion victims camping outside a mac store for a week, so that they can be the first to say, "Look, I'm cool now". Suckers!

ah haha ha hahah haaa. yes. well put. but it's not necessarily "pathetic". i don't want to get all melinda & melinda on the subject, but it can also be "highly comical".

val-holla-ing 07.01.2007 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by screamingskull
how much did it cost you?

with tax, it was about $543.

screamingskull 07.01.2007 12:43 PM

that's not too bad actually, for what you are getting it's pretty good.

atari 2600 07.01.2007 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
I already have little use for my cellphone. I can't imagine having a need for an iPhone or even an iPod. I don't know when I would ever use one.

My sentiments exactly.


sonicl 07.01.2007 01:52 PM

What's so exciting about the iphone anyway? I know I could easily get the answer by googling or watching the presentation, but I'm lazy.

screamingskull 07.01.2007 01:52 PM

you need to watch the presentation man, it's amazing.

atari 2600 07.01.2007 01:54 PM

The part in the commercial where it shows the music features with all the album covers in a virtual 3-D field...(that) looked cool.

SynthethicalY 07.01.2007 01:55 PM

I will wait when it gets trendy enough, that the prices will be super low.

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