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Genteel Death 01.16.2019 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
do you think there's any chance that the brexit might actually not happen?

Your guess is as good as mine. I think that she's going to survive the no confidence vote. It's now crystal clear to everyone that whatever comes up next, this government never had a plan B, C or else in case of failure to push through any finalised deal. Maybe the EU will agree to extend article 50 and the agony will go on for a few more years.

_slavo_ 01.16.2019 07:40 AM

Quite a terrible situation.

!@#$%! 01.16.2019 07:57 AM

how can they extend it past the upcoming election though

at most through june and that’s it, no?

eta: sorry, july

!@#$%! 01.16.2019 08:11 AM

this is anne applebaum, the washington post’s european commentator:

“Brexit has been a catastrophic political failure. This messy, unpopular deal, the most unpopular government policy that anybody can remember, was produced by a political class that turned out to be ignorant — about Europe, Europeans, trade arrangements, institutions — and arrogant, disdaining knowledge and expertise. It was the work of leaders who favored identity politics over economics, who preferred an undefined notion of “sovereignty” to the real institutions that gave Britain influence and power, who believed in fantasies and scorned reality.”


Genteel Death 01.16.2019 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
this is anne applebaum, the washington post’s european commentator:

“Brexit has been a catastrophic political failure. This messy, unpopular deal, the most unpopular government policy that anybody can remember, was produced by a political class that turned out to be ignorant — about Europe, Europeans, trade arrangements, institutions — and arrogant, disdaining knowledge and expertise. It was the work of leaders who favored identity politics over economics, who preferred an undefined notion of “sovereignty” to the real institutions that gave Britain influence and power, who believed in fantasies and scorned reality.”


I wonder how long some people will go on blaming the EU, immigrants, boats, earthquakes, Mexicans, gays, smelly people etc for problems obviously caused by the policies put in place by politicians elected in their respective countries. This contagious shitshow has been going on for a while, but it can't and won't go on forever.

Antagon 01.16.2019 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
I wonder how long some people will go on blaming the EU, immigrants, boats, earthquakes, Mexicans, gays, smelly people etc for problems obviously caused by the policies put in place by politicians elected in their respective countries. This contagious shitshow has been going on for a while, but it can't and won't go on forever.

Well, at some point people will be fed up with the real culprits. But in time those same instutions will put up (old) new smokescreens to gain the trust of a good amount of each respective population and as a result of that - power. Some people are easily deceived and swayed by the old game of pointing fingers and some catering to their fears. History has a penchant to repeat itself and unfortunately, people can be very shortsighted. I'm seeing it in Austria right now. 20 years ago the Conservative Party under the patronage of corporatists with clear rightwing leanings as well as the far right gained momentum during elections - which lead to their coalition. Within a few years they pretty much fucked up everything they touched. It was also during their leadership that some of the most infamous fiscal scandals in recent history took place. Judicial proceedings are ongoing. You'd think with something so fresh in people's collective memory - like literally being still reported about - they would know better than to elect such pseudo Gordon Geckos and perpetually grinning barrels full of sheer bigotry. 2017 however showed that the same scare tactics used in 1999 (oh those evil immigrants, it's all the fault of the EU) still work just fine with a good portion of the population. With the addendum that the Conservative Party now isn't even pretending to be a tad to the right of being neutral. Hell, they now have fully adopted a lot of the far right's talking points and policies. I recently visited my old home to look for mixtapes I had made sometime around 2004. While doing so, I found an old cassette with snippets of radio newscasts from early 2000. It seemed way to familiar to what's going on right now. Just exchange the names and the year and you could hardly tell the difference.

_slavo_ 01.16.2019 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
I wonder how long some people will go on blaming the EU, immigrants, boats, earthquakes, Mexicans, gays, smelly people etc for problems obviously caused by the policies put in place by politicians elected in their respective countries. This contagious shitshow has been going on for a while, but it can't and won't go on forever.

it's a trend which can result in 2 ways:
1) there'll be the new rise of fascism and God knows what will happen then
2) the populist right wing governments (Italy, Austria, Hungary, Brazil) will show how uncapable they are of basic country management, they'll embarrass themselves and the whole trend will implode

ilduclo 01.16.2019 09:54 AM

Or, as in USA, the righties are in power, fuck things up terribly, are tossed out, the reconstruction of the damage is slowly completed, then....righties back in power. Lather, rinse, repeat?

!@#$%! 01.16.2019 01:39 PM

mcjesus in haifa causes riots


riotous laughs should be more like but oh monotheist outrage


eta: further complications due to finnish artist supporting boycott divest sanctions and didn't want her work displayed there in the first place

ah... people!

!@#$%! 01.16.2019 03:46 PM

may survived. she now goes beg?

Diesel 01.16.2019 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
Or, as in USA, the righties are in power, fuck things up terribly, are tossed out, the reconstruction of the damage is slowly completed, then....righties back in power. Lather, rinse, repeat?

Exactly. If your vision is longterm then It kind of renders instant political discussion pointless. I try not to get involved but..

There's job loss already, the silver lining is Slovakia has gained job opportunities. The auld foreigners taking our jobs irony is not lost. If there's a hard Brexit then the health sector - where I work - stands to create lots of new job vacancies with varying new work due to the real possibility of drug prices multiplying and substitute generic drugs being doled out by doctors and pharmacies. Caveat will be the government subsidising all costs.

*back under the rock until it all blows over

!@#$%! 01.16.2019 05:34 PM

holy shit john bogle died

Diesel 01.17.2019 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

...It's almost as if old people die

_slavo_ 01.17.2019 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel
There's job loss already, the silver lining is Slovakia has gained job opportunities.

I get the joke, however, the unemployment rate here has been cca 5-6% lately, so we're not complaining that much.

Btw, I've been in contact with London about one job lately too, so I wonder myself how this is going to affect the job market.

!@#$%! 01.17.2019 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel
...It's almost as if old people die

lmao that wasnt the point... actually he lived way past the expected age for someone who started having heart problems in his early 30s

but he was one of the geniuses of our time. a revolutionary and a liberator. the simón bolívar of mutual funds lololol. but seriously. a great mind.

tesla69 01.17.2019 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
Or, as in USA, the righties are in power, fuck things up terribly, are tossed out, the reconstruction of the damage is slowly completed, then....righties back in power. Lather, rinse, repeat?

Cuomo - a democrat - is obsessed with enacting the greatest US land-based surveillance system ever to compare with China's. If you enter NY State, you will be surveilled.

but you go back to sleep now.

!@#$%! 01.17.2019 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel
...It's almost as if old people die

lmao that wasnt the point... actually he lived way past the expected age for someone who started having heart problems in his early 30s

but he was one of the geniuses of our time. a revolutionary and a liberator. the simón bolívar of mutual funds lololol. but seriously. a great mind.

Diesel 01.17.2019 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
I get the joke, however, the unemployment rate here has been cca 5-6% lately, so we're not complaining that much.

Btw, I've been in contact with London about one job lately too, so I wonder myself how this is going to affect the job market.

One thing to note is should there be an Australian style points system implementation then gaining employment here may be more difficult post Brexit. If you do make it to these stiff upper class snobby white paranoid shores then one option could be living up north in cheaper property with cheaper living expenses whilst collecting an inflated cheque daan saaath. Essentially living like a king up here.

!@#$%! 01.17.2019 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by operator
must've had some ambrosia

hahaha wat
is that legal?
(i know dick cheney’s organ harvesting isn’t...)

anyway bogle had a heart transplant in his 60s, yeah...

Diesel 01.17.2019 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
hahaha wat
is that legal?
(i know dick cheney’s organ harvesting isn’t...)

anyway bogle had a heart transplant in his 60s, yeah...

Custard. Eww.

I'm not sure who he is because I'm an imbecilic twat, obvs. So until Neon Neon release a montage concept album compressing his life into short and snappy three minute pop songs I can relate to, I'm oot!

!@#$%! 01.17.2019 01:52 PM

australian gay penguins doing what the heteros couldn't


!@#$%! 01.17.2019 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
I'm not sure who he is because I'm an imbecilic twat, obvs. So until Neon Neon release a montage concept album compressing his life into short and snappy three minute pop songs I can relate to, I'm oot!

obvs! lol

well he was a kind of robin hood of financial markets ha ha (was robin hood real?)

by inventing the index fund he reduced investment management costs while increasing performance over actively managed mutual funds, so he put more money in the pockets of small investors (e.g. your da, socking away for retirement, or your auntie with the cash in the buscuit tin) who were until then getting fleeced by financial institutions (many still do).

basically, thanks to him, even an imbecilic twat (lol) can invest safely and prosperously without the help of "advisor" leeches. so... yeah. he did good.

Diesel 01.17.2019 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
obvs! lol

well he was a kind of robin hood of financial markets ha ha (was robin hood real?)

by inventing the index fund he reduced investment management costs while increasing performance, so he put more money in the pockets of small investors (e.g. your da, socking away for retirement, or your auntie with the cash in the buscuit tin) who were until then getting fleeced by financial institutions (many still do).

basically, thanks to him, even an imbecilic twat can invest safely and prosperously without the help of "advisor" leeches. so... yeah. he did good.

Uh huh uh huh uh huh. I'm listening, honestly. ...Kevin Costner was real so by historical fact logic...

choc e-Claire 01.17.2019 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
australian gay penguins

You called? :D

!@#$%! 01.17.2019 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
You called? :D

ha ha ha!

that article was the best news i read all day

!@#$%! 01.21.2019 10:07 AM

hahaha 2018? serious?

i have not looked at this morning’s news yet, this being a holiday

after a weekend of reorganization, i’m now barely catching up with last week’s reviews

so what’s up for may today? she’s gonna do what?

Genteel Death 01.21.2019 04:35 PM

This is good news but not enough. It was insulting to ask me to pay some money to prove I lived here long enough, paid tax from day one and never claimed any benefits. The cheek!

!@#$%! 01.22.2019 05:59 AM

from the FT: “UBS shares fell sharply after the biggest Swiss bank blamed slowing economic activity and geopolitical tensions for missing analysts’ quarterly profit expectations and for causing almost $13bn of client outflows.”

!@#$%! 01.22.2019 01:32 PM

now i want eel pie more than ever

Diesel 01.22.2019 02:37 PM

^^Oh look, a self portrait of this place.


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
This is good news but not enough. It was insulting to ask me to pay some money to prove I lived here long enough, paid tax from day one and never claimed any benefits. The cheek!

The irony being if you've never been on benefits then you have never fully embraced our culture.

!@#$%! 01.22.2019 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
^^Oh look, a self portrait of this place.

man! your house must look a mess


Originally Posted by Diesel
The irony being [...]

alanis is that you?

Diesel 01.22.2019 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
man! your house must look a mess

I wasn't including myself there timbucktwo. Ahem.


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

alanis is that you?

I managed to snag copyright on the word 'irony' shortly after her song came out. Now others can bestow the privelage upon themselves to dare utter the syllables from their peasantry holes. The idea came to me after taking a dip in eel river..

Spotted Sev and Eugene there, in the Thames, shooting the shit


!@#$%! 01.22.2019 05:30 PM

lmfao ok

!@#$%! 01.22.2019 06:04 PM


!@#$%! 01.23.2019 07:58 AM

dyson headquarters moving from england to singapore

i didnt know the guy was a brexiter

sez he will continue to pay u.k. taxes lol seeing is believing

!@#$%! 01.23.2019 07:59 AM

anyway recession is coming yes khaleesi?

or is it here already?

i think been here a while

tesla69 01.24.2019 07:22 AM

Oh look another thread so the nameless one can chat with itself!

GravitySlips 01.24.2019 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
dyson headquarters moving from england to singapore

Sony relocate HQ:

Airbus threatening to leave if there's a no-deal Brexit:

The UK are really "taking back control" so well here...

!@#$%! 01.24.2019 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by GravitySlips
Sony relocate HQ:

Airbus threatening to leave if there's a no-deal Brexit:

The UK are really "taking back control" so well here...

oh damn! but fuji staying...

this morning’s highlights:

ghosn “resigns” (japanese law is fucked up)

eurozone’s gloomy forecasts continue in davos, but european central bank sez recession risk is low (make up your minds guys)

u.s. first time unemployment claims at 1969 levels: if you have a pulse, you can have a job

alex salmond arrested in scotland for UNDISCLOSED charges [edited, correction]

deutsche bank long on google ahead of earnings reports

!@#$%! 01.25.2019 10:38 AM

north macedonia, at last

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