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Severian 08.27.2017 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
Boredom, and a bit of frustration. I just find it strange how Sonic Youth used to be a benchmark band for people who liked exploring music. It used to be the case that if you got talking to someone about music and they liked SY the chances were very good that you could tip each other off to other interesting things. E.g. back in the early days of this board I learned boatloads from Clone about psychedelic music. Now if yr interested in sharing new music you'd be better off pissing in to a black hole than coming here. And apparently people like it that way.

Anywho, in answer to the OP question I don't really know that there is one song that I have to make everyone shut up for when it comes on the radio.
But last week was the annual guest appearance by Tom Lax (guy who runs Siltbreeze Records) on Brian Turner's show on WFMU and I always shut up an listen to whatever he plays.

I have been having trouble finding new good music, honestly. And I do think the board activity around discussing weird and awesome shit has diminished a lot. Just since I've been here. So I get it, and it is frustrating.

But it's not this thread's fault. And surely we all like weirdass music. I have Ashtray Navigations playing as I type, and earlier today I played the most recent People Skills album. Not that that stuff is that weird, but it's closer to what you're talking about. That music is still of interest to me, but I've been having a really hard time finding anything new that is in that vein. Anything new at all, really, outside of electronic music.

Anyway, we all like that stuff, but we can still shoot the shit about the lame music. Which, if you think about it, is actually pretty weird in itself. It's weird that I love Bette Davis Eyes. Weirder than my loving Wolf Eyes. :)

Maybe we should make a more concerted effort to trade ideas and expose one another to new things. I'd be all for that. But most people don't even come here with any regularity anymore. So.. I dunno.

ETA: I was referring to the Blackest Ever Black PEOPLE SKILLS. There's another band by the same name that sounds like absolutely nothing. Don't be tricked by streaming services into thinking they're the same. Ick.

noisereductions 08.27.2017 07:32 PM

In general I feel like there's discussion here. That's why I came up with a more random topic here. I was just trying to get some discourse going. In a way I succeeded actually.

And I'm all for talking about weird shit too. Even if I've been in a phase of listening to more mainstream thjngs lately doesn't mean I don't appreciate other stuff.

Shit I spent two years talking about jazz albums and most fell on deaf ears. But I'm just gonna talk about what I am listening to at the moment and encourage everyone to do the same. More talk is better than less yeah?

Genteel Death 08.28.2017 01:26 AM

It's not a situation I ever find myself in. I live with my ex an he has almost 100% terrible taste in music, and by terrible I mean he will listen exclusively to Ed Sheeran, Rag 'n' Bone Man, Coldplay and bollocks like that. Being both Italians we occasionally agree on some songs from the motherland for spontaneous singalongs but even then he has a taste for the very worst around. It means that when I play music for my own pleasure I am normally by myself in the house or it's from internet radio stations where they are likely to play music I am into.

noisereductions 08.28.2017 06:59 AM

You have never been in like a store or public transportation or other person's house or any situation where you might hear a radio?

!@#$%! 08.28.2017 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
You have never been in like a store or public transportation or other person's house or any situation where you might hear a radio?

i know, right?

it's like they stay in the house all day :D


eta: i have to bring headphones to the walmart now. they've started piping crap out of the speakers. even at 7am.

Severian 08.28.2017 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i know, right?

it's like they stay in the house all day :D


eta: i have to bring headphones to the walmart now. they've started piping crap out of the speakers. even at 7am.

I hate that. Department stores are even worse. They seem to exclusively play uber melancholy songs about ruined relationships that make you question your life decisions. Even though the songs are shit, you spend enough time looking at yourself in the mirror and trying on clothes for a fucking wedding you'll likely attend by yourself, and eventually you're going to want to swallow a bullet eventually.

!@#$%! 08.28.2017 10:07 AM

man, i hate weddings

who goes to weddings?

i just excuse myself and don't go


(i think i'm doing the right thing)

Genteel Death 08.28.2017 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
You have never been in like a store or public transportation or other person's house or any situation where you might hear a radio?

I'm seriously bad at ''listening'' to music in places that are not either my house or a gig. No kidding.

!@#$%! 08.28.2017 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
I'm seriously bad at ''listening'' to music in places that are not either my house or a gig. No kidding.

I wish i could be like you. My problem is fhe impossibilkty of shutting it down. I can't un-hear things. The frequent result is much rage.

Genteel Death 08.28.2017 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
I wish i could be like you. My problem is fhe impossibilkty of shutting it down. I can't un-hear things. The frequent result is much rage.

The only other time I listen to music properly is when I'm cycling. I normally have a very limited playlist that I put on shuffle and keep it the same for weeks. I've only changed it yesterday because I was sick of listening to the same songs every day. Today I went for a long ride and my new playlist was mostly Bardo Pond's ''Shone Like a Ton'', which I decided to upload as a full album on my mp3 player and overshadowed all the songs by the other bands. I had to stop a few times when ''Luna Sway'' came on because it's one of those tracks that gets looser and more brilliant as it goes so it makes it difficult to concentrate on the road.

!@#$%! 08.28.2017 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
The only other time I listen to music properly is when I'm cycling. I normally have a very limited playlist that I put on shuffle and keep it the same for weeks. I've only changed it yesterday because I was sick of listening to the same songs every day. Today I went for a long ride and my new playlist was mostly Bardo Pond's ''Shone Like a Ton'', which I decided to upload as a full album on my mp3 player and overshadowed all the songs by the other bands. I had to stop a few times when ''Luna Sway'' came on because it's one of those tracks that gets looser and more brilliant as it goes so it makes it difficult to concentrate on the road.

ha! that's totally your desperado song

let's play it...

!@#$%! 08.28.2017 02:39 PM

ps- it's fucking great! downloading the whole album. thanks!!

Severian 08.29.2017 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
man, i hate weddings

who goes to weddings?

i just excuse myself and don't go


(i think i'm doing the right thing)

I usually beg off, but sometimes I just have to. Close friends, co-workers. Everyone is getting fucking married. (I shouldn't say "everyone," because really it's just a ton of folks who are 10+ years younger than I am; not really my generational peers... THOSE fuckers got married years ago!) Anyway, it wasn't as horrendous with the gf, but I went to one alone a few weeks back and oh my god, so dumb. Not gonna lie, I popped a few anxiety meds and tried to glide through the evening before sneaking out the back during "YMCA."

When you work in an office with 7-8 people, and you spend 8-12 hours a day with them, it's really hard to find a way out of such things without being "the asshole."

Severian 08.29.2017 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ha! that's totally your desperado song

let's play it...

Nah, that song is way too objectively and unequivocally awesome to be a "Desperado" song. Nobody would think, "What is this guy's problem?" for loving that song. Liking that song just make you look cool. It is a great song, and the guitar around 2:30 makes my heart light up.


In order for a song to be a "Desperado" song, it needs to elicit incredulous looks and responses like "what the fuck is wrong with this guy" if you zone out to it in the company of the average person.

In that respect, I think very few of the songs mentioned are true "Desperado" songs as observed in the hilarious and classic Seinfeld episode.

"Desperado" itself is a "Desperado" song because, frankly, who the fuck would form such a personal connection to such a hugely popular, well-known and desperately corny song? It's not like it belonged to, or was discoverers by, the guy in the episode who insisted that Elaine "shhh" whenever it played like a self-important douchechill.

So, "Luna Sway" is a no-go. See previous comments about "Marquee Moon" and "Windowlicker" for rationale. There has to be an element of knowingly making a bit of an ass out of yourself, which listening to good music doesn't do. "Sister Ray" doesn't count either. Nor "Ode to Street Hassle."

Songs that WOULD qualify include (for example)
• "Boys of Summer" by Don Henley. Any "Boys of Summer" fans here? I'm sure someone turns it up when it comes on.
• "Rhiannon" by Fleetwood Mac (or more or less any song by Fleetwood Mac or Stevie Nicks)
• "Take a Bow" by Madonna.
• "Fix You" by Coldplay
• "Scar Tissue" by Red Hot Mamajammas

Hits that have something obviously lame or ridiculous about them, but still cut right to the quick for some reason. Not that any of these songs do they for me, but you know that because I've given you the most "Desperado" song of this thread ("All the boys think she's a spy, she's got...") :D

Commence discussion.

!@#$%! 08.31.2017 11:11 AM

mmmm... too complicated if it needs a rulebook

and it's not your proposition's fault but this thread is over at least in this regard

which reminds me i came in to post something else ha ha ha


oh, it wasn't here!

noisereductions 08.31.2017 11:16 AM

I do love "Scar Tissue," but did anyone mention that one? I remember saying "Under The Bridge" myself.

I am totally a "Boys Of Summer" fan haha. I don't even know if I've heard any other Henley solo track - nor do I feel compelled to do so.

demonrail666 08.31.2017 03:08 PM

Leo Sayer - I Can't Stop Loving You

Severian 08.31.2017 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
mmmm... too complicated if it needs a rulebook

and it's not your proposition's fault but this thread is over at least in this regard

Aw man, don't say that! That makes it true!

Goddammit. And after all that kind-of-effort I put into codifying and defining the criteria for this thing that wasn't my idea in the first place!

Blast you!

!@#$%! 08.31.2017 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
Aw man, don't say that! That makes it true!

Goddammit. And after all that kind-of-effort I put into codifying and defining the criteria for this thing that wasn't my idea in the first place!

Blast you!

ha ha ha ha

well it looks like it lived on, in spite of my predictions

you know i have opposite powers right? so dont make me say "it liiiiives!"

anyway, rhiannon or stevie nicks don't qualify for ridiculousness. however, if you say "don't stop thinking about tomorrow" then yeah that would be a shit song that i don't know who could love, but the democrats used it for clinton's reelection campaign

i don't think that stevie nicks was in that band by then, though. she had such a delicious voice.

Severian 08.31.2017 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ha ha ha ha

well it looks like it lived on, in spite of my predictions

you know i have opposite powers right? so dont make me say "it liiiiives!"

anyway, rhiannon or stevie nicks don't qualify for ridiculousness. however, if you say "don't stop thinking about tomorrow" then yeah that would be a shit song that i don't know who could love, but the democrats used it for clinton's reelection campaign

i don't think that stevie nicks was in that band by then, though. she had such a delicious voice.

Ok, fine .. "Gypsy" then. If someone zoned out with "feels" when they heard "Gypsy," you would be right to slap them.

ETA: "Tusk" is a great song.

!@#$%! 08.31.2017 09:48 PM

which one is gypsy?

sorry lol

Severian 09.01.2017 10:36 AM

This one. :)

By the by, I'm not saying there' anything bad about "Rhiannon." It's just that it's not particularly, y'know, cool.

If you were on a date with someone, and "Rhiannon" came on, and they like, zoned out and said, "Shhh... listen," and who knows, maybe she's a tear or something, wouldn't you furrow your brow a bit?

In all fairness, I'd probably do that if anyone reacted that way to any song in mid-conversation. But the Seinfeld episode made fun of how seriously someone can take a song that has been SO thoroughly rammed down the throats of everyone on the fact of the earth for so long. Like, "Desperado" is corny and shit anyway, but someone reacting to it like it's their personal theme song... that's absurd.

Severian 09.01.2017 10:38 AM

This reminds me of something...

I have a co-worker who fancies himself a music buff of epic proportions. He always says stuff like, "I have a weird taste in music, I like really weird stuff," and then (because he's young and obnoxious) he'll sometimes treat us to a glimpse into his "weird" musical mindset, and play his Spotify playlist out loud. And every Fucking time... EVERY time... it's "In the Air Tonight" or "Hotel California" or "Bohemian Rhapsody." Like, songs that the rest of us have heard about once a week for the past twenty, thirty years. And of course, we laugh our asses off. He thinks we're laughing because he's not conforming to millennial music tastes, but we're really laughing because there's nothing weird or unique about liking those songs. I mean, most of us probably would never think to put on one of those songs at home, because they've just been pounded into us for so long, and we know, subconsciously, that they're going to be playing at the gas station or whatever, probably at some point within the week. So it's a bit ridiculous.

I guess my co-worker is sort of like that guy in the Seinfeld episode. He plays these songs, and we look at each other like, "what the fuck?" And it's hard to articulate, but... it's just silly.

"This one's for you" he'll tell someon, and then he'll play, like, "Come on Eileen" instead of something we haven't all heard millions upon millions of times.

"I don't know, I just have weird taste in music."
No, you just don't realize that you have the most normal taste in music of anyone I've ever met.

Rob Instigator 09.06.2017 09:48 AM

I cannot listen to that shity song "Lady In Red" because it reminds me of meeting a cute girl at a HS banquet/dance, laughing, dancing with her for TWO HOURS, and we had so much fun and the last song we danced to was Lady In Red and then she finished and said "Thanks, my boyfriend is here to pick me up!" and left. hahahhaha sad.


Rob Instigator 09.06.2017 09:49 AM

BTW, the newest "pop" track I cannot stop banging as loud as fucking possible is STARBOY , by the Weeknd (weakened, get it?)

cuz I AM a motherfucking StarBoy. My wife does not understand my love for this track. hahahahahhahahahaha

Rob Instigator 09.06.2017 09:51 AM

I miss the early 80's when you could still hit the Oldies station an dit was actual Oldies, and when Runaway would come on me and my lil bro would FREAK OUT!!!!!! Love that fucking song. best non-guitar solo in RAWK.

Rob Instigator 09.06.2017 09:54 AM

When I saw The Dude freak out because the cabbie was playing the fucking Eagles? I fucking laughed and cried and shrieked in joy in the movie theater. I fucking HATE the Eagles. Creedence > Eagles

Severian 09.06.2017 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
When I saw The Dude freak out because the cabbie was playing the fucking Eagles? I fucking laughed and cried and shrieked in joy in the movie theater. I fucking HATE the Eagles. Creedence > Eagles


Severian 09.06.2017 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I miss the early 80's when you could still hit the Oldies station an dit was actual Oldies, and when Runaway would come on me and my lil bro would FREAK OUT!!!!!! Love that fucking song. best non-guitar solo in RAWK.

Hey, I also love that song. The organ (er whatever) solo is so weird and otherworldly. Makes the breakup in the song feel so epic. It's actually very haunting.

d.sound 09.08.2017 12:45 PM

neil young - horse with no name

it gives me the feels.

Severian 09.09.2017 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by d.sound
neil young - horse with no name

it gives me the feels.

That's by America though. :confused:

d.sound 09.12.2017 12:42 AM


_tunic_ 09.12.2017 12:58 PM

ok, so I still don't really understand the rules here, but I'll give it another try. And I'll do it with European songs. You will never hear them on the radio, and nor do I cuz I never listen to Dutch German or French radio anymore.

Wir Sind Helden - Aurélie
love this song, the music fools you, lyrics are wonderful especially for German language.

Les Rita Mitsouko - Marcia Baila
Best French band besides Serge Gainsbourg, this song reminds me of childhood holidays

André Hazes - De Vlieger
when Dutch people are drunk, they sing Andre Hazes songs. Senior, that is. He's dead, Junior is a total douchbag (and his sister too btw) who's only famous because of his daddy

oh let me add one more, also Dutch but you should know this one:
Bettie Serveert - Palomine
even after hearing it a gazillion times, it still gives me the shivers

d.sound 09.13.2017 10:40 PM

michael jackson's don't stop til you get enough. best dance song ever. i've always wanted to know why that beat makes you just have to move.

Severian 09.14.2017 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by d.sound
michael jackson's don't stop til you get enough. best dance song ever. i've always wanted to know why that beat makes you just have to move.

This song does funny things to my brain too. Great tune.

demonrail666 03.15.2018 03:53 PM

Roxy Music's Oh Yeah just came on. A song that never fails to get me.

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