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HECKLER SPRAY 02.18.2007 06:35 AM

Psychocandy by Jesus And Mary Chain : I like noise but this album bores me. I find the big reverb very crapy, and the whole sound recording of this album is worst than the firsts Pavement EP's recordings, or Lou Barlow's Lofi tracks, which I love.

king_buzzo 02.18.2007 06:42 AM

j is a genious, whoever is talking about him above...


Originally Posted by CHOUT
Pavement - Slanted And Enchanted. I've owned it twice.

yes exactly. i can only listen to pavement when im in the right mood.

demonrail666 02.18.2007 08:43 AM

I really would urge anybody that isn't feeling Marquee Moon to keep trying. I'm not usually one to say that kind of thing but it took me a while to get into too and I'm so glad I invested the time in it. Definitely one of those albums that changes the way you hear and think about other music you love. It certainly added a new dimension to my enjoyment of Sonic Youth, for instance.

Washing Machine 02.18.2007 09:04 AM

hmm theres a few. Sonic Youth's 'Sister' is one, i adore 'EVOL' and 'Daydream Nation'...I thought I would love the middle record but I just dont get it. Same with 'Confusion is Sex' (although I worship Bad Moon Rising)

....ande if one more person tells me that Muse's 'Black Holes and Revelations' is the best album of 2006...

GravitySlips 02.18.2007 09:28 AM

I don't get the big deal about Devo. I find them annoying, to be honest.

demonrail666 02.18.2007 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by GravitySlips
I don't get the big deal about Devo. I find them annoying, to be honest.

+1 from me on that one, definitely. I don't get them at ALL.

Toilet & Bowels 02.18.2007 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by terminal pharmacy
i never understand these threads, there are no albums that i SHOULD like but don't. why should i like something because it is considered classic or great by others, i just don't get it, i like what i like and i dislike what i dislike end of story.

totally, why are people so astounded by the fact that they don't like all records, and that the tastes of all humans aren't precisely aligned.

demonrail666 02.18.2007 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
why are people so astounded by the fact that they don't like all records, and that the tastes of all humans aren't precisely aligned.

I don't think anyone here thinks that at all. They'd be stupid if they did. All we're talking about here is that because people generally like a style of music it can be interesting how they may not like albums generally considered as key examples or influences on that style.

Those people who like SY but aren't into Television is a perfect case in point. Nobody's saying they're wrong for not liking them, just that given their overall taste yuou'd assume they might. It's also nice for people to know that they're not on their own in disliking assumed 'classics'.

LittlePuppetBoy 02.18.2007 12:33 PM

Nevermind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols

I find that album to be really boring. And John Lydon's singing annoys me and the songs all sound too similar.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 02.18.2007 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by noumenal
Marquee Moon


atari 2600 02.18.2007 01:52 PM

Yeah, Marquee Moon is a bit overrated, but not as overrated as Exile on Main Street.

Most of this thread has been one silly philistine opinion after another.
crypto's response has been my favorite so far. It's so goofy to me that Exile on Main Street is supposed to be so great. I feel it gets good rep merely because it's a double album and too many critics don't have a clue. There simply are so many Stones records that are much better.

noumenal 02.18.2007 02:07 PM

I don't hate MM, or even dislike it. I just don't think it's as great as everybody says.

But really, it's just a rock album after all. All rock music is overrated.

Glice 02.18.2007 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by noumenal
But really, it's just a rock album after all. All rock music is overrated.

I realise that God didn't make our bodies the right way, but can you & I have kids anyway? Go on, it'll be a laugh. They'll grow up to be utter cunts, but they'll be right.

There are plenty of albums that don't excite me in any way that lots of people like. Most of the canon if I'm honest. I'm still young though, so there's plenty of time for listening to old man music when I'm an old man. This doesn't worry me too much, but the presupposition of an aesthetic 'quality' to many rock albums irritates the fuck out of me. There's a few articulate types, but mostly the critical assessment of rock albums amounts to nothing less ephemeral than 'it rocks'. In turn, there's a boorish hegemony invoked by a great deal of rock fans who can't understand why one doesn't appreciate 'classic' album X. It's irritating, but thankfully it's only really the odd prick in a pub that manifests this.

Daddylikes 02.18.2007 02:24 PM

The Pixies- Doolittle.

LifeDistortion 02.18.2007 02:39 PM

Oh this reminds me, I caught "Tommy" on Turner Classic Movies yesterday, I had never seen the movie, and for that matter heard the album in its entirety. I still haven't, changed it about twenty minutes into the film cause it just sort of bored me. So there you go.

luxinterior 02.18.2007 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by k-krack
I don't feel I should like them, because, well, they're crappy. Especially seeing that they refuse to just fucking end it... The only song I like is Paint It Black. (I've basically only heard... like, '40 licks,' and it's all trash, save for Paint It Black, which is an incredible song.

I quite obviously don't agree with your assessment of the 40 Licks package, but I do have to say that their greatest hits don't do them justice. Most people have heard every song about 10 billion times, and not by choice. I don't consider it trash, I just think it's overplayed, which may be just as bad as trash. So how could it possibly be enjoyable for you to sit down and listen to 40 Licks? You're just asking to be disappointed, and you know it.

I mean every popular rock band that has been around long enough has had their same big hits repackaged in various forms. I really don't know why people gravitate toward these. They're boring. Basically I think Bruce McCulloch was right when he said, "Greatest hits albums are for housewives and little girls."

Concerning the Rolling Stones in particular, I also don't understand how their longevity can irritate so many people to such a great degree. When's the last time anyone has been forced to listen to any of their output from the past 20 years or so? Or attend an overpriced concert? Yet this is what people choose to complain about--usually people who don't even like the band, period, so go figure. Is it the fans? I can sort of understand that. They're all a bunch of raging alcoholics.

It doesn't bother me when people say they don't like the Rolling Stones, given that they've actually listened to the band beyond 40 Licks. I mean it's no substitute for Beggar's Banquet or Exile, is all I'm saying. And if you don't like either of those records or any of the others, that's fine, at least you have something to base your opinion on. An opinion I don't agree with, I might add, but at least one that is informed. I think my overall point is that I consider myself to be a fan of theirs, however none of my most favorite songs can be found on 40 Licks. It's just been exhausted, kind of like the talk of the albums from Beggar's through Exile has been exhausted. Still, I don't think that the little songs that I like have ever really gotten their due, even though a lot of them are on Exile, and people can't seem to shut up about Exile. Those songs are why I like them. You can have 40 Licks for all I care.

I know it sounds silly to defend them, of all bands, because they are rich and have everything they could ever want, but they also seem to attract so many opinions (good and bad) from people who really don't know what they're talking about.

porkmarras 02.18.2007 03:34 PM

Quite a few of the albums that are generally considered classics don't do it for me but two that almost immediately come up to my mind:

Pet Sounds
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band

Both dire albums to my ears.

noumenal 02.18.2007 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I realise that God didn't make our bodies the right way, but can you & I have kids anyway? Go on, it'll be a laugh. They'll grow up to be utter cunts, but they'll be right.

If you and I tried to mate, there's the possibility that both of our Y chromosomes would combine, creating an unviable organism. But even if it lived for just 2 seconds, it would be the manliest human blob EVER. And the rightest of course, I agree.

kingcoffee 02.18.2007 04:56 PM

Love Sgt Peppers!!! Not the Best Beatles album, but definitely one of my favorites.

I too HATE Tommy by the Who, one of the dumbest albums ever. I've been saying that to a lot of the older Who fans who just can't get it itno their heads that the Who, as innovative as they were, were not that good in terms of consistency. They had a few great songs with a lot of filler.

kingcoffee 02.18.2007 04:58 PM

I also really like Doolittle. I like Surfer Rosa better, but Doolittle is awesome too.

One thing I learned about the Pixies is that all of their songs sound much better live than on record, no matter how great of a job Albini did (for Surfer Rosa at least).

cryptowonderdruginvogue 02.18.2007 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
I quite obviously don't agree with your assessment of the 40 Licks package, but I do have to say that their greatest hits don't do them justice. Most people have heard every song about 10 billion times, and not by choice. I don't consider it trash, I just think it's overplayed, which may be just as bad as trash. So how could it possibly be enjoyable for you to sit down and listen to 40 Licks? You're just asking to be disappointed, and you know it.

I mean every popular rock band that has been around long enough has had their same big hits repackaged in various forms. I really don't know why people gravitate toward these. They're boring. Basically I think Bruce McCulloch was right when he said, "Greatest hits albums are for housewives and little girls."

Concerning the Rolling Stones in particular, I also don't understand how their longevity can irritate so many people to such a great degree. When's the last time anyone has been forced to listen to any of their output from the past 20 years or so? Or attend an overpriced concert? Yet this is what people choose to complain about--usually people who don't even like the band, period, so go figure. Is it the fans? I can sort of understand that. They're all a bunch of raging alcoholics.

It doesn't bother me when people say they don't like the Rolling Stones, given that they've actually listened to the band beyond 40 Licks. I mean it's no substitute for Beggar's Banquet or Exile, is all I'm saying. And if you don't like either of those records or any of the others, that's fine, at least you have something to base your opinion on. An opinion I don't agree with, I might add, but at least one that is informed. I think my overall point is that I consider myself to be a fan of theirs, however none of my most favorite songs can be found on 40 Licks. It's just been exhausted, kind of like the talk of the albums from Beggar's through Exile has been exhausted. Still, I don't think that the little songs that I like have ever really gotten their due, even though a lot of them are on Exile, and people can't seem to shut up about Exile. Those songs are why I like them. You can have 40 Licks for all I care.

I know it sounds silly to defend them, of all bands, because they are rich and have everything they could ever want, but they also seem to attract so many opinions (good and bad) from people who really don't know what they're talking about.

i really like the stones
i love satanic majasties, flowers, between the buttons, aftermath.
i dig let it bleed, beggars banquet, and sticky fingers
but i just cant seem to get into Exile
i dont know why

demonrail666 02.18.2007 05:43 PM

I have a friend who rates the Stones, but who also doesn't like Exile much. Tis a perverse world we live in.

luxinterior 02.18.2007 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
i really like the stones
i love satanic majasties, flowers, between the buttons, aftermath.
i dig let it bleed, beggars banquet, and sticky fingers
but i just cant seem to get into Exile
i dont know why

Exile may be my has a bunch of the little songs that I like, as opposed to the Brown Sugar sort of stuff. For me it's hard to get tired of. Beggar's is sort of that way too, only shorter. Both just stand out to me, even though there are plenty of little songs on all the others. I'm not going to try to convince you or anyone else to like Exile. When I first bought it, I didn't listen to it much. And when I did, I skipped a lot of tracks. All the other albums I liked immediately. Years later, Exile is the one that I like to play all the way through every time. I don't know why/how that happened. I wasn't trying to get myself to like it more. One day I just listened to the albums of theirs that I owned, because it felt like I hadn't in quite a while, and Exile was the one I kept in the player. There are plenty of non-Rolling Stones albums that has happened with also.

ZEROpumpkins 02.19.2007 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by HECKLER SPRAY
Psychocandy by Jesus And Mary Chain : I like noise but this album bores me. I find the big reverb very crapy, and the whole sound recording of this album is worst than the firsts Pavement EP's recordings, or Lou Barlow's Lofi tracks, which I love.

Whoah how did I forget Psychocandy? It's too hard to hear anything except the bass.

hotbutterknives 02.19.2007 05:21 PM

anything from Led Zeppelin, i can't stand it

LittlePuppetBoy 02.19.2007 07:49 PM

Sgt Peppers didn't really interest me (then again, I only listened to it once). I don't understand why people think it's a "super psychedelic" album.

badgercorn 02.19.2007 09:57 PM

Sgt Peppers is nowhere near as good as Revolver or The White Album in my opinion, I like it but don't think it deserves as much praise.

I might get some hassle for this: The Boatman's Call by Nick Cave.

I don't know what it is about it, I love most of the other albums, and three or four songs on The Boatman's Call are utter genius, but I can't get into it as a whole...

k-krack 02.19.2007 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by LittlePuppetBoy
Sgt Peppers didn't really interest me (then again, I only listened to it once). I don't understand why people think it's a "super psychedelic" album.

Shit album. There's like, one good song. (Within You Without You).

Green Magnesium 02.19.2007 10:32 PM

Almost anything from The Beatles, Nirvana, Weezer and Radiohead. Not just albums, but their entire back catalogues of music. Although I can tolerate The Beatles to a degree.

kingcoffee 02.19.2007 10:49 PM

Man, you guys are boring! How can you not like Nirvana or Radiohead? I can understand Weezer, they suck. But Nirvana was great and so were Radiohead.
I guess to each his own and all, but damn. Oh well. Whatever.

And there is more than one good song on Sgt. Peppers. The whole thing is pretty good. We got the title track, With A Little Help from My Friends, Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds, When Im 64, A Day In the Life. All excellent Beatles songs.

ANd like I said before, it's not my fave album by the Beatles and it's not their best album, but it sure is a great listen.

ZEROpumpkins 02.20.2007 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by k-krack
Shit album. There's like, one good song. (Within You Without You).

A Day in the Life?

Onani Nic 02.20.2007 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by kingcoffee
I can understand Weezer, they suck. But Nirvana was great and so were Radiohead.

Weezer's Pinkerton is a fantastic album. I'd rate it over any Nirvana or Radiohead album.

HaydenAsche 02.20.2007 08:25 AM

Let's see...

Darkside of the Moon
Most things by Bob Dylan
Most things by the Beatles
Most things by the Beach Boys
Anything by the Rolling Stones

sun city girl 02.20.2007 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by screamingskull
i :) LOVE everything else they have ever done, i am in love with Wayne and Steven, and their shows are complete bliss:D .

I just don't like the soft bulletin.:( Ive tried, believe me.

yeah, same here. for some strange reason that album sucks.

HaydenAsche 02.20.2007 07:03 PM

Oh, and add the following:

And I wasn't aware anyone was supposed to like that fucking trash by Dinosaur Jr.

Danny Himself 02.20.2007 07:11 PM

People tell me I should like The Beatles. I don't.

LittlePuppetBoy 02.20.2007 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche

And I wasn't aware anyone was supposed to like that fucking trash by Dinosaur Jr.

well, you'd be surprised,

k-krack 02.20.2007 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
People tell me I should like The Beatles. I don't.

I like one album, (the obvious, The White Album) and even some songs on it bore the crap out of me. Not worth the hype.

k-krack 02.20.2007 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
explain "should like" confused.

It's rather simple. Something that you SHOULD like, based on yr musical preferences, but don't for some reason.

Another one; Sufjan Stevens. Soo fucking boring... (wait, that's not a 'classic album'...)

Rob Instigator 02.20.2007 10:29 PM

The Beatles opened the door to bands using their fucking brains and not just their cocks to rock. Sgt Pepper's blew my mind when I was 12 and first heard it! shit!

the one I can think of is Nevermind the Bollocks. I just do not enjoy it.

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