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Everyneurotic 03.21.2006 12:35 PM

i know exactly why marley started this thread...

well, i hear you buddy, me too, haven't had a woman in years, my palm is too hairy to hide. hahaha

well, actually, i haven't had any luck with the ladies, seems i always fall for the wrong kind.

anyway, good luck

screamingskull 03.21.2006 12:50 PM

all these good looking guys on the board all for me. ha ha ha, you just need to get out there meet new people.good luck.

Sonic Youth 37 03.21.2006 01:06 PM

Look where you least expect to find worked for me.

Trasher02 03.21.2006 01:35 PM

I've got the same problem.but you know when the time is right you'll meet someone.These are stupid things to worry about in the first place i mean just go out and have fun then you'll need someone you won't meet anyone on a sy forum

HaydenAsche 03.21.2006 05:20 PM

I need a boyfriend.


Hannah 03.21.2006 05:50 PM

"serioulsy British ppl suck horribly - boring and stupid"
umm...Are you saying I suck and I'm boring and stupid? That is a very ignorant thing to say. You can't say that a whole nation is alike! I believe the majourity of people are boring and stupid anywhere, not just Britain.

seriously marley you can't let these things keep you down. i've never had a 'proper' relationship. it's not great but at the same time i'm not gonna get all depressed about it and i don't want to go out with any idiot i see because i'm too scared to be alone like most people do.

golden child 03.21.2006 06:17 PM

yeah, im a loser. maybe its because im just really picky?

i had a girlfriend in 8th grade...

sellouteater 03.21.2006 06:23 PM

i havent had a girlfreind in a while, too. I feel your pain

screamingskull 03.21.2006 06:25 PM

im really really picky, i never have decent relationships because i always find something that i dont like about the other person, or i think im only dateing them because i dont want to be alone.
oh well im only 17, theres plenty more time for decent relationships.

samuel 03.21.2006 06:26 PM

I definitely need one too.
It's dire.
I have never had a real girlfriend, just fake crap during middle and elementary school.

RIPfrey05 03.21.2006 09:33 PM

i have like the opposite problem.. i always get involvet with 97460 girls and get into trouble and fight or they end up weird or something.. ugh

truncated 03.21.2006 10:04 PM

marleypumpkin, you're not missing much.

This is a repetitive rant, but (and I'm not saying you fall into this category) it's a bit sad when people need to feel validated by being in a relationship. Whether it's the sex, the ego boost, the affirmation of self-worth - people seek to fill some personal void by making themselves part of a larger whole.

If you're not happy on your own, you never will be. No matter what kind of relationship you're in.

Besides, chicks in general piss me off (not necessarily the ones on this board, mind you) and I AM a chick. So if I were you, I'd save myself the trouble, go back to manual transmission and get at the core of what's truly vexing you. It does indeed help to get out as well.

I just broke up with my boyfriend and I'm elated, my car stereo is once again entirely under my control. Totally worth it.

marleypumpkin 03.21.2006 10:06 PM

I understand what your saying, but the way that my girlfriend left me, & the the events that were to follow, would break anyone's spirits. Thank you for giving me your thoughts & goodwill, everyone.

Everyneurotic 03.21.2006 10:15 PM

dude, i was there, my girlfriend left me...welll, let's just say she led to a circumstance where i couldn't remain with her and trust her. you'll get over it

it's time to laugh again!!!

marleypumpkin 03.21.2006 10:23 PM

Yeah, I always look for comedy to cheer me up. Just recently my aunt Robin died, & I had already had tickets to see Jerry Sienfeld the week of her funeral. Of course, I kept saying I shouldn't go, that it would be wrong. But I said, I need something to cheer me up. So I went & saw one of the greatest comedians of our time, & he had an excellent show. I'm glad I went. (R.I.P Robin)

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 03.22.2006 01:46 AM

Yeah, I always end up liking girls that I am really incompatible with. I'd really like to find a girl that doesn't see a therapist once a week, isn't on medication, has good taste in the arts, doesn't smoke or do drugs, isn't an athiest, american buddhist, or scientologist, doesn't belong to any political parties, is optimistic, is low key and laid back, compassionate, is on a similar wavelength to me, and understands me and lets me develop as a person instead of trying to control me.

Not that it is bad to be a girl not like that, it is just that I am not compatible with a girl not like that.

Hannah 03.22.2006 09:58 AM

All I want is a man who is completely perfect in every way and more.

Inhuman 03.22.2006 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Yeah, I always end up liking girls that I am really incompatible with. I'd really like to find a girl that doesn't see a therapist once a week, isn't on medication, has good taste in the arts, doesn't smoke or do drugs, isn't an athiest, american buddhist, or scientologist, doesn't belong to any political parties, is optimistic, is low key and laid back, compassionate, is on a similar wavelength to me, and understands me and lets me develop as a person instead of trying to control me.

Not that it is bad to be a girl not like that, it is just that I am not compatible with a girl not like that.

Your list is pretty much dead-on with the relationships that I have. I always tend to get the people with some sort of emotional problem that I only realize after 2 months of going out with them. I would prefer somebody who was just able to take my feelings into consideration as oppose to just her own, and had nothing wrong with her emotionally. I barely share any interests with the people I go out with, and that causes frusteration and arguments over stupid things. I feel ya

Savage Clone 03.22.2006 10:50 AM

A pessimistic atheist would be a plus in my book...

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 03.22.2006 11:03 AM

I didn't say I wanted a perferct girl. The girl described above could be the biggest slob in the world, an overspender, and wouldn't know how to cook.

By american buddhist I mean people who don't know what religion they are that just go, well buddhism looks easy, I'll do that! I've got nothing against Buddhism, and I have a lot respect for Buddhist monks.

Anyways, I don't believe in smoking, drugs, medication for non physical ailments, athiesm, or heavily supporting political parties. I don't know, but you don't want something in a relationship that will cause constant clashing, because it won't last for long. I'm a low key person and I have enough conflict in my life. I don't think a girlfriend would stand me for too long if I told her to quit smoking, doing drugs, and taking antideppresants everyday, and I don't think I could stand a girl too long that hates my religion and supports political machines.

On the other hand I wouldn't last long with a zealot. Everytime I listen to music I would get a "what did he just say?" She'd probably throw out all of my classical mythology books because they have lewd paintings in them. Then she would probably call me a pervert and break up with me the first time I tried to watch Eraserhead with her, then call me an asshole for voting for Kerry last election. I would agree with her and say that I shouldn't of voted at all, because all the candidates are scumbags. Then she would call me unamerican. She'd probably also try to get me recognized as a child molester for owning the movie Me and You and Everyone We Know. To sum it up, this girl would think I was going to hell for things that are not even biblically wrong.

She, thats my problem, there is too much black and white with a lot of people, and I'm gray. I'm part of the gray minority.

Although, I have a slightly bigger problem with women. It is that I haven't had a girlfriend in 2 years. I think it is because girls can't tell when I'm flirting with them and they can't tell when I'm flirting back. Plus I don't take initiative. There was one girl that I liked who lived in an apartment a few blocks down from where we were talking, and she said she was going to go walk home and she was joking about getting mugged and having her laptop stolen. So I offered to walk her home. She said it was OK and it would be fine. I should have insisted.

See, I am decent at hanging out with a girl, but I am really bad at follow ups, in that I don't attempt them. I rely far too much on spontaneity (sp?) and never plan anything, I just hang out with whoever is free. Sometimes there is no follow up, but just seeing eachother in public and saying hi. Which is pretty bad. I also always backed off completely whenever a girl would say she had a boyfriend back home, which I have recently found out doesn't mean anything.

When I hang out with a group of girls, half the time, the one that seems to be focusing on me is the one I am not interested in, and I feel a much stronger connection with another girl. This happened to me my first year of college, and then we occasionally bumped into eachother and she would complement my hair (it is my personality in that case to say, that is just how it came out after showering or after getting up). It wasn't until the last few days of school that I had worked up almost enough courage to ask her out, so it was worthless.

It doesn't really matter though, I'm not depressed because of it. I just think about it this way, I don't have to spend 1/2 hour on the phone everyday and spend so much time with someone that I stop hanging out with my friends. At the current point in time, I am taking a year off and I am inbetween colleges and I don't have a car, so I'm not really enabled to have a girlfriend right now.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 03.22.2006 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
A pessimistic atheist would be a plus in my book...

I should refer you to my ex. I gotta warn you though, she used to be suicidal, and has terrible mood swings either due to her being on the pill or being on anti-depressants. When I dated her, she was trying to get off one prescription because she was addicted to it and I think she was getting on another one. Plus she's been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.

truncated 03.22.2006 11:12 AM

My half-assed theory:

A lot of chicks adopt this persona of being 'troubled' and 'complex' because it makes them seem vulnerable and intriguing. The chick's M.O. seems to be to keep guys an arm's length away, keeping him interested, because it's all about the thrill of the chase, isn't it? Things get too real, they've lost their mystique, and their fun is over.

I don't mean to generalize, but from my experience of being a chick and therefore having the 'inside track,' chicks, in relationships, can be extremely selfish, manipulative, deceiving, patronizing, and shallow.

If I were a guy, I'd totally go gay.

Savage Clone 03.22.2006 11:22 AM

If I were a chick, I'd totally go lesbian.

I've been with the same girl for over 18 years though; I have no "game" and can offer no dating advice.
Were I single, I think I would stay single for a long time because I simply would not approach women.

Hip Priest 03.22.2006 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I've been with the same girl for over 18 years though; I have no "game" and can offer no dating advice.
Were I single, I think I would stay single for a long time because I simply would not approach women.

It's funny you should say that, Savage, because in my case, I've been with the same girl for over 18 years though; I have no "game" and can offer no dating advice.
Were I single, I think I would stay single for a long time because I simply would not approach women.

Funny world!

Everyneurotic 03.22.2006 11:33 AM

guess you get tired of spanking the monkey...

Savage Clone 03.22.2006 11:46 AM

Hip Priest:
This was the year when we passed the "over half our lives" mark. We got together at 17!

Hip Priest 03.22.2006 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Hip Priest:
This was the year when we passed the "over half our lives" mark. We got together at 17!

Erm..yeah. More or less the same for us too. I'll be 35 in a month and my special ladyfriend was 36 in December. She's 16 months older.

perdrix 03.22.2006 11:56 AM

i think truncated has hit the nail on the head in respect to some girls. There does seem to be a set of girls out there who think that a collection of problems is some kind of substitute for a personality. i understand that some folk, men and women both, have problems of one kind or another but i usually find that those who define themselves by their particular affliction are shallow and boring.

marleypumpkin 03.23.2006 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by screamingskull
all these good looking guys on the board all for me. ha ha ha, you just need to get out there meet new people.good luck.

Well, maybe all I needed was the support of my fellow SY fans. Hopefully I'm good looking enough to start seeing screamingskull. I saw her photo & to be honest, she's very beautiful. Thank you for the support screamingskull.

_slavo_ 03.23.2006 11:01 AM

a girl?

Originally Posted by marleypumpkin
Well, maybe all I needed was the support of my fellow SY fans. Hopefully I'm good looking enough to start seeing screamingskull. I saw her photo & to be honest, she's very beautiful. Thank you for the support screamingskull.

rock on, marley!!! you've got my support. don't worry, you've got all life to find a girl, just don't rush it and stay calm.

marleypumpkin 03.23.2006 11:07 AM

Thanks for the support.

Sonic Life

_slavo_ 03.23.2006 11:34 AM

no worries.
if you feel like needing an advice or so, just holla.

fck it, i'm in a different sorta situation. I've had my lady for 4 years now, but in the past weeks I start feeling like I care for a different girl who's been my friend since childhood (and I always found her damn attractive) more than I probably should. and it gets me really confused.

you know, I just wanted to make the point that having a girlfriend doesn't necessarily mean being endlessly happy and problem-free.

marleypumpkin 03.23.2006 11:45 AM

True. It seemed like when me & my ex were together, we just argued. Of course, I would always wanted to hang out w/ my friends, & she always wanted us to be alone & talk. Maybe I'll learn next time.

soupisgoodfood 03.23.2006 12:29 PM

don`t give up.................

hebbel 03.23.2006 02:28 PM

marleypumpkin... you should go silent! chicks dig that...

has always worked for me... haha

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 03.23.2006 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
My half-assed theory:

A lot of chicks adopt this persona of being 'troubled' and 'complex' because it makes them seem vulnerable and intriguing. The chick's M.O. seems to be to keep guys an arm's length away, keeping him interested, because it's all about the thrill of the chase, isn't it? Things get too real, they've lost their mystique, and their fun is over.

I don't mean to generalize, but from my experience of being a chick and therefore having the 'inside track,' chicks, in relationships, can be extremely selfish, manipulative, deceiving, patronizing, and shallow.

If I were a guy, I'd totally go gay.

I think you hit the nail on the head. I wouldn't really go gay though. I'd hate to have to wade through all the gay poseurs to find a good gay guy. Plus, I'm not really into butt sex or putting penises in my mouth, I don't think most guys would like a relationship of one way blowjobs and 2 way handjobs. Plus men don't give me boners.

flophousefloozie 03.23.2006 02:53 PM

Maybe you should try to sound less desperate. trust me, it's a HUGE turnoff! You need to talk to girls like you're just making friends, but you don't care, kool thing. Then, she'll think you're hard to get and she'll want you more.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 03.23.2006 03:50 PM

I'm completely patient and undesperate. Thats my problem. If I had a little bit of desperation maybe I'd try something.

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