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LifeDistortion 02.29.2016 07:29 PM


Toilet & Bowels 03.01.2016 04:42 PM

Paul Singer, known as The Vulture, won a $4.65 billion payment from Argentina — nearly ONE HUNDRED TIMES his "investment" of $50 million in old Argentina bonds. It was, in finance speak, the most successful "vulture attack" ever.

Singer’s actions are outlawed in most of the civilized world. Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, attempted to stop Singer’s predatory act, but Singer did a brilliant end-run: he used his cash to help elect a new President in Argentina that would jump to his tune and pay him billions.

Now, he’s attempting to do the same to the USA: pick a president for us who will feather his vulture's nest. He’s the number one donor sugar daddy for Marco Rubio’s candidacy [See, "Who Hatched Rubio"]. Singer is also the big bankroller of Karl Rove, to make sure that, even if he can’t sell Rubio to the GOP base, at least The Vulture can use "Turdblossom" Rove to ensure that Hillary won’t become President and put him out the of vulture business.

Rubio, in fact, skirted some ethical lines in his attempts to pressure the State Department to side with his corpse-chewing donor against Argentina.

As I’ve said, Singer directs his fellow billionaires’ investments in candidates. So, it is not surprising to see The Koch's lend their top political operative, Marc Short, to Singer's man, Rubio.

Rubio’s affection for carrion-eating birds has no decent bounds. While Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders are currently siding with Puerto Rico against a whole flock of vulture financiers. Sanders and Clinton support Rico’s plea for the same bankruptcy protections afforded the 50 states (and afforded to Donald Trump).

But Rubio has actually switched positions. The Senator, who originally supported bankruptcy rights for Puerto Ricans, turned on a dime the moment Vulture financier Andrew Herenstein of Monarch Capital announced he would hold a big fundraiser for Marco in the Hamptons.

Rubio now is calling for Puerto Rico to lay off teachers and sanitation workers to pay more to Herenstein and his fellow vultures–financiers already cranking profits on Puerto Rico bonds.

Watching Rubio flip his positions to his donors’ wishes is like watching one of those little doggies glued to the top of an old mechanical piggy bank who jump through a clown’s hoop when you put a coin in their snout.

Well, God bless America

The Soup Nazi 03.01.2016 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

Trump is well on his way to the 1,237 delegates he needs to be GOP nominee

"Something cataclysmic is going to have to happen — and soon, such as on Tuesday — to keep Trump from exceeding or being very close to the 1,237 delegates he needs to be the Republican Party’s nominee when the primaries end June 7."


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous

Sorry Soup Nazi, that article is a bunch of horse shit. It started with


er four states voted, Trump has 79 delegates,

and then somehow concluded that Trump is a sure win for over 1100 more delegates now??


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
It's called statistic projections, whaddayawant me to do about it.


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Don't post meaningless crap?


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
That would be a start, I guess. :D

I should've stuck to my guns here, actually. That article may turn out to be a bunch of horseshit after all (although, with the way things are going right now... :rolleyes:), but if it does it'll be because the basic data was screwed up to start with, or because key regional and historical elements weren't factored in properly or at all, or because the statistical model wasn't the right one to analyze this matter, etc.; not because, generally speaking, you cannot jump to 1,237 with a sample of 79. Science has worked using induction (as opposed to deduction) for centuries; physicists have determined how the UNIVERSE works because an apple fell from a tree — how's that for a small sample.

Having said that, I absolutely agree with your calls for "Dudes, CHILLAX". Eight months ago, who was "the" Republican presidential candidate to follow? Scott Walker! Shit, even Scott Walker the singer would have done better...

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.01.2016 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
I was naïve until Obama. what a bunch of shiiiiiiiiiiittttttt! the price of gas has gone down so, I've give him that but he did a fucked up job on the whole health care issue but no one figured in the insurance companies.

yeah my doctor won't accept my pains and my plains to satisfy and insure yr plans to make money.

Insurance companies love to blame Obamacare for problems it didn't create. Meanwhile millions of people who didn't have access now do. So Barry fucked up what exactly?

There is plenty to criticize about the president, like his assassination programs or multiple military campaigns overseas while somehow winning a damned Nobel Peace Prize. Or totally caving to big interests or totally abandoning black and brown people despite having plenty of federal powers to address crucial social justice issues. But Obamacare might be his one ok thing..

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.01.2016 11:14 PM

Did yall see soccer sensation Hillary victory speech going full Tupac "Hit Em Up" through the list of Democrat #s and buzz issues? Brainwashing at its finest

ilduclo 03.02.2016 10:13 AM

Yeah the south should re-secede and take Texas, too.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.02.2016 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
Yeah the south should re-secede and take Texas, too.

Nah i like forcing those assholes to live out our progressivist/Liberal reimagining and reappropriation of the American Dream. It pisses them off so much you would think that government provided services such as pensions, education, and social support were just trolling ;)

tesla69 03.02.2016 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Did yall see soccer sensation Hillary victory speech going full Tupac "Hit Em Up" through the list of Democrat #s and buzz issues? Brainwashing at its finest

We need more love in this country, how can you argue against that?

I like the way Chris Christie has attached himself to the bigger bully!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.02.2016 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
We need more love in this country, how can you argue against that?

I like the way Chris Christie has attached himself to the bigger bully!

I didn't express a preference and indeed obviously she was pandering and posturing towards social justice issues that particularly concern me BUT it doesn't negate the reality that it was just that, pandering and posturing by going down a check list of "trending" topics and soundbyte ready buzz words.

Sure her tone was conciliatory, but are we sure of the sincerity of her intentions? Barry had all the same shit to say, what the fuck has he done for "black lives" for example??

Nothing is more ludicrous than insincerity. Indeed id rather Hillary said the truth rather thanpandering to what she knows many of us want to hear.
And to be sure, Bernie then is even WORSE a liar because he damn well knows his platform is untenable. I don't mind if he is pulling a Ralph Nader and shift the national conversation HOWEVER what is completely DISINGENUOUS is that he is manipulating people to believe thst somehow he is gonna get that done. In real world it would take GENERATIONS to implement Bernie platform, he being 74 will be DEAD long before tjen

LifeDistortion 03.02.2016 03:03 PM

Hillary basically won states that go Republican in the general election. Yet, I'll tell you, if Hillary becomes the nomination and Trump becomes the Republican nomination I just got a very scary image of this turning out much like the election of 2000, where it comes down to a win in one state and neither Trump nor Clinton getting a commanding lead.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.02.2016 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Hillary basically won states that go Republican in the general election. Yet, I'll tell you, if Hillary becomes the nomination and Trump becomes the Republican nomination I just got a very scary image of this turning out much like the election of 2000, where it comes down to a win in one state and neither Trump nor Clinton getting a commanding lead.

Bush was a sympathetic character and spoke in a conciliatory way. Trump is so far from compassionate conservatism that the 2000 scenario is almost literally impossible because compassionate conservatism has national support and was far less partisan. Right now Trump is enjoying the circus but who knows what May or June will bring. Indeed personally i think Trump winning the nomination will be worst thing for GOP since the Nixon era. Trump will get ROASTED when 100% of the political and media focus is entirely on him and he will get completely smashed by a blur of defeaning soundbytes and attack ads.

At the end of the day those "grown ups" in the GOP will be embarrassed to support him. It will actually HURT their turnout.

Rob Instigator 03.02.2016 03:43 PM

Trump is a divider, not a uniter.

I love how he says he was helped by his dad in starting his real estate business by a "small loan of $1,000,000.00"

Rob Instigator 03.02.2016 03:44 PM

I can barely get a $1500 credit limit on my credit card and I have a great credit score....

tw2113 03.02.2016 08:39 PM

Bytor Peltor 03.03.2016 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I can barely get a $1500 credit limit on my credit card and I have a great credit score....

Become a member of a local credit union.

tesla69 03.03.2016 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I didn't express a preference and indeed obviously she was pandering and posturing towards social justice issues that particularly concern me BUT it doesn't negate the reality that it was just that, pandering and posturing by going down a check list of "trending" topics and soundbyte ready buzz words. Sure her tone was conciliatory, but are we sure of the sincerity of her intentions? Barry had all the same shit to say, what the fuck has he done for "black lives" for example??

Nothing is more ludicrous than insincerity. Indeed id rather Hillary said the truth rather thanpandering to what she knows many of us want to hear.
And to be sure, Bernie then is even WORSE a liar because he damn well knows his platform is untenable. I don't mind if he is pulling a Ralph Nader and shift the national conversation HOWEVER what is completely DISINGENUOUS is that he is manipulating people to believe thst somehow he is gonna get that done. In real world it would take GENERATIONS to implement Bernie platform, he being 74 will be DEAD long before tjen

I don't think my sarcasm came through about Hilary's speech, now she keeps mentioning god over and over...Trump has a ton of baggage he has left behind in his life, one of those is his son-in-law Jared Kushner who is a NYC slumlord. He is currently cited by the city for turning off the heat this winter in rent stablized apts. But Americans probably won't care, frankly they're too stupid and they hate to see other working people with smoething they haven't got. The hate against the subway workers who have good benefits is beyond me. I have no confidence in my fellow american anymore, sadly. The Rothchild plan to destroy the country so they can loot it is just about accomplished. Imagine the profits for whomever gets the right to build up the former national parks. i KNOW YOU THINK i'M CRAZY BUT ALL THOSE ASSHOLES WITH LITTLE AMERICAN FLAG PINS ON THEIR LAPELS ARE IN ON IT. The flag pin is the code, like the masonic handshake used to be.

Drjohnrock 03.03.2016 03:34 PM

.Trump has a ton of baggage he has left behind in his life, one of those is his son-in-law Jared Kushner who is a NYC slumlord. He is currently cited by the city for turning off the heat this winter in rent stablized apts. But Americans probably won't care, frankly they're too stupid and they hate to see other working people with smoething they haven't got. The hate against the subway workers who have good benefits is beyond me. I have no confidence in my fellow american anymore, sadly.[/quote]

Divide and conquer, an old strategy used very effectively by the Republicans and their megamoney masters. Lose your job a few years ago due to the Wall Street fraud? Don't be mad at them, or insist they be brought to justice; be mad at public sector employees who were able to keep their jobs. Upset about lack of upward mobility and fair pay at your job? Don't blame megamoney, or work toward organizing a union; instead, direct hatred toward union members and support politicians who are in favor of "Right To Work" laws. I don't have a lot of hope--so many are so stupid.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.03.2016 03:44 PM

Fuck em #WorkUnion #LiveUnion

The Soup Nazi 03.03.2016 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I love how he says he was helped by his dad in starting his real estate business by a "small loan of $1,000,000.00"

I think the full exact quote was:


Back then we were living in a small place, almost a shotgun shack, you might say — I mean, the house had only five levels, plus the three basements and the golf course. So I picked up the intercom and rang my dad's studio, and asked him for a small loan to start something with beaner workforce. My dad told me to grab the loose cash that was inside a shitty platinum box above the 16th refrigerator — he said there was about a million there, and to stop bugging him because he had the Saudis on the other line. I took the money and started counting it to make sure the old man wasn't trying to fuck me over, but then I had to take a shit, so I sat in one of our solid-gold toilets and counted the bills while a couple of Eastern European supermodels shared my yuuuge cock and I slurped caviar from a Ming vase. I'm multitasky like that and that's why I'd make the best President ever.

The Soup Nazi 03.04.2016 01:33 PM

Holy crap, Republicans are planning to bomb Trump with an autocoup at their convention. At this point I don't know what's more fucked up: proclaiming him as their presidential candidate or substituting him antidemocratically (hey, morons everywhere have been voting for the assclown).

The Soup Nazi 03.04.2016 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Read up about 1952 when Bob Taft was the primary winner yet the nomination went to Dwight Eisenhower. :eek:

Except that Eisenhower actually ran for the nomination, didn't he? Today they're talking of parachuting in Paul Ryan or someone who hasn't done jack to win any goddamn 2016 primary! The GOP is the mother of all trainwrecks...

The Soup Nazi 03.04.2016 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
The GOP is the mother of all trainwrecks...

I mean, dude:

Donald Trump Nearly Turns GOP Debate Into LITERAL DICK-MEASURING CONTEST

tesla69 03.05.2016 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

It was Rubio who brought up the subject wasn't it, not Trump?

The Soup Nazi 03.08.2016 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Its funny the media haven't asked Trump a single legit question! Not even once!

What's truly irritating is that you don't even have to ask the guy about his plans for education or healthcare or fuck all, really, because he doesn't have any ANYWAY. All those sad wimpy reporters at the so-called "debates" have to do is point out, printed facts in hand, that the shit-for-brains is LYING. And that's it. THAT'S IT. How fucking hard can it be?! I mean, they don't even have to research dick, just go to and print the fucking thing! Jesus Fuck! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

tw2113 03.08.2016 10:36 PM

I wonder what his 1 "true" bit is.

The Soup Nazi 03.09.2016 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
I wonder what his 1 "true" bit is.

Um, you just have to click right there.

tw2113 03.09.2016 08:09 PM

Didn't see the link below last night. I was blinded by the sight of him.

tesla69 03.10.2016 12:07 AM

Its a possible rumor that Steve Shelley will be swept in as the Republican candidate at the convention!

LifeDistortion 03.10.2016 03:15 AM

This election could truly be historic but not for the right reasons if both the RNC and DNC go against the people. Between the RNC freaking out about the possibility of Trump as their candidate and the Democrats facing the possibility of Sanders as theirs when all the elite Democrats have been pulling for Hillary, things are either going to get really interesting, or they're going to show the average American just how much these people truly don't give a shit about what the American voter wants. Will it change anything? The realist in me says no, but just imagine a Trump VS Sanders contest, for better or worse.

tw2113 03.10.2016 09:26 PM

The cynical apathetic side of me has said for years that they wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.11.2016 12:01 AM

I said last year and yall can quote me that this election will be won by a rich, elitist, white man... Hillary it is then ;)

The Soup Nazi 03.11.2016 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
[...] just imagine a Trump VS Sanders contest, for better or worse.

Don't I wish — Sanders would DRUMPF him! Unfortunately, if we trust this article, it is just too damn unlikely. :(

For what it's worth, Sanders won me over when he crapped on war criminal Henry Kissinger. NOBODY who's reached the level of political notoriety that Bernie has does it. When did Kissinger become an across-the-board "bipartisan elder statesman", anyway? Even Fareed Zakaria, who I usually like, quotes him regularly and interviews him as much as he can. Fuck all that! And since we're at it (sort of), fuck Nancy Reagan too! Just say YES!

The Soup Nazi 03.11.2016 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
[...] fuck Nancy Reagan too!

Major Hillary fuckup: ed=us&topic=h&siidp=cb844b85662b4e3ebd46cc272c8a0d 3d58e1

tesla69 03.11.2016 08:50 PM

This is not dissent, this is stalinism.

"Chicago community activist Quo Vadis said hundreds of protesters had positioned themselves in groups around the arena, and that they intend to demonstrate right after Trump takes the stage. Their goal, he said, is "for Donald to take the stage and to completely interrupt him. The plan is to shut Donald Trump all the way down."

The Soup Nazi 03.11.2016 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
This is not dissent, this is stalinism.

Hyperbole of the YEAR.

Trump deserves to be shut all the way down. Now, in order not to fall into complete hypocrisy, I have to defend his right to speak horseshit after horseshit. But "Stalinism", gimme a break...

Drjohnrock 03.11.2016 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Ain't these young people today terrific:



I don't dislike Bernie Sanders. He would probably be a fun guy to have a couple of beers with. But my youthful idealism has long since faded. To anyone who thinks Sanders has a chance in hell of being president, I give you these two words: George McGovern. The parallels are striking: Nixon was a vulnerable incumbent. But McGovern was seen as way too far to the left, and Sanders is even more extreme. Anyone who calls himself a socialist isn't going to be elected president, at least not at this juncture. In fact, assuming Trump really gets the GOP nomination and survives an assassin's bullet, I think he could actually beat Sanders--and that is a very scary thought. Hillary Clinton is far from perfect, but I think a lot of the GOP tirades against her are overblown and hypocritical. As for Bengazi and the email "scandal", these would have been one day stories had she been a Republican-- as to the former, an underling would have said "The Secretary Of State can't micromanage the huge number of US diplomatic locations" and "her private server is much more secure and efficient than the inefficient one the government uses" as to the latter, and it all would have been over. Yeah, her ill advised trade agreement support is a negative, and she's not exactly free of fat cat influence. But the lesser of two evils is a very valid concept. We know she won't appoint Scalia types to the SCOTUS, wage war on women's reproductive rights, and will seek to improve on the Affordable Care Act, etc. And IMO, of all the candidates, she's the only adult in the room. Plus, she'll have Bill's help when he's not chasing interns. So my vote will go to Hillary.

tesla69 03.12.2016 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Oh COME ON. Hyperbole of the YEAR.

Trump deserves to be shut all the way down. Now, in order not to fall into complete hypocrisy, I have to defend his right to speak horseshit after horseshit. But "Stalinism", gimme a break...

It was a Stalinistic tactic to disrupt meetings with violence and shouting or just plain obstructionism. When I used to hang out with anarchists in Berkeley thats what they'd call it when the Sparticus League or Communist Party people would show up at open organization meetings around preserving People's Park and just make it impossible to get anything done. Its curious this happened in Chicago - and just like Mark Rubio's penis talk, the MSM is blaming this on Trump, as if he organized the demonstrators himself.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.12.2016 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
It was a Stalinistic tactic to disrupt meetings with violence and shouting or just plain obstructionism. When I used to hang out with anarchists in Berkeley thats what they'd call it when the Sparticus League or Communist Party people would show up at open organization meetings around preserving People's Park and just make it impossible to get anything done. Its curious this happened in Chicago - and just like Mark Rubio's penis talk, the MSM is blaming this on Trump, as if he organized the demonstrators himself.

Bro, i am surprised to see you diss the demonstrations outside. Trump didn't organize them but he definitely inspired them. Marching in the streets is as if not more potent a form of political speech and the political process as conventions, rallies, and elections. If Trump's supporters believe in their candidate the resistance will only further their resolve so it doesn't hurt him or them. What it DOES do is motivate, inspire, and rally the opposition to Trump.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.12.2016 08:24 PM

America is a nation founded on demonstrations, marches, and even rioting. Don't fuck with a proven American tradition

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.12.2016 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
being young and naïve is soo cute. the only reason liberalism still lives is because of the baby boomers and the nostalgia that followed.

the proof is in the mushroom stew. just look at those kids with their tie dyed.

Sorry to disappoint but "liberalism" reflects people's desire for social justice and proactive change. The naivete is obvious but it doesn't negate the sincerity neither the necessity. Conservativism is a dinosaur ideology from petrified reactionaries terrified of the prospects of losing their privilege. Fuck em all dinosaurs go extinct. And like Kurt Cobain said, "and then we will move into their homes."

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