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jon boy 10.19.2006 01:17 PM

apparantly jaigermesiter was invented by herman goering.

porkmarras 10.19.2006 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ha ha, ive eaten that worm a few times in the hopes that my worm would in turn get eaten later ha. empty displays of machismo and shit like that.

but anyway hm i can't think of weird alcohol like that. i often pack a flask when going out, in case i have an encounter with stingy hosts who serve shoddy vodka.

no, i can't think of-- OH YES!!

once i ended up doing shots of jaggermeister--- what a shitty drink. jaggermeister has to be the bottom of the barrel for many a drunk, i think.

Arrgghhh!That and the many overalcoholic homemade limoncellos that i drunk in Italy.This friend of my mum once gave me this homemade monstrousity that i promptly donated to a friend in London and he felt the pain for weeks.Vile stuff.

!@#$%! 10.19.2006 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i forgot all about jagermeister. it has got to be the most disgusting thing ever to have come in contact with my mouth. and i mean that. it's like drinking nyquil.



Originally Posted by jon boy
apparantly jaigermesiter was invented by herman goering.

i believe that


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Arrgghhh!That and the many overalcoholic homemade limoncellos that i drunk in Italy.This friend of my mum once gave me this homemade monstrousity that i promptly donated to a friend in London and he felt the pain for weeks.Vile stuff.

and what the hell is a limoncello?

i have to say though, i love plums soaked in vodka for months & months...

Tokolosh 10.19.2006 01:21 PM

Jaggermeister tastes a bit like a prescription coughsyrup nr.4

Cantankerous 10.19.2006 01:22 PM

it tastes exactly like vicks cough syrup but with extra burn.

porkmarras 10.19.2006 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

and what the hell is a limoncello?

i have to say though, i love plums soaked in vodka for months & months...

It's a liqueur made of lemons that can be the best thing when made properly.When not,people exagerate with the amount of pure alcohol that they put in it to the worst consequences for whoever drinks it.

Glice 10.19.2006 01:35 PM

Fenny/ Poteen - always keep them at the party to kill whoever is stupid enough to drink it at the end of the night (they're usually a loud-mouthed bastard).

Take Absinthe - most people can't stand it. Or, if you're cheap, take Gin without tonic. Most people will have a GnT, but most people would rather not drink than drink straight Gin (which I quite enjoy).

Never, ever take bad whisk(e)y to a party. Not one of mine anyway. You will be asked to leave.

!@#$%! 10.19.2006 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
It's a liqueur made of lemons that can be the best thing when made properly.When not,people exagerate with the amount of pure alcohol that they put in it to the worst consequences for whoever drinks it.

oh... like blindness?

porkmarras 10.19.2006 01:36 PM

Loss of memory,more like.

Tokolosh 10.19.2006 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
It's a liqueur made of lemons that can be the best thing when made properly.


The same goes for Amaretto.
With a good coffee or icecream it's delicious.

!@#$%! 10.19.2006 01:37 PM

ha ha


porkmarras 10.19.2006 01:38 PM

Getting drunk on Amaretto is something that i'd really discourage people from doing.I'd rather grappa and be done with it.

gmku 10.19.2006 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
And what do you know about partying you silly old fart?I bet you only go to dinner parties......with Zoe Williams.hehe

You really know how to hurt an old guy's feelings, you know.

I was just thinking over lunch how I'd like to go see some local bands at a bar, but how I have no friends to go with and how I'd feel weird walking into a bar alone. ("Man walks into a bar...").


Actually, no, though, I don't go to dinner parties. I go to friends' houses to drink beer, sometimes my own homebrewed beer, which is really tasty and that they love. We also frequent a great brew pub here in town (where they brew beer on the premises). I have a few great friends. Some are even like 15 years younger than me!

But what can a poor boy do when he's got nobody to go to the music bars with?

I am a silly old fart. You are right.


Tokolosh 10.19.2006 01:45 PM


A good Sambuca with a coffee bean and flamed up, can be nice too, but don't get pissed on the stuff.

nicfit 10.19.2006 01:45 PM

limoncello is soooo gooood....usually when i go to some kinda party i bring a bottle of peach vodka+lemon soda to have the girls drink from that ("uuuh,it's so sweet!")rather than stealing MY drink (most of the times gin+lemon or havana cola or black russian).shots of rhum+pear juice in cold winter night.a bottle of pampero and one of juice is enough for a whole night.

gmku 10.19.2006 02:00 PM

I don't party hard. It's not worth it.

Cantankerous 10.19.2006 02:00 PM

are you kidding me?

Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ha ha


infertility? i'm going to start drinking more.

gmku 10.19.2006 02:02 PM


Note, I said party hard. I do party. Just not hard. I learned about moderation and all that. About two years ago.

porkmarras 10.19.2006 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
You really know how to hurt an old guy's feelings, you know.

I was just thinking over lunch how I'd like to go see some local bands at a bar, but how I have no friends to go with and how I'd feel weird walking into a bar alone. ("Man walks into a bar...").


Actually, no, though, I don't go to dinner parties. I go to friends' houses to drink beer, sometimes my own homebrewed beer, which is really tasty and that they love. We also frequent a great brew pub here in town (where they brew beer on the premises). I have a few great friends. Some are even like 15 years younger than me!

But what can a poor boy do when he's got nobody to go to the music bars with?

I am a silly old fart. You are right.


Was kidding mister.....but you know that.

gmku 10.19.2006 02:09 PM

After a while, all the kidding can get to a guy. It starts chipping away at your self-esteem, ya know? Like, you've got me starting to wonder whether maybe I really am old and washed-up. I'm a has-been, worthless, seen better days. A pathetic hipster loser.

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